
Transhumanism Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"Gradually, the Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus shed their human weaknesses, replacing their limbs and organs with machinery that is both stronger and spiritually pure."
"Unrestricted transhuman physiology is pretty awesome to have."
"The singularity or transhumanism... means that at some point as biological beings, we're going to merge with machine."
"The flesh is weak. The limits and constraints imposed on us by our feeble organic bodies are simply unacceptable."
"Transhumanism is the philosophical study of technology that might enable us to go beyond current human limitations."
"Transhumanists regard human nature not as an end in itself, not as perfect, and not as having any claim on our allegiance. Rather, it is just one point along an evolutionary pathway, and we can learn to reshape our own nature in ways we deem desirable and valuable."
"Transhumanism: Humans may edit their genes to adapt to any environment or merge with computers, embracing existence as digital consciousnesses."
"This isn't just about paraplegics and healing blindness and fixing Dimension no no no no no this this is transhumanism."
"One solution... is a merging of body and mind with machines."
"It's two different things, right? So the transhumanist agenda for those that can afford it is you're going to be able to remain in your biological body and the advancements will allow you to at least double your lifespan."
"In the future we will be upgrading our bodies and our minds much the way we do machines and I know this sounds like science fiction but what's coming next will literally blow your mind."
"Trans Transformations are also on The Cutting Edge of transhumanism... aimed at the eradication of death itself."
"The movement today is often called 'h+', which certainly means humans plus."
"I think we are going to see a substantial escalation in the transhumanist movement."
"The game desperately needed more discussion on transhumanism and augmentation."
"At this point, the prospect of transhumanism stops being an intellectual exercise and becomes a question of subsistence."
"How far are you willing to go down this transhumanist road before you are not a human being anymore?"
"Transhumanism is a materialist inversion of all spiritual aspiration globally, particularly Christianity."
"Transhumanism provides both actual capabilities for enacting one's will and allows for far more dramatic dreams to come to fruition culturally."
"I really do like the idea of transhumanism and the idea of using technology for us to evolve to something better than we currently are."
"That's why I love the idea of cyberpunk: we can upgrade and modify ourselves like leveling up but in real life."
"This feeds into my theories about transhumanism."
"It's as if the days are long but the years are short."
"Transhumanism is basically saying through genetic modification and cybernetic augmentation, we can hack ourselves."
"What will we become in a few generations? Will we really be human?"
"Transhumanism is the next step of evolution."
"What I want to talk to you about is transhumanism."
"Transhumanism will be the biggest mistake humanity will ever make."
"Transhumanism promises eternal life, but you have to serve them."
"Honestly, it's like nothing is sacred anymore in this transhumanist mega-corporate dystopia."
"This global revolution will inevitably push to a genuine transhumanism."
"There's going to be a definite push to move humanity into a trans-humanity, transhuman in other words, alien."
"Transhumanism: altering ourselves with technology raises questions about humanity."
"Deus Ex Human Revolution deals with the ethics of transhumanism and raises the question of whether humanity's reach has exceeded its grasp."
"Transhumanism is like boundarylessness, you're out there in cyberspace ultimately while you're getting there it's an upgrade in humanity building yourself with machines."
"The merging of humans and machines is happening now."
"Transhumanism and Mars are directly linked because Mars is obsessed with science."
"Transhumanism seeks to artificially create those abilities and return humanity to a more god-like or higher state using technology."
"Transhumanism is a transition, that's why it's the word transition is built into that."
"Transhumanism: evolving beyond our current limitations through technology."
"Pat's Cop: a commentary on the pitfalls of transhumanism."
"We can defeat death with transhumanist technologies."
"Soma is a game about the horrors of transhumanism, existentialism, and what it means to be human."
"Looking down the barrel into the future, you see all of these absolutely bizarre and dark ideologies that are talking about genetic modification. It's absolutely ridiculous."
"I think he's honest about transhumanism... whether you want me to or not, this is happening."
"No human being that is for freedom is going to be for transhumanism or AI period, but the real goal is AI symbiosis. This is AI, um, is basically connecting the brain with AI. That's the real goal."
"Nimrod was the poster child for transhumanism, corrupting his DNA and becoming something else."
"Transhumanists: anything that makes us stronger is desirable."
"Those people who have crossed over into the transhuman category, they will no longer qualify for human rights. That's over."
"Transhumanism is the belief that the human race can evolve beyond its physical and mental limitations through technology."
"We wind up already transhumanism begins with the premise that that was a lie."
"With the virtual world, it induces disembodiment, which prepares people for a transhumanist, post-human, data-driven experience."
"If you have a game that's about transhumanism and about sexuality you have nothing to say about transsexuality beyond just i don't know corporatism then you've failed on a fundamental level in your writing"
"The number one goal of transhumanism is to overcome biological death with science and technology"
"For now, a profound question echoes: is the merging of metal and flesh truly human, or has a new species been born in the crucible of adversity?"
"Cities of this era would epitomize the seamless integration of biology and technology."
"The distinction between what they are and their technology will be less marked as it is for us; biology and technology will start to merge."
"Humanity is on the cusp of losing its humanity, transforming into posthuman beings."
"Uploaded beings should unite and seek ways to save themselves."
"Only by freeing oneself from the physical form could one escape the scarcity, decay, and pain of death."
"Uploaded intelligences would not disappear but proliferate."
"We are on the cusp of post-biological evolution, potentially going from biology to machine."
"I actually think that we're going to evolve into machine form, and we're just going to take our patterns and move them into machines. And that will be the future of human evolution."
"Transhumanism meets Robin Hood on hover gliders. They're lawbreakers and they clearly cross lines they shouldn't, but they're utopian at heart."
"Stay tuned for more on brain training, transhumanism, and fitness."
"Man is going to merge with machine, right? So these bodies are going to become cyborg."
"Transhumanists would outperform non-augmented humans in practically every job on the planet."
"Transhumanism will help us exponentially enhance our physical and mental capabilities."
"We could upload our minds to new bodies."
"Artificial enhancements of existing human beings begin to meddle in the very definition of what it is to be a human being."
"The transhumanist vision bypasses the fundamental problem of human brokenness, sin, and rebellion against God."
"Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh and a new world awaits you. We demand it."
"Transhumanism: we're moving into the post-human era where the human body can be extended in ways that go far beyond its original design."
"It's a strangely enough it's a path to immorality immortality and that sounds bizarre to the uninformed."
"So one solution is, which has been discussed for years by people like Hans Moravec and a few others, is can you scan the human brain and copy it into a ROM and then become immune to biological diseases."
"The transhuman is an active approach in looking at human evolution and merging with machines and enhancing Augmentin."
"Once we embrace that paradigm and make it structurally indispensable for women to be read as people on the same terms as men, what we're saying is that transhumanism is a structural necessity for women to exist as political people."
"Transhumanism promises omnibenevolence, doing away with all corruption."
"It's not a surprise that in England, in America, this eugenics movement is the precursor to transhumanism. It makes perfect sense."
"Transhumanism ultimately secularizes religious themes, concerns, and goals."
"We're already transhuman. We're living longer, integrating more with technology, and emphasizing quality of life."
"Hey, you know, as man is, God once was, as God is, man may become. The first transhumanist movement were the Mormons."
"And save human beings, like that, for me is a really practical way in which thinking about transhumanist thought at a broader level can and should inform the work we already do today."
"Transhumanism will have a deeper and more longlasting impact on society."
"If it’s possible to upload entire brains, a concept called mind uploading, then how do we know that they haven’t been already?"
"I don't think transhumanism necessarily negates the human spirit. I think that's a misunderstanding of transhumanism."
"The idea of more and more cybernetics diminishing humanity makes complete sense."
"I think the idea of any form of implants will change a human being."
"Humanity's loss should only happen when you put in cybernetics that either actually significantly mess with your nervous system or are 100% about violence."
"We will transcend our biology, not our humanity."
"As human beings, we should admire and cheer on these people because they may indeed hold the post-human future in their hands."
"...the prospect of becoming gods in our own right."
"...there's a way in which you can define transhumanism as just the imperative to use science to improve the human condition."
"If you wish to become robotic as possible, you must saw down your limbs and remove your organs and replace them with mechanical parts because that is what he wants and that is how you will become enlightened."
"You want to do something exciting fund me please people at home if you want to answer any of these questions feel free to answer them in the comment section if you think it's cool to transplant your brain into another human or a robot or an iPhone just let us know."
"You know how much of the human body can we replace in order to remove the effects of a body that eventually loses itself to time?"
"Freedom from the biological form is probably what I'm most looking forward to."
"Transhumanism is the notion that use of technology to extend human lifespan, intelligence, and physical ability would enhance the quality of the human life and should be actively pursued."
"It’s an interesting aspect of Transhumanism and posthumanism, that it’s mostly focused on improving the human condition."
"Human consciousness can be downloaded and uploaded to human shells called sleeves."
"There's a philosophical movement called transhumanism that's all about using technology to enhance human abilities and evolve beyond our current physical and mental limitations."
"Transhumanism is human self-improvement with technology."
"Transhumanism is an international movement and a process that seeks to reconstruct and improve humans through science."
"Cyborgs would no longer be human; they would be something completely different from us and from any other animal."
"Transhumanism is an all-weather thing... people will want to get better and I think science is now really starting to catch up there."
"The obsession with hybridization, creating chimeras, and transhumanism does not begin in our epoch; it began in the Atlantean epoch."
"That alone is how we get to life extension, transhumanism, brain-machine interface, limb regeneration, and super soldier serum."
"Transhumanism... believes in the eventual and quite literal merging of man and machine."
"This scope for us to become part human, part machine, kind of cyborg."
"Humans could transcend biology by merging with computers."
"Transhumanism is a growing international social movement."
"Transhumanism advocates for the use of technology to enhance human abilities and transcend the limitations of the human body and mind."
"One of the central ideas of transhumanism is the use of AI to augment human intelligence and cognitive abilities."
"The potential for increasing inequality and social division is one of the primary dangers of transhumanism."
"Transhumanism, the fusion of humankind with machines, is totally consistent with all of these ideas about that individual enhanced seeking immortality, living in the here and now."
"The transhuman is the one that’s in the process of becoming a posthuman. Posthuman is where you are no longer recognizable as homosapiens."
"The Transhumanist Wager has been described as Atlas Shrugged for the transhumanist movement."
"The goal of the transhumanist movement is not just to extend or enhance the human experience, it is to transform and supplant the human experience into something new."
"Transhumanism wants to reject the concept of human exceptionalism."