
Inner Demons Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Making friends with your demons: Having dark forces living within us is part of being human."
"Remember, your dreams are just as hungry as your demons. Just remember to feed the right one."
"I hear the demons clear when they're calling."
"When we become our own devil, Satan's kind of irrelevant."
"Poetry is about transforming those demons, before they demonize us."
"Our own personal monsters lie in wait, ravenous."
"When you lose yourself to the demons inside you demons will naturally spawn in front of you maybe you'll have the strength to defeat them but will the world be better off than if you'd kept them from thriving in the first place."
"Let's have a go, even if it's yourself, you know we're all our own worst demons."
"Sometimes the only way to heal our wounds is to make peace with the demons who created them."
"It's up to you to unchain yourself from your own inner demons and external demons."
"What are demons but reflections of our fears and shame, things we bury within us, hide from loved ones, even as they poison our hearts until we finally heal our adversary by embracing it."
"This drama horror thriller is about a puppeteer who is forced to confront his inner demons after returning to his childhood home."
"I got demons you think you going exercise won't work out, you'll just be another body to crossfit."
"Evil depends upon the monster within."
"It's like confronting your shadow or Carl Jung, you know, the shadow, it's like facing those inner demons, like stop living in this state of denial with this split inside of us."
"I saw the commercial of the guy dragging a sleighing a dragon, you know, like I knew that wasn't actually slaying a dragon but it was like a metaphor of like how he was going to take down all his demons."
"Your demons can either take you to hell or introduce you to heaven."
"There's no bigger devil than the Devil Within."
"The devil is in our head and in our heart. It's our own negativity."
"The devil is our ego, our shadow self."
"It seems that the afterlife is a constant battle between the light and the dark as we fight against our worst impulses, attempting to defeat our inner demons and rise above all the pain and trauma from our mortal lives."
"Mankind can but stand up stoutly to the monsters in his own heart and without."
"The way to go forward and the way to find redemption was to walk into your jungle where anything could happen to confront your inner demons just like the characters on the show did."
"I'm truly trying to find the courage within myself to face myself and my inner demons."
"Despite the glamorous facade of her life, she battled demons."
"You know what? Let's be honest, if you don't feed the demon, it will come out."
"When those demons grabbed a hold of him, I just don't know that he knew how to control it."
"Evil doesn't come into you from the outside, it comes out of you from the inside. And this is shocking, believe me, to the Pharisees and the scribes."
"Dealing with this closet full of dark forces."
"Someone's light irritates their demons."
"Monsters are real and ghosts are real - they live inside of us and sometimes they win."
"There's a moment in there when it got really dark and really hard and the demons show up. But you start to divert away from all the negative internal talk."
"We can't kill all our demons, we can live above them."
"It's up to you to ask yourself what you will choose to do with the monster that lives inside."
"Now imagine Geiseric was what Griffith was to Guts before the Eclipse, this fueled Skull Knight's own inner demons of darkness."
"The greatest danger humanity is facing does not come from without, it comes from within, from your mind."
"I got demons in my head. Demons when I go to bed."
"What we learn from Don Quixote's passion for Aldonza is that when in love we invent the object of our desire, and that that object depends on the projection of our own inner demons."
"If they want to best him, they need the evil and the demon that sleeps within himself to come out."
"A cautionary tale about being consumed by your own inner demons."
"The hardest monsters to contain are often the ones that emerge within us."
"Well done Andy Black, well done overall. He has overcome the demons, Phil. He beat them all. Five very tough poker players at this final table and the demon that can be his own worst enemy."
"...the Demons Inside would cause her harm and pain."
"It's like a little green monster that sits on my shoulder, and whenever I listen to him, he gets bigger and bigger, and when I keep doing what I'm doing, he shrinks and shrinks."
"What are demons but reflections of our fears and shames they poison our heart until we finally heal our adversary by embracing it."
"Mine goblins, you know what I mean?"
"Men are driven by forces beyond their control, demons howling in the soul."
"And both of them of course also help us to protect us as well they are not just helping us to overcome those these inner demons but generally to protect us in life and to make us feel protected as well."
"He's battling himself. This is his demons, his issues, his problems."
"The thing I see out of the corner of my eye isn't a demon, but it's a part of me reassuring me that I'm safe."
"You can cast the demon out, but you can't cast you out of you."
"Living in the dark is easier sometimes, isn't it? Not having to live up to your crap is easier than facing your inner demons."
"In the end, you can't hide from your demons. They'll find you."
"The demon of it follows represents the kind of inner demons you have to face when you are truly alone."
"Old Martha's curse didn't summon monsters, it made us face the monsters within ourselves."
"Separate the demons from the person."
"The choice is to say no to the escape and yes to the facing of that demon or that God."
"You can't run away from challenges that are within yourself and expect to beat a demon."
"I faced my fears, I conquered my demons."
"Defeat at the perilous hands of a far more sinister foe: the demon of self-doubt."
"Having this darkness or inner demon inside of us that we're always trying to battle or combat."
"Demons in my mind, demons pushing all my triggers, losing my pride."
"If you don't deal with your grief and trauma or your demons, they go into the cellar of your soul and lift weights."
"Life is difficult, but the real enemies are inside of us: fear and lethargy."
"No amount of money can save you from yourself and the hideous demons you hide within."
"Dolomia emphasizes Ethel's struggle with her inner demons as well as the external forces that have led her to this point."
"It's time for us to understand that the devil exists within side of self of every man of culture, color, creed; it doesn't matter."
"I'm not fighting you; I'm fighting the Demon that's using you."
"I've never seen someone battle inner demons with sarcasm this hard before."
"Demons were comfortable in the synagogue because this man became comfortable with his own demons."
"Everybody has a dark side, but not everybody has a demon."
"These little demons that are locking us up in ourselves, they go a long way because they speak our language, they know our families, they are familiar with us."
"The goal here is to face the demon and say, 'Hey, are these opinions that are forming in my head actually real?'"
"Monsters are real, and ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win."
"Every one of us has these demons that haunt us."
"The demons which haunt us are not from the beyond, but rise up to engulf us from within."
"Everyone's got their own little demons that they've got to fight."
"Hope burned through his chest, and he wondered if all of his doubts had just been his own demons trying to chase him to the edge of a cliff where he'd throw himself off."
"The success that I found is more important... it's the success of like going inside and either living above those demons or beating them."
"The real monsters are the ones that eat you alive slowly."
"The only devils that exist are the thoughts that are in our mind."
"Not everything down there in the subconscious is treasure; there are monsters and dragons down there as well."
"You have to be able to beat your demons."
"Many of the characters in power often find themselves at crossroads where they have to confront their inner demons."
"The reward for doing the work, a reward for going in and dealing with your demons and working on you."
"You have to deal with your demons."