
Denmark Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"During World War one... the people of Denmark thrived... by shifting to a starch-based diet."
"Denmark is the single best country in the world to live in right now."
"You know how much an average McDonald's worker makes in Denmark? 23 an hour."
"If you look at examples in Sweden and Denmark, they have been lowering or cutting property taxes."
"Denmark aims to reach 100% renewable electricity within 20 years."
"We need to be economically independent of Denmark."
"Ah, as the sun rises on the Hills and Valleys in Denmark, a radio announcement is broadcast today is the day where the rightful path of Denmark is restored."
"I'm really happy that I've been to Denmark ticked off a brand new country for me."
"For several years, archaeologists in Denmark have been investigating a series of palisade finds from the Stone Age."
"Back in the world of recent discoveries, this stunning golden neck ring was found in Esbjerg on Denmark's Jutland Peninsula in January 2022."
"Denmark takes recycling seriously."
"Cycling is a popular way to get around."
"Located in Central arur in the Eastern Jutland region of Denmark Den gaml B also called the Oldtown museum is an open air museum built replicate the historical eras of the country from the late 19th century to the 1970s."
"Welcome to the Danish capital city of Copenhagen."
"Denmark is relaxed, cooperative, and playful without the stress that bedevils adversarial Britain. Happiness, like beauty, is more than skin deep. No wonder the Danes are laughing."
"Danish people love to talk about the weather together."
"Middle fart Denmark always second."
"Denmark is the fifth largest food exporter in the world."
"Denmark doesn't just export any food; it's all about quality and innovation."
"Capitalism can coexist with sustainable development. Denmark's always at the top—they're not only clean, green, productive, prosperous, but they're happy too."
"Denmark is known to be one of the safest places to be."
"Denmark, one of the best countries in the world for work-life balance... considered to be one of the happiest countries on Earth."
"The Danish often are found to be the happiest country."
"The Danish pastry capital of the world."
"If you want to live the American dream, move to Denmark."
"But your point about Denmark is a very interesting one, because there they have refused to fortify their milk. So there is no baseline fortification of milk or any dairy products, and people can only get their vitamin D either from fish or by taking off their clothes."
"And in a country like Denmark, when people were outside most of the time, even though they had vitamin D in their diet, they got a lot of their physiologically important vitamin D throughout the year from episodic, but regular episodic sun exposure."
"Denmark: Denmark is low-key loaded."
"In Denmark, the number of people who end up broke or homeless due to illness is zero."
"Thousands of visitors from all over the world travel to Denmark to watch as the sunset is blocked by Massive flocks of birds as the sky takes on the form of a work of art."
"McDonald's also exists in Denmark... What is a poverty wage job here is a middle class job in Denmark."
"Huga on three for the people in Denmark."
"Helsingor: the crown jewel bridging Denmark and Sweden."
"People who live in Denmark are happy because they get a few key things right."
"If you don't know Danish, it's definitely possible to get a job in Denmark."
"Denmark is a gold mine of high quality education."
"It might just make you a happy person."
"...thanks studio audience. I had my jokes about Denmark. What were they again, Jeff?"
"Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, known as Kobenhaven to locals, sits beautifully on the coastal islands of Zealand and Amager."
"During her annual visits to Denmark, Maria enjoyed more freedom and family time."
"Denmark is known for being ranked one of the happiest overall countries."
"Denmark is the rich, rainy rascal that always seems to show up on time for every party."
"The most democratic country in the world is Denmark, the Kingdom of Denmark."
"Rockwall Denmark stretching away, they've done a fantastic job."
"Denmark has cleaned up their canals and all the water is fresh at some of the cleanest water in the world and now you can swim anywhere in the canal."
"Denmark's flag has an ancient design with legendary origins."
"Denmark, a vibrant country located in northern Europe, showcases a unique blend of bustling cities and awe-inspiring rural areas."
"Denmark, where you'll find the highest quality of life on the planet."
"Denmark is the most socially equal country in the world."
"We're in Denmark, it's really, really sunny and beautiful here."
"The Danish people have voted cycling their number one sport of the moment."
"The flag of Denmark, the Dannebrog, is the oldest continuously used national flag in the world."
"Time running out for the Danes, they may have to gamble; they have no choice but to gamble in a knockout race off, and then anything could happen."
"Hygge is like the definition of having a good time in Denmark."
"Denmark is considered the most bike-friendly country on the planet."
"In Denmark... you also instantly have access to a full year of paid family leave and a pension."
"Our aerial journey begins at Rodby Harbour on Lolland Island before crossing to Falster Island and its beaches and bridges."
"The Cliffs of Møn, which stretch for six kilometres. At their highest these chalk cliffs stand at over 120 metres."
"The city of Roskilde has a history stretching back to year 960, when it was the capital of Denmark."
"Denmark is just -- it's just a symbol for a country that is well governed. And probably the most important thing about it is that it has vanishingly low levels of political corruption."
"The status of the Faroe Islands is unique in the world as the country is within the Kingdom of Denmark."
"Meet Pal A Bo, a digital nomad from Denmark on an epic journey around the world."
"Welcome back to the channel, this is Carol and I'm Ken. We're currently in Denmark, winding our way down to the south of the country."
"Among the most famous in long branch are Denmark's Jelling Stones."
"What a moment for Eric Gunderson, what a moment for Denmark, they've won the team Cup, he's going up in the air and he's absolutely overjoyed."
"The happiest employees in the world are in Denmark."
"The only countries that did not adopt the currency were Denmark and the United Kingdom."
"Five years later, in 1013, King Sway of Denmark would lead his own fleet in an invasion."
"Education in Denmark is free from basic level to the top level and is financed by the taxes of its citizens."
"Denmark is a kingdom extending to the vast regions of Greenland and the untamed Faroe Islands."
"Denmark generates the highest fraction of its total electrical usage from wind power of any country in the world."
"Hi, Harold. King Harold of the first of Denmark, who was killed in a battle around 987 CE."
"In conclusion, Denmark is the rich rainy rascal that always seems to show up on time for every party but somehow gets all his work done in an organized efficient manner."
"It's a pleasure playing in Denmark; it really is."
"Here in Denmark, it's very cold and rainy."
"It's super common to take a gap year or three in Denmark, it's actually encouraged by almost everyone."
"Good morning from northern Denmark where it never got dark."
"The two oldest theme parks are located in Denmark."
"Public schools in Denmark are absolutely free."
"What a lovely summer holiday here in Denmark."
"McDonald's workers in Denmark get $22 an hour, six weeks paid vacation, year paid maternity leave, pension, universal health care, and sick leave."
"Welcome everybody for joining us on this rainy evening in Denmark."
"Denmark is changing rapidly, and change will bring progress."
"The Danish government loathed Nazis Germany's racist policies."
"Greetings from Denmark, welcome Denmark."
"Denmark is famous for butter, bacon, and delicious pastries, but one resident decided to serve up a distinctly untraditional dish."
"Denmark is a particularly well-functioning example of the government running healthcare."
"Denmark is literally number two on the list of happiest people in the world."
"He was the son of Harold Bluetooth, King of Denmark."
"Good morning, girls! So I am ready to leave my home in Denmark."
"I have a real fondness in my heart for the Danes and just Denmark and Scandinavia in general."