
Psychopathy Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"We definitely need to understand the dynamic of human psychopathy."
"With psychopathy, we see characteristics like being callous, unemotional, pathological lying, being manipulative, and being bold."
"Both narcissists and psychopaths have a capacity for empathy but both don't use it because they rank other people's feelings as not important."
"You do see psychopaths who will lead a normal life because their upbringing, all they see is normal behavior. They see loving behavior, and all that, so they try to blend in."
"People who tend to be narcissists and psychopaths will exploit people's empathy by playing a victim."
"Psychopathy is like an extension of antisocial personality disorder... it's also about charm and manipulation."
"This is a wonderful example and study of what I would assume to be a psychopath because we're seeing everything that's always talked about about them."
"All narcissists are very psychopathic; they are out to get narcissistic supply."
"Ten stabs to the back of the neck are her solution to make him forget about that."
"She’s getting more and more over-the-top and indulgent with each kill as she continues to let her psychopathic tendencies take over."
"In eras of apocalypse, one frequently finds psychopaths gleefully contemplating the ruination of institutions and contributing to the demise of their own civilization."
"Is a classic plot twist, one where a previously upstanding and exceptional officer turns out to be a malicious psychopath."
"The psychopath will do everything to deny what is."
"These women and all women have a right to be protected from sick psychopaths like this."
"Psychopathy infects the full spectrum of humanity irrespective of race, culture, geography, economic class, or personality type."
"Psychopaths live in a falsely constructed worldview in which they are both literally and figuratively god."
"For the psychopath, lying is as easy and natural as breathing."
"Psychopaths are masters of manipulation and experts at knowing how to push our buttons."
"The very essence of the psychopath is antisocial."
"One weakness psychopaths have is that once one studies them and begins to understand them, they become predictable."
"Facing evil, one of the greatest advantages psychopaths have is that average, decent people cannot believe that such monsters truly exist."
"True psychopaths are exceptionally rare, thank god."
"Psychopaths can sing the lyrics but they don't respond to the melody. The melody of normal human interactions and emotions. There is something missing. He has no compunctions. He kisses or kills without a thought."
"With a psychopath I would argue that emotion is like being colorblind for them."
"Psychopathy is of course not a lifestyle choice. Psychopathy is a brain disorder. This has been established numerous times in numerous studies."
"Anyone can become a psychopath, so don't feel like I'm saying you can't become one."
"Being a psychopath does not make you a monster, all that being a psychopath means is that you either can't or have trouble experiencing empathy and emotions."
"Psychopaths are still people and are not crazy monsters like some believe."
"One of the myths around Psychopaths is that they have an almost supernatural ability."
"The combination of good looks intelligence and lack of conscience is deadly."
"Psychopaths don't play by other people's rules."
"One percent of the general population is estimated to be psychopathic."
"Ramsay Snow is the textbook definition of a psychopath."
"There's no clear motive for these murders. He doesn't need a motive. That's the thing about a psychopath." - Phil
"The roots of many problems stem from the end result of a psychopathic entity having power over institutions."
"You are somebody that I regard as a psychopath as a liar."
"Peter Manuel was a clever cunning psychopath, dubbed Scotland's first serial killer."
"Pro-social emotions, which are things Psychopaths struggle with feeling, this is why they often present as emotionally detached, distant, and indifferent because..."
"Psychopaths are great chameleons. They view the world as an instrument to fulfill their desires."
"Joffrey matches the three components of psychopathy linked to nature and nurture really well."
"Psychopaths embrace the emptiness. They are content to be devoid of many feelings."
"Who doesn't like a psychopathic killer who still knows how to put a smile on their face?"
"The Narcissist and the psychopath are motivated strictly and only by opportunities."
"Thanks to our viewers for joining us for a very, very interesting conversation on psychopathy. Hope you'll join us next time on office hours."
"Narcissists and psychopaths hijack every bloody thing."
"The grinning psychopaths doing this to her pull her out, demanding a woman's smile at the end of the world."
"Psychopaths don't feel guilt the same way. They don't suffer from anxiety generally."
"If psychopathy is a genetic condition, why hasn't evolution weeded it out?"
"Green narcissists and Psychopaths are focused on their internal world and how external rewards and outcomes affect their inner world."
"Reality sucks. Who are the greatest experts on falsifying reality, evading reality, and fantasy? Narcissists and psychopaths."
"There's a tidal wave of narcissism and psychopathy everywhere, even among women."
"New times are upon us, and they are steered with the mind of the narcissist and the psychopath working together."
"Can a psychopath have empathy? By definition, if they're an effective psychopath, they certainly have empathy."
"What's more frightening than someone who's unbothered? Why? It's evocative of a psychopath. Person who cares the least wins."
"The narcissist's internal fantasy world prevents moral growth, while the psychopath's rejection of morality leads to amorality."
"The fact that he's admitted guilt but never shown remorse ever, it just shows what kind of a psychopath he is."
"They are looking for a strong emotional bond, but they cannot have it because they're psychopathic. So, it's not really an addiction. It's more like the search."
"The narcissist and Psychopaths give up on reality consciously and knowingly."
"I think it goes back to psychopathy because they want as much attention as they can possibly get."
"Psychopathy is a personality disorder marked by distinctive traits such as a lack of empathy and compassion, emotional shallowness, egocentrism, and a deceitful charm."
"A diagnosed psychopath is not the same as someone who's quote 'psycho' or 'psychotic.'"
"The title of Dr. Hare's book puts it simply, a psychopath is a person without a conscience."
"Psychopaths are not crazy. They're actually considered legally sane and can tell the difference between right and wrong. They just don't care."
"People who have psychopathy don't care about the difference between right and wrong."
"Where the psychopaths truly are extremely dangerous, untreatable, and without conscience."
"Psychopaths are believed to be extremely dangerous."
"Psychopaths don't change, they are unresponsive to treatment and rehabilitation efforts."
"Psychopaths did not show any difficulties in making moral judgments."
"No evidence that psychopaths are unresponsive to treatment and rehabilitation efforts."
"De Long's Ripley is a detailed portrait of a young psychopath longing to be accepted in a world that keeps rejecting him."
"Sado-masochism, psychopathy, and an unhealthy attachment to each other were all ingredients of what would become a deadly cocktail."
"I was roleplaying as a psychopath in Fallout New Vegas, killing whoever walks up to me. It's a [__] video game, bro."
"True psychopaths are not evil men incapable of self-control. On the contrary, they are always chillingly in command of their emotions. What they actually lack is empathy, the capacity to either understand or care what other people feel."
"Gilbert may have simply had both borderline and antisocial characteristics as the clinicians suspected. For example, we know that the clinicians believed she had psychopathy—she was sensation-seeking, impulsive, deceptive, and lacked empathy."
"Psychopathic individuals really don't have remorse, they don't care."
"John Hay was a cold-hearted murderer and psychopath who had no qualms about turning people into chemical stew."
"It is a common myth that narcissists are unable to experience remorse or regret. That is psychopaths."
"The defining characteristics of a psychopath is someone who lacks guilt, remorse, or empathy... they tend to be very successful but they're also very dishonest and they have manipulative behavior."
"For someone who's psychopathic, committing suicide isn't really that difficult because they have the same kind of disregard for their own life as they do for others."
"Being a psychopath doesn't necessarily make you a criminal."
"Psychopaths don't worry about being Psychopaths because being a psychopath, if you're a psychopath, is great."
"The scary aspect of true Psychopaths is their ability to appear outwardly normal."
"I think the psychopath ones are the scariest because they're the most realistic."
"Not all psychopaths are going to be violent or dangerous."
"If a psychopathic individual experiences a long-term healthy attachment, they might be less likely to act out and more likely to internalize a proper super ego."
"As Psychopaths grow older, they tend to mellow out as we all do."
"Hannibal, while being a complete psychopath, still knows what loneliness is."
"You cannot let the psychopath control your life."
"People with psychopathy are no different; they appreciate being comfortable, they don't like to be imprisoned, they appreciate to some extent people who approve of them."
"Psychopathic women tend to move their heads very little when talking to other people."
"Psychopaths don't move their head when they're talking to people because to them, people are objects."
"Psychopathy was considered impossible to treat; however, new studies are showing that although psychopaths are difficult to treat, they still show improvement if they receive adequate doses of treatment."
"Cognitive behavioral programs to treat psychopathy are currently being developed and evaluated."
"Manipulative psychopaths always have a goal for their manipulation; they don't just do it just so they can manipulate, they do it with a specific purpose."
"It's important to really get that these are people who have a reptilian coldness to them."
"My dream would be to do like the movie Fear, where he's a great boyfriend, and then just turn, and I'm actually a psychopath."