
Protocol Quotes

There are 388 quotes

"HyperText Transfer Protocol is the protocol, the set of conventions, that browsers use when talking to web servers."
"We are to treat every flight, in a sense, as a return to flight."
"I expect the people around him to... help him pack up and catalog and return documents that are classified."
"Joining this family, I knew that there was a protocol for how things were done."
"The throne always passes from firstborn to firstborn."
"I think lowering the flags would be something very appropriate."
"Protocol owned liquidity incentivizes holders rather than mercenaries."
"Protocol owned liquidity brings re-aligned incentives."
"A tongue-in-cheek attitude to military dress also eases the straightjacket of protocol."
"Protocol brings you into the realm of greatness, influence, and great Authority."
"Any officer that appears out of uniform must identify."
"If three things go wrong, no matter how tiny, the dive is aborted." - Unnamed speaker
"The need to adhere to a certain societal protocol keeps us from getting to the actual solution to things."
"There's a very good reason for this specific protocol it's because every rider is different and your FTP only tells part of your story."
"Uniswap just became the first protocol to surpass 1 billion in fees."
"Bitcoin isn't a company or product or a service. It's an internet protocol."
"Please have your mask on during the interview." - Immigration Officer Miller
"What they needed to do was walk out of this event smile wave stand pose."
"That's how you know it's serious—when they take their hats off."
"The value is in the protocol." - Glenn Hutchins
"Exit the room before the empress or the emperor can come in."
"Nobody outranks safety, most especially us here on Grantham."
"The point of having a form specification is to underline the fact that it's a protocol, not a piece of software."
"All cranes must have a safety inspection filled out at the start of every shift."
"Well the rules of the Bitcoin system, known as the protocol, solves this in a very creative way I like to call 'Who Wants to Be a Banker?'"
"I think every church should have a widow protocol."
"Bitcoin is better thought of as a protocol, a fair equitable protocol for people to trade economic value or store economic value."
"Sum1 runs a system check and contacts his commander to report that he didn’t find the soldier he was supposed to replace."
"When a client is unresponsive, the first thing you do is call for help."
"We're going to keep dirty stuff with dirty stuff, so we're going to put it in the dirty linen container."
"The Superhuman protocol is magnetism, oxygen, and light."
"Be very careful with Hannibal Lecter. Dr. Chilton will go over the physical procedure you use to deal with him. Don't deviate from it."
"Bitcoin is backed by math, by the laws of mathematics, and by the rules of the protocol."
"Some of us, the sort of grace that we have, is the one that breaks protocol."
"I think bitcoin is the only one that can make a claim for being a neutral protocol."
"Angels are only too happy to talk to you but they won't start a conversation because they honor you, because of who you are, and there's a protocol for their approach unless they've been sent on assignment for the specific purpose."
"The Thanatos protocol had given them a chance, a fleeting hope."
"The Queen's Guard when marching are under no obligation to stop or slow down for a member of the public."
"Bitcoin Runes protocol is essentially the next generation of inscriptions protocol on bitcoin that is specifically made for tokens."
"So the ruins protocol is so cool because ruins directly sits on the same layer as ordinals so now you have a token standard that creates fungible tokens directly on top of Bitcoin."
"What secure protocol should be used for these tasks?"
"You won't be taking any pictures until you officially have permission from Colonel Andriev."
"I have spent so many hours this past week learning about Brian and his longevity protocol. It's called blueprint. It's very interesting. Very weird."
"Does what are you allowed and not allowed to do on a keep separate protocol? Relevant, sustained."
"The chief of staff edges forward, bracing his left arm on the compass, and salutes the Admiral."
"Protocols must be observed, and it’s such an honor to be a praise-singer."
"They're not supposed to touch that body until we get there, okay?"
"First thing you've got to do, number one, is the handshake."
"You're never supposed to do that. I have emergencies. They are an emergency."
"We have people who are over 9 years uh on the protocol."
"...this is a wi-fi six router so using the ax wi-fi protocol."
"If you do see USB 3.2 or 3.1 for that matter accompanied by Gen 2 that's actually a different protocol altogether."
"Scuzzy is such a well-established and very powerful protocol for accessing storage devices."
"So, the big key point here is it must remain on Ice. If it's not put on ice then we have to throw it out and start the test over."
"You want to always, always, always confirm the identity of the patient first."
"This incident serves as a critical lesson in the necessity of strict adherence to safety protocols."
"Please put your seat back to an upright position for takeoff."
"Unfortunately, for the safety of other passengers and the plane, we're gonna have to take some."
"I think the main difference is that the lightning network is driven by a formal specification, so there is the bolts repository where all of the functionality and behavior of the protocol is being specced out."
"This is the way it's supposed to happen. Problem is found, it's reviewed, it's verified, patches are created."
"The rules and regulations and struggles of acquaintanceships and how to introduce people."
"HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure."
"Our role is to continue to build extensions of the protocol that allow more and more services to become useful."
"...Indiana has changed their state's protocols and procedures for identifying accident victims to ensure this type of mix-up can never happen again..."
"If anything suspicious or improper happens, the security team will deal with it."
"Only Jesus said to Satan get this behind me because get behind me that's protocol."
"In public, act as if you are greeting an important guest."
"The computer speaks the protocol that the D4 is expecting to hear."
"Leave none standing. HEI protocol. Modified single bridge point."
"The ride is programmed to always load and unload two trains. Unless it decides to run just one train, but if it's running one train, I'm leaving the park."
"Bush 41 has a code of deference to the sitting president."
"What you have in front of you is a proposal for revised special containment procedures."
"On this particular account, you needed two people to sign off on all transfers, yet somehow these hackers bypassed that and got their transfers through."
"Permission is key: always get permission before turning circuits off."
"I'd better see the governor as soon as we get to the castle."
"If you give your clients IPv6 via ULA and IPv4, they're going to send all of their traffic over IPv4."
"All participants will be muted to allow the speakers to present without interruption."
"It's still so crazy to me, I still can't believe how complex it is but also how simple it is that the whole internet can be ran off of this protocol and it's so cool."
"From those study objectives, you can simply craft the protocol synopsis and protocol with very little effort."
"In the world of ipv4 we use a feature called the DHCP, the dynamic host configuration protocol we know it we love it and it's very effective."
"But in this world is like you could actually completely circumvent that entirely because now you have a protocol that can fund itself in this kind of invisible way."
"Just imagine, a faster, more secure alternative to blockchain consensus mechanisms. It uses a gossip about gossip protocol."
"You're in prison? What do you mean release you? Because from what I've read it says that Jesus Christ released all of us to go and preach the gospel already. Was there a second protocol that I'm not aware of?"
"...how do we make the Ethereum protocol layer one by itself have a self-sustained system of kind of karma? The action and consequence at the layer one are fully taken care of."
"I think the conclusion we've come to is that the manufacturer would rather that you were safe in the bucket but stuck, rather than safe in the bucket and try to recover yourself, if that makes sense."
"One thing you need to remember today is that you must read back all runway crossing and hold short clearances when you get them."
"The crocodiles: 'According to Disney's protocol if anyone falls into the crocodile pit during the Safari then they're to just drive off immediately you don't even help them you just let them get fed to the crocodiles.'"
"If the worst comes to the worst and contact results in the VIP being hit, the bodyguard's last resort is to administer resuscitation and speed the VIP to the nearest hospital. Trauma containment can be vital."
"Adenosine is our treatment of choice in patients with psvt."
"When do you give chest compression and bag and mask? You give chest compression and bag and mask ventilation when the heart rate is less than 60 in a newborn."
"Things important in sending a request: resource, request header, request body, response body, and status code."
"The power of this whole protocol is the data's there and the protocol is really easy to follow."
"When faced with a potentially abusive situation in the school setting, the school nurse's initial response is to contact her supervisor, such as the principal or school administrator."
"Never say the patient's name and date of birth for them. Let them state it."
"Our family is a textbook example of this naming protocol."
"The lightning protocol doesn't require Alice or Bob to promise to delete older transactions, but rather includes a clever way to punish either one of them if they do broadcast an older transaction."
"The internet protocol helps us route information. The transmission control protocol handles reliable delivery of information from one network to another."
"It fixes damage, it's a protocol that supplies the ingredients for your body to get back to a baseline and fix as much damage as it can."
"I've helped people get off the transplant list, decrease dialysis, get off of dialysis. It is a beautiful thing. Kidneys love the Goodbye Lupus protocol."
"NE protocol every day has about 475,000 new addresses coming on every single day"
"Our hyper nourishment protocol... does work for liver inflammation and reverse high liver enzymes."
"Prayer is effective when you follow these protocols: pray from a position of authority, be in a state of grace, and pray with precision."
"It was a validating moment to see such a great champion be able to follow all of these protocols."
"So basically under code red, we were taught to lock down, secure the building, and then wait for law enforcement to come in and take over the situation."
"Let's perform a safe start to begin."
"So we usually take this time to go over our Maryland protocol, everything that an EMT provider should know based off of what we see during the call at the scene."
"No one can leave during a code pink."
"It is important that Lido or the Lido protocol can also withdraw the stake. This creates an incentive for them to perform."
"Under absolutely no circumstances are personnel to ever stop, exit the vehicle, or approach the building."
"Border Gateway Protocol has been around for decades at this point and the problem with it much like with Ethernet and much like with TCP/IP version 4 is it wasn't really built with security in mind."
"So, a simple protocol, the I squared C protocol that allows us to communicate to multiple peripherals from multiple controllers."
"Now, if we focus on this AMQP091, which is also an application layer protocol."
"The person's now been in the water over 60 minutes and our guidelines will stipulate that they're not a viable resuscitation after 60 minutes."
"It is protocol independent which means it supports both IPv4 and IPv6."
"We didn't have time for proper protocol. Don't you understand? We haven't been protecting. We've been destroying."
"A global base layer bit power protocol."
"HTTP/1.1 was the simplest, most elegant representation of that."
"The entire Goodbye Lupus nutrition protocol was built off of my fat loss protocol that I put Brooke on to get ripped and shredded for the wedding."
"Foundational therapy for those patients."
"'He wanted this done by the book. This is what the book says I get.'"
"...it's basically against protocol for the fremont police to investigate the storage unit because it's one of their owns storage unit so they couldn't do that..."
"All rise, the Honorable the Chief Justice."
"The one thing I'm wondering about while I hate to belabor this but it's pretty interesting is what is the protocol for the right rear guy when you finish a tire change?"
"802.1x is not a protocol in the core of a network like the backbone of the internet does nothing with 802.1x."
"DHCP assigns IP addresses to hosts based on the concept of DORA: Discovery, Offer, Request, Acknowledgment."
"The goal with vasopressors is to maintain a mean arterial pressure greater than or equal to 65 millimeters of mercury."
"You don't ever want to leave specimens out or reagents out for the whole entire shift because you have obviously you have living cells in there."
"Immediate emergency treatment is we want to obtain a 12 lead ECG."
"It is therefore imperative that all rip Jim employees follow the safety protocol."
"There needs to be a protocol anyone can connect to that provides simple interoperability for money."
"It is rarely necessary to wait 24 hours before filing a person report."
"Always ask before you reach for something in the glove compartment. Don't just flat-out reach because they're gonna be alerted and alarmed, all right? Just say, may I reach for my registration, license, and insurance? Yes, okay?"
"If we will follow biblical protocol in a new era, we will have biblical results."
"The SCSI protocol itself still lives on. For example, the iSCSI protocol is used to access storage over the network."
"Rule number one in crime scene investigation is you never cover bodies."
"Rule number two is you don't move Firearms away from deceased people."
"You remove people from crime scenes."
"Locally Advanced Breast Cancer is treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery."
"Always start with our CRRT therapy."
"We're clear to Columbia County, as filed. You can climb to 4,000. Squawk code is going to be 2626. And departure frequency is 132.75."
"Treatment: CPR, intubation, everything according to ACLS algorithm."
"Investing in communication training and implementing new protocols led to significantly improved patient satisfaction scores."
"So, net new, you definitely want to have a URL naming convention policy in place."
"Make sure that you're looking for those perforator veins, whether it's part of your protocol or not. Just make sure that you are able to document that there is an incompetent perforator in your study."
"I would trust all my doctors to the procedure again we developed a unique protocol and that protocol is enforced on a daily basis."
"The Epstein-Barr virus is really oversold. Applying the Goodbye Lupus protocol helps regardless of whether EBV is present or not."
"Yes, the Goodbye Lupus protocol has helped treat Ankylosing Spondylitis."
"I started your protocol, all new blood work is negative, and I feel much better."
"Much like the president's limo, Marine One never flies alone."
"once the votes are read the decision is final person voted out to be asked to leave the travel council area immediately"
"Magnificent stuff and Russia being told they need to get out there on the infield for the presentation otherwise they're not getting a medal, simple as that."
"Interacting with the Queen is subject to all sorts of rules, even if you're the palace butler like Kerrigan. Not being able to talk to her before she spoke to you was just one."
"Only family members can register the death."
"Operation Shield, also known as Security Protocol 935."
"It's a breakup it's hard it is it's hard but you know that's the protocol that's what you do it happens all the time."
"In future, uniforms will be worn as you were trained to wear them at the Academy."
"A protocol is a set of rules to ensure successful host to host communication."
"More complex security was developed known as the extensible authentication protocol or 802.1x."
"The flag should always have the blue star part...on this upper left corner."
"The only time the flag is flown upside down is as a signal for help."
"The American flag should always be flown above any other flags."
"The place of honor of our national flag is always to the right of the speaker."
"That's the beauty of the Internet protocol; it is completely agnostic of what's the upper protocol is."
"You should follow the Goodbye Lupus protocol... it works."
"...so if you've already done my protocol and you're symptom-free and your blood tests are normal then one give yourself about six months before you introduce anything that could provoke any inflammation."
"TCP stands for the transmission control protocol. What TCP does is it uses IP packets in a specific way between the two ends of the connection to guarantee a reliable connection between the two machines."
"In a nuclear situation, you would not be changing over shifts."
"We made the tough call, following the flight rules."
"A protocol, not a company, is really the way forward."
"Friendly fire is never to shoot back."
"Maintaining Access: What is important here is if you do any sort of maintaining access or keeping access you need to make sure that you undo that when you are done."
"RDT 2.1 is a stop and wait protocol and uses a one bit sequence number."
"I just answered my name, rank, and serial number because that was always protocol."
"But yo, like concussed, that's an absolute no-brainer for me, he should have been taken off the field immediately."
"Follow all proper safety protocol."
"Every aspect of this procession and ceremony is instructed by protocol."
"As the second Elizabethan age comes to an end, today we will be looking at the events and protocol that occurred at the close of the first."
"Even if we are not headed towards a pathway of cognitive decline... all these things are addressed through the same protocol."
"If you're not running spanning tree protocol on your network, then you are susceptible to a switching loop."
"For our head of state not to be meeting the new Prime Minister would be something else completely."
"The first protocol to enhance cognition and reverse decline at any age."
"If we all practice good pandemic protocol we can have a severe impact on the scale of what we're looking at here."
"Websocket is a communication protocol that provides full duplex communication channels over a single long-lived connection."
"Mayday, mayday, mayday, there's a reason why you're supposed to repeat it three times."
"If you go ahead and follow the protocol, you actually get a really, really good outcome."
"This TIP, number 50, is called 'Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors in Substance Abuse Treatment.'"
"Systematic reviews should follow a set protocol which clearly sets out the review question, the inclusion criteria for randomized control trials, and the data collection process and procedure in an explicit and transparent way."
"It's not so much just handing them a protocol and being like, okay, how's your body going to respond, it's much more on like a personal level."
"Having a clear protocol is the key to having a successful review."
"It all comes back to the Ps: it's about planning, it's about preparation, and it's about having a jolly good protocol to follow."
"If you can get that result and get a remission without having to do as extreme an approach as my protocol, I am so thrilled for you."
"If you are sick and you want to know for sure you're going to get better, you do that Goodbye Lupus protocol."
"Never ever go from bathroom to kitchen using the same gloves."
"It's very hard to censor a decentralized protocol."
"It's the idea that before you're transmitting something, you listen to check that there's no carrier present before you send it."
"The goal is to manage the patient's ABCs: airway, breathing, circulation, and spine."
"When approaching burn patients we do use the principles of advanced trauma life support or ATLS."
"ICS protocol visibility and whitelisting is the ability to identify and control OT specific protocols and applications."
"TLS, which stands for Transport Layer Security, is a protocol for securing communication between the client and the server."
"I realized very rapidly that the thing that made me fat... was a very well-planned executed but somewhat dysfunctional protocol."