
Permaculture Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Permaculture is the idea that everything within your homestead in some way supplements or complements everything else."
"The permaculture movement has been a good thing and has done mostly good things for people and the planet."
"Permaculture is this design science, a system of critical thinking and analyzing in a radically different way than I had ever had before."
"Permaculture is an approach to land management that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems."
"In permaculture, waste is just a resource out of place."
"You're not creating new things, way better than plastic. I mean, come on, sustainable is permaculture."
"Permaculture is not a set of rules; instead, it's a design approach that can be used universally."
"The fifth permaculture principle: 'use and value renewable resources and services.'"
"Plant a surprising amount of fruit trees that will feed you year-round."
"I think the paradigm, the thought process of permaculture has permeated all that we do and it is one of the key things as far as strategy that allows us to do so much. It is so productive."
"Permaculture starts with ethics: care for the earth, care for people, and return the surplus."
"Diversity is massively important in any sort of organic growing and in permaculture."
"Permaculture is just a mutually beneficial relationship between man and nature."
"In permaculture, every site is unique. Permaculture is honing our design to meet the needs of the site we are at."
"A forest garden can be started in a day and tended for a lifetime."
"I think he undersold it 'cause I see a massive expanse of gorgeous permaculture orchard back here."
"Getting the water design established in a permaculture system creates the foundation for all the other layers."
"The Muscovy is the permaculture duck because they're super easy to handle."
"In permaculture, we try to say waste from one system is the feed for another system."
"It's basically mimicking a forest, and that's the whole purpose of doing all this."
"This is really kind of the permaculture food concept."
"You don't need chemicals, you don't need organic fertilizers or pesticides or fungicides; you need to look at how nature takes care of itself."
"Bury a few bails of straw in the bottom of a swale and come back a year or two later. I expect you'll have soil like a rainforest."
"Thinking like a permaculturist is often thinking of principles that will guide your behaviour."
"The three ethics of permaculture: Earth care, people care, and fair share or sharing of surplus."
"You're really looking at one to two trees of any given type of tree per family of four."
"Understand permaculture, look into food foresting."
"There's no barrier to age in permaculture."
"Anybody can do this after a little bit of design, a little bit of enthusiasm, a little bit of passion."
"So a guild is basically that in a nutshell. We are trying to replicate a dense polyculture, polyculture means multiple plants, so a dense, diverse, lots of variety, host of plants all kind of working together."
"Raised beds are a classic component of a permaculture system and if you have the site for them, they're a good one to try."
"So when working on a food forest, it's important to plant species that are going to come back every year."
"Nature doesn't work in monocrops, so that would be another part of the answer: doing multiple layers, look into food foresting."
"Permaculture is all about relationship. Relationship is the riskiest thing you will ever do."
"Comfrey is an amazing permaculture plant because it has so many beneficial relationships within the garden."
"I believe that is one of the permaculture rules, caring and sharing."
"Probably the biggest one and you sort of, I pulled it out from a number of different things that he said, but that idea of integrating your food forest not just with the biosphere around you but the social landscape as well."
"And people have sometimes said that permaculture is revolution disguised as gardening."
"I use the permaculture principles of understanding nature and how I can help myself and nature."
"In permaculture, there are no straight lines in natural systems. They're actually curved, designed to harmonize with the pattern of the landscape."
"A food forest is a quintessential example of a permaculture system, with the principle of valuing diversity."
"Stacking your system with multiple species ensures resilience. If something doesn't thrive, you'll still have other sources of food."
"If you're interested in this kind of stuff, look into permaculture."
"Permaculture to me is the best way to go, but permaculture doesn't happen overnight. Permaculture is a long-term solution to a short-term problem."
"...they dreamed of building fully sustainable organic systems, permaculture, and the freedom to control their vision."
"Mulberries: the most beneficial trees for your food forest."
"Hello and a very warm welcome to the late April garden tour of this permaculture no dig kitchen garden."
"Permaculture is the idea of planting things together or creating systems that work together that help regenerate themselves."
"It's not just creating like an annual vegetable garden but feeding the soil, creating a system that feeds itself and then as a byproduct feeds you."
"The idea with permaculture is to create a system that works with itself."
"Permaculture is planting for abundance and health, and not so much planting just for one crop."
"The old way, the annual vegetable garden, it's great, tried and true, it's beautiful, it produces wonderful things, but the food forest, that's where it's at, and that's what's gonna change the world."
"It's all part of an ecosystem, or as we really would call it, a permaculture type system."
"Permaculture is very much tied into how people have been caring for the earth for thousands of years."
"Our job in permaculture is to regenerate damaged ecosystems."
"So as we marry permaculture and soil biology understanding together, this is a dynamic duo that we can really do a great job of converting everybody on the planet."
"Permaculture addresses all human needs with absolutely no environmental impact."
"We're even at the point where we're recommending permanent perennial low growing cover plants."
"Having a food forest, there's always something out there that just, you know, kind of brings you a little bit of joy."
"I really appreciate permaculture, really love permaculture, appreciate the movement."
"We've got the ground covered with the strawberries, we've got a nice canopy layer with the trees."
"We're in a food forest or a future food forest, so we want those seven layers."
"Perennials are like passive harvest that you can get for years and years."
"Imagine we had trios one, two, three; that's our pattern: nitrogen fixer, fruit, fruit; nitrogen fixer, fruit, nut; or nitrogen fixer, nut, nut."
"The idea of the layers is you're growing something where something would normally grow anyway, but you're directing that growth to things that you want."
"Watermelons don't care; this is natural, this is permaculture."
"As the years have gone by, I've been learning a little more about permaculture."
"If this doesn't work out, I'll move to Guatemala, start a permaculture farm, just live off the land and chill."
"It creates a lot of edges, as we talk about in permaculture, and creates just epic diversity."
"We can create these very viable commercial production areas and crop systems under permaculture methodology."
"Crystal Waters is an environmentally and socially responsible rural subdivision designed using permaculture principles."
"Hugelkultur has become relatively popular in some gardening circles, primarily permaculture."
"Permaculture is one set of principles they drew from in designing their community; the core of permaculture design is the belief that all living beings and systems have intrinsic worth."
"Permaculture is the study of the relationship of all things."
"Observe and interact. Each iteration of that is a benefit."
"You start associating plantings next to the waterway so that each time in the future when you harvest a nice shovel full of silt that dropped into here, you can put it as a mulch or as a feed for a plant that's nearby, and then you're creating little ecosystems around it."
"Think an edible tropical forest, it's like a rainforest system in your backyard."
"We teach permaculture design courses and I think that some of the lessons that are written in this book are super important for people to understand."
"Permaculture is such a beautiful thing."
"We want to get the most out of our land and really close that loop in that permaculture sense."
"Permaculture says try and use plants and animals to do the work of the farm."
"Permaculture does that by putting everything into perspective, and providing a framework for learning and gaining experience."
"Permaculture doesn't all have to be done like this; it needs to actually match your goals for how you want to use your land."
"I built this channel on information and ways to help you get going starting your food forest."
"Permaculture looks different to everybody because you might not want a food forest like mine; you might have different goals in mind."
"If you're constantly growing this permanent perennial understory set of plants, they're putting back into the soil all of those organic matter that your plants are going to need."
"Comfrey, and I should never say this as a permaculture designer, but I would say if I had to pick one plant that is the most useful."
"We're gonna pack a whole lot into this, and you're going to see the consummate definition of permaculture today."
"Permaculture is like... you're a supercomputer and you're just laying all these different layers over your thoughts."
"I remember it as being one of the first examples I had seen of a community that was based on permaculture design and with a strong commitment to natural building."
"It looks like a conglomerate mess, but guys, it is actually permaculture at its finest because they both love one another."
"We need to go back to small scale family farming and regenerative farming and permaculture and agroforestry."
"Obtaining a yield in permaculture, those yields include beauty, and flowers, and fragrance."
"I'm incredibly passionate about all things permaculture."
"I give them food and they give me soil, and they work interchangeably and they feed each other, and that's kind of cool and I like that."
"Permaculture is a system of ecological design that shows us how we can create human systems modeled after natural systems."
"Permaculture stands for permanent culture; it's the science of living sustainably on the planet."
"If everyone places the stone in the right place, why not. It's a matter of culture. Permaculture."
"Permaculture is a design toolkit, it's a set of principles that are very much adaptable."
"Permaculture is one of the best ways to draw out potential from a space."
"It's amazing how your specialty right now, as what I'm gathering is, because of the name of your channel, is permaculture is a big deal."
"Permaculture happens in nature without our help."
"In permaculture gardening, you're always looking at how different elements within the garden can have multiple functions."
"That dream turned into greening the desert through permaculture, building naturally with alternative and sustainable materials, and learning how to become more self-sufficient."
"We're following the permaculture rule of zones by wrapping our gardens around our house."
"Permaculture is what is the only thing that's going to keep you alive in the near future."
"Don't be surprised, be prepared, grow your own food, do permaculture."
"Restoration agriculture is the big overview; this is permaculture design, we're going from the pattern down to the details."
"...to help us kind of celebrate the launch of this book we're also organizing an online summit with permaculture experts from all around the world."
"It's permaculture, it's a perennial ecosystem, all I've got to do is go in and harvest every once in a while."
"We're trying to create permaculture with a perennial type garden that just keeps on giving."
"Look at this, it's literally a jungle, a jungle of food. I just love it."
"You never turn the soil, meaning you don't break up that beautiful ecosystem."
"The core of permaculture is design. Design is the connection between things."
"Through the application of permaculture, people can find a more meaningful and purposeful existence."
"The connectivity of things is an underlying current, the tenant value principle of permaculture."
"Permaculture design gives you a pathway and some tools."
"When we understand what weeds are, how the soil works, how the natural system works, we can work to mimic that and we start to turn problems into solutions."
"They really help in terms of the health of the garden."