
Devaluation Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Not only have Black people been historically banned from purchasing homes in white neighborhoods, but the homes in majority Black neighborhoods have been de-valued specifically because they were majority Black areas."
"Why is it our culture devalues the people who actually gives us tools to build?"
"There's a strategic plan to devalue men in our country."
"If you don't know your value, if you're not certain about your value, the world will always devalue you."
"Cash is worthless right now, and cash is being devalued. So let's buy stocks."
"Your value is only going down every year, a new market, a new crop of 25-year-olds come out, and you're replaceable."
"In the content era, creativity is devalued under the guise of profitability."
"There's a devaluation of human life tragically happening all around the world today."
"The dollar as it sits right now is headed to zero."
"We are going to see a further devaluing debasing of the U.S currency."
"Your dollars are becoming less and less valuable."
"The active and deliberate devaluation of the US dollar."
"Yo it's kind of trash that you know the artificially devalued the running back position importance in the game." - Austin Ekeler
"The value of the dollar just becomes worthless."
"Fiat currencies always return to their intrinsic value, which is zero."
"There is no longer anything special about a college degree."
"When you open it up to make it more inclusive you devalue the very thing that you are trying to change."
"We literally took muscular labor and we devalued it psychologically, spiritually, economically."
"When you are regularly devalued, that your feelings, your needs, your opinion, your goals don't matter, that's a red flag."
"Every week that goes by those titles are going to mean less and less."
"The narcissist objectifies people, treating them as expendable commodities."
"Music is commoditized so much, the stock of music, they're penny stocks right now."
"If they completely devalue their currency until it's completely worthless, that's not obvious."
"All this is gonna do is, as we've talked about and I don't mean to go over it and belabor it, in case anybody else hasn't heard though, they're gonna devalue what they've done with Roman Reigns."
"Seagal's presence actively works to devalue every scene he's in."
"The quickest way to devalue something great is to compare it to something else."
"This person simply didn't care. I was an absolute non-entity to this person. I was of no use to this person."
"They made me feel like an insect."
"The financial system is rigged against you because the money you have is losing value every year."
"The value of your debt has been eroded over time."
"So when they begin seeing your imperfections, they begin to devalue you."
"Currency devaluation is devastating on people's livelihoods."
"Life started to become very cheap."
"...the only way that a country can offset that is through the debasement of the currency."
"I think the entire Fiat world is slowly devaluing against everything in this new world."
"Women's work has been discredited."
"All of those hundreds of trillions of debt that exists in the West is just simply going to get devalued against Bitcoin and Ethereum."
"I feel like a wallet and a sex toy. I feel like a wallet and a sex toy. She sees them as dollar signs."
"It's easier for someone to devalue after marriage than it is before."
"The reason that a police officer can put his knee on the neck of a human being for nine minutes and murder him in broad daylight is because of the larger issue of the devaluing of Black people's humanity, of Black life."
"All intimate partners go through the same inalienable, indistinguishable phases. You are utterly interchangeable, like a grain of rice or an internet service provider. It's not about you, and you've done nothing wrong."
"Society in general devalues our women our indigenous women our females when they are not seen as valuable as other women."
"Argentina, along with Venezuela and Zimbabwe, leads the list of countries where currency is at its least valuable."
"Ultimately, the devaluation of the fiat Federal Reserve notes' purchasing power is likely our easiest way out of the record debt and unfunded liability mess we have increasingly grown."
"Inflation is not just high prices; it's a reduction in the value of our money."
"It's not okay for people to devalue you, and just that one small lesson could probably be our best narcissist fighting tool of all."
"We kind of devalue those experiences and we tell everybody to follow their passion or their dream."
"Friends has been a term that has been dummed down so much where it means nothing."
"Ultimately, the best way to handle any sort of devaluation from anyone in the future is to improve the relationship with yourself."
"Being devalued by the group is particularly pernicious because often we're being devalued for no reason."
"In 265 AD, the purity of a single Roman coin was 0.5% of where it started 400 years earlier."
"It devalues everything, it takes away the value of things."
"The only way you can fight... is basically by devaluing your currency."
"Anger is an emotion that indicates that a line has been crossed and that value has been devalued."
"Government currency always goes to zero."
"Our currency is quickly collapsing... the pound is melting down massively."
"The relationship changes when the narcissist starts to move into the next phase of the cycle and to devalue the victim."
"Nearly all NFTs are now literally worthless after their valuation plummeted to zero dollars."