
Asteroids Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"But if the asteroid did not break off a Baptistina, where did it come from?"
"We humans really know how to hold a grudge, don't we? Take asteroids, for example; one 15 km wide bad apple comes along and wipes out the dinosaurs, and we've just never forgiven them."
"Without asteroids, those same dinosaurs wouldn't even have existed in the first place, and neither would you."
"A great big asteroid may have deleted the dino 66 million years ago, but without asteroids...our planet would have no oceans, no lakes, and no rivers, and therefore no life."
"What I'm trying to say is, we should be extremely grateful to the entire asteroid community."
"We've never lost it, that curiosity. It led us to the understanding that there are asteroids out there that can threaten the entire planet."
"Asteroids are truly pristine remnants of a time when the planets were forming. This makes them prehistoric treasures that hold the lost tales about the origin of our solar system."
"We're going to see them up close, understand their color, their composition, try and look for what they might be like inside."
"Understanding these asteroids will tell us about how solar systems form, calibrate our models, and potentially tell us how other solar systems form in our galaxy and beyond."
"The world's first trillionaire will be the person who exploits the natural resources on asteroids."
"In the dark voids of the solar system, drifting in-between the planets, are asteroids... These small worlds are anything but dull. In fact, some are time capsules from the beginning of the solar system."
"The Earth was bombarded by these asteroids... Almost certainly, the water in your body may have come from asteroids."
"Each asteroid has a different part of the story of our Solar System's past to tell."
"Asteroids have rings? What? How? Why? Yep, us astronomers are as surprised as you are."
"Large asteroids are hitting the Earth far more often than anyone realized."
"The asteroid was colossal, almost 10 km in diameter which is 3 km more than the highest Summit on Earth, Mount Everest."
"Asteroids and comets may have been the bringers of life if not the ingredients of life but perhaps even life itself."
"The dinosaurs were wiped out by a 10 kilometer size asteroid, that hit about 65 million years ago."
"Defending Earth against dangerous asteroids is a task of planetary defense."
"If you want to think about the future of civilization, you have to include a defense plan against asteroids."
"...they found a huge spike in platinum which is also known to be common in asteroids and comets."
"Asteroids are remnants from the formation of the solar system."
"Asteroid impacts can devastate a planet and wipe out species."
"We've seen asteroids come through the atmosphere and kind of explode and cause some damage."
"Asteroids: Windows into fate and destiny."
"So if an asteroid approaches Saturn or really any gas giant relatively close, and this is exactly what happened, they're going to basically disintegrate as you can see right now and create the actual rings around Saturn."
"This discovery is more than just a spooky phenomenon; it could reveal information about the presence of asteroids and comets in these exoplanet systems."
"A CG type asteroid, meaning it has qualities of both c-type and g-type carbonaceous asteroids."
"I mean, they are flying to an asteroid."
"Asteroids are time capsules for the solar system and vital research destinations for learning about our origins and perhaps our futures."
"A six-mile asteroid would end humanity and I was looking up true true the passes the passes that have happened in Earth are crazy."
"There's unlimited resources on asteroids."
"Imagine if you could study thousands of asteroids simultaneously."
"Asteroids are made of metals and rocks, whereas comets, in contrast, are mostly ice and dust."
"Main belt Comet 238p red shows us something unexpected on the left is an artist's illustration of what it might look like with all that ice and dust vaporizing because of the heat of the Sun."
"Definitely do not spend your money thinking asteroids are coming"
"Every asteroid has their own size, they have their own rotation speed, and they have their own velocity."
"Asteroids are the Earth's nemesis; they've blitzed our world for billions of years."
"Asteroids tell the story of how we came to be; the Earth was made by asteroids 4 and a half billion years ago."
"Asteroids brought water and they may have brought life."
"We have to keep watching, we have to keep vigilant if we're to spot these massive bullies of Space Rock coming towards us."
"I hope you've learned something today about asteroids and they've fueled your interest to go out and find more about them."
"I predict that asteroids and comets will hit the Earth. That's not predicting the future, that's [__] probability."
"Mining asteroids is something that is going to happen."
"With technological improvements, we may be able to explore a wider range of asteroids in the future."
"There will always be a sensible, powerful, and scientific argument for studying space rock."
"Humans have mastered the taking over of asteroids."
"Pallasites are samples from the core-mantle boundaries of differentiated asteroids."
"The large olivine aggregates are moderately intact chunks derived from the asteroid's lower mantle."
"The NASA's Psyche mission is on its way to go to a metal asteroid which is just the coolest thing ever."
"Exploring a unique number of asteroids in our solar system that we actually believe represent the leftovers from planetary formation 4 and a half billion years ago."
"Asteroids hitting the Earth, yeah, we should be doing something about it."
"Shooting asteroids is fun, isn't it?"
"Trojan asteroids are perhaps the most interesting celestial bodies in our solar system."
"The entire mass of the all asteroids in the asteroid belt combined is less than the mass of our moon, Luna, that totally blows my mind!"
"The asteroids that regularly graze Earth serve as a constant reminder that the event 66 million years ago could happen again sooner or later."
"Dawn's mission is to explore the two most massive asteroids, Ceres and Vesta."
"Evidence suggests that in the past, asteroids colliding with Earth played a fateful role in shaping the history of life on our planet."
"We know that only about 1% of the impacts on Earth are from comets and 99% from asteroids."
"I'm trying to destroy asteroids; I'm trying to keep us safe, guys."
"I really enjoy spinning around the meteors and asteroids in space."
"Scientists are constantly monitoring space and they haven't found a single Space Rock potentially hazardous for Humanity."
"We have mini moons; Earth knows to capture these tiny little asteroids."
"Recent research on the Itokawa asteroid suggests that some asteroids may be far tougher than previously assumed."