
Mutual Quotes

There are 146 quotes

"In any relationship, trust is a two-way relationship."
"Respect should be a mutual thing in a couple or partnership or any relationship."
"There is a mutual like and attraction between the two of you."
"It really is kind of a win-win for everybody situation."
"When you like yourself, you like themselves; it's a win-win."
"the lunch wasn't too long but it was all around cathartic on both sides"
"But it's like the outcome here is you both choose this, you both choose each other."
"The mutual respect all these athletes have for each other."
"We do things for each other because we just genuinely love and support one another."
"You have forever been changed by this interaction and they have felt it too."
"This connection is mutual, significant, and important."
"Both of you endlessly want to make the other person happy."
"It's having a mutual respect for each other where the commitment is not only reciprocal, it's mutual."
"It's funny how you can learn off each other."
"I think it's just mutual respect, right?"
"Marriage has to be suspected, leaves a mark all right, then let it leave a mark on both of us."
"Both of you have this sense of feeling protective of each other."
"A marriage is only valuable if it's mutual and both parties are honest."
"I make her laugh, and she makes me laugh."
"Mutual understanding and compromise."
"The attraction you feel is mutual."
"Their relationship was based on mutual respect."
"This person definitely wants a close, mutually fulfilling connection with you."
"It's necessary for your other person to be a person that is open to growth as well."
"We kissed like that was a mutual, like, we both have idle but Cody, he went in for it and then you went in for two, so I've just been."
"There's a very important love happening, and it does feel very mutual and blessed."
"I just want people to respect me the way I respect them. It doesn't go both ways ever."
"Ain't nothing nicer than true love between mutuals."
"That would make sense and it would be beneficial to both of them, so I could see that."
"I respect you as an artist because you respect me."
"Do you want your horse to trust you? Better question: Do you want to be able to trust your horse? Trustworthiness is something that has to be mutually given."
"Communication should always be two-way."
"The only thing she attributed to it was when I really analyzed it, it was just an outrageous mutual respect for one another."
"You're basically healing each other's wounds."
"You can have respect, and you must have respect for each other."
"Virgil and I have a more than a handful of mutual friends."
"True love is always a two-way street."
"A friend is a peer, it's mutual, it's give-and-take, it's reciprocity."
"We were both really excited about this one, very much so."
"...just as much for me as it is for her."
"Because they were a family, they should have mutual understanding with each other."
"I've been saving you. You saved me too."
"I like you, and I've always known that you like me too."
"I love the friendship between Jake and Boyle because you feel like it's gonna be the thing with it's like very one-sided but it's not right?"
"There's Mutual forgiveness and understanding."
"I think the ending wasn't amicable but it was mutual."
"The two have to respect one another, have to have a mutual respect in order to coexist and to complement, in order for there to be a compliment."
"In the context of a relationship, it's about mutual giving and receiving of love willingly and enthusiastically."
"True love is when you say you need me like I need you."
"You want mutual interest, not mediocre interest."
"If you want them to respect you, you gotta give them respect."
"If you want them to trust you, you have to trust them."
"Treasure and soak up the magic of mutual appreciation."
"If this person doesn't know you, there's no way it can happen. If there's no mutual connection to bond over, it's not happening."
"Know that your soulmate will naturally exalt you above all others. If this is not so, you must know your soulmate. You have met when there is mutual respect."
"Both of you want to communicate with each other."
"If you have to question if it's mutual, it's not mutual."
"Relationships should be reciprocal."
"Mutual abuse does exist according to research and anecdotal experience."
"...the way they feel about each other seems relatively mutual..."
"The best relationships are the ones where both parties put in the work to make it great."
"Consideration is one of the elements, then what is the definition of consideration: both parties must bring value to the other party."
"Submission in marriage is not one-sided."
"It says that we are supposed to submit ourselves one to another in the fear of God."
"This says that we are supposed to submit ourselves one to another in the fear of God."
"Sex is not over until both of us are satisfied."
"It's mutual, she looks at him, he looks at her, they both feel it."
"I met them all on separate occasions but it's a mutual respect for all three of those guys."
"At some point, both people have to take accountability."
"You guys inspire me as much as I inspire you."
"As long as you respect me, I'm gonna respect you."
"It's completely mutual... we have cared for each other all of us for so long."
"What is happening here is these are two men who have mutual respect for one another as warriors."
"We had a mutual respect for each other."
"I'm your hope, you're my hope, J-Hope."
"I feel like she saved me, I saved her, like we saved each other."
"There has to be that mutual love and respect."
"Even though you say I motivate you, you motivate me."
"We can get inspiration like they inspire me as I've gotten a chance to inspire them."
"It's mutually pleasurable, both partners feel cherished, both partners feel loved."
"Those two things support each other."
"This is a mutual attraction that you might share with this person."
"She chose me, I chose her, that's it."
"Huge respect flowing in both directions."
"There can be a lot of happiness and mutual enjoyment."
"Relationship's two-way, you know."
"The only true happiness is mutual happiness, and that's the stuff successful relationships are made of."
"I am so in love with you, and you are so in love with me."
"We must have mutual respect for one another."
"It's like a miracle healing to you, and I think you are to them as well."
"You want people that you genuinely have enthusiasm for and most importantly, you want them to have a mutual genuine enthusiasm."
"You both feel this, it's reciprocated, it just flows."
"We have a mutual respect for each other."
"Understanding that with friendships, it's important that you mutually make the effort."
"It's almost a mutual show of respect."
"So much mutual respect for each other."
"I'd really like to inspire Vin because he also inspires me."
"I loved her and I know she felt the same about me."
"There needs to always be a mutual effort."
"What matters is the mutual love between two hearts."
"I think there's a mutual love and a mutual affection between both sides of that, and that's exactly how I want it to be."
"I love that you love it because I love it."
"We're setting that high standard for respect; we show it, kids bring it back."
"I can fight for you because I know you're gonna fight for me."
"Love is not one way, it's a two-way street; you love each other, you respect each other, you protect each other."
"It will be a mutual, fair, requited love."
"We're definitely looking for that mutual fit."
"I think I like you." "I think I like you too."
"Well, I will miss you as well," you murmured in a hushed tone.
"As much as I inspire y'all, y'all inspire me."
"I hope some of my stuff inspires you because your stuff inspires me for sure."
"We want to have a mutual, equally engaging conversation."
"Listen, both of you guys are equally enamored with each other, you're equally very fond of each other, you equally love each other."
"This is someone who wants a relationship based on mutual understanding and love."
"I think we take good care of each other."
"What you feel for them is also what they feel for you; it's reciprocal energy."
"The attraction is mutual, the love is mutual, the comfort that they feel around you is mutual."
"They are very passionate; this energy, this passion is mutual."
"This is going to be a mutual connection which is very positive."
"A mutual interest here between the two of you."
"This person sees you as their hopes and dreams, and I feel like it's vice versa."
"You absolutely love someone; they love you."
"I like to think that this is a bit of a win-win."
"Respect and love go hand-in-hand; you can't have one without the other."
"There is a strong chemistry between the two of you; this is a mutual thing."
"We're so inspirational, but you guys are the inspiration for us."
"Mutual submission is a game-changer in a relationship."
"They want to fulfill all of your dreams as much as you probably want to fulfill all of theirs."
"It's definitely a love fest, it is mutual."
"The attraction here is mutual; this person really cares for you."
"You're both reflecting on each other."
"There are two people here who truly care about each other."
"You guys clearly like each other."
"You're digging somebody, they're digging on you."
"You love this person, and they also love you."
"You guys love me, and I love you."
"The feelings between us are mutual."
"You've always been a spirit guide to them, and they to you."
"Respect, it's all about mutual respect."
"You're both thinking about each other, you're both thinking the same things."