
Irresponsibility Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Dr. Cocteau's solution to the crisis of the Scraps is deeply irresponsible, releasing Simon Phoenix would inevitably kill many people."
"They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made."
"Black men are known for creating children, denying them, and refusing to support them financially."
"There's no accountability or responsibility for any of their actions or the decisions that they as a couple have made."
"It's insane to think that that's an excuse for being handed a loaded weapon."
"We've run out of road. You know, there is no place to kick the can anymore. We've got to deal with the can, and it's not simply a can because every time we kicked it down the road, unfortunately, it got bigger."
"The government comes in and spends money into the economy like a drunken sailor, the Fed monetizes the debt..."
"It's a story of how major companies acted wildly irresponsibly, skirted any meaningful consequences, and for the most part avoided public scrutiny."
"It's super irresponsible to send your fan base after people doing their job."
"Karen refusing to call the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"An Unthinkable Saga: Karen's refusing to dial the digits for the fire department while innocent souls are trapped in an elevator."
"I think it's crazy, I think it's super irresponsible, I think it's the worst thing a person could possibly do."
"The era of greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street and in Washington has led us to a financial crisis."
"Sometimes almost you could say aided and abetted by a certain selection of stock trading investment youtubers who are deeply deeply irresponsible."
"Making policy based on gut feelings is irresponsible."
"This solidifies what we've been saying: he is a deeply irresponsible person."
"Does go to show that Jerry really was not learning his lesson."
"Telling your audience God will protect them from their own irresponsibility is like telling people not to wear seatbelts because God will protect you if you're in an accident."
"You cannot be irresponsible with money forever and avoid the consequences of that irresponsibility."
"It would be irresponsible almost beyond words, pure nihilism."
"A moral hazard: rich people do stupid things, get your money."
"I also think it's absolutely insane and crazy that people chime in with copycat transmissions and pranks. I just don't understand that kind of mentality and that kind of lack of awareness of the consequences of their actions."
"One of the realizations I hope most people draw from this is that our nations have developed and evolved in irresponsible and disordered ways."
"I thought it was incredibly irresponsible. It has led to what we have now, which is a complete almost chaos."
"Depraved mind just means that an act was so unreasonable that someone was not thinking about the dangers they were causing."
"It boggles the mind how cavalier they're still being about this."
"It's my birthday, let unresponsibility begin."
"If you text and drive, I think you're kind of a jerk."
"That seems great, but it does seem a little sketchy or something, it wasn't like that, it was like literally oh I'm just lazy and rather sit here and drink and eat pizza than do anything to help you out or help Hunter's girlfriend out or whatever."
"We're supposed to go Christmas shopping but I'm drunk at dinner."
"...a loaded gun in his car there for a 13 year old girl."
"This extremely drunk driver was caught on video causing quite a big car crash."
"...just throw your life away...that's super whack."
"A dramatic boat crash at Smithville Lake in Minnesota was caused by a man known to be a degenerate and a bit of a drunk."
"It was freedom. Freedom to be irresponsible."
"She's basically passed out on my car."
"I'm literally just drunk myself... okay, don't try that at home kids, if he dies, he dies, I'll do a memorial stream tonight and make a bunch of money."
"I didn't plan for it at all. It was super irresponsible. I didn't pack, but I'm on my bike, I'm on the Gold Wing, I'm up here."
"His refusal to take any responsibility for his actions means his situation is genuinely hopeless."
"No power, no responsibility. Let's go."
"It's weird and annoying that he found out J.T. Walsh is dead and he doesn't go home and tell his partners, 'Hey, we got a serious problem, he's dead.' He's like, 'Let me go out drinking for several hours and not show up first.'"
"It's groundbreaking in its irresponsibility."
"License being the freedom to do whatever you feel like whenever you feel like without any sense of responsibility"
"I'm just a girl in love; I can't be held responsible for my actions."
"The wicked borrows and does not repay."
"She's just a girl in love. She can't be held responsible for her actions."
"I'm spending my money irresponsibly, but I don't care, anyways thanks for being super awesome."
"This driver has endangered the lives of so many people who've been driving."
"It's really reckless to ruin someone else's life, especially a child coming into the world, and you're not even stable yourself."
"Can you have one hour a week, at least, your irresponsible hour, to celebrate irresponsibility?"
"Lending Dry Bones a car is like lending a pyromaniac a blowtorch."
"Who on Earth would put a room full of underage college kids in a cocktail making workshop and expect them not to drink?"
"If irresponsible was a person, it would be me, but the dog is love."