
Legacy Building Quotes

There are 169 quotes

"I'm not building a dynasty, I'm building legacy."
"We want to build a legacy, do something that they can say, man, have you been to the 85 Studios, the oldest black studio in Georgia?"
"Principle-based financial wisdom builds legacies."
"Real gangsters don't risk their lives and freedom; they learn how to leverage money for generations."
"When you start to create your legend...it's a tough organization to create that space in because they do have so much history."
"As a captain, my job was to steward it, to leave it better for having played in it."
"We're not trying to just work, we're trying to make sure that our kids' kids' kids know who we are."
"Wanting to be wealthy creates long-term legacies."
"I think he will strive to make it one of his legacies."
"I definitely want to build my legacy but I feel like I'm still some way to become a legend. I still have a lot to learn."
"Marriage to me is more about friendship and building a legacy."
"I'm trying to secure four generations, I want to give four generations a head start."
"A husband, on the other hand, has the mindset of wealth, he has the mindset of legacy."
"That $10,000 could've been blown, but I wanted to build a legacy."
"I want a legacy that is bigger than just one or two, I want us to absolutely transform the lives of people."
"I find myself the recipient of the things that I was praying for because of the circumstances the hard circumstances that were thrown my way."
"We all have to take on the responsibility and say, 'I have a legacy.'"
"Your legacy will be defined by the decisions you make at your crossroads."
"Strive to become your own person, someone worthy of leaving behind a legend of their own."
"I think it's actually a very noble motivation. My motivation is to leave a nice country for my children."
"You are becoming the architect that will write the blueprint to your family's name."
"A story of daring drivers, brutal machines, and the quest to build the greatest legacy in rally."
"It's my opportunity to build something for my legacy."
"If you do these things, the next generation and the generations that follow will live in a world far better than the one we today."
"You want to leave a legacy, build a school, contribute to a hospital."
"I just want to build something really incredible for the next generation of fans."
"We're building a legacy that is prepared to last for centuries."
"He can really cement himself as one of the greats."
"It's not something that lives and dies with one person; it's how can you inspire a person to then in turn inspire another person, and then inspire another person. And that's how you create something that I think lasts forever."
"Big moments happen here, and champions last forever."
"Leave the past behind, make room for what's ahead, and focus on your legacy."
"This is where legacies are built. This means so much to both athletes."
"It's good for a lot of us brothers to go straight monk mode out here focus on building your empire focus on building your legacy focus on putting in that work go straight monk mode."
"I'm fighting the best fighters in the world. I'm putting it all on the line every single time not for the money but for the Legacy for my name to be remembered."
"Build something bigger than yourself, leave a legacy. Don't settle, ask for exactly what you want."
"This is truly the beginning of Danger's legacy."
"The legacy is the people we touch, the people we help along the way."
"This is the one way you have to build equity to be able to finance it possibly in the future, pay for your kids' college education, leave your kids a little bit something."
"Many years of laughter, playing around, amazing sex, and creating legacy."
"You're building something, something that's gonna last."
"You encourage, inspire more to do the same. You will leave behind a meaningful legacy that will always continue to grow."
"Building a legacy for future generations in a peaceful, quiet desert town."
"Getting the win over Max Holloway, that's like a legacy-defining performance."
"I want to be the most wealthy person that I can ever be, serve people, honor God, give back, and create a legacy."
"You're building your legacy while others just want the cherry on top."
"We're looking at a chance of leaving somewhat of a legacy for the kids."
"Her enduring talent and contributions to the entertainment industry have solidified her status as a respected and beloved actress."
"Disc golf's going to be around when I'm not around, but what kind of mark am I going to leave in disc golf? It's kind of, you know, all these things put together." - Paul McBeth
"Legacies are built... forged by constant excellence... those that endlessly innovate."
"They want to wrestle. They want to create a legacy."
"We may never see this, but somebody in the future will inherit a huge beautiful place." - Deep South Homestead
"Plus we want this place to be like known for a long time."
"I'm a human bank, I'm a walking corporation, I'm an endowment for my family."
"Live each day as if it may be your last on earth. It may be. Leave your legacy."
"They've created a potential legacy brand. Something that could be around for generations."
"The father heart connects generations and reverses curses."
"You plant the seeds of trees you will never sit under the shade of."
"He aspired to be a man who made possible the lives of others."
"People with his drive, ambition, and positivity don't switch off once they reach the top. They are determined to leave a legacy."
"You've got to create things that outlive you as content creators."
"She's carrying the torch for the entire bitcoin community and I think she views it as an opportunity for her legacy."
"Being successful is not defined by necessarily how much money is in your bank account, but what you've done to form and lead a path for legacy."
"I'm going to be a legend by the time my time is done."
"I tap in that Devin Haney remains undefeated. He feels like this is one of those fights that he has to win to continue to build his legacy."
"Financial legacy is when your wealth lasts for generations."
"You're creating a legacy through your legendary actions."
"I will not leave this earth without transferring all this knowledge to somebody, somewhere, somehow."
"Thanks to our contributions to his legacy though we've now made him into a legitimately sought after villain."
"Institution building baby, that's how you get that power."
"Putting your name on trophies is something that's forever legendary in the game."
"We're not going to save money, invest money, we're not going to leave a legacy if we are drowning in consumer debt, period."
"I need optic to outgrow me. I want my great-grandchildren to say, you know what's crazy, my great-grandfather built that thing they were watching."
"I promise you will have every opportunity to achieve your dreams, create legacy, and change your life."
"Now we will rebuild our place in the halls of humanity not for ourselves but for our children and the children of all mankind."
"Thanks in part to Drew's toughness and resilience."
"Your cup has to be overflowing in order for you to make anyone really happy around you or to even truly help them and yourself at the same time."
"Achieving financial security and leaving a legacy."
"Enough is enough, I work too hard to feel this broke, I'm done with debt, I'm done with games, I want to leave a different kind of legacy for my family."
"Resetting your legacy that you're leaving behind after this lifetime."
"If he wins this match, it cements him as one of the best of all time."
"I’m here to build legacy. I’m here to make things happen. I’m here to change the world."
"Flow with the energy that's drawing you to do some work on your aspirational career endeavors and legacy that you want to leave."
"I'm slowly but surely like you know creating my little legacy."
"Legacy, man. I'm not here to just get a paycheck, I want the world to see this kid that started in this bedroom can become whatever he wants."
"Leave a legacy, expanding what you're building, respected by peers for effort and dedication."
"Memories are created in easy times, but legacies are created in difficult ones."
"It's all about legacy and building a library that we're proud of."
"What you're doing right now with your life is far more valuable and important to who you are becoming into your legacy than anything else you could possibly be doing with your life."
"We have to invite the right people to our table that's going to help us build our legacy."
"I want to be a legend in the sport. I want to be an all-time great... I want my name to be remembered longer than I ever will."
"The pressure is higher, the stakes are high. It's what we train for every day, it's what we dream about. It's huge, it's creating a legacy that you want to be a part of."
"You're marrying each other, you both have all the tools you need to have a beautiful relationship, to build a legacy."
"Remembering that is a good way to pave the way to the future."
"We should be teaching our kids and their kids."
"Losers focus on winners, winners focus on Legacy."
"I got married this week not just out of love for this beautiful black woman but because I know that at some point I'm going to die and when I die I want to leave something that is built on structure and legacy."
"Health, legacy, family tree, slow steady growth, who you are long after you're gone."
"Your 'why' should be you want to create, you want to break the generational curse and create generational wealth for your family."
"If we could make that our legacy, raising the general idea of what it means to be customer centric, that would be a huge accomplishment."
"We made it, we created generational wealth, we took care of our families."
"Your goal should be to generate wealth for family members not even born yet. That's generational wealth."
"Somebody is ready to settle down, somebody is ready to just find their life partner and settle down and get married, like somebody is ready to create that legacy."
"I want to be a legendary fighter, I want my name in The Big Book."
"Every woman deserves to be celebrated, so we're building tomorrow's Legacy with generational wealth."
"If somebody truly wants to make history instead of getting the last check mark."
"Sometimes you have to build more than just be good."
"Our goal and our job is to build something that will outlast all of us."
"Everybody wants to wrestle, they're in this business not only for the money but to make a name for themselves and create a legacy."
"Generational wealth, that's what we talk about, family."
"We're doing this not just for ourselves but for our great great grandchildren and all our descendants."
"People don't want to just settle, they want to do things that make them happy or they want to do great things, they want to leave some type of legacy."
"This person intends to commit to you they see you long term with you they feel like you guys could build a legacy together."
"Lionel Andres Messi continues to build on his legacy as... the greatest most extravagantly gifted player the world has witnessed."
"I'm focused on abundance and legacy."
"You're building your generational wealth, you're forming your legacy."
"You're breaking the curse and building your legacy."
"The WWE is looking at it from a company perspective...ensuring that when we look back in the future 30 years from now and we're looking at this generation of stars that John Cena stands out as somebody who can be respected."
"It's all about building a legacy and keeping this thing going for countless years, more and more decades."
"You're actively building your legacy, whatever you're doing at this time is going to lead to a major legacy."
"We're not in it to buy seven million dollar homes, we're in it to make incredible things that will leave a legacy."
"I want to create like a legacy. I think Compartes should be a worldwide brand."
"I'm building something for them because I feel like right now, I really haven't built a lot for them like I should have."
"It's huge, it's creating a legacy that you want to be a part of."
"If we're going to transition, let's leave our mark behind; let's set up a foundation for the generations behind us."
"Martial arts legend Chris Cyborg looks to cement her incredible legacy with her relentlessly aggressive style."
"It's how you touch the lives of others around you, create that impact where your legacy stands strong."
"That is a way for people who don't come from or inherit generational wealth to start that cycle for their kids."
"We're not building our legacy with her family or his family; y'all are building y'all legacy together."
"Greatness is not an outcome, it's a lifestyle, a way of life, a legacy."
"We only reached what we have now because we have a history, we have a past."
"With today's technologies and the ability to be a super athlete, there are so many advantages if taken, one can become great and leave a legacy."
"We can create a generational legacy of wealth and connection to the power of our money."
"...how do you build a legacy like how do you build a life it's not just glorifying to God but it's successful because you did the next hard but right thing..."
"It's an incredibly exciting time for us today to create what could become a 500,000-year legacy."
"Financial wisdom and living with modesty can create the most enduring legacies."
"Cheers to New Beginnings and let's create a legacy together."
"If you and I can move that decimal sometime in our lifetime, we've just created a lasting legacy."
"You have the power to transform generations in your community, to cement legacies in your family."
"Starting my business... it's gonna make my legacy that much better."
"What God has given you to build is gonna secure your future and your family name."
"Those bricks in our backpack, we take them out and they pave a brick path; that's what legacy is."
"Going deep within and being authentic and true to yourself, nurturing yourself through building a legacy that you feel passionate about, that is your healing remedy."
"Jupiter will move through your seventh house... because seventh house is a house of co-creating something with somebody and it's a house of creating your dynasty, your legacy, creating great things that is going to last for a long time."
"See, I'm never gonna quit, got my legacy set in motions."
"Have an impact on life, leave an impact, and leave a legacy that's a positive one."
"The athlete's competitive progress gains fame and immortality."
"We can work in unity; these women ain't in no competition, man. We building a legacy, man, all praise to the most high."
"The desire to exercise your free will, invest your energy where you will, and start to build something that has a really strong legacy."
"What I'm building here today is not just for me, it's for them."
"Brady's about legacy, and that's a good way to create an even better legacy for TB12."