
Cryptozoology Quotes

There are 229 quotes

"I can't begin to estimate the significance that proving the Yeti's existence would be for science."
"Cryptozoology: the search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or yet to be proven."
"On the surface, Bigfoot's existence does seem a bit unlikely."
"The whole business of the Yeti and the Sasquatch or Bigfoot is very interesting."
"Hundreds of thousands of purported Bigfoot sightings each year in the United States of America alone."
"Sasquatch can exist and that's true, and apparently does because the Dogmen are real."
"Cryptozoology is the study of yet to be discovered organisms based on eyewitnesses, legends, lore, and sometimes even physical evidence."
"The Loch Ness Monster, also known by the nickname Nessie, is probably the creature that most often leaps to mind when ordinary people think about cryptozoology."
"Whatever its true nature, sightings of the monster continue to be made every year, particularly on hot, tranquil afternoons when Okanagan Lake reflects the mountains that fringe it like a giant mirror."
"I believe there's a creature to be a primate of some sort."
"Animal is much too big to be some kind of lost dinosaur. Okay, I guess I'll take your word for it, Doctor Snuffaluffagus."
"A living woolly mammoth? Experts claim it's a complete fraud or maybe just a bear with a gigantic fish."
"Cryptozoology means the study of unknown animals, you know, just like an unknown ape that hasn't been found yet or some class of fish that hasn't been found."
"There are these mystery primates pretty much everywhere across the world."
"Cryptozoology is as valid as biology and astrology."
"I believe that Bigfoot's real, okay? That's just fuckin' false."
"The Sierra Nevada region has long been the location of Sasquatch sightings."
"Jaime Avalos believes that the tracks he has documented around Mono Lake were made by the creature."
"What if Bigfoot is real? I mean, we proved that with DNA."
"We want to prove it's real you know skepticism and disbelief are something every bigfoot hunter must face but ken takes it in stride as far as he is concerned seeing definitely is believing."
"Whitehall's biggest embrace of cryptozoology comes in the form of their annual Sasquatch-calling festival."
"Many believe that Bigfoot is a cryptid, a creature whose existence has not been scientifically substantiated."
"The Loch Ness monster, often referred to as Nessie, is a cryptid and one of the most famous and enduring mysteries in the field of cryptozoology."
"He's very familiar with the flora and fauna of the woods and the animals that live there. He's also a firm believer in bigfoot."
"The St. Augustine monster became a noteworthy part of cryptozoology due to the confusion and speculation surrounding its identity before experts even determined it to be a whale carcass."
"Riverside beast in Uzbekistan, a frightening creature previously dismissed as a rumor, captured on video."
"Real life Yeti: a huge dark furred ape-like being that made climbing a densely snowed hill look like a walk in the park."
"Me and my team are totally devoted to the discovery of a Bigfoot and it's common it's going to happen it's right here we're on the precipice of it I can feel it."
"My interest has never been in bigfoot, it is the people who look for bigfoot that fascinate me."
"The Resurgence of a creature long thought extinct unfurls in the mysterious photo captured in the Australian Wilderness."
"Said to be half man, half ape, locals call it Orang Pendek, or little man of the woods."
"The true identity of the Orang Pendek has long been a mystery."
"However, Nessie die-harders are certain this is yet another piece of evidence that an ancient cryptid is living in the murky waters of Loch Ness."
"Bigfoot is most often described as a large heavily muscled bipedal ape."
"The Mothman became an omen of bad things to come."
"These are the kinds of scientific analyzes and studies that I like to see when it comes to cryptozoology."
"A fisherman discovered something that strongly resembled the Creature from the famous movie Alien."
"I may have not personally encountered a Sasquatch but not seeing them physically doesn't mean I don't see the truth when it's smacked in my face."
"Now many people believe that these noises could be coming from Bigfoot, in other words, Sasquatch."
"What if the entire species of Sasquatch is extremely high functioning savant?"
"Could there be a Bigfoot in the Amazon? A creature that for the longest time has been said to roam the rainforest of Brazil?"
"This new image aligns with those earlier captures, adding further weight to the argument for Bigfoot's existence."
"This intriguing video appears to show the face of Bigfoot, and I have to admit its resemblance to human features is quite unsettling."
"All the research that I've done matches what seems to be a Sasquatch or a Bigfoot."
"Loch Ness monster: a mysterious black shape caught in 4K video."
"The enduring mystery of Bigfoot continues to captivate and perplex the world."
"This creature closely matches that of a Bigfoot and many people across the United States have said this creature is definitely genuine."
"The Dover Demon still baffles and fascinates people even 45 years after its original sighting."
"Though many people do not believe in the existence of cryptids, demons, or extraterrestrials, it is unusual that three people should report such similar, mysterious sightings along the same road in such a short period of time."
"Some people believe that Bigfoot and other creatures like him are lurking in many of Earth's forests."
"If this creature does exist, it's not difficult for me to believe that it's been undiscovered."
"I mean, it's not a stretch to say this is probably one of the most interesting Sasquatch-related pieces of evidence I think of the 21st century."
"Researchers speculated that the specimen might represent the Shunka Waraquin, a mysterious canine from indigenous legend."
"This photograph matches the typical description of a Bigfoot. It has a large brow ridge that many eyewitnesses have described seeing and also has ape-like eyes."
"The possibility of the Hairy Man existing is just too strong to be ignored."
"The Arizona Bigfoot is supposed to be nocturnal. It can become violent and it leaves behind footprints over 22 inches long."
"The Sasquatch cannot be an ape. North America has no fossil record of great apes. Apes are quadrupeds. The Sasquatch is a biped."
"For me, there was never any logic in thinking them upright-walking apes despite reports that originated from the cryptozoologists."
"DNA may tell us the genetic origins of the Sasquatch but it won't tell us their rules for living or if they have a moral code."
"We have some consistency as to the reports. Now that there is that consistency gives a certain likelihood that it does exist."
"The existence of Bigfoot has long been a mystery, with hundreds upon hundreds of sightings, photographs, and alleged interactions being reported every year."
"Grainy footage of something moving in China's Yangtze River has been tagged as evidence of the nation's Loch Ness monster, sending ripples through Chinese social media."
"It's Bigfoot. We're looking for Bigfoot. If more people can look for it in a reasonable way that science backed we're gonna get a hell of a lot further than we have in the last 55 years. You know?"
"Their descriptions match a pterosaur. It doesn't match a bat."
"Cryptozoologists who had spoken of them before were transformed from absurd eccentrics to true scientists."
"Bigfoot walking in the forest... the clearest video of a Bigfoot ever seen in the state." - Bigfoot on like America's Most Wanted.
"It's also home to the illusion and mysterious skunk ape... the fabled skunk ape over six feet tall weighing hundreds of pounds." - In Florida swampland there's the fabled skunk ape.
"To me, my imagination can show me that, yeah, this might be a possible Bigfoot, could be."
"Patty is probably my biggest attraction to Bigfoot... it sucked me in as a real creature."
"I've never seen a Bigfoot or a UFO myself, but the evidence is undeniable."
"The Jabar fofi continues to captivate cryptozoologists and enthusiasts of the unknown."
"There is no solid evidence to prove the existence of the Ningen, however, it seems more and more likely for a deep-sea creature this unsettling to truly exist."
"If this film is legitimate, then there can no longer be any question about bigfoot's existence."
"Fortunately, Sandra is a trained artist and was able to sketch the creatures from her sightings for researchers."
"Could a surviving population of pterosaurs be at least partially responsible for Thunderbird myths and contemporary sightings of gigantic Birds?"
"To me, there's no doubt it exists," Sanderson asserted.
"If Bigfoot proves to exist, it would be one of the greatest scientific finds of the century."
"Could this part of Louisiana be home to something Sasquatch-like?"
"All who've seen the creature believe it's a baby Bigfoot, frankly, I can see it being one."
"The yeti is now believed to be some sort of relative to the Himalayan black bear as well as the Himalayan brown bear."
"I personally do believe in Bigfoot."
"Cryptozoology is, of course, the study of unknown animals, of which there are said to be many."
"I came to the conclusion that what this video shows are two real yowies."
"Every supposed photo of Nessie is either totally ambiguous or a known fake. The whole field isn't just based on hearsay; it is hearsay."
"The Dinosaur Project does a great job of getting me to suspend my disbelief. It suggests that Mokèlé-mbèmbé is an aquatic reptile like a plesiosaur instead of a sorod."
"If there's a Bigfoot out there, this should find him."
"My first inclination is to think it's some type of relic hominid that is really, really good at avoiding us because it's had generations to know that humans are bad news."
"There are creatures science refuses to recognize, refuses to recognize like Bigfoot walks into a lab and the scientist just goes nah you're not really what we're looking for these days just get out of here."
"Every year more Bigfoot sightings are reported across the world. There is no final conclusion as to whether he is a benevolent soul or a monster of the woods."
"These footprints are by far the hardest, most compelling evidence that we have."
"The people that seem to see Bigfoot the most are the people who are not looking for Bigfoot."
"...I believe what I saw to be a Bigfoot."
"Perhaps the most controversial explanations regarding Bigfoot involve it being an interdimensional creature, one that travels to a parallel reality of our own."
"Whether it's a relic hominid, an unknown species of ape, or simply a figment of our imaginations, Bigfoot has become a part of our cultural fabric."
"The PG film was 100% real, and if the PG film is real, then Bigfoot is out there by process of deduction."
"I'm 100% convinced that Bigfoot is a living species in North America."
"I strongly believe that there may be Rogue Sasquatch males or curious females that might be up to no good in our remote areas."
"No one has killed a Bigfoot and actually brought it to, say, the Smithsonian."
"This is an interesting one where local tribes had their own names and stories about essentially the same creature."
"Peter Byrne had a camp set up near Willow Creek which is another hot spot for sasquatch activity in the Pacific Northwest, and that was kind of his base of operations."
"The Southern California mountains are amazingly remote and staggeringly rugged. That area is perfect Sasquatch habitat."
"Cryptids kind of combines the two in a perfect way."
"I am convinced that there's Bigfoot and it's not only here, it's absolutely worldwide."
"If you see a Bigfoot then you know, oh, that this thing is not a human being, this is a monster."
"He is 100% convinced that Bigfoot is a living species in North America that is largely unknown to the scientific world."
"Could Bigfoot be pets of the extraterrestrials?"
"He insisted what he saw that day was a Bigfoot."
"...Bigfoot...captured the imaginations of crypted hunters for many many decades."
"There was a Bigfoot looking through the window thing, watching."
"There is a ton of evidence for the existence of Sasquatch."
"This film has since been known as the greatest evidence we have of the existence of Bigfoot."
"Do people really still believe that Bigfoot is out there? Well, the answer is yes."
"Finding an Ogopogo specimen would be a major breakthrough."
"I think a lot of cryptozoological creatures, mystery creatures around the world, are simply not found because they're not looked for."
"Discovering Bigfoot would be pretty darn cool."
"That might mean that Bigfoot, the Jersey Devil, Mothman, they could all be very real."
"If these yowies exist, and they appear to exist, it doesn't seem to be a vegetarian like a gorilla."
"A picture describing what is called Bigfoot or Sasquatch: foreign eyes, a muscular body covered in hair, two big feet."
"The sighting has reignited interest in the search for Bigfoot."
"Well i really appreciate my followers and if you have encountered the boggy creek monster or you know a sasquatch please feel free to contact me and i would love to hear about your encounters thank you everyone and take care."
"Witnesses often recount encounters with a large bipedal ape that displays a mix of both gorilla and chimpanzee-like characteristics."
"Legends and whispers among the local tribes speak of a monstrous spider, its size rivaling that of a car."
"The kongamato is believed to be a harbinger of doom, a creature that delights in wreaking havoc and instilling mortal dread."
"This is why when people say oh there's no Bigfoot oh there's no this or that now I do we understand those are a little larger but it doesn't mean it can't happen."
"It's untenable to continue to believe that Bigfoot lurks in the woods."
"Loch Ness monster spotted again, this time on drone footage."
"The shape captured by Maver's camera bore an uncanny likeness to a plesiosaur, a sea creature from the dinosaur-dominated Mesozoic era."
"The Pamer Snowman: reports of encounters with hominids in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Northern Pakistan."
"In this video, we'll be covering the island Cryptids, and trust me, there's a bunch of really cool and new entries here. So, I hope you all like this one."
"This creature, if real, would stand as one of the largest living beings ever to exist on Earth, rivaling the legendary leviathans of ancient lore."
"Sasquatches usually attack if they're starving, if they feel threatened, or if you're near their nest. Any other time, they're usually very peaceful and even gentle creatures."
"Known as the 'Glastonbury Glawackus,' this cryptozoological phenomenon captivated the public, the various sightings being connected by a thread of uncanny similarity."
"Walter M. Silkey, a witness traveling along Route 20 in West Granby, glimpsed a creature resembling a panther."
"In order to prove the creature's existence, the people proving the Beast are every bit as important as the Beast itself."
"Cryptid enthusiasts and researchers have long been fascinated by reports of reptilian creatures inhabiting various regions across the United States particularly in the American West."
"Skeptics argue that the sightings can be attributed to misidentifications or hoaxes however the consistency of reports over the years has kept the possibility of their existence alive in the minds of cryptozoologists."
"Reports of this creature date back to at least 1999 with sightings describing it as a large dinosaur-like reptile stirring renewed interest in the possibility of prehistoric creatures surviving in modern times."
"A glimpse into the unknown, somewhere out there Bigfoot still dwells."
"Is it possible that the Wahila that Frank Graves encountered in 1965 was a remnant amphision whose prehistoric ancestors took sanctuary in the secluded wilderness of the subarctic?"
"All of these attributes appear to be consistent with Sanderson's theory that these large, lonely white wolves of the North Country are bear dogs, relics of the Northland's prehistoric past."
"Cryptozoologist Dr. Carl Shuker pointed out that the Wahila that Frank Graves encountered in 1965 bears striking resemblance to a New Mexican cryptid known to the Apache as the Medicine Wolf."
"Descendants of Prehistoric Monsters Still Roam the Nahani"
"The Mansi photo is regarded as the most definitive proof that Champ exists."
"The legend of caddy still fascinates the enthusiasts of the Mysterious World of fantastic creatures."
"I will acknowledge when I find proof of the existence of unknown animals that I didn't previously believe in."
"It was a Bigfoot, there was no doubt in my mind."
"It was definitely a Bigfoot; there was no question about that."
"I truly believe that it was indeed a Bigfoot."
"These celestial bodies continue to capture the imagination of crypto-astronomers."
"He managed to film a shaky 60-second film of a Bigfoot, the creature that the Native Americans call Sasquatch."
"Here at Bigfoot Society, our goal is to provide a platform for those that have encountered Bigfoot to share their encounter in a safe and respected environment."
"Belief is a providence of things like religion; it should not be the domain really of Bigfoot cryptozoology."
"What if all the experts are wrong? What if the monster shark still lives? Like that's ever gonna happen."
"Ohio folklore and the creature has become an iconic figure in the world of cryptozoology."
"The legendary chupacabra is a creature that has fascinated people for decades."
"The Loch Ness monster resembles a dinosaur-like creature with an uncanny appearance."
"The monster has not been seen again since 1952."
"For cryptozoological investigations to be taken seriously, they must be done scientifically."
"The mystery of Bigfoot has been a long-standing quest for answers spanning hundreds of years."
"The consistency of Bigfoot descriptions over time and across different cultures could be indicative of a real undiscovered animal."
"Welcome to the world of monsters and the cryptozoologist series, where we go in-depth with creatures or monstrous phenomena."
"The legend of Ogopogo has attracted enthusiasts, researchers, and skeptics alike."
"Cryptozoology is the study of unknown animals along with plants that have not yet been accepted by science to exist or be real."
"Stories of hairy apes and 'wild men' are by no means confined to North America, or the Himalayan mountains. They occur all around the world, but there is a particular diversity of sightings and traditions in Asia."
"The world of cryptozoology opens up claims that these creatures may not be so long gone as we think."
"It's a huge deal if you were to capture Bigfoot on film."
"Cryptozoologists investigate undiscovered animals that have eluded the science of traditional zoology."
"Many people believe that the untamed forests of the Pacific Northwest harbor a mysterious creature known as Bigfoot."
"The Loch Ness monster was brought to national attention in 1933."
"I'm not a believer in Bigfoot by any means, but their encounters and sightings were frightening."
"Bigfoot, they said, elusive giants wandering the depths of the forest, their existence shrouded in mystery."
"I believe there's a monster out there, many don't, but I'm a believer that Bonessie is out there and he's there enjoying the beautiful Lake District like we all did."
"Cryptozoologists are scientists who study unknown or rare creatures."
"After doing a little bit of online research, I found that there have been several reports of Bigfoot sightings in the area over the past few years."
"The most convincing evidence is the anatomy suggested by a lot of the footprint casts that have been found."
"The Loch Ness Monster or Nessie is a creature that has been a source of fascination and intrigue for decades."
"The existence of cryptids such as Skin Walkers, mermaids, werewolves may not be as farfetched as we once believed."
"Stellar sea cow, once thought to be extinct since the 18th century, has sparked interest among cryptozoologists."
"Atmospheric beasts are one of the most mysterious and interesting subjects in the realm of cryptozoology and astrobiology."
"The mythology of the cryptozoological creature known as Mothman begins on November 12th, 1966."
"The search for creatures that have not yet been classified by science but which are reported by people all over the world."
"The descriptions of wild man are not too much unlike the descriptions of the Yeti in the Himalayas and the so-called Sasquatch or Bigfoot in North America."
"The footage raises speculation about the possibility of capturing a Bigfoot sighting."
"It's fun to speculate 'what if' and yes, it's not totally impossible that some of these might still exist."
"It's the fun thing about cryptozoology; just when you think you know, you have more to learn."
"People love extinct creatures and they love even cryptozoological things like the Loch Ness monster and Yeti; it just fascinates us."
"I really believe that yeti's a Gigantopithecus or an evolved Gigantopithecus."
"Forget the Loch Ness Monster or the Chupacabra; Bigfoot is probably the most popular 'is he or isn't he' creature of our time."
"The animal sure looks like a Pteranodon, a massive winged reptile that is said to have gone extinct tens of millions of years ago."
"Muscular and very large, it stood around 8 ft tall, was covered in hair similar to a Sasquatch, except where its arms should have been, there were wings."
"I had a blast and there are certainly Bigfoot activity."
"I'm going to become a cryptozoologist, right? This has been a long-term dream of mine."
"The official definition for cryptozoology is the search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated."
"It's either a highly elaborate hoax, or some of these hairy humanoids exist."
"His dedication and passion for the subject have inspired many others to take an interest in the legend of Bigfoot."