
Post-apocalypse Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"At its core, New Vegas is about the ways human societies develop, and it's asking whether the societies of the post-apocalypse should rebuild with the values of the prior world in mind, or if a new world demands a new approach."
"New Vegas isn't that; it's a post-post apocalypse game. New Vegas is about rebuilding."
"The Brotherhood of Steel, self-appointed knights of the wasteland, arose to drive off the mutants. They gave humanity peace and a glimmer of hope."
"In our last video, we explored the secret base within the basement of Riverside Manor, where we discovered the Order of Mysteries, a post-apocalyptic secret society tasked with fighting crime in Appalachia."
"We'll turn Lewisburg upside down in search of Natasha Hunt, and along the way, we'll uncover a few clues hinting at some of the greater things that were happening before and after the war here in West Virginia."
"Far Harbor is truly post-apocalypse... it's the beginning of a new wilderness."
"Modern civilization is gone. It fell apart... until it was too late. Now we are all that remains looking for a new home... in an age that we call the aftermath."
"A threat as great as the super mutants would force communities to band together for mutual protection."
"Devastated yet unbroken, they have rebuilt civilization from the ashes of the old world."
"Bottle caps have become the main currency of the wasteland. In the original Fallout game, bottle caps made much more sense, also known as Hub Bucks due to the Hub being their point of origin."
"Vertibirds: the backbone of post-war air mobility in the Fallout universe."
"Every player gets their own unique procedurally generated 64 square kilometer world with caves, underwater areas to check out, and you can share these worlds with others and travel between them."
"100 days Minecraft hardcore in a nuclear apocalypse. Day one, we spawn in a city that was abandoned due to the war."
"The NCR are basically like trying to rebuild civilization but unfortunately it has all the same flaws that civilization had before it was before the bombs dropped but clearly that's not a good thing everyone's dead now."
"Finding a piece of habitable land is no easy task at the end of the world."
"Human civilization been shattered by Al Z11. Three intelligent apes have become the dominant species on the planet."
"We're surviving by the seat of our pants, living off the land with the guns and the weapons left around."
"Every second is a fight for survival and every choice is yours, only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the wasteland."
"There's no magical kingdom, no wonderful utopia waiting for survivors, no space station will save you. Don't let anyone fool you like that."
"The storyline is simple: frostbunk happened and then this is the world after the freeze."
"I had ambitious plans to survive and even thrive, but you see in this Wasteland, people want what you've got."
"The Land of Ooo isn't necessarily a fantasy world that exists in an alternative universe; rather, it's a post-apocalyptic world set in the future far ahead of our own time."
"The real world after the bomb would be a grim business."
"Joel and Ellie, a man who lost everything on outbreak day, Joel developed a father-daughter relationship with Ellie in an America ravaged by the Cordyceps pandemic."
"Post-apocalyptic Tokyo has never looked better."
"When the smoke settles and the mushroom cloud disperses, the lunatic is the only thing left standing atop the wreckage."
"Welcome to Cataclysm: a game where turns last seconds, but survival spans years in a post-apocalyptic nightmare."
"Seven years ago, the world we knew ended. We built another one, a world to be proud of."
"If the core of Fallout is post-postapocalypse, the idea that there's a day after the end of the world, that there's a world after the end of the world, then to be a true Fallout adaptation, the show needs to restage that moment where a future becomes visible amidst the rubble."
"So who actually survives the events of Ragnarok? Odin's sons Váli and Vidar, and Thor's sons Modi and Magni will survive, though their future and the future of the world post Ragnarok differs from source to source."
"That thing is probably the most important, that's a valuable thing in the post-apocalypse, man. You saw a book, that's going to be Hector and his iPod in 2060."
"We were gonna go to the post-apocalypse where Superman had fallen to the anti-life equation because Lois Lane had been killed by Darkseid and this allowed him to fall to the anti-life equation."
"It's a beautiful post-apocalypse, like modern Chernobyl, yeah."
"The day before offers a uniquely reimagined journey into post-apocalyptic MMO open world survival."
"Years after biological warfare killed 99% of men, women have created sustainable societies."
"Seeing a post-apocalypse story from a different point of view."
"Our protagonist is the only one who prepared for the end of the world and has a comfortable life."
"This is the man who lived the most dashing life in the post-apocalyptic world."
"Carol truly doesn't want to kill anymore, but she is compelled to in this post-apocalyptic world."
"The sun blazed relentlessly overhead as I scavenged through the remnants of a once thriving city."
"It's the most wholesome amazing post-apocalyptic thing you've ever seen."
"Together we had survived and learned how we could start a new life in this broken world."
"Centuries after the fall of the Second Empire, savage nations and petty tribes competed for dwindling resources across a vast post-apocalyptic wasteland."
"Life carried on for these lucky folks, complete with birthday parties, movie nights, and a buffet of non-zombies."
"In a way, I'm almost glad the apocalypse happened because I'd never have got to experience a place like this if it hadn't."
"This isn't a story about surviving the infected apocalypse; this is a story about how people love one another and grow into a relationship."
"I'm not sure how your priorities stack up in a post-apocalyptic world, but I mean, I feel like enjoyment and pleasure in what's left of this life is high out there for me."
"How to survive any nuclear war 101: just survive off super noodles."
"The post-apocalyptic world requires one to adapt."
"Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be one of the last people on Earth?"
"The group was intrigued at the mention of the city which had remains of civilization after the Calamity."
"I find post-apocalyptic movies relaxing."