
Penguins Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Emperor penguins engage in long marches and faithful partnerships, reflecting their remarkable adaptations to the Antarctic environment."
"The penguin came out of the water and moved at full speed."
"If you look through the glass wall, you can see the penguins swimming underwater. Wow, they're really good at swimming!"
"There's something very romantic about finding the smoothest pebble to give to a female penguin."
"The mummified penguins were found inside of rocky mounds which they had used hundreds of years ago as nests."
"Snow flipper penguin is in such a great mood."
"Penguins ignore police, return to sushi shop. They know where the fish are."
"Penguins are super cool. They look like they're wearing tuxedos."
"They have penguins, the greatest animal of all time."
"Everything came down to one of Nature's most sacred laws: Penguins do not wear pants."
"Penguins, strange creatures, charming birds that cannot fly."
"The Adelie penguins are real romantics; they only have one partner for life."
"Penguins are the fastest swimmers and deepest diving species of birds."
"95% certain we're still doomed, and the other 5%? Adventuring glory like no penguins have ever seen before!"
"I like the [ __ ] penguin, penguins seem like it's good carol dude."
"The flipping thing, if you guys, we did do the Penguins in the last video."
"I care about dinosaurs but not penguins."
"Penguins are the final frontier of cute animals. It does not get much cuter than a penguin."
"King penguin chicks have been observed surviving without food for up to 5 months while they wait for a parent to return and feed them, losing up to 50% of their body weight in the process."
"Chinstrap Penguins can generate rectal pressure that is four times that of a human, about seven PSI, the same as a keg of lager, finally proving that there is at least one ass in the world more powerful than Donald Trump."
"Penguins are the most adorable little animals that you could ever imagine."
"There are very few animals as clumsy as the penguin."
"Penguins spend a great deal of their time in the water, often passing months at sea."
"Norwegian military is home to the world's highest ranking penguin brigadier."
"Penguins are not gay. They're just lonely."
"Yellow-eyed penguins are only found in parts of New Zealand and some islands around it. Wow, so we're very lucky to meet one."
"Since we visited polar bears, we might as well add a romantic fact about penguins."
"...and since a penguin's vital organs are protected by a layer of fat penguins can take a lot of damage before permanently piecing out alternatively penguins can suffer through hours of abuse before experiencing the sweet release of death."
"Police apprehend penguins who keep sneaking into sushi restaurants."
"Oh, we got Penguin in the movie. What's he gonna do? He's gonna be like, 'Hey-oh, what are you doing?' A very Italian-American flightless bird, that's right, sir."
"People say oh you give too much attention to the penguins, but no, by protecting the penguins you also protect every other species that lives in this habitat."
"Hey, did you know that penguins are birds too?"
"Penguins may look funny when they waddle on land. But underwater they're like rockets."
"Emperor penguin dads get griefed by every force of nature all for their little gray baby face tap dancing mini him."
"It's adorable. It's really cute, I love penguins. I think they're so cute. I love how they waddle around, reminds me of me."
"If you're a Penguins fan, because he's the winningest Penguins coach of all time."
"Penguins are adorable, especially when they walk together. So cute!"
"Penguins fascinate, they have these fascinating tongues where they have these bristles on their tongues that point backward."
"Same-sex penguin relationships do exist. They mostly occur in captivity."
"There was at least one occurrence in 1911 of some Adelie penguins that were observed in a same-sex relationship."
"They're gonna be coming to see this, the amazing gravity-defying penguins."
"It's really crazy but these penguins are just amazing."
"The most fun you will ever have with penguins in the underwater tunnel."
"It felt so soft, did you know penguins have 70 feathers per square inch?"
"Penguins can't fly, but they're great swimmers and have flippers instead of wings which help them swim through the water."
"It's very interesting that penguins use sign language to communicate."
"Penguins can't fly but they're great swimmers and they also have flippers instead of wings which help them swim through the water."
"Penguin parents sleep for just a few seconds at a time to guard newborns."
"They nod off thousands of times a day but only for about four seconds at a time."
"Guano stains have been instrumental in monitoring penguin populations because the stains are so large, they can actually be tracked by satellites."
"I wrote a book on penguins once, and second thought, paper would have been a better choice."
"I love emperor penguins. I've read multiple books on them."
"Penguins are really good swimmers, they're really fast swimmers too, and they like to waddle."
"The male penguin is also a faithful husband."
"Penguins are flightless birds who are completely at home in the water."
"To attract a female penguin, a male bird puts on a display of flipper waving, head rearing, and raucous cooing."
"I love penguins; they're so adorable."
"Did you know New Zealand is the world capital of penguins? We've got more species of penguins than any other country in the world."
"The majority of our zodiac landings involved visiting penguin colonies."
"Sometimes the penguin on the nest won't like the rock and yell at the other penguin to go and find a different rock instead. It is very cute."
"When it's really snowy, they also flop down onto their bellies to slide downhill, usually to be able to get down to the ocean and clean off their muddy feathers."
"Speaking of penguins getting around, something interesting I learned is there is such a thing as penguin highways."
"How does a penguin build its house? It glues it together."
"In the cuteness war, Beyond the Brick shall deem the penguins as the victors."
"Male Emperor Penguins have to spend two months straight alone with their egg."
"Emperor penguins live and breed between latitudes of 66 and 77 degrees."
"I always thought penguins were big, I thought they were big."
"Penguins sleep for just seconds at a time in an effort to guard their newborns, which isn't all that different from human parents."
"Penguins... they meet and spend the rest of their lives together."
"Macquarie Island has one of the largest penguin populations outside of Antarctica."
"Penguins are super social creatures; they become depressed in isolation and thrive in groups of 20 or more."
"Penguins are so cool, did you know that a group of penguins is called a waddle?"
"Penguins are black and white, they have two flippers for arms, and short little legs."
"The emperor penguin is the largest and heaviest penguin species endemic to Antarctica."
"Penguins are very good at catching and wiggling."
"Penguins, adorable aren't they? And now it's their feeding time."
"I've never seen a penguin in my whole life."
"Oh my goodness, there is actually penguins."
"Penguins are superb swimmers; they can reach speeds of up to 15 miles per hour."
"I love all of those sequins showing up in the background and all of those penguins are just too cute."
"Penguin naps last just four seconds... but they do it 10,000 times a day."
"Birds like penguins get their water through their fish."
"The yellow-eyed penguin is one of the rarest penguins on earth."
"Do penguins have knees? That's a big question."
"They're the smallest penguins, about nine to twelve inches tall."
"Penguins are so cute. I want one."
"Welcome to our home of the mighty penguin empire. Isn't it beautiful? Nothing but penguins as far as the eyes can see."
"I respected penguins. I worshipped penguins. Penguins were everything to me."
"Penguins live in Antarctica. It's just covered in snow and ice and it is freezing cold."
"Penguins are incredible creatures. I love watching them swim."
"Did you know male penguins look for the smoothest of pebbles to present to a potential mate to express their love, somewhat like a proposal?"
"The best kind of bird is a penguin."
"Flying is overrated, you get tired, but you can slide all day."
"It's beautiful, but today's been an amazing day meeting all the incredible people at the Middle Island penguin project."
"Penguins are small predatory fauna which aren't the most graceful on land, but when a penguin dives underwater, the creature's unique retractable tail allows them to twist through the currents with remarkable grace."
"Despite their cute appearance, penguins are carnivores, and their beaks open horizontally revealing a rather alarming set of teeth."
"I'm a flightless aquatic bird otherwise known as a penguin; whoever said that penguins can't fly never knew a penguin with his pilot's license."
"I had a terrible dream that penguins had taken over the world."
"The Antarctic's a good place to find penguins."
"Most people believe that penguins are found at the North Pole when really they only belong at the South Pole."
"Penguins don't fly. This one does."
"Emperor penguin, the largest penguin species, can dive deeper than any bird down 550 meters into the twilight zone."
"I love the New England Aquarium; I like to feed the Penguins, it's a good time."
"The penguins are coming, the penguins are coming."
"Whoa, hello Penguins! Hey, did you see that? That was a cute penguin."
"The goal of this game is to pick up and rescue these penguins who are floating out in space miraculously without space suits."
"Penguins may not be able to soar with the other birds up among the clouds, but in the water, no other bird can match the swift swimming penguins."
"Wow, look at these, huh? Penguins! No turn, they will let us see them turn. Wow!"