
Humiliation Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The politics of humiliation is really about recognition or the lack of it. It's about honor and esteem or the lack of it."
"There is a mix of dominance and humiliation tied into this but these people are expressing a desire to dominate and humiliate me."
"The single most powerful human emotion I have found is humiliation, and the quest for dignity. That has guided a lot of my career, covering people acting out on their humiliation and questing for dignity."
"Humiliation and dignity correspond to so much of what drives global events, from personal interactions to international relations."
"This was the most humiliating and horrible thing I've ever been through. I have never felt more removed from my own humanity. I felt less than human."
"A win's a win and now I've stolen your dignity."
"Cowardice is met not with some sort of conciliatory approval by those who are seeking a concession. Cowardice is met with abject humiliation."
"Taiwan has humiliated the Chinese Communist Party."
"Narcissists cannot stand being mortified or humiliated so again this is why this is a quality that narcissists don't like in people."
"She's begging for total global humiliation. She's gonna get it."
"Part of the difficulty is you have so many people out there who want to make people humiliate people and make them look bad and that's not what this is about."
"Joe Biden may be humiliating us, maybe this will be a smack in the face for many regular people when they see it."
"Body shaming is the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size."
"Samson humiliates Stephen Crowder after a surprise debate appearance. The internet laughs."
"Being wrong can be socially punished with humiliation and irrelevance."
"Being obese enough to snap a harness and fall to your death is one of the most humiliating ends imaginable."
"We have to mock him, we have to humiliate him."
"He was made to look like a complete and utter moron every week on TV."
"Charles being humiliated and just being completely outclassed by like a character who's essentially God in this Dimension."
"You've just been humiliated in the Manchester Derby."
"Britain had been humiliated by the country she thought of as her ally."
"Shaming torture: Exposing individuals to public disgrace or humiliation causes severe emotional and psychological distress."
"It seems we are most likely to enjoy seeing the humiliation and embarrassment of people in positions of power."
"Putin's exposed. He's humiliated. If I gave you a present, you've just supported Joe Stalin."
"Iran was in chaos... a national humiliation."
"If you dunk on a guy in the game... are you still humiliated? Yeah, you still got dunked on."
"Donald Trump is so good at ritualistically humiliating his interlocutors."
"Bounty Gate is one of the most humiliating scandals in the history of the NFL."
"This was a humiliation that I've got to show because I wouldn't improve otherwise."
"The Confederacy was humiliated by the insurrection in Jones County."
"But she's got to do it herself then she tried to hug him and he turned her down as the last indignity so they brought on this white woman purely to humiliate her."
"That's humiliating, that's insulting, provokes romantic jealousy in the relationship."
"You've taken the guy's will, you've taken his spirit, you've humiliated him. What other thing do you want?"
"The politics of humiliation is psychologically morbid; it combines resentment of the winners with nagging self-doubt."
"It is designed to be visual, it's designed to be as humiliating and shameful as possible."
"He dominated you. I made you quit. I made you tap. It was humiliating. It was embarrassing."
"Your humiliation is at least 1% higher, we win."
"Celebrity culture licenses a dark voyeurism into other people's humiliation, pain, weakness and betrayal."
"No human being has a right to humiliate another human being."
"Liverpool were absolutely humbled in the Europa League at home."
"She is abusive to her at every turn to humiliate her at her own will."
"When you feel like you've lost status massively and people are laughing at you, that is one of the most painful things that humans can go through."
"Lucille rubs his powerlessness in his face."
"People paid to see me humiliated."
"Seriously, Mom? Losing a fun-run to a lobster is not my idea of fun."
"I was mortified, it was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me."
"I'm not a man to be humiliated, you know what that felt like."
"There's nothing quite like getting a lightsaber through the old Bread Basket to make someone look like an absolute chump."
"No one likes being humiliated, Ellie."
"Humiliating somebody only requires an audience of one."
"Someone is about to regret this for life, I feel there's a lot going on when it comes to someone who's pretending not to be humiliated but someone is also on a mission to give that same energy and do it unapologetically."
"If you feel humiliated, if you feel shame, the greatest person who could be in your boat with you is Jesus Christ."
"Her words were powerful and emotional, causing Yongja to feel humiliated and cornered."
"The boy who wanted nothing more than to be liked was humiliated, laughed at, called a coward by the village, and raged at by his father for the money wasted on armor."
"There's truly nothing more humiliating than squat crawling to your laundry room to get toilet paper."
"It was a humiliation for Italy and their German allies were not prepared to let the situation rest."
"It was an absolute positive beat down. They got beat down. They got their ass kicked."
"Some people will do anything for a freebie including humiliating themselves on Judge Judy."
"Can you imagine anything more humiliating for a Klingon warrior?"
"'Harry also deduces who the true owner of the Elder Wand is in front of everybody. It's cool as [ __ ], and it's Voldemort being humiliated in front of everyone who feared him.'"
"The arrest was over the top, that's what I thought. I thought they wanted to humiliate our family."
"Actually, Allah humiliated him. They couldn't pick up a truck to reverse his body, they picked up his dead body and dashed him in the back of a pickup truck."
"Redemption sometimes looks like humiliation."
"Damn, that's called getting cooked."
"When the narcissist is exposed to public humiliation, he undergoes a process called narcissistic mortification."
"I've never been so embarrassed in my life it was humiliating I felt like all eyes were on me like the rest of the day you're just like I just want to leave."
"When I've suddenly realized something. Something curiously humiliating."
"For you to belittle her in this moment, embarrass her, shame her, pretty much call her boring, and like allude to the fact that because of things like this is why you stepped out is so atrocious."
"After Lawrence and I had our incident, I felt like I had been humiliated and relegated to a lower-rung. Um, I was a laughingstock and I thought maybe I was gonna have to brawl with Lawrence. I was ready for it."
"He humiliated her in front of all her friends and family, robbed her of any autonomy, ambushed her with a wedding that she didn't get to plan or be excited for, and on top of all that, spent so much money, family money too."
"There's no coming back from being trounced by Paw Patrol."
"Stay humble, because if you don't stay humble you will get humiliated."
"No one likes being humiliated; it's a terrible feeling."
"What's worse than getting nutmegged once well probably getting nutmegged three times"
"I thought we were friends, but you humiliated me on my fake wedding day."
"Everybody just wants to be kind of humiliated... It's a badge of honor."
"He enjoys this," Jaime realized. "It pleases him to humiliate me nightly."
"I was humiliated. I felt like I wasn't important."
"So he walks home in the rain. Word gets out. It becomes this huge publicized story. They usually are. Person I know, right? Yeah, a Union hero has been humiliated."
"...Trash Talk got him humiliated in front of the entire world."
"I feel humiliated when I would lay down on the reformer."
"It was designed to utterly humiliate the body and so the person was stripped naked."
"A life of unremitting shame and humiliation is the same as experiencing death while you're alive."
"My dumbass posted on there thinking it would be funny and I got my pride completely curb stomped."
"My God, and I'm watching that, and I'm thinking, you know, that is some humiliating stuff to have to do that."
"You got literally dunked on. You got turned around, crossed over, put him on spin cycle, dude. Embarrassing."
"Some people have social anxiety disorders where they are afraid of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. So they may be very terrified not only to speak in front of people, but just to go to school or just to go to work."
"That was the most humiliating moment of my life."
"What's worse than being embarrassed? Mortified."
"he was eventually captured brought to the Assyrian capital of Nineveh and utterly humiliated by being forced to draw a sharbanipal's carriage in a celebration."
"Getting naked in front of a bunch of guys where you were forced to bend over, spread your cheeks, and cough."
"He literally dominated and humiliated everyone that he's fought."
"I don't know why people think humiliation is a prank."
"It was a way of humiliating people, putting them outside a city gate because everyone will see is that when they go by."
"That whole thing is just so humiliating like who thinks this is a proper way to treat anyone."
"A lot of it is about power, they want to feel power over their victim which is often why they want to humiliate them."
"She [ __ ] publicly humiliated the [ __ ] out of you."
"I felt so much shame and humiliation that I felt that I couldn't cause them that kind of pain and so I never told them."
"The ultimate insult: everyone wants you out."
"Gotta be fashionable when you're getting humiliated."
"The gospel is the story of humiliation and exaltation."
"You have humiliated me, does this look familiar? Just like your brother, chosen wine."
"For some reason, he could not identify every time he performed it at the academy, people would point at him and laugh at his expense."
"It's such a fine line between what's comedy and what's playing a character and then really crossing the line into personal humiliation."
"Bombing feels like your dad is slapping you in front of everybody at a barbecue."
"Poverty humiliates, and that is a very Jewish approach, very different from other religions."
"Rich girls humiliate snow shoveler because it's winter."
"This man embarrassed and humiliated and beat the out of a black woman."
"The German people felt humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles."
"It is to never give in, to overcome humiliation and use it as your strength."
"Refusal ever to suffer humiliation: no Roman from this point on is willing to tolerate a loss of face."
"Shame, shame on a conquered king."
"He never forgot the humiliation of France having been excluded from the Allied conferences at Yalta and Potsdam."
"It's humiliating, Ozai stripped his son of everything, and his face says it all."
"To be humiliated... I'm not going to be the one at the end that's like, 'Damn.' I'm gonna be the one at the end of the day like, 'Damn, look how far I've come.'"
"Jesus in his crucifixion made a public humiliation of the principalities and powers."
"To make you kneel down in front of my junior and be his maidservant, three days is enough."
"Public humiliation is an opportunity to come broken, to come home."
"You'll regret making a fool out of me."
"We've absolutely humiliated PSG, so we've proven that."
"Sorrento didn't deserve his power or his position. What he deserved was public humiliation and defeat."
"God is not content just to defeat the enemy; He is humiliating him at the same time."