
Infidelity Quotes

There are 746 quotes

"Nobody unzip your pants and make you step out on the woman you claim to love. Nobody did that."
"Sexual infidelity is a profoundly important evolutionary problem for men because we're by parental species where males invest a lot in their children."
"Diana said there were three of us in this marriage."
"Oh my god, I'm cheating on my wife with a bot."
"The classic fiasco on a woman for cheating is much more dangerous than for a man for cheating."
"The vast majority of cheating men cheated with women who were older and much less attractive than their own wives and when asked why, most of them said because we could, there was opportunity."
"You're with Beyonce. She's gorgeous and talented. Why would you ever cheat on her?"
"She's gorgeous and talented. Why would you ever cheat on her?" - Regarding Beyonce and Jay-Z
"We can surmise that both men and women fear infidelity and despise it."
"These are just relevant findings to the topic at hand and in no way excuses acts of infidelity but it does provide potentially a more sympathetic explanation to some degree of adulterous behavior."
"Infidelity may eventually lead to opportunities for greater relationship strength and growth."
"Almost all of us find infidelity reprehensible... although each and every one of us have evolutionary, personal, logical, and environmental reasons and proclivities which make any of us more or less prone to be unfaithful."
"When a woman cheats with someone close, it feels vindictive. Men might go outside the circle, but women often don't."
"I'm having a conversation with my father when he was cheating on my mom and I'm like are you cheating on mom yada yada yada I remember him looking at me and laughing and saying oh you only got one girl huh and then one day you'll understand"
"Men today are a joke, and there's a one in ten chance your husband's going to commit infidelity."
"Love and lust are very different emotions and I feel from experience being in a relationship that a man can go out and have sex with another woman and it not be emotional at all."
"Her aggressive attempts to cheat on her husband of 15 years will make you want to get a prenup, and I can't wait."
"We do more like physical [ __ ] like we'll go cheat with a girl."
"I think the ultimate end game is having your solid main chick and just stepping out occasionally. Is that not the end game?"
"Vincent's dilemma really begins here as he tries to juggle an affair with see Catherine without K Catherine knowing."
"It's very easy to explain the man's infidelity or inclination to be unfaithful provided he can get away with it right."
"That's mad mad. That's when the partner isn't involved. That's just cheating."
"It's time for you to figure out, why do you cheat? Why can't you be honest?"
"Trust your gut. Cheating happens. If they lie, they don't deserve you."
"If your partner does cheat, don't let anyone ever tell you it was 50% your fault. It was 0% your fault because nobody causes anyone else to cheat."
"This is a story that has a double standard throughout history men practically had license to cheat and women were punished for everything if she seduced him if she was the lover and if you know there is no homewrecker in the masculine."
"We have things that are difficult in marriage and they often revolve around infidelity we need the helpful people you are one of the helpful people."
"Some men will desire you while being in a whole other relationship."
"Infidelity isn't as clear-cut as you might think; whatever the reason, cheating hurts."
"There is no good reason to cheat; sexual betrayal hurts the same no matter the underlying cause."
"Who in their right mind would do something like this? You're literally at a candlelight vigil, talking to the woman you're cheating on your wife with."
"She was forced to stay in this marriage where her husband was being unfaithful."
"I loved you. If that was the case then he wouldn't have cheated."
"They're all snitching on themselves. Little meme went around, 'Chicks be so happy they cheated on you one time, ma, the score is 30 to one.'"
"Being cheated on hurts, okay? It hurts way more than someone just breaking it up with you."
"Them blows hurt because that brother know when he go back home he got another man's wife in the passenger seat of the front car."
"Remember, when people cheat, they don't cheat on you, they cheat on themselves because the cheater always is the one living with regret."
"Guys can cheat because they don't feel worthy."
"Cheating is always unhealthy. It's a trust-breaking betrayal."
"If you find yourself constantly cheating on partners, no matter who they are, there's a problem there."
"The affair made her feel alive and wanted, it made her feel sexy, free, and all of the things that she felt she was not getting from her husband."
"This world of Hollywood... I'm just getting the vibes that Adam Levine doesn't actually care that he's cheating on his wife." - Alessia Diandra
"So obviously if you're gonna control people you have to lie I don't want what's the biggest lie you could possibly lie to them about this is it."
"The invention of social media has made it easier than ever to engage in behavior that may lead to emotional or physical infidelity."
"Cheating is wrong in a committed relationship. It kills the relationship. You lose trust. So do not do it."
"Men have always slept with multiple women it's not fair it's [ __ ] I know it hurts I know it sucks I know it's not a good thing to say but it is absolutely true."
"Sometimes it happens, and it doesn't mean that the individual cheating is a bad person, is a psychopath, is lying about everything."
"Women cheat at the same rate as men if not more."
"A surprising admission, the first time any Royal had ever publicly confessed to infidelity."
"You're the [ __ ] she's only the product of her father's infidelity, not the cause of it. How dare you make it seem like she is the problem in all of this."
"That is what he deserves though for cheating on you and not just cheating on you."
"Cheating like this deserves some proper revenge."
"I knew he was cheating but I hadn't really got any proof."
"Men that don't cheat are the men who do not want to deal with the consequences."
"Can we just have a real conversation about cheating? When did cheating become this deal breaker beyond all deal breakers?" - Al
"He needed to be with the affair partner... set off that insane mix of rage and lunacy that led to one human being to kill another."
"You'd rather me just give you everything, be submissive, be feminine, and you just cheat on me?"
"There's no other pain like it. To know that your woman willingly allowed another man to enter her body, there's no other pain like it."
"How dare you open subject yourself to somebody that's already involved. How dare you."
"Once is cheater, always a cheater. Break up with him sister and know your worth."
"You brought another woman to a party which your girlfriend was gonna be at."
"The mistress was going to be somewhere else, Martell. If it wasn't you, it would've been someone else."
"Wait, so he didn't have time to spend with you, his living partner, but expected you to sit at home while he went out to meet other girls to []? What the []?"
"Cheaters tend to cheat on the people who they cheat with originally."
"Archie had become involved with a woman named Nancy Neal."
"What he did is literally what every journalist is supposed to do."
"He cheated on me within the first couple of months of our relationship."
"Why would there be any clues about Tom's affair in the room that he's sharing with his wife?"
"It's unacceptable for a woman to cheat on her man, so yeah, that was sucker of him for him to get back with her."
"Infidelity is a childish behavior running through different women is a childish behavior because it shows a lack of discipline."
"This relationship is already done. He was cheating on her already."
"Cheating is really easy, but it's also easy to get caught now."
"Affairs are the symptoms of bigger problems... within a relationship."
"Cheating is always the symptom, it's never the problem."
"A man could cheat with no attachment and still protect the woman he cheated on with his life."
"It's arguably unethical that the whole premise of AM is to make it easier for people to cheat."
"This man has cheated on me way too many times."
"You cheated on Gizelle, got somebody pregnant." - Highlighting past infidelities.
"With successful men, it's all about the money; they could cheat but buy you a new Lamborghini."
"If he has sex with other females behind my back, that's over."
"The rate of infidelity has more than doubled in the past four decades."
"She made a series of conscious and deliberate decisions to betray her marriage."
"Her wanting to sleep with other people is a bad way to connect with you and she knows certainly that it would ruin her relationship with you."
"They downplay the seriousness of infidelity, saying 'everyone cheats' to justify it."
"Cheating is a complete gift of self; it's not a handshake."
"As much as you have confidence and love and maturity and respect in your man he will cheat on you."
"Most women, when they're with a dude even if the dude is cheating on them, they will still be faithful."
"They were lying to you, they did have passion for you, but they were juggling someone else."
"Third party is not lying, she showed the proof. What more did you need to take it if you're gonna stick beside him, just say that."
"Don't cheat. I got cheated on in a long-distance relationship and found out."
"Cosby was allowed to get away with so much, he literally could be a married man who slept with 400 women."
"Your person's walking away because their intuition is telling them that this person is a loser. They're a cheater."
"If you don't want people to know your names, don't cheat."
"The core reason for cheating is a lack of appreciation."
"He had begun meeting women online, and before long, he was engaged in a full-blown affair."
"Everyone either is cheating or will cheat, it only depends on opportunities."
"Friendship is by far the best predictor of cheating."
"If your boyfriend is dressing up with his girl best friend instead of you for Halloween and they are specifically choosing to dress up as one of the most famous celebrity couples to ever hit the face of the Earth, he's cheating on you."
"Vern is still a married man. He came here with his wife and he flirts with all the other women. Of course, his wife can't keep track of him because she can't remember she's married to him."
"You shouldn't be dating somebody that's cheating on their spouse and thinking that's gonna turn into a great healthy monogamous loyal type of relation."
"Was there any infidelity in this marriage? Well, not me. I mean, I can't vouch for... okay, so we'll go with no."
"If you're in a situation where someone's cheating on their spouse to be with you, just keep in mind that they're willing to do it once and they're willing to do it again."
"I actually cheated on him first when I threw him out for cheating on me."
"This is what happens when you sleep with another man's wife."
"He cheated on you? Yep, typical. I know, right? Were there any signs? None, zero."
"The moral of the story: if she cheats on you, walk away and never look back."
"If you have to stop your partner from cheating on you, end the relationship then and there."
"You cannot shame me with a guy that's cheating on me."
"Dating my ex-girlfriend in secret from my wife, and for such a long period of time, I'm sure I'll be punished for it in the next world."
"If your significant other has sex during the break, is it considered cheating? Yes."
"Infidelity is the best cure for crippling depression."
"She's the type to cheat on you and talk about how whack your dick is with the guy she's cheating with."
"Canonically wants to be cheated on, but that's a whole other can of worms to unpack."
"I spent the night with someone or something that wasn't my girlfriend."
"...once infidelity is mixed with disrespect, there is nothing left; pack up whatever is left of your dignity and take a walk."
"I'm sorry I made a mistake, I cheated on you, I did something wrong."
"I'm sorry I slept with your fiance, but you slept with Kristen."
"Cheating on a good person is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock."
"If they ain't kicking you out, you still paying these bills, you still talking to me, you still letting me sleep in the bed, you still cooking and cleaning, I guess I better go cheat."
"True emotional affairs are awful; they are just as painful as cheating."
"An affair is usually a symptom of a dying marriage, not the cause."
"If someone ever cheats on you guys, I suggest never trying to make it work."
"I felt more confident that I would soon figure out whether infidelity was involved."
"You know good looking dude cheats on girlfriend that is not a big news flash but best friend yes that is the part where I've been hit on by married man and I'm sure you all have been too."
"Don't ignore the signs of cheating. You can't make this crap up."
"Women will rarely break up the relationship themselves, so they push their husbands to have an affair."
"A lot of women would internalize that and it could be like the typical what you see on the movie the lipstick on the collar could be a little lipstick love here or it could be a red tint on the man lips."
"Rory that does not justify Rory cheating on Logan, at least this time she feels bad about it."
"Jay-Z cheated on Beyoncé and nobody cares. And it broke my heart and my brain at the exact same time."
"You're my hall pass, you're number two."
"If I can get one woman in here to do this tonight my life is complete. My journey can end tonight. Ladies, no matter what, please always cheat on your man in case his ass is cheating on you."
"Men are cheating with women that's already in relationships, not all the time though, a lot of the time."
"Most relationships can recover from infidelity if both partners work at it."
"Some of you may be the other woman."
"People who have affairs are like that, right? People who haven't healed yet or people who haven't gotten in touch with the terrible feelings that brings up."
"The moment your infidelity came to light, any feelings I had for you vanished."
"If your spouse cheats on you and somebody came up pregnant, would you still be with that person?"
"Cheating behaviors can have some of their roots in trauma."
"Once a cheater, always a cheater, speaks to what we know about human behavior. The one thing we know about human behavior is that past behavior predicts future behavior."
"The wound of infidelity and betrayal is one that takes a lifetime to heal and it always leaves a pretty big scar."
"Women, myself included, we do give men too much of a pass, and I think we have normalized infidelity."
"Behind every great marriage is a great mistress."
"Just because we look at someone but oh she's dropped the drop dead gorges and you know she would be the perfect girlfriend or whatever the situation may be anybody can get cheated on."
"He'd hired a woman to pretend to be Todd's side piece."
"My wife cheated on me three years ago, but we stayed together. Now I want to leave her, but I feel guilty."
"AI-generated art’s infidelity might be its greatest strength."
"Cheating depends on two things: the person who initiated it and the intent."
"Infidelity can destroy the bonds of trust so it's time to rebuild those relationships."
"I cheated on them, you know, I had my thing going on."
"Cheating on me isn't a full deal breaker depending on how many times it happens."
"I finally got a date, a successful man, a handsome man. Sure, he was married, but he was going to leave her."
"A person who mistreats or cheats on their partner will not treat you any differently."
"There have been rumors that the late Duke of Edinburgh wasn't entirely faithful to the queen for decades."
"If you want to cheat on your Bitty, don't take her there."
"She cheated on her husband is what she did. Like why do we say that these two, they just shared some kisses? She cheated on her husband here's what it was."
"A 14-year marriage down the drain because she connected with this guy named Jason who she didn't even really know."
"If Amber Heard is gonna cheat on Johnny Depp and Jada Pinkett is gonna cheat on Will Smith, you better get ready."
"Girls cheat more? Nah, y'all easy to get tempted."
"Tom decided to forgive him and not only did he just forgive him and this is when it gets very strange he decided to let him continue sleeping with his wife."
"The day my wife admitted to her affair was the day she became my ex-wife."
"He flew somewhere that is a pretty dedicated cheater."
"Your wife left you for a 21 year old [__]."
"After the years of sitting here dealing with cheating, you learn how to catch people when they're sitting there, trying to change up their story."
"Beyonce dropped her highly anticipated sixth album Lemonade this weekend and she instantly broke the internet. Okay, on the album's fourth track 'Sorry', Queen Bee calls out an unfaithful partner and ends the song by saying 'he better call Becky with the good hair'."
"A massive sex scandal rocks the country involving the Secretary of State for war John Profumo and a young model Christine Keeler."
"I got trust issues cause you had a boyfriend while we was dating and you had sex with everybody in the world."
"You all created... an environment of infidelity."
"I know you don't much care how I feel but just imagine this: how could my actions or breaking your heart result in what you've done? You accuse me of infidelity but it's you who have been having an affair."
"If someone is trying to find out and is involved in an extramarital relationship and you're Googling whether or not your current spouse or your new girlfriend are compatible that that would be a reasonable explanation would it not yes sir."
"The most essential thing for an enduring marriage is the mistress."
"If my man was philandering, the last thing I'd do would be put myself in an economic position that I can't leave."
"I'm here today because I want to divorcing my husband Carlton Gareth. He's nothing but a liar and a cheater, um, has been for 13 years."
"Mr Anderson is a Serial cheater okay he does not get caught so he believes that he cannot be convicted without physical evidence."
"I realized when a friend's wife said to me 'You know your wife is sleeping with my husband right?' I mean, that's a pickup line if ever I knew one."
"I found out she had cheated on me and upon me confronting her to discuss it, she manipulated me into thinking she was about to take her own life. Then she admitted the manipulation. I was done."
"She thinks he's cheating, and if you find out he is cheating... I got to be done with this."
"I cheated on him because I wanted to feel like I was enough."
"I dated a guy named Steph for five years. One day he was looking at rings, the next he had put a ring on someone else's finger."
"Cheating is not always physical either, men addicted to porn, getting in debt, all that's cheating."
"Here is today's case: I've caught my boyfriend cheating with multiple women, and I am just tired of his cheating ways."
"It's emotional cheating and that hurts even more."
"I think she put up with the cheating, the cheating happened so much."
"He loved her and she loved him, but the trouble with Desi was he loved everything else with a skirt on it."
"Cheaters, you aren't the victim in any capacity. If you want something in your marriage but you aren't getting it, whether it be closeness or intimacy or connection or sex, are you at any point justified in getting those from someone else other than your spouse? No. Never. Ever."
"I'm just in love I don't care about my wife or my newborn child I just want some of that strange Ariana ass slay okay beautiful."
"Cheating doesn't make you a bad person, it makes you a bad husband."
"Please don't cheat on me again with my dad. I can't handle it."
"Hunter finds out that Jenny has been cheating on him and Marcus who was passing by at the wrong time declares that it was a mistake."
"...he cheated on me, I didn't want to be in that relationship anymore."
"You caught him on the phone talking to this random person, Phantom caller, the Phantom call, then the 'I miss you next to me' texts with the multiple messages, what else?"
"Even as bad as infidelity, but because they did the work to learn how to communicate well."
"I want to know why you cheated on me."
"Infidelity is unforgivable to me. If you don't have it in you to be faithful, don't commit."
"I am divorcing you on the grounds of infidelity. The terms of the prenuptial agreement will be enforced."
"Innocent husbands don't hide their phones."
"When women step out, they betray. Men cheat for variety."
"If you cheat on somebody, you gotta be willing to take the rest of your life to make it up to them."
"Cheating is a sensitive topic for me, as it is for a lot of people. My own family was wrecked by an affair my dad had."
"If you're unhappy at home, better just leave. Temptation of infidelity starts to creep in."
"When women cheat in a relationship, you are far more close to the end than when a man cheats. When a man cheats, it is something that's repairable."