
Burden Of Proof Quotes

There are 186 quotes

"The burden of a justification falls upon those who seek to interfere with liberty."
"Atheism isn't offering forth a proposition; it is the rejection of the theistic claim which has not met its burden of proof."
"The state must prove by evidence which satisfies you beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act lawfully in self-defense."
"The burden of proof here is not on me; it's on those who claim that they do have the answer."
"The burden of proof is on him; the lives and health of young girls everywhere are at stake."
"The burden is on the state; the defense need only one reasonable doubt."
"The God claim has not demonstrated and met its burden of proof."
"Boy Christianity certainly hasn't and seems incapable of meeting its burden of proof."
"The burden is on the state to prove my guilt. I am innocent until proven guilty. You [__] need to prove the case."
"Proof beyond the reasonable doubt... that is what the law demands of you."
"It isn't incumbent upon us to prove your God, your religion, or your faith as false. It is incumbent upon you to prove that it's true."
"The burden of proof should be on other people to explain why the things you care about are harmful, not the other way around."
"Unless you got proof that you actually didn't know, you're just guilty. And I think that in the eyes of the public, that's how it should be. Like, unless you can literally prove to us that you actually had no idea, you're guilty."
"The burden of proof is on the person making the positive claim, which is you, Gary."
"The prosecution bears the burden of proving guilt Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"The burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim."
"Defendant has more than satisfied its burden of proof."
"The burden of proof should be on the accuser, not the accused."
"The reason I'm an atheist is because no god claim has ever met its burden of proof."
"You have to demonstrate that the Bible's the word of God. You don't get to claim it's the word of God."
"The onus of proof is on them to prove their claim."
"It's on the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The burden of proof should rest on those who are saying that God exists. It should also rest on those who are saying God does not exist."
"The law presumes the defendant to be innocent of all charges. Miss Maxwell does not have to prove her innocence. It is always the government's burden to prove each of the elements of the charges beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The truth is, theists, people who believe in a god, are claiming that a god exists and they have a burden of proof."
"Can they both lose? Yes, they each have burdens of proof."
"Every defendant is presumed to be innocent; the state must prove the crime Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"You are at the crossroads faced by every person on trial for a crime."
"You do not have to prove your innocence rather the state must prove your guilt Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"It's not my burden of proof to answer those questions. It's your burden of proof."
"Every positive statement has a burden of proof. If you say 'God exists,' you have adopted a burden of proof."
"What's the solution? The solution never was and never will be to change the burden of proof."
"The entire burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt is on the prosecution. The defense does not have to prove anything in this case." - Sarah Azari
"I'm an atheist because the god claims have not met their burden of proof."
"Religion is treated the exact same way: burden of proof is on them."
"The burden of proof is on the person challenging the mainstream."
"This is about Reasonable Doubt. The state has to prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt that Lori is guilty."
"At the end of the day, it's whether the state has met its burden."
"The fact that we're talking about this at all is amazing. The burden of proof has shifted."
"The burden of proof: they have to prove to you."
"It's not up to me to prove that there isn't a God; it's up to you to prove there is."
"In every instance the burden of making out strong case lies not on those who resist but on those who recommend government interference."
"The burden of the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt protects us from tyranny."
"In court, the prosecution has to prove that he's guilty without a reasonable doubt."
"The default is inclusion, and the burden of proof is on the people seeking to exclude."
"There's no need to refute something that hasn't been demonstrated."
"The burden of proof does not fall on the accused, the burden of proof falls on the accuser."
"You unfairly shifted the burden of proof to the President."
"The burden of proof would be on the claimant, which would be Giuliani in that particular case."
"There's a tremendous burden of proof involved in using the term lie."
"For a private person to win a defamation case they have to prove that the defendant acted outside of the scope of how a reasonable person would act under similar circumstances."
"It's not just about the guilty until proven innocent, it's if they couldn't possibly be burdened to prove their argument first."
"The burden of proof is on he who asserts, not he who denies."
"I completely agree that the burden of proof is on the person bringing the proposition."
"The burden is on the skeptic to prove they are guilty."
"My proof of claim is that no man or woman will come forth and say my claim is untrue."
"But that ain't how law works sir. How our law works is the burden of proof is on he who asserts."
"The burden of proof is not on Donald Trump to prove that he didn't do it; the burden of proof is on the person making the allegations to prove that he did do it."
"I have reason to believe that you received the money directly to you and you need to prove to me that you did not."
"The state must prove the crime Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"The state is required to satisfy you beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed a crime."
"Because the State Bears the burden of proof, they're going to go first."
"You must determine whether or not the Commonwealth has proved the charges Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"Because the prosecution will not prove their case Beyond A Reasonable Doubt to a moral certainty, we will stand before you again at the end of this trial and ask that you find Karen Reed not guilty."
"The standard of proof for you suing me is only proving that it's more likely than not that you're telling the truth 51% come take my money but she won't."
"The burden of proof lies with the prosecution and they have failed to meet it."
"The burden of proof is on the claimant, not on the Skeptics to disprove your claim."
"The burden of proof falls upon the claimant."
"The burden of proof cannot be: If Catholicism cannot prove itself, Protestantism wins by default. Honestly, I think the more honest position is to say: Well, you start at mere Christian theism."
"The state has the burden of proving the defendant guilty."
"God doesn't have to prove that he's real, you have to prove that you believe he is."
"I believe the burden of proof lies with my opponent to prove that God did not mean what He said and to explain to all of us how what he calls a blessing has now become a burden and a curse."
"None of that happened here, and you're the one with the burden of proof."
"Put the burden of proof on them. What's your evidence? Don't let them think it's your job to debunk everything."
"The burden of proof is on the person who wants to prove that something did exist. They haven't satisfied that burden of proof. It's up to them to come up with a theory and prove the theory."
"The exact sort of Shifting of the burden of proof The Atheist skeptic Circle will be highly familiar with if they've ever encountered a presuppositionalist theist."
"The fact that this is the consensus of scholars... they have the burden of proof not us."
"The legal standard to establish proof in a civil lawsuit is way different than the criminal consequences that come from a criminal charge."
"The burden of proof is upon the one who makes the claim."
"You've got to prove your case. It's not for the other side to disprove it. You've got to actually prove your case."
"The burden of proof is on you. He who alleges must prove."
"The burden of proof is always on those who exercise authority."
"Our position is the null hypothesis, that there is no God, and the burden is on the believer to present evidence for the existence of God."
"The defendant is presumed innocent. The state must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Proof beyond reasonable doubt is such proof as ordinarily prudent men and women would act upon in their most important affairs."
"It's always the state's burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you're guilty."
"The burden of proof is on the prosecution, and they must prove that the person is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
"There's no logical contradiction here. It's about recognizing the burden of proof on the atheist."
"The burden of proof was upon those who would like to show that Britain and France could survive without some higher level of politics."
"Shift the burden of proof unto me."
"In any debate, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim."
"The burden is on the state to prove to you these charges beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Russell's teapot serves as a powerful rhetorical device to shift the burden of proof onto those making extraordinary claims, particularly in debates about the existence of God or the supernatural."
"Ben did rate the collection five stars."
"Prima facie case only gets us here, it doesn't mean that all of that is proven and has to be disproven, it just means the burden shifts and now the state has to show that she's not entitled to immunity or self-defense."
"The Constitution doesn't require that a state prove that someone committed a crime Beyond Reasonable Doubt."
"All persons are presumed to be innocent and no person may be convicted of an offense unless each element of the offense is proved Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"The State Bears the burden of proving their case."
"The burden of proof is upon the one making the claim."
"The burden of proof rests with them to tell me why I shouldn't accept the word of god for what it says about the nature of these gifts."
"He believed that if he stayed in the United States, the burden of proof would lie with him to show that he was justified in staying."
"It's the job of the police officer to prove guilt or innocence, not guilt alone."
"The defendant bears the burden of proving that a warrant is insufficient probable cause or not sufficiently particular."
"The burden of proof falls on the person who is trying to change somebody else's mind."
"The prosecution is asking you to prove involuntary manslaughter."
"I don't have to Pro give you a deductive proof that concludes that God does not exist."
"If the defense is able to prove that by whatever standard we have in this hearing then to me the burden shifts to the prosecution to say that that didn't affect the jurors."
"It is not necessary for the defendant to disprove anything nor is the defendant required to prove his innocence."
"The burden of proof is on the people who claim there is a God."
"If you are satisfied Beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Mew caused the death of Isaac Schuman by criminally Reckless conduct and that the circumstances of the conduct showed utter disregard for human life, you should find him guilty of first-degree Reckless homicide."
"It is the state's burden to prove all the facts necessary to constitute a crime Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Perhaps more than any other, not only has the state welcomed that burden, we have met that burden."
"In order for you to convict the defendant of what she's charged, the state must prove to you beyond a reasonable doubt each of the elements of those crimes."
"We have the presumption that the defendant is innocent and the burden is upon the state to prove guilt and must prove it beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The defendant in a criminal action is presumed to be innocent unless guilt is proved Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The burden is always on the state to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The burden of proof typically lies on the accuser, the people that's making the accusations."
"It's not the professor who's supposed to prove that she's innocent; it's you who needs to prove that she's guilty."
"The burden of proof falls on the prosecution."
"The burden of proof lies with the person who's trying to deny the intuitive."
"The defendant is innocent until proven guilty, and the burden of proof is on the prosecution to prove the accusations beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The burden of proof is generally on the claimant, not the skeptic."
"The owners of evidence is on the one who makes a claim."
"The burden of proof is with the person making the claim."
"The state has to prove that he's guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; all the defendant has to do is present doubt."
"The prosecution has to move the ball to Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"The burden of proof states that the one making the positive claim is the one responsible for providing evidence."
"It starts on the presumption that you're not guilty, and then the state has to prove that you are."
"The protection of New York Times against Sullivan, the protection that when you talk about a public person, the public person really has to meet a heavy burden of proof in order to sustain a libel judgment."
"The state has the burden of proving the case beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The burden of proof is a really critical issue."
"The prosecution must prove the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."
"She had nothing to answer for; the burden of proof is upon the prosecution."
"Beyond a reasonable doubt is one of the highest burdens that we have in U.S. law."
"...from the perception of God always existing, would the burden of proof not be on the foot of the atheist to disprove God as opposed to the Christian to prove the existence of God?"
"I'm already believing in God; if you come to me and say that God's not real, then the burden of proof would lie on you."
"Your only job during this trial is to determine whether the prosecution has proven to you each and every element of the crimes they have charged beyond a reasonable doubt to a moral certainty."
"The defense doesn't have to prove a thing; they never do. The burden is on the prosecution to prove the case beyond any and all reasonable doubt."
"The burden is very high, beyond reasonable doubt, it's the highest in the land."
"In every instance, the burden of making out a strong case lies not on those who resist but on those who recommend government interference."
"The state has the sole and exclusive burden to prove with evidence each element of the offense beyond into the exclusion of a reasonable doubt."
"...it's their burden to exclude every reasonable doubt."
"Russell's point is that the burden of proof rests with the believers, not the non-believers."
"The burden should be on the government to demonstrate why an individual immigrant should not be able to come."
"If the state fails to meet their burden, then the only appropriate verdict as to each of the three counts in this case is not guilty."
"...the correct stance is the claim has not met its burden of proof, therefore I do not accept it."
"The burden of proof is upon the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt the existence of all the elements necessary to constitute the crime charged."
"The state's burden is to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt, which is the highest burden in the land."
"You have to prove your client's innocence versus the state or the government proving your client's guilty."
"...the burden of proof rests squarely on the shoulders of the prosecution."
"If someone makes a claim, who has the onus to substantiate the claim?"
"The burden of proof is not something that's fixed; it can exchange sides in a conversation."
"We talked about burden of proof, right? Because criminal is where you have to have the actual facts."
"Angela Hawk can only be convicted if the state proves every element of the charge beyond a reasonable doubt."
"We all have a presumption of innocence, the state has to prove his guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."