
De-escalation Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"All parties must stay rational and exercise restraint, avoid fanning the flames and aggravating tensions."
"Officers shall not use physical force unless de-escalation tactics have been attempted and failed."
"Every effort of course must be made to de-escalate the conflict."
"The great hope is that we can de-escalate the national politics and go back into hyper-local community."
"Good tactics is also the concept of de-escalation."
"De-escalation is about common sense ways of reducing the trauma and stress of an encounter with the police."
"Maybe the focus needs to be on de-escalation."
"You want to bring it to a successful conclusion and you want to go there and doing the best to be asleep escalate the situation."
"Don't escalate the situation. Help them. Treat us with some respect and recognize our rights."
"Joe Biden is scared. What Joe Biden is saying is we need to de-escalate guys. We really need to de-escalate."
"We need to de-escalate, we need to find a peaceful outcome."
"An officer with this level of confidence has the confidence to verbally de-escalate at every level."
"Not every encounter needs to be a life-or-death situation."
"By doing this and then saying it's over B basically taking their ball and going home they're signaling that it could be a deescalation."
"We need to de-escalate tensions between these two countries."
"This officer was in the wrong on several fronts...simply did not do his job of de-escalating the situation."
"Require officers to de-escalate situations before resorting to force."
"We need to start treating people with dignity and respect, you know that that's where de-escalation starts, right?"
"Our job should not be to escalate, our job needs to be to de-escalate."
"Customer service is key – match their energy and de-escalate if needed."
"Well, we need to spend money on police retraining. You're right, we do. Because so many officers don't understand what it means to de-escalate. They don't understand what the Constitution is and they trample on people's rights." - Herschel Walker
"We need to talk everyone down from the tree."
"The best way to diffuse that situation is to have open, serious conversations."
"Why are we just not doing everything we can to get off this ride?"
"Yeah, without a doubt, but this isn't just sniping. This is basically trying to sort of create momentums and shifts and maybe de-escalate certain things. I don't know. It's, uh, yeah."
"Mutual de-escalation is better for both China and the U.S."
"We encourage de-escalation in Libya." - Expressing a diplomatic stance.
"That's what brings peace to the Middle East: a clear and consistent message from the team of the president to de-escalate."
"We urgently call on Russia to take steps towards de-escalation. Any further aggression would have serious consequences."
"The United States would want to de-escalate tensions with Iran."
"Let's spend more time responsibly training them to de-escalate violent situations."
"I'm not making it difficult, you're supposed to be de-escalating situations."
"Alright, stop firing at anything else, let them kick the out of each other."
"You want to calm down tensions rather than escalate them... that's what I'm saying here."
"Police officers should not be encouraged to escalate. In fact, they should be punished for it."
"Everyone should be committed to de-escalation."
"Officers need to know when to back down. They need to demonstrate flexible thinking instead of committing to one course and having to achieve that level of domination to feel vindicated."
"Diplomacy has to come in the context of de-escalation rather than escalation."
"De-escalation of tensions and negotiations are the only way out of this conflict."
"If you're trying to deescalate a situation, drawing your pistol out is not a deescalation."
"Breaking things at angles is really helpful to just diffuse a situation."
"We begin today with an International effort to deescalate boiling tensions in the Middle East."
"Our focus has been on, of course, making sure that Israel can effectively defend itself but also de-escalating tensions, avoiding conflict, and that remains our focus."
"Avoiding escalation is a true mark of wisdom and strength, emphasizing the importance of deescalation rather than responding to disrespect with more disrespect."
"This is a perfect example of how if you don't de-escalate the situation, you end up causing a lot more harm."
"Somehow, someway, I feel like we're coming unglued, and we need to figure out how to defuse these situations because nobody wins in situations like this."
"Slow the heat lower the guns let's relax."
"Cops are there to de-escalate the situation or lock people up. If you're willing to be the one to de-escalate, you're more likely to avoid being locked up."
"The really cool thing is you see, after that happened, you kind of see Tyler Perry and Denzel Washington talking to both of them, kind of calming the situation down."
"Oh, right. No need to be rude. I'll put the gun away."
"When things get hostile, emotional intelligence can de-escalate the situation."
"Try to break it up, deescalate before."
"The best approach for this patient is to slowly back away and use a calm voice to diffuse the situation."
"Incidents involving Police use of force are not new, each case raises questions about potential preventative measures and deescalation tactics."
"If you can create conscience and accountability, you change the factor of de-escalation by massive amounts."
"...changing things up and responding with basic kindness even if it's still a connection made out of a shared dislike of something can stop escalation."
"There is a part of yourself that needs to be learned how to de-escalate, that needs to feel safe."
"I'm glad that it didn't escalate, there was no blood, no black eyes, nothing."
"The best way to De-escalate is just to leave it alone, you know? You come here to give whatever you need, you grab that information."
"You still don't understand the definition of security. They ain't supposed to be helping, avoiding, supposed to deescalate, supposed to defuse, they supposed to protect."
"When you name the feeling, when you name their wish, there are some kids who feel so seen and they de-escalate."
"Even unarmed and with a bum leg, he knew how to handle the situation, deescalate if he could."
"You would sincerely apologize for something has gone wrong. You can also use the word de-escalate. That's a really good word to use in this situation."
"The United States does not choose to escalate."
"The best strategy is to be firm but kind. Even in confrontation, loving kindness can de-escalate the situation."
"Because this is a calming down issue, because this is a self-soothing issue, escalating the emotion and escalating the aggression is actually going to make the problem worse."
"Choose to be passive. Say nothing. Do not respond in the same way."
"Ump show, those moments of human ego where umpires escalate situations rather than de-escalating them as they should."
"Always avoid escalating the situation into an attack."
"Require that all alternatives to use of force be exhausted before an officer is permitted to escalate."
"If it's a weapon, you can kill someone still. Maybe police should be trained to aim for the legs, the hands, you know, not shoot to kill, just maim."
"The most important thing about this job is knowing how to de-escalate a user and make them feel better and make them feel like you're gonna handle the issue and you're gonna resolve the issue."
"...the concept of de-escalation makes sense and I would much rather consider de-escalating someone's therapy than stopping their therapy."
"If I escalate, they'll in turn escalate as well and we'll both end up losing."
"De-escalate the situation. Let cooler heads prevail, and you might just walk away without being the recipient of a Darwin Award."
"And what you said earlier about escalating force pain often makes things worse hey you can't rely on it because the person could be on a controlled substance or who knows what and be it just escalates the situation."
"That's what's so great about having somebody like Paul who's got all these years of experience in the line of duty and it's about de-escalating like that should be the first is not let's make this worse."
"If you speak calmly to the police, they'll calm down."
"I was just grateful that the police officers were able to defuse the situation without any violence."
"If Ryan hadn't been so calm and polite throughout this interaction, it's likely things could have gotten out of hand very quickly."
"To be able to de-escalate somebody... it's a goal superpower."
"You can just see a person just that anger and that demeanor that's just ready to fight or flight and then like just showing some kindness some love and just seeing that that person like relax and melt."
"Some of the toughest dudes I ever met, they were the best at de-escalating stuff."
"Most de-escalation comes from listening, not speaking and definitely not reacting."
"Thankfully, got him to set the gun down."
"When possible, we should always de-escalate."
"I don't want to escalate the situation."
"Most incidents have been managed safely and successfully without a shot being fired."
"Prevent escalation by watching non-verbal behavior, breathing deeply to slow down the pace of the exchange, and declaring a timeout."
"Officer, don't need no, no you don't need to pull your gun on me officer, I'm just, I'm just trying to explain."
"Communication is part of the key to de-escalation."
"I know how to escalate, I know how to de-escalate it, right?"
"Stop, breathe, think about your child, and leave the situation."
"Defuse the situation, have skills to where you can keep things kind of calm, relaxed, get yourself out of the situation as easy as possible."
"What officers are almost never rewarded for is de-escalating situations."
"I believe that police departments around the country are looking at exactly that issue and trying to ensure that they have ongoing training in mediation, conflict resolution, most importantly de-escalation."
"It's time for restraint, reason, and de-escalation."
"Remain calm, lower the tone of your voice, and step out of the way."
"Let's just calm down, I don't want problems."
"Her goal is to deescalate tensions and come to an amicable resolution."
"He deescalated the whole situation."
"Rather than discussing the treatment of specific behaviors, I'd like to share with you guys different de-escalation strategies that can be used in times of need."
"You're supposed to de-escalate not escalate; you're supposed to reduce harm not create harm."
"I believe everybody should conduct themselves with respect, and everybody should deescalate."
"Every life loss is a tragedy, that's why we are eager to de-escalate the violence on the ground."
"De-escalation is providing a knowledge base or skills for officers to really focus on time, options, and resources."
"I hope we can achieve de-escalation and solve the issue in a peaceful way."
"We can de-escalate by saying, 'You know what, you and your family can choose the school that aligns with you, and that's great, and you and your family can do that. We don't need to battle each other anymore.'"
"That really is the goal of self-defense laws, it's avoidance, de-escalation, protecting life, not taking life."
"The Jedi are definitely trained to de-escalate situations, uphold the law, and bring people to justice."
"The first order of business is simply to slow things down and indicate that fighting isn't necessary."
"Having that confidence of already knowing that you're in the more dominant position just chills everything out, and you can de-escalate the situation."
"How would you manage a complaint from an angry customer? Start by using de-escalation techniques."
"If you're trying to de-escalate, that position or platform that you're employing needs to be unobtrusive, non-aggressive, non-violent looking."
"I appreciate that the abuse needs to dial down, that anger needs to dial down."
"Put the gun down, turn around, walk away, and forget about tonight."
"Our physical presence is where it starts, than our verbal commands, that's all forms of de-escalation."
"Confident demeanor could turn a situation and make it more peaceful or de-escalate it."
"We try our best to de-escalate and resolve things as peacefully as possible with the least amount of force."
"We've got to find a path to deescalation here; the world is depending on us to do so."
"Attempting to calm him, being non-threatening... and then giving him oxygen if he'll take it."
"Our hope is that providers will be able to de-escalate patients safely and effectively."
"Let's just go ahead and de-escalate this moment, right?"
"Luang nods slightly, then quickly withdraws his spear."
"Communicating with all International and Regional parties to stop the ongoing escalation."
"Like rather than meeting an escalated energy with another escalated energy, to kind of like de-escalate and diffuse a situation."