
Korea Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"Korea is objectively way ahead of us in terms of innovation."
"I personally consider the majority of Korean skincare products to be better than what we have in the USA."
"Korea, the home of K-pop, K-cosmetics, and of course, Korean BBQ, is at the center of many cultural trends on the world stage."
"Korea is still considered to be the best region for League of Legends."
"Korea proved their strategy was best by winning League's World Championship back to back to back to back."
"You can't compare the wave that is taking over music worldwide to what they're doing in Korea right now."
"The influence of Buddhism in Korea reached its apex during the Goryeo Dynasty."
"Korea today is very different than how it used to be... Korea technically still has an imperial royal family but they have no power and no formal title."
"My country has embraced the past present and future through its coexistence of palisades skyscrapers and other technological advancements." - Korea
"For me, it was let's go to Korea, where I'm not other, I'm not foreign."
"When missionaries like Samuel Moffat arrived in Korea 2 decades later, they heard the story of the man who had thrown Bibles down from a burning ship."
"Korea was absolutely amazing. It was one of the best trips of my life."
"Korea: the only place where the interests of the four major superpowers literally touch each other."
"Following the Japanese surrender and defeat in the Second World War, Korea, formerly occupied by Japan, was divided by the USSR and USA along the 38th parallel."
"What if I told you that if it were not for the actions of a single beer drinking horse over the course of 48 hours, South Korea as we know it today would probably not exist today."
"Korea's socialized health care system was amazing."
"The Korean War was a long, bloody, and ultimately futile conflict."
"One thing that I really love about Korea and that would keep me here is the safety."
"Korea absolutely dominated the competition going undefeated throughout the entire tournament to take home the gold medal."
"Success step one to changing our whole appearance in Korea."
"...there was however a catch he could finish his service a year early if he went to Korea to fight the Communist North Koreans and their Chinese allies."
"The commitment to Japan and Korea as well."
"Essentially, a war has already begun in Korea. I think that's the thing that really needs to be stressed."
"North Korea and South Korea share the exact same history, language, genetics, and tradition, yet look at the vast difference."
"This began an era of Chinese political dominance over Korea."
"The one cool thing about Korea is that their underground shopping is huge."
"Another border that people comments on as really, really, really existing does everyone know what this one is? Korea. Yeah, so at nighttime, light pollution is not happening in North Korea."
"I didn't even think that I had enough footage to make a week in Korea weekend Seoul Vlog but it turns out I have more than enough."
"Speaking of Korean foods that you can't get anywhere else, did you know that there are also a ton of snacks that are only available in Korea?"
"The good thing about a momento as well, this is probably better for people who are in Korea versus people outside of Korea. They stock a lot of European brands such as Ghani Studio, Nicholson, they've got Norse projects, they've got all blues."
"In Korea, relationships among people are considered very important!"
"The relationship between India and Korea is at its heart between the people."
"China's ambitions extend onto the Korean Peninsula."
"She's even coming all the way to Korea."
"The Korean Demilitarized Zone is the most heavily guarded zone in the world."
"The demilitarized zone separating South and North Korea is a unique and highly guarded area."
"This is part two of a five-part series all about traveling here in South Korea."
"I would absolutely love to be able to go on a trip with all of you to Korea."
"The Chosun dynasty is the last of Korea's royal dynasties... and it saw the production of porcelain including blue and white porcelain."
"Buddhism entered Korea... it was the religion of the peninsula basically with a very accomplished sculptural tradition."
"Neo-Confucianism, which had come to the fore in China, was espoused as the state philosophy of Korea."
"If the emperor of China has blue and white porcelain on his table, I want blue and white porcelain on my table, and I want it made in Korea."
"Most cybercrime in Korea, most cyber crimes in Korea, are online fraud related."
"The ultimate aim of that is the unification of Korea, which would create yet another power in the balance of power in Asia."
"Please join me on this trip to learn how you can fly to Korea in style for very little money."
"It's quite impressive so I'm doing all why there is so much traffic between those two countries, Thailand and Korea."
"It's been a very rich cultural interchange between Korea and Japan."
"I feel like anything from Tamburins or something like the Diptyque limited edition Seoul candle, they're just cool things to bring back from Korea."
"I really enjoy sharing my Korea travels with you guys."
"I filled it with snacks that can be found only in Korea."
"I'm living in Korea for almost four years now as a content designer and illustrator."
"The morning calm has been restored, and it is for that very reason that the American serviceman remains in Korea, to help peace survive."
"After the Korean war in 1953, Koreans finally achieved true democracy in 1987 by obtaining direct election rights."
"Blood of heroes has become a linchpin of peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula and beyond."
"It's bizarre, it's unprecedented that Korea, a relatively... they haven't influenced our culture before, is now making this huge wave in pop culture."
"Dangun was a legendary founder of Gojoseon, the first Korean kingdom."
"Their success is not only the very success of Korea but also success of the Asian culture."
"Ree felt strongly that all of Korea must be unified."
"The US National Security Council adopted a new policy to support a unified Democratic Korea."
"I'm bringing young Koreans alone to the game."
"Once again Korea, the ancient mountain kingdom of Chosen, is in fact the land of the morning calm, but no one forgets June 25th, 1950."
"We battled for time in Korea and won; we had the right men, good men, good soldiers."
"Those were the first 40 days in Korea; we took our losses, regrouped, and gained new strength."
"He flew a hundred and one combat missions in Korea."
"I'm really lucky to have true friends in Korea."
"I've fallen in love with Korea totally."
"In Korea, there's definitely a culture of eating out."
"Korean people are setting the trends, you guys."
"It's like filtering down from Korea into the United States, and we're getting it after them, but they are literally starting it."
"In Korea, when you pull door handle, door opens."
"Fruit is almost treated like a delicacy here in Korea."
"This one decision would seal the fate of Korea."
"There is obviously a reason that he's a national hero in Korea."
"...if you look at the terrain in Korea, you can see why there was no machine that we had that would have been able to do what Sergeant Reckless was doing."
"My favorite thing about teaching in Korea quite honestly has been the kids."
"I think Japan is culturally pretty similar to Korea: social hierarchy, collectivists, historically isolationist, use of honorifics, bowing."
"This street food snack is so famous, if you go to Korea and Myeongdong you can find anywhere."
"It's entirely possible that Mr. Moon and Mr. Kim will strike a deal not about nuclear weapons... but about how to manage the future peaceful coexistence on the Korean Peninsula."
"It's day zero of the Korea trip, so welcome to my Korea vlog!"
"I think Korean has the most various and delicious street food of the world."
"The more time you spend here, the more you'll fall in love with it."
"Let's be real, Korea is so much more than its pop culture and tech-savvy brands."
"Food is one of the best ways to experience a new place, especially a place like Korea."
"He's recognized in Korea for being a genius."
"There is no military solution in Korea."
"It costs way less to go to college in Korea than it does in the US."
"Korean universities are way cheaper."
"It was those two years in Korea that expanded my horizons, lured me into the field of Asian art."
"It's a testament to the wealth of Korea during that period but also of course the artistic sophistication."
"A tradition that began in the late 14th century... develops and flourishes for just under 200 years on the Korean Peninsula."
"She never expected to find someone she loved, someone who loved her back, especially not in Korea as a foreigner."
"Korea is now officially on the map; they're growing their cultural impact around the world."
"The fact that each family has a guardian constellation associated with it accounts for why Korea had five ruling families."
"What is it about Korea that is making this entertainment that doesn't just work domestically but internationally?"
"I went to Korea for almost a month and I did like this exchange program there."
"I'm going to Korea, a life-changing trip."
"Korea has given me a lot of opportunity."
"The sunshine policy was the foreign policy of South Korea towards the north for a decade."
"It's a national treasure in Korea."
"Dissemination of information of both Koreas to each other is really important to narrow down the differences between North and South Korea."
"I'm loving this; it's basically about feminism in Korea and the struggles that women face."
"I actually remembered, I remember I was on the way to work and I was like, 'Oh, I can teach in Korea. I forgot about that.'"
"The Republic of Korea is in many respects a global economic power."
"Korea was doing great with its kingdoms and dynasties for more than 4,000 years."
"I would love to visit one day if I ever am lucky enough to go to South Korea."
"Korea has so many different delicious, savory and sweet foods."
"In Korea, there is like this really strong elderly respect."
"This poem, focusing on the reunification of North and South Korea, uses the metaphor of a tiger with broken bones."
"Korea is getting stronger and stronger, more competitors by the day."
"The top three universities in Korea are called the SKY universities."
"Changed the way Korean music and Korean society operates and thinks."
"I just want you to have fun in Korea, enjoy yourself."
"Every time I get excited about going back to Korea or when I'm enjoying my life in Korea, I always felt this sense of gratitude and I was very lucky to feel safe."
"It has been one of the safest countries in the world."
"Thank you, Korea, for being so nice."
"The diamond bomb is the bestseller in Korea."
"I'll always look fondly at that time in Korea for allowing me another year of basically having no real adult responsibilities."
"Korea is reducing its quarantine... now it's down to just seven days."
"Two Koreas, one people, nearly seven decades since the war that divided the nation."
"Healthcare is already really cheap in Korea to begin with."
"I made this video because I think it's very, very helpful for those people who want to study Korean in Korea."
"You're the best mukbang president in Korea."
"Work in Korea... you have to really use your imagination."
"It was such an amazing experience, I never would have thought that I would like Korea as much as I did."
"I'm just trying to reassure you guys, it's just mad safe in Korea."
"Korea is fully safe. That's the thing I missed the most."
"People are very honest, in my opinion, in Korea."
"The people of Korea -- North and South -- are profoundly talented, industrious, and gifted."
"It's definitely a good way to meet other foreigners that are going to be living in Korea and going through the same situation as you."
"I'm leaving for Korea waiting for my next trip :)"
"The capture of the Chrysanthemum Throne, glory to Korea!"
"Life is better in literally every way I can think of in South Korea compared to North Korea."
"God's miraculous intervention in Korea regarding a particular case."
"This is mixed double and we will see it just over a year from now in Korea."
"Korea is the safest place I've ever been in my entire life."
"They're the national bird of Korea and they're fun birds to watch."
"There's going to be reunification at some point."
"Korea could really be one of the new things in the world."
"I started dressing up for Halloween like for real after I came to Korea."
"Korean horror for the last 20 years has been just killing it."
"I actually felt that in some ways, filming sets in Korea are actually more efficient."
"The Land of the Morning Calm, a nickname for Korea, establishes its own identity during the Joseon period."
"It wasn't just a pendant. The power it held could shake the whole of Korea with fear."
"Learning about the Korean culture... it's a beautiful culture, I must say."
"We are in Korea National University of Arts."
"It's very notable Korea did not have a lockdown in the first year of the pandemic."
"I enjoy living in Korea definitely; it's a very comfortable place to live."
"I am planning on doing a whole video regarding planning a trip to Korea."
"Korea has high standards for the double cleanse; it's how I learned how to double cleanse."
"G Market is Korea's number one shopping site."
"It's currently 7:00 a.m. in the morning here in Korea, and it's our last day."
"I feel like Korea's ahead of the rest of the world in terms of innovation in beauty."
"He was in Korea, he was in the army during the Korean War."