
Light And Dark Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"The darkness inside will consume you if you do not have a light to conquer it."
"This place is a place of balance between light and dark, compassion and severity, mercy and destruction."
"Wherever that light is reflected, Darkness has to dissolve."
"The whole notion that the sun represents light and the night represents darkness."
"The strength of darkness is the absence of light, and the weakness of darkness is the appearance of light."
"One way to make a boring landscape come to life is to experiment with playing with areas of light and darkness over it."
"The purpose of evil in our world is so that we know our light and it gives us context for our light because it's the opposite."
"In the world of killer7 the forces of light and darkness are equally necessary."
"Heroes of light, may the crystals guide you."
"The most light also have the capacity to carry the most darkness."
"Life is always like this, seeing the world of light and the world of darkness all the time."
"You can't judge darkness without light, right?"
"There's always going to be the darkness that needs the light... Darkness is not the absence of light."
"Darkness is only possible in places where light is not."
"Look at the pretty colors, it's like fireworks in there."
"Light is generally seen as clarity, like it's good to us to see light. Darkness is a mystery and it could sort of be suspenseful."
"Sin grows in the dark and dies when you bring it into the light."
"Your whole body will be full of light or full of darkness."
"The very presence of light is the absence of darkness by definition."
"There is light inside of us but there's darkness in the children of evil."
"The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes."
"It takes renegades like the family of light to come into a system that has been primarily dark for eons and change it."
"Darkness is something that goes hand in hand with light."
"The world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us."
"Absolutely have to have dark in order to have light."
"...you always want to work from the lightest part, start in at the lightest part and work out towards the darkest part."
"It's the reason I think it works so well is because you've got this light and dark. Like the reason it's so upsetting is because you've got this wonderful, complex love story put between it."
"She knew that both light and dark Remnant existed, one of positive, the other created from anguish."
"With the third mind, light and dark are also completely integrated."
"Every time, the dark enhances the light."
"Playground of dark so we can create light."
"There is a world bathed in light. The people there are fools. They deserve to be dragged into the dark."
"For all who do evil hate the light and do not come to the light, so that their deeds may not be exposed. But those who do what is true come to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that their deeds have been done in God."
"From light into the darkness, that's what we do. That's accurate."
"If you open the door for me, I'll come into your darkness and change it into light."
"And when we dim the darkness we really diminish the beauty of the light."
"This here is really what we're doing whenever you create a glowing effect. You're really going from light to dark, and the light is the path that's glowing, and you're going out to whatever the background scene is."
"The true Secret of the ages: to magnetize the higher frequencies of light into this whirling field of Darkness."
"God saw the light that it was good, and God separated between the light and the darkness."
"The scale within us is always sliding between light and dark; it has nothing to do with magic and everything to do with the choices we make."
"Light was created first, then the light was divided by Darkness."
"I am the light; I formed the light and make the dark."
"That's a classic way of working, from dark to light on an oil painting."
"There is no light without darkness."
"You have to have dark for the light to show; you put light against light you have nothing, dark against dark you have nothing."
"You can't have a shadow without a source of light."
"Where is the way to the dwelling of light? And darkness, where is its place?"
"I love the light inside with the dark outside."
"When there is too much darkness in the universe, light must cast it away."
"There is light and dark in everyone."
"She is a vampire who has known and even embraced darkness; ultimately, she chose light."
"Show me the light, or leave me in the darkness."
"The Legend says that the day the God of Light's holy Powers reached peak strength, the god of Darkness was driven out of the night."
"If there is darkness in this world, there has to be light, right? And that light is what I reach for pretty regularly to keep the darkness at bay."
"...as in this world some persons betake themselves to the light and by faith unite themselves with God, but others shun the light and separate themselves from God."
"Darkness is terrifying because you can't see anything, but at the same time, if you have too much light, you can't see anything."
"There's no such thing as darkness; darkness is just the absence of light."
"Where there is light, there is shadow."
"All of the light and the darkness feed into one another as though they are this beautiful, very unique organism."
"A hero so bright should she stand in the light, though stand in the shade and you'll be met by a blade."
"Wings of light and dark spread afar, she guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting."
"Look at me Lord, I'm running from dark to the light in my heart."
"If you see enough variety of light values and dark values, you know you have enough contrast within your piece."
"That light operates on that which has cause, which is the darkness."
"This is the ultimate form of being a guardian, to wield light and darkness at the same time."
"While you're Transcendent, you get a new unique grenade that combines both light and dark together."
"God also sets into motion the dark/light cycle."
"The wonderful thing about this method is that in light patches the color looks right and in the dark patches the color looks darker."
"Edison restored a unity which the almighty had kept separate. God divided light from darkness. Edison, for all practical purposes, made night the day."
"I may communicate with the dark, but I work in the light. I am protected."
"Some people choose lights, and people choose Darkness."
"On the equinoxes we have a period where the amount of light and the amount of darkness is equal."
"For light cannot coexist with darkness."
"For I belong to the weaving of light and darkness."
"The most important aspect of getting a sense of light and dark is value."
"There is another; No has a shadow, there is an opposite, who is a god of light."
"When we go into the darkness, we always will come back into the light."
"For there to be a shadow, there has to be light."
"Where there's light, there's always going to be dark."
"Light illuminates the world, darkness envelopes the earth."
"You can't escape the light, and you can't escape the dark; we have a duality."
"You and this person had some sort of soul contract, light and dark, to come into this world and to do whatever it is that needed to be done."
"You can't have light without shade, it's checks and balances."
"The dark is always attracted to the light."