
Ophthalmology Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"95% of all floaters will naturally improve on their own within six months."
"I'm a weirdo and I really like eyeballs... I love the anatomy, I love the gadgets, looking into the back of the eyes, really cool, really interesting."
"Treatments and diagnosis of eye ailments are included in some of the oldest surviving written materials."
"It's designed by doctors and licensed ophthalmologists."
"Star Surgical, a leader in the field of ophthalmology."
"Restasis is an excellent anti-inflammatory drop for the ocular surface."
"I think for me, OCT is most useful in early disease and in glaucoma suspects. That's really where OCT is irreplaceable."
"How would an ophthalmologist react to a referral based on a definite and reliable downward trend in our NFL fitness?"
"The clinical diagnosis of glaucoma is predicated on the detection of a thin retinal nerve fiber layer and narrow neurotic ring."
"What we do in neuro-ophthalmology is bridge the gap between neurology and ophthalmology."
"Ophthalmology is already there, they have an FDA approval for an algorithm that can autonomously read a retinal scan."
"The specular reflection can be utilized to study the movement of lipid tear film particles, observe the tear meniscus, and assess contact lens wettability, among other applications."
"You can't separate those two just based on primary and secondary deviations."
"Retinal nerve fiber layer defects appear as dark stripes or wedge-shaped defects in the peripapillary region."
"Over the last two decades, OCT has established itself as an essential tool in ophthalmic diagnostics and during ophthalmic surgery, and nowadays can even be found in small orthodontic practices."
"We were the first ones to develop automated tools that can separate all ten layers of the retina."
"Almost all patients were binocularly implanted were independent of glasses for distance intermediate and near."
"We are coming up on 10 years that I've been practicing Ophthalmology, 10 years since I started my Ophthalmology residency when I got to go into the world of eyeballs and never look back."
"We now have a model that performs on par slightly better than the median of eight US board-certified ophthalmologists."
"Now we have these artificial lenses we put in the eye can restore you to 20/15 vision."
"I love cataract surgery, and I think it's honestly what draws a lot of people into Ophthalmology."
"Hello and welcome to Insight Ophthalmology, I am Dr. Amrit welcoming you to the Diabetic Retinopathy series."
"I love eyes, and my first career before medicine was being an optometrist."
"Strabismus can be classified into accommodative and non accommodative."
"We will invite nationally recognized speakers who will deliver cutting-edge content to Central Texas ophthalmologists."
"We're going to be chatting about OCTs this evening and a lot of clinical applications of OCTs."
"This is actually a website that some of you may or may not know about; it's called the Retina Revealed."
"Helmholtz, about 150 years ago, invented the ophthalmoscope, and it worked great for 150 years."
"The photoreceptor integrity line highly correlates with visual acuity."
"Everything that we give decreases intraocular pressure except succinylcholine and ketamine."
"Your general eye health is looking really good."
"By studying the movement of the reflex, the speed with which the reflex is moving, and with what brightness that reflex is shining, we will tell whether the person is normal, whether the person has myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism."
"A condition that wasn't worth mentioning in a comprehensive textbook of Ophthalmology 48 years earlier is now an epidemic."
"It is critical for all physicians caring for children to be able to recognize eye disorders and provide early referral to pediatric ophthalmologists."
"I ended up matching in ophthalmology, and so I was very happy."
"I think that everyone I've met in ophthalmology, I don't care how wealthy they are, they're in it because they love what they do."
"Presbyopia correction is the real holy grail of ophthalmology."
"I'm giving myself a lot of credit there, but let's be honest, a board-certified ophthalmologist is going to know a lot about eyeballs."
"That was by far, as far as I can remember, the most exciting time in the world of Ophthalmology."
"Get ready because over the next week or so, any ophthalmologist with any kind of public platform, myself included, we're going to be all over this."
"The SUN Working Group has actually classified uveitis based on the various anatomy."
"It's all free online, so just Google Optho Books Tim Root, and you can start reading."
"It's the best reference text for kind of quick treatment decisions that there is."
"It's a good just kind of introduction to ophthalmology."
"Hypopion is almost always present in a case of Streptococcus pneumoniae, and therefore it is called Hypopyon corneal ulcer."
"We look at the amount and axis of astigmatism on both anterior and posterior corneal surfaces."
"The axis of both anterior and posterior astigmatism should be parallel in order to be able to calculate the algebraic sum."
"With the rule astigmatism is when the steep axis is vertical between 80 and 100 degrees."
"It's against the rule when the steep axis is horizontal between 10 degrees and 350 degrees."
"Before we start studying the problem of astigmatism, we have to adjust both manifest astigmatism and topographical astigmatism to have minus sign."
"As long as we've got the patient's best interest and the cornea in the best interest, there could be multiple answers as to what that correct lens size, diameter, material all that could be."
"Everything we do is math, especially cataract refractive. Nothing but math."
"I'm thankful every day that I'm an ophthalmologist. It's just an amazing field."
"We're fortunate enough to do the coolest part of the best profession which is refractive surgery, LASIK, cataract surgery, lens replacement."
"Glaucoma is when you have an increased intraocular pressure and if it goes untreated can eventually lead to blindness."
"Ophthalmology is rewarding, giving vision is one of the most important senses of life."