
Cowardice Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"Believe me, we will wake up in 50 or 100 years and say, 'How did this happen?' and if people have a copy of this conversation, they will know how it happened. It's because of cowardice, it's because of apathy, it's because of diffusion of responsibility onto others."
"Unfortunately, you're looking at complete cowardness."
"There's something about cowardice which I think is the most disgusting attribute in a man."
"The biggest coward of a man is to awaken the love of a woman with no intention of loving her."
"Cowardice is met not with some sort of conciliatory approval by those who are seeking a concession. Cowardice is met with abject humiliation."
"These corporations are filled with cowards, top to bottom."
"That's what I call the coward's admission of guilt."
"It's cowardly and it's been shown to be cowardly over the last nine days."
"Isolationism is like the cowards refuge in nationalism."
"Cowardice allows all the other sins to proceed with impunity."
"Ghosting is the most cowardly way to break up with someone."
"When the spit hits the fan, the bullies are the first to run."
"The bullies are the first to run when the spit hits the fan."
"The one thing that all of these folks have is very simple: they're cowards."
"Trying to get to you through other people is cowardly."
"Just the rampant cowardice you see, it's been a theme throughout her entire life."
"Cowardice is the problem. The world is full of cowards."
"Poison's a cowardly way to do anything anyway, isn't it? It's like stabbing somebody in the back when they don't know when they're gonna get it."
"It's always the most cowardly people in real life who want to push others to violence."
"To do that to your own children and then to be a coward enough to like take the first plea that they give you so that you didn't have to be put to death."
"There was nothing worse than gossip; it was even very cowardly."
"I wanted to protect you, but in reality, I was being a coward."
"If I had no heart, I should not be a coward."
"The biggest coward is the man who awakens a woman's love with no intention of loving her."
"I left before you could leave me. I'm sorry I was a coward."
"Courage becomes important to discuss so that we're saved from cowardice."
"They have weaknesses. They're cowardice. They have whatever."
"Betrayal is the ultimate act of cowardice."
"Perhaps so," the lion thoughtfully replied. "If I had no heart, I should not be a coward."
"Seems to me they must be more cowardly than you are if they allow you to scare them so easily," remarked Dorothy.
"...if the elephants and the Tigers and the Bears had ever tried to fight me, I should have ran myself," admitted the Cowardly Lion sadly. "I'm such a coward."
"The coward always attacks the weak."
"But whenever you befriend a guy and are planning to do a robbery with him and then shoot the guy in the back of the head when he's unarmed, you can't be surprised whenever people are going to view that as an extreme act of cowardice."
"For someone with immortality, he's kind of being a coward."
"Joffrey had the chance to finally prove to everyone that he was a worthy King and he decided to run like a little weasel."
"Pusillanimity is the vice of not striving for excellence."
"The typical bomber is perhaps the ultimate coward. The typical bomber doesn't face nor do they want to face their opponent. They would much prefer to use whatever subterfuge and cover they can."
"That was a real act of a champion, the most cowardly non-championship [ __ ]. I have ever seen in my life, what a coward."
"...a person who uses others as a shield is a loser."
"There are two things that are really contagious on a battlefield: courage and cowardice."
"Sometimes it's okay to be a coward because you're gonna freaking survive."
"His attack on Officer Tackias and Officer Crane was cowardice, it was a blindside, it was suppressed fire."
"For him, to fight hiding behind the environment is reserved only for cowards."
"some of y'all thought y'all had haters they're like sitting up in front of a cauldron they won't show their face bunch of cowards but they they show their cauldron"
"I'm not a coward because I'm choosing to be your son."
"He was hiding like a coward, knowing he was not strong enough."
"Treason is no less vile because the traitor proves a craven."
"You know and the people who lick the boots and have the audacity to go on live television and say that about those two women [ __ ] cowards and bootleggers that shit's ridiculous."
"Courage is knowledge, and cowardice is ignorance."
"The conformist is a coward, afraid to be himself."
"Neutrality in a religious crisis is the worst form of cowardice."
"Garnett knew Armistead and Hancock as well. He had extensive army experience. Jackson brought charges against Garnett, accused him of cowardice, which is a really big deal in the military."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths, the valiant taste of death but once."
"There he was, standing there taunting me about my still captive mother, making vicious threats because he knows he's got meatheads with guns to protect him. A typical coward."
"What I hate most about that story is this guy's cowardly act that he's not willing to take his own life and he's going to put it on other people to do something that he wants done but won't do himself."
"Coward hiding behind a dumpster while a friend is beaten. What have I become?"
"When you have a sea of cowardice, a little bit of Courage goes a long way."
"That guy's a coward if you ask me."
"We all believed him to be a natural-born coward who could not face the music."
"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA. I'm working for me, and here I was worried that they found a better version of me."
"I just love Usopp. I love a good coward."
"He was a coward, he hid his face, he disguised himself, he waited for Covington with multiple of his boys and he jumped him from behind."
"She's such a coward. She can't even show herself."
"He's not coming back. Oh, how can you be so sure? Because he's a coward, and he used Max to get at us, to wind us up."
"The narcissist will always run when adversity hits, they're cowards and bullies."
"You manipulated us, you tricked us, you hurt your friends, and you did it all while you hid in the shadows. You're a coward, Josh, that's all you are."
"Nobody in the room that night made any kind of valiant efforts; they acted as cowards."
"The demon is a coward, you can take that as gospel."
"For any man to get in the car to go and drive by and shoot somebody, that's a coward's move."
"Violence is the weapon of bullies and cowards."
"Only a coward would take a child hostage, let alone use that child as a human shield."
"There's cowards enough to go around everywhere."
"The worst of men are the ones who are most miserly and most cowardly."
"Any man that puts his hands on a woman is a coward."
"The biggest coward is a man who awakens a woman's love without the intention of loving her."
"Hatred itself, at its worst, is nothing but a form of cowardice."
"Fortune favours the brave, but the coward is foiled by his faint heart."
"War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace."
"It takes a coward to sit back, point a finger, and laugh at someone else's failures and misfortunes."
"Knife crime is just the coward's way out."
"It takes a real coward to bestow violence and death on women and defenseless children."
"Poison is the weapon of a craven, the weapon of a coward."
"Every coward is actually hiding his inner tyrant."
"He can kill people and not look the victims in the face. That's a coward."
"Stripped of his rank for desertion under fire, ostracized by the North and South during the Civil War for his double-dealing treachery, he's the biggest coward in the West. He's Yellow Belly."
"Bullies are always cowards," Fatty whispered to Larry.
"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards out of men."
"Only the coward kills a man by stabbing him in the back."
"You left me like a coward because if you truly love me, you would confront me, asked me to prove my love."
"A bully is a person so cowardly that he attacks only those who cannot defend themselves."
"Ultimately all bullies are cowards."