
Game Exploration Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Each room is really detailed, and I'm actually glad there's a glitch like this where we can explore the story mode characters' houses."
"Well, it's the Blue Lions, the most notable house for me at least because I kept saying, 'What's with Dimitri?' So many questions I hoped would be answered in the final route of the main game."
"But not everything needs to have a sad ending as if we explore the rest of the Smoldering Lake we can find the corpses of a spider and a woman."
"Hollow Knight almost never falls into the trap that Metroidvanias can find themselves in: of having you scour the map for that one single place you need to go, to make any progress."
"Breath of the Wild was willing to let the player roam free and tackle Hyrule however they wanted."
"This might be one of the best ones in the pack."
"The non-linearity of New Vegas is amazing. You can just go past deathclaws and get to New Vegas immediately."
"That's the message at the end of this story The Meta narrative speaks on player insatiability the desire to see every corner of this world every line of dialogue every Easter egg every character's reaction to every situation"
"Exploring this vibrant world defeating the first and second world eater getting really excited to upgrade my weapon and craft new things all of that was awesome."
"The overworld should serve as a complement to the intensity of dungeons where you can explore freely and do whatever you want."
"There's great fun in finding everything Super Mario World has to offer."
"We want secrets, even more things that reward the player for asking the question 'what if?'"
"There's so much to explore in this game, and the combat is insanely cool."
"The deeper you get, the bigger the structure is going to get."
"Alright, I'm hitting start streaming and something is going to immediately go catastrophically wrong."
"It's a little too easy to break but I won't deny it the sheer amount of the utility every character has with their command styles d-link along with their assortment of personal skills led to some highly fun combat and exploration."
"We wanted to really allow players to explore our world more than they've been able to in the past."
"Always fully explore all the options that a game has to offer."
"Exploration is said to be more valuable when compared to The Witcher 3."
"Moments like this add massive charm to the original Fallout games and finding them is always a treat."
"I love the exploration, the sense of Discovery Hogwarts is just so fun to explore."
"I cannot express how amazing the exploration is in this game."
"Hiding something as silly as a party hat next to one of the best weapons in the game is the type of thing that makes me love Fallout."
"It takes time to wrap your head around it, to be honest. It requires you to be more thorough in the way you explore your environments than most Souls-like demand."
"Accepting their various errands and seeing what you can uncover, I think it's really fun how that's how you're going to discover a lot of the lore, the background and the story of the Sims who live here in Hedford-on-Bagley."
"There's no real nobody exploring the world of Metro that they do with Castlevania."
"Elden Ring is so full of really visually striking and unique moments that are completely missable."
"There are some rather strong Pokemon out there... you can access the wild area from very early on in the game."
"Every time I go into the game, I think I must have seen everything, and every single time I think that, I'm proved wrong."
"It just doesn't feel like you should be able to find these constant surprises over and over again."
"I looked at the Ben file earlier... this time, summoning my courage, I selected it."
"Now we're getting a really good idea of how it feels for the player to explore and kind of traverse around these locations."
"This seed alone, we've got a village neighboring a woodland mansion with a ruined portal on the outskirts to boot."
"I'm hyped to explore the new zones and dangers the swamp will bring."
"Raccoon City is not a pain to explore. The boss fights are absolutely incredible, and the new set pieces are damn sure to put a smile on your face."
"Can I find this new mob squids which for some reason were really hard to find."
"Grab your tires, stop signs, and chainsaws, it's time to find out what happened to Anarchy Reigns."
"Donkey Kong 64 is easily the biggest game on the console with plenty of locations to explore, hundreds of Collectibles to grab, and countless Min games to perfect."
"I think they're adding lore into this and I feel like you might be able to find more tapes hidden throughout the game, so that's actually really cool."
"Every discovery you find in that game is yours and yours to take ownership over."
"The exploration and the world were also big positives for me, having all these ways that you can interact with the world, all these optional areas to explore, bosses to find, secrets to uncover."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we did it! We successfully completed the DLC, did every quest, talked to every person, explored every zone, and made one of the hardest decisions in the entire game."
"There's a golden spatula at the end of this cave."
"Kudos to the people who figured out all the soul fragments."
"Exploring the vast Forbidden West can do something to a man."
"The sense of discovery, along with, of course, the usual challenge were some of the best aspects of 'Elden Ring'."
"We're going to get access to lore, see a cut scene, that's cool."
"As an introduction to a FromSoftware style world, there's never really been a better time to jump in."
"I think we're gonna have a really unique one-of-a-kind experience through the Alola region."
"Explore ruins and cities, you can get different items for your heroes, go on little adventures. It's yet another addition to this sequel that's really really good."
"Exploring the world has a pretty organic feel to it."
"All nine realms can be explored this time it seems."
"Flashes of brilliance from Anthem: exploring the jaw-dropping world."
"Usually the first moon you getting in Night Metro, so kind of interesting seeing it in daytime. It's not something that happens very often in speedruns."
"Welcome back to the start to get those the moons and here you can actually see the binoculars I was talking about before."
"There's a genuine sense of exploration and loads of completely involving lore behind it all to uncover."
"This part of the map has 11 major places that you're going to visit... this zone could have been a standalone game."
"This is absolutely definitely the rarest thing to be observed by players in any Souls game."
"The Titanfall universe to me is such a vast, expansive place that has so much more to explore."
"This game just gives you such an amazing feeling of freedom."
"I really want to dip back in and find some Secrets now with all our unlocked Powers."
"I know some of it may have been confusing... there's still a lot to uncover."
"I think early on in the game was confusing, but now if I'm in an area, there's a lot of stuff I can explore."
"Is it even a Halo game if you can't just break out of the map or at least explore little nooks and crannies you're not actually supposed to go into?"
"But having new environments to explore and new mechanics, half-baked as I may feel they are, to try."
"Can I play Uncharted? I don't know about Uncharted."
"Give players more agency in determining why they explore, how they explore, and what they get out of it."
"Rockstar Games with their Easter eggs and what people have found in the past, I really wouldn't be surprised if there was a bear."
"Now we have this thermal vision, we're able to discover so many things."
"There's still a very good chance that there is some sort of mythical creature outside Fort Zancudo."
"The tower contains one of the coolest Easter eggs we found in this game."
"Terraria is so huge and there's so many items... endless new things for you to be able to discover."
"It's so weird being able to explore caves like this naturally generated in Minecraft."
"This is a whole new area of the game that normally you would not have any access to."
"It's fun, it's interesting. I'd like to explore it more. Spirit Island."
"A lot of the fun of this game is just discovering this stuff for yourself."
"I enjoyed the exploration, trying to find all the different rots in the area."
"Minecraft fossils: a glimpse into a forgotten world."
"Beautiful, we're already beginning to craft."
"If you haven't played it now is the time to grab a copy and find out for yourself just why that is."
"We're encouraging players to stick around, play the destination, explore, uncover secrets, and learn more."
"The chalice dungeons allow us to further explore a long-dead game."
"They continued through the dungeon and came across a staircase."
"Playing Fallout 3 and experiencing all of this stuff for yourself is the best part about all of it."
"The entire map is opened, explorable, and most important, it looks freaking amazing."
"When you play through Lightfall, you are discovering this power for the first time."
"Dying Light 2 is one of the most refreshing open worlds I've explored in a long long time."
"It rewards and demands exploration from the player."
"You'll be able to see the Pokemon of this region in the skies, in the seas, in the forests, on the streets—all over!"
"The thrill of exploring in 1.18, completely different."
"This castle area is huge though, oh wow. Yo, what is like this area has got so many hidden areas you know?"
"It's a giant sandbox... there's tons of quests, tons of missions, tons of objectives for you to tackle."
"Exploring the vastness of the Minecraft world with determination."
"The opening area where you explore the mansion for the first time is great."
"Aztec, in particular, is just as elaborate and fun to explore."
"You never know what you'll find in games if you put enough time into them."
"Exploring is definitely worth it in this game."
"I'm a completionist, I want to show you guys pretty much all this game has to offer in terms of quests."
"I really can't say enough how much I have enjoyed exploring in this game."
"The world of Skyrim is full of Secrets Easter eggs hidden content and unresolved mysteries."
"Volatility comes with the territory as Bitcoin's market cap gets bigger and bigger."
"I always thought this was interesting because it's way the hell far away from all of the rest of the glyphs, which of course are on Mount Chiliad."
"It was such a cool story, finding the inner room through the mirrors or paintings."