
Samurai Quotes

There are 285 quotes

"He's got the Elite Army tactics that's come through; the samurai have got their upgrades, and that's what matters."
"The word samurai means 'the one who serves.'"
"The main duties of the samurai were to protect their lord's assets, to preserve order and customs, and to be loyal to their sovereign."
"For most samurai, honor was more important than life itself."
"The greatest honor for a samurai was to defeat as many enemies as possible in a battle and do their duty."
"He wants to still behave like a samurai... but he has to change, or he will not save the island."
"This is the closest to a perfect samurai game we've ever experienced."
"We are samurai and we will cure this land of any disruptance."
"Bushido formed a moral code of conduct encompassing frugality, loyalty, and honor until death."
"This is none other than Shusui, which belonged to the legendary samurai Ryuma."
"Yasuke: The African man who would come to be remembered as the only ever black samurai."
"The first and only African man who became a samurai during Japan's most iconic age."
"The more samurai would smile, the bigger his smile got, the closer you are to death."
"The honour and ideals that shape the way of the samurai is fascinating."
"It's all about tradition, it's all about the way of the samurai."
"Samurai trained to fight other Samurai of the same standing."
"Trick to yomi is ultimately a collection of static and panning shots that frame a very classically inspired samurai epic..."
"Musashi is the greatest samurai do list of all time I am NOT contesting that but he's not necessarily the greatest samurai warrior."
"That is what makes him the greatest and most influential samurai warrior of all time."
"Their journey is all about becoming true samurai."
"Nowhere else in the world were swords restricted to a single group in society like this."
"This is what a samurai battlefield would have actually looked like."
"Open world samurai game exploration stealth combat sword fighting 13th century Japan like what's not to love here?"
"Tradition courage honor they are what make us we are the warriors of Tsushima we are samurai."
"Seppuku is suicide by disembowelment originally used by samurai in battle..."
"Maybe it's not going for a super fast sword fight thing, it's going for more of an artistic samurai feel."
"It ties into the mystique of the samurai, steeped in Japanese folklore, the warrior code of the samurai."
"That's the definition of a warrior, that's the definition of a fighter, that's the definition of a modern-day samurai."
"Samurai X, probably going to make my top ten character list."
"That's so yeah, and there's lots of samurais did in the early days apparently."
"Give us the opportunity to go the stubborn way of the samurai, let us plunge into the legend of the ghost, and the brutal chaos it brings, or allow us to do the most logical thing, a combination of everything in between."
"Samurai were not defined by the sword or even the spear but rather the bow in a loose universal fighting style called 'kuban umichi' or the 'way of horse and bow.'"
"13 Assassins is a top-tier Darren Van Dam pick."
"For seven centuries samurai represented the fearsome military branch of the Japanese aristocracy."
"Ever wondered about a showdown between samurais and a zombie tsunami?"
"Ghost of Tsushima delivers the samurai fantasy in all the ways I had dreamt of."
"According to the samurai code of conduct or Bushido, the way of the samurai is found in death."
"Bushido became not just the way of the samurai but the way of Japan."
"Being a samurai is about mastering your body, your emotions, your skills, and then perfecting them."
"The bow was the weapon of the samurai class."
"In the West, we know it as The 47 Ronin - the story of 47 early 18th-century samurai who lose their master and embark on an ambitious journey to avenge the unjust death of their lord."
"Samurai honor precluded them from doing certain tasks that they saw beneath them; the ninja didn't follow the same code of honor and were able to effectively achieve what the samurai could not."
"Honor was the samurai's currency."
"One of the main reasons why the samurai were probably some of the greatest warriors of all time."
"the kabuto the legendary helmets of the samurai one of the most easily identifiable symbols of any warrior culture that existed throughout world history."
"It was kind of a serve; you got this accuser guy and he finds literally the perfect environment for a samurai showdown."
"Yasuke’s unlikely exploits would wind up placing him in the history books as the one and only black samurai - the first foreigner to ever be granted the title."
"Regardless of whether Yasuke was present at the Battle of Yamazaki, his legacy and close bond with Nobunaga left an indelible mark on world history, and will forever be known as the only Black Samurai."
"Something a samurai should never be without is the thing you use to sharpen your blade."
"As samurai, you should take it upon yourself to spend time playing in water. Not doing so could well result in disaster."
"Samurai should make a habit of regularly listening to tales of military combat and rely on the learning found therein."
"Samurai should mind neither the heat of summer nor the cold of winter as they race through fields and over mountains, exhausting their bodies."
"Samurai do not dwell even for a moment on whether they live or die. Fulfilling their mission requires samurai to advance. It is what they do best, what they were made for."
"The idea of a Ronin during a time of War was much more ideal for a Samurai's career Outlook."
"The Yari spear was the real main melee weapon of samurai warfare at its height."
"Although so often pop culture has led us to believe that swords were the main weapons of the samurai, in reality, it is obvious that the Yari spear was the real main melee weapon."
"Learning how to wield a substantial blade is a skill. You practice. You improve. And eventually, you will wield that giant blade like a Samurai on a mission."
"It would take one of the most influential Samurai Lords in history to once again unify Japan, bringing the muromachi period to an end while also laying the groundwork for a prolonged period of peace across the Japanese Islands."
"The Jedi have a code and structure that is reminiscent of this, and their devotion to the Light Side of the Force is analogous to the devotion to the Samurai’s code of Bushido."
"Whole Samurai purpose but unfortunately it takes a minute for everybody to die."
"A samurai doesn't care to intimidate others. He carries himself with dignity and shows respect to everybody."
"For the samurai, loyalty and honor go hand in hand. A loyal samurai sacrifices his soul for his master, to maintain honor and perform his obligations."
"To die in battle fighting for a righteous cause is more honorable for a samurai than to live as the defeated."
"So as you can see female warriors of the Samurai class definitely did exist in Old Japan"
"Musashi is by far easily one of the most recognizable samurai names of all time. It's because Musashi has become this larger-than-life legendary figure, a warrior of unparalleled skill, an unbeatable force of strategy and precision."
"It does follow Samurai life like in medieval Japan and I love the art style so much."
"Japan being this like land of Samurai but what they don't know is there's been 200 years ish of Peace where the samurai became arrogant guys with swords."
"What's a samurai without a katana at his side? Dead, that's what."
"You would you die before that would happen, right? If you were a samurai you would kill yourself before you would do that."
"This is straight up Samurai, straight up just badass."
"Above all, the samurai in our mind's eye was skillful, a master of the katana."
"When we set out to build Ghost we knew the core experience we wanted to deliver was that of being a Wandering Samurai."
"Samurai, the world of the warrior. It's the only book you need on Samurai culture."
"You are no samurai. A samurai is honorable. I never said I was a samurai. I'm on the path of revenge. There's no place on it for love or friendship or weakness. Now I have a man to kill."
"He he's not a samurai he can't be he has no master so he knows the honorific piece of it"
"'The Red Ball': A samurai Champloo-inspired epic with deep moral dilemmas."
"Roni Kenshin: a fantastic Samurai manga."
"Part of the samurai code is not to kill people out of spite"
"This is a really tiny snake plant this one is actually called the Samurai and if you look at it you can actually get a sense of why it's called that because it grows somewhat like a sword I think and it's gorgeous."
"The Bushido speaks of a code of morality and principles that every honorable samurai must follow to be respected and valued in Japanese society."
"There is something in our Western culture that's fascinating and kind of mysterious and cool about the samurai."
"The samurai were unafraid of death."
"The Last Samurai, if you would count that."
"I think samurai every time because that whole ethos is of loyalty."
"Bravely I will fall, knowing the way of samurai."
"We wanted them to feel like a samurai."
"He believed in poetry and calligraphy and creating art, but he was also the greatest Samurai that ever lived."
"The adoption of Emishi war tactics by the early Heian military is considered the beginning of the development of Samurai warfare, and the first proto-Samurai were probably Emishi horse-archers in the Yamato Emperors’ employ."
"The Kamakura Shogunate, the first government to be controlled primarily by the Samurai caste, was also the first Japanese regime to show significant interest in the island, using it as a penal colony for political exiles."
"Consequently, around the same time that the Samurai of Japan clashed with the great invasion fleet of Kublai Khan on the shores of Tsushima and Kyushu, the Ainu went to war with the same Empire in the forests of Siberia."
"These samurais are very dedicated."
"It's kind of like a good Samurai Council versus evil Samurai Council. That'd be pretty cool."
"Izu Wakamatsu is known as the city of the Samurai."
"It's hard to be a samurai, a life where at any moment's notice you might have to make a really hard decision and it could even mean death."
"The way is the life of the Samurai: to live in solitude, discipline, focus, and honor."
"Seven Samurai is definitely God tier."
"This is the greatest Samurai game ever made."
"While the other four developed more into hardened Samurai warriors, Takaru developed more into a caring person and friend."
"The Samurai from that legend settled near here, a restored Samurai residence that is the largest historic home in Iya Valley of the Kita clan."
"Inherited will is deep-rooted in Samurai culture."
"I'm not a ronin. My name is Jin Sakai, a samurai."
"We are losing our way of samurai."
"Memorials stand to the brave samurai who stood against unstoppable odds, local heroes who gave their lives for the defense of their islands."
"I feel like I couldn't let my ancestors down; I have to be kind of like a samurai, way of samurai mentality-wise: integrity, honor, respect."
"The ideal samurai would be a stoic warrior who followed this code which held bravery, honor, and personal loyalty above life itself."
"Becoming one is seen by many as a means of social mobility, a la samurai or knights."
"Stars Tom Cruise and Ken Watanabe, it's a great film."
"A samurai doesn't have a goal. Only a path."
"In Japan, back in the days of the samurai, they would actually use the kumihimo braided cords for their armor."
"Vagabond's the story of Miyamoto Musashi and how he became the legend."
"Most actual samurai were expected to be loyal to their masters before anything else."
"A samurai's loyalty was definitely the most significant defining trait that we've repeatedly observed."
"The modern western idea of the samurai as a highly disciplined and honorable warrior almost definitely existed."
"Subscribe today to join the samurai."
"The samurai lived proudly without personal concern for such matters as income and devoted their time to local government administration and to constant preparedness for emergencies."
"She was one of the bravest women I have ever known, a typical Samurai, proud and stern, but not without a warm heart when the occasion demanded."
"An unemployed samurai and his two friends must stop a cursed sword from falling into the hands of a powerful enemy who plans to wipe out humanity."
"Master, you just stood there. She's better off. You are no samurai. A samurai is honorable."
"Let us exhibit our Samurai spirit and try our best."
"The evanescent cherry blossoms' disappearance after its brief life was an ancient symbol of the Samurai's readiness to die for his Sovereign at a moment's notice."
"Zen Buddhism became popular with the samurai class during the feudal age."
"The prestige of the Samurai of Wano Country globally is quite high."
"Fantastic samurai series, I highly recommend it."
"Samurai armor was never made of wood, and samurai armor was never made of bamboo."
"Now, was samurai armor adequate against the weapons of its time? Absolutely."
"For a fact, the samurai liked cladding themselves in armor."
"We're two Samurai, he knew he lost to you and all he wanted to do was Die With Honor."
"The katana, sword was the soul of the samurai."
"Very few Samurai throughout history can ever claim that they held off an army for 11 hours alone on the battlefield."
"One who is a samurai must before all things keep constantly in mind, by day and by night, the fact that he has to die. That is his chief business."
"A real samurai never leaves his friend behind."
"I understand what must be done. Will you be my Kaishakunin? It is my honor."
"When you have a good hairline, you go samurai."
"One of the best shonen series and samurai series of all time according to a lot of people."
"Cinema has always had a fondness for the samurai."
"The golden era of samurai films was during the 50s and 60s."
"To know life in every breath, every cup of tea, every life we take."
"It's always a good day to wear your samurai armor, isn't it?"
"Ninja and samurai were not sworn enemies; they belonged to the same clan, they would have been allies."
"Everybody considers samurai to be like, 'Wow, samurai! Oh yes, very highly trained, you don't want to mess with the samurai.'"
"One of the most influential genres in movie history has to be the samurai genre, also known as chambara."
"Samurai cinema did the same thing for the ancient warriors, the genre has made samurai into larger than life figures."
"Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai is a pure samurai film at heart."
"Shogun Assassin introduced American audiences to the over-the-top aesthetic of 70's samurai films."
"13 Assassins not only manages to upstage the original in my opinion but it also does a really great job at showcasing what modern filmmaking can do with the samurai genre."
"Seven Samurai is life-changing and it's one of a kind."
"Terror is not the weapon of a samurai."
"Before the katana sword became the universal symbol of the samurai, the yumi bow or, more directly, the techniques of kyujutsu - the art of archery - was what set the noble samurai apart from ordinary soldiers."
One of the oldest forms of bushido - the samurai code - was "The Way of Bow and Horse" - an ethical approach to warfare that has been compared to the European concept of chivalry.
"Through this arduous process of primal metallurgy, the soul of the samurai was brought into being: the katana was born."
"Even without the typhoons to bring about a miraculous victory, the samurai were proving to be anything but a pushover for the largest empire on the planet."
"The Ashikaga are one of the oldest samurai families, having their origins all the way back in the Heian period."
"Honor, self discipline, and bravery are the basis of what samurai code of conduct that means 'The Way of the Warrior'?"
"Historically, they were used by Samurai for guarding, fighting, and the hunting of bears."
"The code of Bushido, or the way of the warrior, was highly influenced by the cultural and religious beliefs within Japan."
"A legendary swordsman... would preserve The Way of the Samurai in a classic book, the Five Rings."
"In addition to offering walled cities defended by samurai armies, the United Cities was largely free from discrimination based on religion or race."
"The end of the 1800s saw the end of the Samurai."
"After 1873, they even lost their right to wear a sword in public."
"Kendo is the art that samurai practiced in order to master the katana."
"The way of the samurai is found in death."
"The best samurai in the entire country."
"The samurai were a great warrior caste."
"Samurai's heritage, it's tradition, it's bespoke, it's designer."
"Dennis is the closest you'll ever get to a real Samurai fighter from the Sengoku period."
"The samurai sword was like their badge of honor."
"Shinobi shall not engage them, and in fact, the Land of Iron does not have any shinobi at all; instead, it is defended by samurai."
"Women were samurai too. They were trained, more often or not, to protect the village and protect home when the samurai warriors were away at battle."
"The loyalty of the Samurai is incredible."
"Foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me."
"The samurai era is here, yes, it is indeed."
"Yasuke, known as the first African Samurai, arrived in Japan in 1579."
"A samurai does not need a lord as long as he has loyalty to someone."
"If we're talking about a one-on-one duel, in the majority of cases, my money would be on a samurai."
"Wolverine, a ronin, a samurai without a master."
"He's a samurai, that's awesome, and he has lightning powers."
"The sword is the soul of the Samurai."
"Bushido then is the code of moral principles which the knights were required or instructed to observe."
"Rectitude is the bone that gives firmness and stature; as without bones the head cannot rest on the top of the spine, nor hands move, nor feet stand, so without rectitude neither talent nor learning can make of a human frame a samurai."
"Bushi no ichigon, the word of a samurai, was sufficient guarantee of the truthfulness of an assertion."
"The sense of honor implying a vivid consciousness of personal dignity and worth could not fail to characterize the samurai."
"A samurai was essentially a man of action."
"The entire philosophy of the Samurai can be boiled down to simply beating the Enemy Within."
"It's a Japanese samurai but it's a temple sword, that's why it's got all those ornate features."
"We like to describe Koken as a cyberpunk Samurai because he's essentially what you would get if you imbue a Samurai with futuristic tech and weaponry."
"A samurai should always be prepared for death, whether his own or someone else's."
"If you are a collector of Japanese Antiques and want to buy a Samurai helmet, Kabuto, the most important part is the helmet bowl, the Hachi."
"I want to be Jediku, the great samurai."
"I was into it because it was the thing of the Samurai way of life, and you have to be utterly fearless and you have to engage everything."
"This would be for me the best way that a Norse warrior could try at least to subdue or defeat a samurai of the Heian period."
"The term 'Bushido' translates to 'code of the samurai' or 'way of the warrior'."
"Masamune was often called dokuganryu, or the one-eyed dragon of Oshu."
"He will one day be the Shogun of Wano and the people who will support him through it all must be the best samurai in the entire country."
"The majestic and dignified appearance of the samurai, their commanding presence would take your breath away."
"I am surprised to learn that the word samurai means 'to serve'."
"The art of stealth and all tools for a Samurai."
"If samurais are operating on honor, why would I sneak up on you? I'm gonna see you face to face."
"We don't know the strength of the samurai."
"Samurai is an emblematic figure in Japan's history, but as with the knight in Europe, the samurai in popular culture is both history and myth."
"The term samurai refers to a member of Japan's military elite."