
Cosplay Quotes

There are 490 quotes

"Other than the matches themselves, the biggest appeal of any eSports event is the cosplay."
"The goal is just to celebrate cosplay and promote all levels of cosplayers. It's for fun."
"Cosplay is super expensive. If you guys give your money to these people, it's awesome because then you're essentially paying for their next build."
"Taking a cute anime girl or guy and throwing on some cat, dog, or bunny ears is a pretty popular thing on the internet."
"My Tony Stark cosplay is, I like to think, spot on."
"Adam tries to cosplay as Miraculous Ladybug almost every weekend."
"Whoa, that cosplay is so lit, but again, we would not be able to see this because it's daylight."
"That's the most accurate cosplay I've ever seen."
"Believe it or not, every day people dress up as fictional superheroes in the real world."
"Hey, Fluttershy, it's me. Don't want any candy, just want to say thank you. See, you really do inspire me, and I hope you inspire a lot of other folks. So tonight, I realize the best possible costume I could wear. I'm going as you."
"The boys are dressed as Animal Crossing characters like what else do you want."
"Cosplay really benefits from being a community."
"People dressing up like the characters, that level of enthusiasm is amazing."
"Megan Thee Stallion is absolutely killing it with these recent cosplays."
"What's so fun about cosplay is you can create your own look you can create kind of your own version of a character."
"My first cosplay was Leonardo from 'Ninja Turtles', almost 30 years ago."
"If the last match taught us anything, it's that dressing up as a character truly makes you level up."
"Cosplay is for everyone. It does not matter what skin color you are, what size you are, what height you are, race you are—you can cosplay who you want to cosplay, and it should be celebrated no matter what."
"I'm not talented enough for cosplay at all." - Fallout
"Hulkbuster: A towering testament to cosplay craftsmanship and dedication."
"They're not just here to dress up, they are here to be the best iteration that they are able to relate to."
"It's like themed military dress-up but you're not killing people."
"I even showed up in full Ash Ketchum cosplay at my country's first Pokemon Go meetup."
"I loved every moment of chubby Thor. Finally, a character I can cosplay!"
"You'll see cosplayers recreating that for a decade. Why did Kriston kill Joffrey? Well, so here, Joffrey tells Kriston that he knows that he's fucking Renera, right?"
"It's time to break out that spirit glue and apply your fake ears cuz we're gonna be diving into the race that every MarySue loves to play the elf."
"Robert Seer is pretending he's cosplaying, he is roleplaying as an anthropologist."
"Cosplay is a form of theatre where the audience and the performers are all one thing and we are all playing on a narrative that we love."
"If you have a badass costume, people will come up to you and be like, 'Oh, can I take pictures with you?' and you kind of feel like a little bit of a celebrity, and that is tons of fun."
"Alexia, don't you remember what I told you? If you order McDonald's at 3am while wearing a Wednesday costume, you will turn into Wednesday Forever."
"It's kind of like a capable performance car but one that is cosplaying as a C63 at a Halloween party."
"That kind of does look like Iron Man already, that's awesome."
"The size of this place is astronomical, it is like 400,000 square feet of vendors, celebrities, panels, and cosplay."
"Who would say no to people who want to cosplay their characters, like, who would say no to that?"
"Wherever you are in the world please have yourselves an absolute cracker of a day. I hope you will hope you're happy be married be silly and until next time geeks please always remember cosplayers do it best."
"A labor of love... ended up spending about 400 which isn't bad for a movie accurate woody."
"You will feel hope the more you invest into delayed gratification activities."
"Hey, look at that! That's sneaky, mind-controlling value and zazel with his dashingly good looks in the cosplay."
"I felt like I had to do it for the people, for the people who deserve it and need it in these cosplay times that we're living in."
"Which sheet of foam wants to be a Boba Fett helmet today? Oh look, that one already has the pattern on it. Let's get to work!"
"Hold on, I almost forgot to put the dent on his helmet. Boba Fett has this iconic dent right there on the helmet."
"Grab your favorite mask and lightsaber and do what makes you happy."
"There was an insanely cute Carl Akeley cosplay from Up."
"Mario looks like Mario you don't have to wear the [ __ ] helmet my guy just be Mario."
"I think once we get paint on her and the wig and the whole setup if you squint hard enough she'll look okay."
"Seeing all these fans and people dressed up as if they are going to, you know, Hogwarts, it's great. Just a great experience meeting fans and, you know, sharing their love and seeking their support because this is what keeps this amazing life."
"It's not just a costume, it's the performance."
"You could cosplay anything... Literally everything."
"Cosplay isn't just putting on clothes. It's breathing life into characters."
"Happy birthday Pete! You're the best in YouTube cosplayer I've ever seen."
"He did the best goddamn Kirito cosplay on the planet."
"Sometimes at conferences, Jones will walk around and poke cosplayers dressed as Ruby and say hi to them in the voice of Ruby."
"I decided to just go full cosplay with it you know what I mean so I got my gloves here ordered myself a tutu just a whole little get up right the shoes everything."
"It's some of the best and most clever cosplay you will ever see."
"I'm going to use this greeble from my Handsome Jack mask."
"I gotta tell you this guy ain't Dante, he's a Dante cosplayer."
"Cosplay is love. You're right. You breathe life into characters. It's almost like you're summoning them from fiction into the real world, like an oracle channeling the gods."
"My son is going in Zagreus... 3D printed him a sword... I borrowed that for the livestream here."
"There's a cosplay character for everyone, and with a little self-reflection and creativity, you're bound to choose the perfect one right off the bat."
"We're playing commander in costume. Cosplay is where you make a costume of a character you like, it's one of the best forms of self-expression."
"That's why everyone cosplays with him because they feel so attached to his relatability."
"If you want to take your cosplay game to the next level, these are the details you need to look out for."
"It looks really cool, probably the simplest way to look like Frozone."
"Would it be a cosplay project if you weren't working on it up until the very last second?"
"Tecmo is dressed up as Spike Spiegel from the legendary anime Cowboy Bebop... which is so awesome."
"Someone might be dressed as a wizard."
"...boldly revealed their true selves cosplaying, dancing, and singing, receiving applause and cheers from their fans."
"Seeing Rutherford so effortlessly mastering each and every division color makes the cosplay community more than a little jealous."
"They cosplay for themselves and for fun but I think really they cosplay for us, for our entertainment because we sure appreciate them, absolutely."
"This Morty is an evil cosplayer from a dimension where Halloween is 340 days long."
"I fell in love with this girl wearing a Poison Ivy. Oh yeah, it was hot."
"All of these wigs I'm showing you are made with synthetic fibers, not heat defiant, they're just all synthetic."
"Now in terms of how close I got this to the original outfit let me know what you guys think but I would give myself like a seven out of 10 on this one."
"If you've been following me on social media for a number of years, you'll know that Jack has been a costume that's very near and dear to my heart. It is an incredibly detailed and very specific costume which has been a project of mine since late 2010."
"I mean big shout out to the people that go to like comic-con and stuff and dress up and can deal with having this hair in their eyes all day."
"You just think like, 'Oh, they're just cosplaying a scientist, but those are actual scientists, right? You can't tell."
"I've noticed that a lot of the really big beautiful cosplay wings out there also tend to be very rigid and slow moving."
"I'm getting real goddamn tired of these goddamn cosplayers thinking they could be the goddamn Cortana."
"For the first time getting a cosplayer from my web comic come up to my table and say hi that was very cool I definitely almost cried."
"If you're watching this and you're also a cosplayer, leave a comment and tell me about your favorite cosplay that you made or a nice cosplay memory you have."
"Despite how bad our cosplays were, we still got recognized once or twice at the con and had a great time tooling around the tiny hotel lobby with other anime fans."
"This costume does bring me a lot of happiness."
"While I didn't love the USB lightup effect for the lightsaber, I love it for the chest box and the belt boxes."
"We made a baby Groot hat for purple pixie today."
"But I have a dream that I just can't give up on. Cosplaying characters from my favorite anime with my daughter... it sounds like a wonderful idea!"
"Looking at the cosplayer they say it generated such a nice job of jump setting watch both beta blockers jumped with her leaving a wide open whatever they wanted."
"This Ahsoka makeup and costume looks perfect; it's like a picture-perfect version of Ahsoka pulled right out of the live-action Star Wars shows."
"A good costume should help bring you into the world that that character is in."
"Investing thousands of dollars into cosmetic pieces for any project is always a good idea."
"I like it handsome bike interesting bike I mean you definitely if you like cosplay you definitely like one of these."
"You're cosplaying as a late 80s Japanese middle management man."
"I was so sweaty that the glue melted off the wig."
"Upon finishing the bodysuit, you should be far enough progressed in your Wanda costume that her powers will start seeping in, thus enabling you to turn your summer decor into fall decor, magically."
"Now to get started on her crown horns thing, I tried to make this out of red EVA foam but eventually found that making it out of black and then painting it red somehow worked way better."
"Guys, check out my among us cosplay."
"She just nails the Ahsoka look, perfect."
"This might be the best Freddy costume of all time."
"Tokyo: the birthplace of cosplay cafes."
"Tokyo: the birthplace of cosplay."
"Anyone can cosplay as a financially successful business owner."
"Our next stretch goal at 50,000, I will do a sexy Tetso cosplay with a gross arm. So that is my next, I like to call it my 'wankin arm'."
"One of the coolest cosplays I've seen."
"Critters, oh my God, this is some of the best Critters cosplay I've ever seen."
"i think i want to like dive deeper into that world it's so cute and all the people that cosplay are adorable and i don't know i i think it's a lot of fun"
"...if my wife was like Hey I want to be Master Chief I'd be like heck yeah let's do it let's be Master Chief couple I wasn't thorough in my categories guys we forgot to put the nerd cosplay category."
"I thought this was really fun. It was so fun to finally make my dreams come true dressing up as a princess. Yeah, that's pretty much it."
"Blueberries dress up like our favorite Batman characters and head on down the Foxwood."
"This was one of the cutest pics that I got while in the suit but yeah I got to try the inflatable ball suit again and it was very very cozy."
"As we were walking around people were like it's a pickle Rick family."
"I love your Rey costume, but actually wearing it, you can definitely feel the issues with the quality."
"...if you spray paint and hire a costume head-to-toe it would just become really stiff and not nearly flexible enough for you to you know flip around swing fight and do all those different spider-man things."
"Please use Pinterest because Google is going to give you cosplay wigs of anime characters that already exist. Pinterest is going to give you anime-inspired wigs."
"We all are [flawed and shaped by our personal tragedies]. But they still try their hardest to learn to love and help others. I mean, I wouldn't cosplay this guy who literally every convention I go to if I didn't feel some sort of deep connection with his character."
"I've been fortunate enough to play Eren Jaeger from attack on Titan key detail from sword art online lover cosplay Rin Okumura from blue exercies."
"Thank you so much as always for watching thank you for being a part of this journey that is the crowd cosplay it's done and dusted very happy."
"Eventually he sent me a cosplay picture of himself, and that was the only actual picture I've seen with his face in it."
"We're cosplaying Sam and Dean in the rain hitting Kenny."
"I love making costumes. I just wish I had one of Hermione's time-turners or better time management."
"Try going to any kind of comic book or fantasy sci-fi convention in 2019, and you'd find dozens if not hundreds of Crowley and Aziraphale cosplayers in attendance."
"Years ago, I saw a Lord of the Rings Halloween costume ideas list, and one of them was to just walk around dressed up like a guy from Bree and just munch on carrots the whole night."
"But it doesn't mean the spooky stuff has to stop, guys. Wherever you are in the world, have yourselves an absolute cracker of a day. I hope you will, hope you're happy, be merry, be silly. And until next time, ghouls and goulets, please always remember: cosplayers do it best."
"You're not scared. Not someone who dressed up in a panther costume."
"As far as first impressions go for my use of the cosplay, the result is amazing."
"We are in the finale because of her entering a Russell cosplay, I see there, uh, mods enable POG only, POG only."
"I feel like it just adds to the fun and enjoy of watching movies when you're dressed up like the character."
"You can always trust a cosplayer to come to your salvation."
"Cosplayers start your sewing machine."
"I'm gonna dress up as one of my absolute favorite horror villains of all time: Pennywise."
"The perfect cosplay doesn't exist."
"Pikachu dresses up as Mimikyu for Halloween. Mimikyu: Am I a joke to you?"
"I spent 6K and over 40 hours building my 100% movie accurate Groot costume, and yet all the idiots in my office can't stop emailing about Shannon's toddler Baby Groot costume that honestly looks like a turd in a marshmallow."
"You should be able to pull off pretty much any pose that you've seen in the anime for the most part."
"It would be more of a purchase type of convention over a cosplay Commander drama but he wanted to dress up."
"I thought it would be really fun to document how the making of a cosplay process works."
"Just having a good time, kind of like he has taped the machete to kind of like a sleeve thing that he pulled up over it. If you were a Comic-Con or whatever Condit is, people think it was cool."
"Seeing people dress up like the character we play, seeing people, for Halloween, like, I was freaking out, I kept showing Stephen, I was like, 'Look, another best god!'"
"Screw the guy that did this to this cosplayer. I witnessed a sussy bear cosplay that is associated with kidnapping children throw a little girl over his shoulder and run off."
"Please, I want a Star Trek uniform."
"The fun is more in making the costume than actually wearing it."
"I wanted to do like a proper Harley Quinn, okay? And I'm excited."
"I've never dressed up at a Disney event before. I've dressed up at conventions before."
"Essentially Kermit dressed as Indiana Jones."
"Moral of the story: hydrate, eat, try to cosplay in climate-appropriate clothing, and listen to your body."
"I love Tex Styles I think they are so fun and so cool it's one of the reasons why I cosplay is that I just like shopping for fabric."
"Insulation foam...super light and easy to manipulate for cosplay."
"I'm dressed up as Camilo from Encanto."
"I like taking on these big projects for cosplay that are sort of like a learning experience."
"I just want to let you guys know that we have this shirt that I designed and it's for to go out to charity for kids can cosplay."
"Haley J coming out here channeling her inner Harley Quinn."
"These are out here collecting detailed Beast like we'd be collecting my [ __ ] dangerous entities who have a choke hold on the cosplay Community like how many times he is going to wear these outfits"
"Archer wore the costume that I've been working on since June. I didn't really expect anybody to know who he was, but that's what he wanted."
"But I cannot afford to wait any longer. So today's the day I've done my makeup, I'm going to put the whole cosplay on and the wig, and I'm finally going to see it all on myself for the first time."
"I had an excellent time. I got to hang out with wonderful people, I got reconnected from friends from out of town, I saw some of the best cosplay I have ever seen in my life."
"But if you did make it, you'd end up with a cosplay that was custom fit to you, custom designed by you, and it gives you the opportunity to learn how to make something."
"I cosplay because I like to feel like the character I'm trying to cosplay."
"I cosplay because life is too short to look basic."
"I almost feel like more like myself or that I can be myself."
"Everything's already been said... my actual top moment is definitely mosh cosplaying himself."
"Here's some cool Star Wars cosplay right there."
"Some of the best cosplay is not just one student person but when you get like a whole team that gets into the cosplay, that's pretty fun."
"Here is my Hobbit slash maiden sort of look. The white dress is from Shion as well as the hat both of them were under $10."
"You guys make lifelong friends through cosplay just by being the same thing, it's so cool."
"And our grand prize winner, James gets spooky as the Dewey lake monster, taking home 7,500 for his cosplay."
"She did a really dope Soul Eater, shout outs to Meg The Stallion always."
"Welcome to the emerald cosplay contest presented by Essence Cosmetics"
"The magic of Cosplay: you can turn it into whatever you want."
"Everybody dresses up, cosplay, and everybody's having a good time."
"I want to take you guys through what I think would be the steps to getting you started getting your feet wet in the 3D printing as it pertains to cosplaying or prop making hobby."
"I don't glue the fabric to the glove; this way I can slide the glove on and off, and it makes it a lot more comfortable."
"Mad respect for the people who make their own cosplay costumes."
"Princess Tiana is a person just like you and me; you can dress up as her."
"I respect you, I'm going Harley Quinn because I got to support the team."
"The major focus of the manga is promoting cosplay and explaining why people enjoy it."
"This is going to be the Mark 85, the last armor that Tony Stark wore in the movies."
"Be happy, be merry, be silly, and until next time, geeks, please always remember: cosplayers do it best."
"Be merry, be silly, and until next time, geeks, please always remember: cosplayers do it best."
"Don't be afraid to ask for photographs. If you see someone in a costume or cosplay you like, just walk up and say, excuse me, can I take a photo with you or of you?"
"I'm really enjoying walking around and seeing everybody's costumes."
"I finally kind of caught their attention in the right way thanks to my Mark 85 cosplay."
"Everyone in the world has a piece of clothing they feel great in when they go out; cosplayers have just taken that to the next level."
"Early tests on these inks and the cosplay prove very impressive."
"This is the future I'm okay with. I welcome it being socially acceptable to walk around in partial Dragon Ball Z cosplay at all times."
"This is a really, really lovely stand-in for Arthur's Excalibur for my Comic-Con Arthurian walk."
"Seeing cosplayers in real life... it never stops blowing my mind."
"Pirate night, even the 3-day cruises can expect an evening full of pirate cosplay, limited time meet and greets with pirate Mickey and friends."
"Cosplaying is a form of expression."
"I might go with you to the Baltimore one. I'm going as Spider-Man."
"She nailed it, that looks literally just like the actual character from Squid Game."
"People love creativity in cosplay. It's celebrated, it's encouraged. Literally, it's creative freedom."
"Cosplay is you're becoming that character for that photo, for that convention."
"I liked your Han Solo cosplay so much."
"Dressing up for Star Wars Galaxies edge is exactly what they intended for you to do."
"The beauty, the magic of all the cosplay and costumes."
"Every cosplayer helps cosplayers; we are all here to support each other."
"The true masterpiece of this cosplay is undoubtedly the breathtaking long coat."
"A massive round of applause for all our cosplayers who have gone through all this work to be here today."
"There is no age limit, nothing to stop you from cosplaying and starting at any time."
"Comfort is key; some of these cosplays are definitely not comfortable, and we gotta respect when you can manage to make it both looking really good and you can sit and be comfortable."
"That's the fun thing about cosplaying; it gives people that feeling of being that character."
"What a great robe, it'd be a great cosplay, would it not?"