
Cosmic Energy Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"The dominant energy in the universe resides in empty space... its existence is probably tied to the beginning of space and more importantly, as you'll see, it will determine our future."
"The stones were reduced to atoms, but their cosmic energy can still create more heroes."
"The seven chakras are reflections of this you see; they are seven manifestations of cosmic energy within us."
"Breathe in swim in the cosmic vibration of everything around you find Stillness in it and listen."
"The warp is made up of the collective energy generated by every sentient being that has ever or will ever exist across infinite planets and galaxies."
"That brother had an embodiment of cosmic light that was unprecedented, almost Christ-like in my pantheon."
"The universe doesn't know the word never... there's an influence here that we are experiencing this week with strong Sagittarius and strong Pisces energies."
"Feeling that cosmic flow, even feeling synchronistic, being in the right place at the right time and things just magically happening."
"Solar eclipses represent the energy of stopping for a second."
"She can project cosmic energy in heat, light, or concussive blasts."
"Om Namashivaya is the seed syllable, believed to be the primal vibration that's set into motion the universe as we know it today."
"When matter and antimatter merge you have a new creation, a third energy creating the Trinity within the universal and cosmic frequencies."
"Unleash powerful if unpredictable blasts of cosmic energy."
"As human beings with a divine spark within us, we can actually tap into these stellar rays."
"As we move through that Galaxy, the propensity of those energies also increases."
"More love is rushing towards you like a great cosmic tsunami."
"Core overheating can only occur due to receiving additional energy from outside, from external Cosmic influence."
"You are powerful, you are strong. Pull these cosmic energies down to where you feel low and disempowered and then watch what happens."
"When the dark energy falls to earth it's going to give you what you want."
"I never enjoyed the power cosmic before, never understood it. Now, my entire being is a vessel for it."
"Astrology is here to interpret, to help you understand the energy of the planet."
"Remember the universe is always listening, so pay close attention to the vibrations you're sending out into the cosmos."
"Forms depending on whether positive or negative energy is gathered, it seems this being of darkness will wonderful galaxy until one day he is reborn into a new existence."
"I invoke the healing power of Gaia and cosmic light to cleanse, heal, and restore."
"April 22nd 2023 is the day of akshatritiya... it has a very powerful energy in this universe... to manifest any of your dreams or desires."
"Stardust offers Galactus the energies of the last of their people."
"The universe is doing its part by sending powerful high vibrational energy to the earth."
"We're already antennas tuned into the cosmic broadcast tower."
"The time right now has never been better for us to utilize this influx from the cosmos to visualize, to energize us."
"These energies of this new moon in Aquarius are saying remember you're part of this diversity and this Oneness and find your right expression of your unique frequency in that Symphony of the Spheres in that music of the stars and Cosmos."
"You weren't listening to the cosmic energy of the universe."
"The cosmic Energizer within you can guide you and open up new doors of expression."
"This eclipse is supporting us in trusting that we are held and supported by the energies of the Earth and Sky and Cosmos as we're moving through this turbulent time."
"This technique doesn't have to be used during the summer solstice either. You can really use this for any significant cosmic energy."
"The true Secret of the ages: to magnetize the higher frequencies of light into this whirling field of Darkness."
"Every cosmic planet is an energy; Sun is your soul, Moon is your mind, emotional mind, Mercury is your practical mind."
"As an Eternal, Cersei's body is augmented by cosmic energy and she has total mental control over her entire molecular structure."
"You're extremely tapped into Cosmic Vibes, Cosmic law, Cosmic Consciousness."
"As we harmonize our personal energy with the universal energy, we realize that we are not separate from the universe but a part of its magnificent tapestry."
"I wish my body was ablaze with astral charge. Could really do with some cosmic infinity coursing through my veins right now."
"The Eternals were created by the Celestials with cosmic energy, so each of them has incredible super abilities."
"The seven rays emanate from the seven stars of the Great Bear constellation and summarize the combined energies of seven solar systems of which ours is but one."
"Connect to the cosmic energy of the universe, don't bend the elements, but the energy within."
"Is it possible that a person whose entire being can focus and concentrate on a desired result can actually harness a unique cosmic force and simply make it happen?"
"The Force is not the power you have; it's the energy between all things, a balance that binds the universe together."
"Love is the most universal, formidable and mysterious of cosmic energies."
"I think it's important to know that there is cosmic energy around us at all times."
"Human love and divine — the intersection between human love and divine love; how we can feel love as a cosmic energy and how we can radiate that love to all."
"The microcosmic orbit represents this dynamic between heaven and earth."
"I got big blessings coming in, I am the cosmic warrior."
"We are not humans; we are divine sources of energy from the cosmos who are here to live as humans."
"I am drop dead cosmic. I am always changing, and I practice self-love."
"I am having a vision of Neptune here, so there's an enormous amount of energy coming through from the cosmic planets."
"As powerful as this solar storm is, it is not just an event in the sky; it is a spiritual event filled with cosmic energy that can speed up spiritual growth and change."
"I am Supernatural. I am drop dead Cosmic."
"We are going to soar into a different state of being, helped enormously by cosmic and galactic energy."
"The energy is coming, the universe is powerful."
"This energy is moving us into very big cosmic potentials that we're ready to embrace and claim."
"The aware and conscious person can ride the waves of the cosmic energy gracefully."
"You are eternally blessed by a profound love, by a sacred union with the great source of light whose love moves the earth and stars."