
Visual Communication Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"I think the logo works with the subject matter, which I think is really good."
"The power of images is that they can communicate what I just broke down with words a lot faster than I can because they're doing it on an intuitive non-verbal level."
"All design is problem-solving and visual communication."
"Your pictures can play a huge role in that. You want your pictures to clear up any confusion that they might have, as well as allow them to picture how life would be better if they had your product."
"Typography is the visual component of the written word."
"Good character design should be a seamless vehicle that drives the story forward, and everything about that character should be understood visually in 1 second or less."
"How do we communicate this visually, in a sexy, clean way, where people can intuitively understand, even if you don't know what a protein is, even if you don't know what protein folding is, yeah. It's a cool exercise."
"Typography is the way of arranging words to make them easy to read and look good."
"In modern design, icons play a vital role in conveying both function and emotion."
"A concept artist is somebody who thinks about the future, who imagines how things are constructed, and then tries to communicate that through visuals."
"A deliberate usage of color palette is essential in photography."
"Make sure that the visuals speak for themselves."
"Create eye-catching thumbnails that resonate with your audience. 👀 Use visuals that tell a story. #MarketingTips"
"She definitely used her clothes as a tool to portray a visual image or mood."
"Visuals have much more impact on people's minds."
"Images are the most important tool we have for understanding the world around us."
"Visual representations are always more powerful sometimes than words."
"Show don't tell is a great rule of thumb when it comes to making movies."
"Color is an excellent visual tool to illustrate the complexities, depth, and humanity of life."
"The criteria for good information graphics: content flows easily and logically, clear hierarchy, structured and uncluttered."
"Adhere to solid design fundamentals for effective layouts."
"Visual tension is important in communication."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures."
"Visual psychophysicists have discovered that using a Sans Serif font when you're projecting text onto a screen like this makes it easier for the audience to read the text quickly."
"Images talk more than words, right? One image is worth a thousand words, I think the saying goes."
"Arts in everything, it's designing logos, it's how things are laid out."
"Drawing is a visual language. It's a form of communication. And just because a robot can speak doesn't mean we should stop speaking."
"To really see and be seen by another is in and of itself a powerful healing tool."
"If you can squint at a design from a distance and you can still read it... then it's doing its job."
"Graphic design per se is the creation of visual compositions to solve problems."
"Graphic design is important, because aside from making something look visually stunning, it also organizes complex information to be delivered in the most comprehensible way."
"Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words."
"These brush strokes give the viewer information about the form."
"Context plays a very important theme when it comes to imagery and how you actually take that context."
"Let's always have a dedicated frame drawn around our work because our frame actually indicates a lot to the viewer."
"A picture speaks a thousand words, nothing is truer than in science."
"A picture's worth a thousand words but a video is worth a million."
"All these wonderful messages, ideas expressed visually."
"Now tip five for being a better storyteller is actually become a visual storyteller."
"Hi there's answered, okay, come here. You won't be able to hear anybody but you can see them. There we go, say hi!"
"A picture is worth a thousand words, and as I said, I think these charts are probably worth a few million."
"It's practical first but it's a whole new visual language."
"If pictures are worth a thousand words, a symbol is worth a thousand lessons."
"This looks so good, one thing I want to point out is that pictures are worth a thousand words."
"Visual language and the use of visual language is the most important thing when it comes to good photography."
"Editing is about the relationship between images, the images you choose to put next to each other, and when you choose to make the switch."
"Photos are so simple, so quick. You don't need to work too much on them, and really, they give you a very quick understanding."
"A picture tells a thousand words, so let's jump in."
"A picture tells a thousand words."
"This is a visual indication that will destroy some of the myths and misconceptions that are flying around far better than me or you trying to tell them."
"...use animations, use Motion Graphics."
"Images are great; they say a thousand words."
"Shapes can communicate personalities of characters."
"How do you visually tell a story? This guy is murdering it."
"It's pretty, I think it looks nice, and a lot of the time there are even some little subliminal messages saying you don't have to read this stuff, just look at the pictures."
"Character design should lead your eye through the character, not confuse you in the middle of it."
"Every single shot tells you a story."
"The core foundations of visual communication are the same: this idea of communicating anticipation to the viewer, giving them something to hold their breath over, and then communicating emotion."
"Personally, when I make PowerPoints I don't like to have a lot of text on the screen."
"A great image tells the story at one glance."
"Our render doesn't stop at just deploying a nice visual beauty, but it's really about whether this visual is compelling enough. Does it evoke emotion? Does it evoke empathy? Does it make people stop and think?"
"Drop caps are also a kind of a good effect to use to help direct the reader's eye especially when you're publishing a book."
"A3 is a visual tool. Make it visual. Get it off the laptop. Get it up on a wall. Get it where people can see it. Carry it around with you. Do anything you can to get more input and more visibility."
"You want a descriptive image that demonstrates something."
"Why do we employ these visual elements and what useful effect do they can have on the audience?"
"Video matters because we are a visually oriented society."
"You always want to show, not tell, a lot of times. You know, these designs are being looked at when you're not around, so you want the visuals to speak for themselves."
"Art is powerful; with image comes meaning, whether it be intended or derived."
"A picture really can be worth a thousand words."
"Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, right?"
"Data visualization is a powerful visual exercise because it takes advantage of our pre-attentive processing."
"Eye contact is something that will make the big difference between a rather benign image and a powerful image."
"Character designers rarely put tone or color on their work; your designs really need to stand on their own."
"It tells you everything you need to know about where season two begins, no dialogue needed."
"Building a visual language... using lines, frames, juxtaposition, color theory."
"A picture says more than a thousand words."
"Looking directly into the camera makes you look like you are looking at the people across that screen."
"By intentionally directing the structure within a frame, you enhance the meanings of whatever it is you want to say."
"People read from left to right, so when you have text on the left-hand side, it's going to make your thumbnail a lot more digestible."
"Photo sharing is a much stronger form of communication and influence than words alone."
"This is essentially a map with instructions made out of pictures, which is pretty cool."
"Sometimes pictures speak more than words, and I think this video is going to do that."
"Pictures speak a thousand words, you're so correct."
"Colour is one of the most powerful languages we have in design whether people notice it or not."
"I consider them as the visual equivalent of long articles, a way to create this interest, slow reading connection with the readers."
"Serif type forms are really beautiful and they can really speak out to the person who's viewing the work."
"Visual communication barriers create communication barriers."
"That's some nice visual storytelling."
"It provides numerous ways to create static, animated, and interactive visuals."
"Being an architect means that you have to be very creative and be well versed in visual communication."
"There's so much power in brush stroke; the direction at which you are painting something matters, informs the viewer of something."
"You need to have an understanding of visual hierarchy and basic design principles."
"We use our eyes to see things; the viewers of our work use their eyes to see things."
"Images can tell a story, you don't need to read or write, you just need to watch."
"Texture really communicates; it gives us a certain feeling, a visceral sense of the image."
"Use of images now, images are a great way of communicating."
"Sometimes a picture speaks more than a thousand words."
"Silhouette is kind of the quickest path to communicating a character."
"Graphics or Picture Tells a thousand words."
"It's a big display that lets the pixels do the talking."
"The best silent films didn't rely on excessive title cards to tell their stories, but instead the actor's body language and cinematography."
"A picture is worth thousands of words."
"If you're able to translate that information into your own language, and in my case a visual language, you could better understand it."
"The film is able to reveal and communicate character, plot, and thematic elements purely through the uses of sound and cinematography."
"Icons display an idea or a concept dozens of times faster than words can."
"Photography takes it all in, and you as a photographer, you give it back in little bits and pieces."
"The best graphical abstracts are often the most simple design."
"Drawing was like writing... as you combine letters together you formulate words... so a visual drawing or combination of line strokes it makes sense to put them there because they go together right to express something visual as a communication."
"Let the images and video do the talking."
"And then also if you're going to show somebody else, it makes it very clear what's going on if they see something visual."
"Images can help express your views, tell a story, and emphasize your message."
"A picture is worth a thousand words and this is so true when it comes to Google My Business."
"If a picture paints a thousand words, then a video or live demonstration can speak volumes."
"I love the formation, the color-coded signals."
"Visual language can establish patterns in the world that communicate gameplay intent."
"A lot of what we do is solving problems of visual communication, which can be really interesting."
"One picture is worth a million words."
"We've used some like yellow to orange to red to show the degree of impact and make it kind of consistent, just makes it a little bit easier for you to communicate that information to non-GIS users."
"It's about using visual media to create behaviour change."
"Graphic design is broadly defined as the art of visual communication through the use of text, images, and symbols."
"We created an icon system that has diverse shapes, materials, and colors."
"It's telling you without telling you, which is what I love. It's visual."
"With a quick illustration like that, with basically a visual prompt that just developed in a few seconds, you can kind of recognize what I want."
"For a lot of visual tasks, visual communication is much more natural, more efficient."
"This is really a good example of a visual typographic hierarchy."
"Material Design is a new visual language focused on creating bold, graphic interfaces."
"We can start understanding value also as a really important tool to communicate visually."
"We're very wired for images; we are visual creatures."
"Typography is the visual equivalent of an audible voice."
"Shape language... shapes mean something, they visually communicate to people."
"Images can also help convey powerful messages."
"Tell the truth, tell it with a story, and tell that story with pictures."
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the picture right here is a thousand words that don't need to be said between these two."
"We tuned in more to well-designed presentations."
"Every single business problem... can be clarified significantly, if not outright solved, through the use of a picture."
"When it does come to using infographics, you do want to use the type that's going to best support the story you're trying to tell."
"The more visual you can be, the more you're going to tap into that."
"On Instagram, you are seeing a new space, a new language of pictures being formed."
"Sometimes you can express so much with so little words if you just have a visual to go with it."
"The stop sign: effective, bold, powerful."
"Pictures can help attract attention, convey meaning in a compressed time frame, and illustrate a point that is hard to explain."
"Men lie, women lie, pictures tell a thousand words."
"Visual communication uses visuals to convey information or messages."