
Theft Prevention Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The hardest wallet to steal in the business."
"You don't need to close the store to stop theft. Concentrate on ensuring that stealing is tough."
"How can people steal your wallet if they don't even know it's your wallet?"
"Cashless system reduces theft opportunities."
"Don't leave boxes from expensive items near your house."
"Well, if anyone wants to steal your bike, they're gonna take the easiest, of course."
"Make sure nobody steals anything keep them honest the galley and mess area make it's the fish - yesterday was pickled pork"
"This person tried to steal something from you, and your ancestors blocked it."
"Your handbag... never leave unattended in your car... place it in the trunk."
"Don't leave your car running like ever... even while you're pumping gas... open check for thieves."
"Only just five percent of vehicles hide their fobs in an RFID wallet... protect them from getting the signal intercepted."
"Keep your car keys far away from the entrance door... where thieves can't pick up a signal."
"Alarms with motion sensors are a No-No for thieves... invest in a good car alarm."
"This is a good reminder to not leave things in your car that a thief might find attractive."
"One sticker that can keep thieves away is one suggesting that you have an alarm or tracking system set up in your car."
"This might be the best of all, they go don't be a thief, I'm screaming."
"Pickpocket is worth trying out, as it helps you get more steals."
"They've been stealing our stuff for too long. We need to stop that."
"An attacker may be able to guess your password or steal your phone: but it’s much harder to do both."
"So let this be a reminder: If you have not done so already, get an AirTag or get three and attach them to any expensive item that you own."
"Be on guard against pickpockets, wear a money belt, enjoy the crowds but protect your belongings."
"There's a big problem with porch piracy, especially with the whole lockdown and everything that's going on there."
"Guys, seriously, if you try to steal a Tesla, you're gonna have a bad time."
"We can help inform creators on when and where their stuff is stolen."
"Adding a steel plate to cover over the converter... would deter them from taking it."
"I really hope Hasselblad and other camera manufacturers put some consideration into anti-theft to help protect those of us who would buy these cameras."
"If a thief is looking to break into a vehicle to steal something that he's going to be able to flip for quick cash, those are going to be easy marks and easy targets."
"Anti-theft bike alarm: Look out for you with its 113 DB alarm sensor."
"Work in loss prevention it's your job right you got to stop people from stealing from the store."
"Thieves want to go for easy targets if your bike is locked up with two locks that are really good and there's a bike next to it that only has one lock that's not very good which one are they gonna steal."
"This Lexus LX600 is so difficult to get, I park three things behind this thing so it doesn't get stolen."
"Your life is worth more than any bike. Don't put yourself at risk to save your bike from theft."
"As soon as you get into the 90s, you're talking about the cars with whatever kind of computer chips they have in them. They have little shutdown systems. It's way harder to steal."
"That to someone else, that to the owner, is like a Lamborghini to them. So it's always good to protect your car. It doesn't matter if your car is a thousand pounds or three hundred thousand pounds, protect it. You don't want anyone to steal it."
"A student would like to prevent the theft of their laptop while studying at the library. Which of the following security methods would be the best choice to protect this laptop: biometrics, a locking cabinet, a USB token, or a cable lock?"
"The fact that they are not as beautiful as naked bikes means that they are less likely to be stolen."
"What's the point if you get your coins stolen regardless?"
"Not touched were electronics that were valuable."
"Trailers, believe it or not, are one of the hottest theft commodities, we get calls all the time, but make yours pink or a color like that, a loud color, that's the best theft deterrent possible because a black trailer blends in, but pink, that's hard to cover up."
"The harder we make it on the thief, the more likely they are to determine that it's not worth the extra time and risk."
"Adding a cover is one more step for a thief to go through to get to the motorcycle."
"The best advice we could give you against theft while cruising here in the Caribbean would be to suspend your dinghy either with a halyard or on dinghy davits off the stern."
"...to minimize the risk of theft, the university installed the little security gates that require our ID card to get access."
"Get a good bike lock because people actually do steal bikes and different bike parts."
"We're gonna basically make it almost impossible to steal the catalytic converter on this 2004 Honda Element."
"We have to make sure that monies are banked quickly to safeguard against theft or loss."
"A car thief can take off the club in like 15 seconds... but he's gonna pick the one that doesn't have the club because he's gonna need that extra 15 seconds."
"This bike also featured a lot of anti-theft solutions that I really liked."
"I've had stuff stolen before, and it sucks, but just a little extra precaution, a little piece of mind for myself."
"Keep your stuff safe because some people really suck."
"Reyes told local station WHDH that she was determined not to let Vasspinder drive off in her car."
"If someone steals your laptop... even if they open the lid and don't have your password, they're not going to be able to access any of the data."
"I loved this crochet sheep, she did try to steal it but was very swiftly caught and stopped."
"Make it a little bit more difficult for someone to pinch the vehicle."
"Anything you can do to stop bike thieves will help."
"Register your bike. It's recognized by the police force."
"Protect yourself from package thieves this holiday season."
"Anti-theft detection can sound an alarm on the camera, hopefully deterring theft of the actual device."
"This is really good to keep the thieves out of your equipment."
"Payment of payroll must be carefully controlled to prevent theft."
"Back in the day when I grew up as a kid, nobody was going to steal our TV because it weighed 300 pounds."
"Keep the tires turned toward the curb when parked, that's because when your car wheels are positioned like that, thieves are less likely to be able to maneuver the vehicle."
"The more you make your comedy about you, the more nobody else can steal it."
"Bike alarms are not going to necessarily stop someone from stealing your bike; it will attract attention to hopefully deter a thief from trying to take it."