
Forgetting Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"People tend to forget and move on pretty quickly."
"Time to cover it with dirt and forget it ever happened."
"One day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna notice that you haven't even thought about it and that's how you get over it."
"There's something about you baby that makes me forget to be fighting alone."
"Change is good. It's the first link in the chain of forgetting."
"I wish that I could wake up with amnesia"
"We are voluntarily forgetting because we can't believe what became of our nations that we thought were civilized."
"Let's forget about the whole ordeal and instead go do something fun."
"What I've come to understand is that we knew everything we chose to forget."
"Everybody just goes and tries to forget about what you did."
"Sam decides to forget that she has the worst luck in the world."
"Love is so short, forgetting is so long."
"It doesn't write down the quotes."
"If you forget this thing, I promise you, you will also only forget it once."
"You are going to move on and forget this person."
"The rate of forgetting has been studied, documented, and graphed out by the late German psychologist Herman Ebbinghaus, who came up with the forgetting curve."
"I kind of waver now. At the beginning, it does sound like a utopia. But how did people forget about war?"
"Embracing forgetting is actually crucial. If you forget something, the harder your brain has to work to retrieve it which trains your brain to build up the necessary neural pathways to ensure you remember that information later on."
"Forgetting is not an aberration or interruption, but an active and creative force."
"Forgetting is just part of the process of learning, and so I don't really beat myself up over it if I forget a word or forget a kanji. If it's important, it'll come up again."
"Forgetting is expressed in disobedience. It's not about your memory. It's when we choose not to honor the Lord with the obedience of our lives, then we've forgotten who it is that has established us."
"It only feels bad for a while, then it all goes away. You'll forget."
"Forget you ever heard of the one piece."
"Sometimes nostalgic things are best left forgotten."
"Memories can be very inconvenient things. Now, there are all kinds of ways of working with the memory. Unfortunately, we cannot forget without forgetting too much. In fact, it's only when the memory fails that a lot of our problems start."
"Forget everything you don't know."
"With one grand gesture, the past was forgotten."
"Memory and forgetting, there's so much here."
"...I feel like I should at least remember it and I don't..."
"People should know what happened, but people are already forgetting."
"My things can remember, we must forget."
"If we fail to come back to the information in our short-term memory, it'll be forgotten forever."
"Forget it, never happened. The human superpower: forgetting."
"Everything gets sort of plowed under with time."
"Forgetting can enable learning; conditions that create difficulties can optimize long-term retention and transfer."
"It's just so funny how quickly people forget."
"Your mind is like a parachute, and only open once it's worth forgetting everything else."
"Forgetting is easier than forgiving."
"No one remembers our name, and how tragic is that? Unless we forget."
"The fact you can literally stop thinking about somebody completely ever again, that's a skill, right?"
"By the end of October, our lives had become the familiar routine of school, play, study. Jem seemed to have put out of his mind whatever it was he wanted to forget, and our classmates mercifully let us forget our father's eccentricities."
"When people grow up, they forget the way."
"There's a day you wake up, and you won't think about that tragedy that you feel like defined you before, and that's when you realize that you can learn how to forget."
"In the wilderness, forgetting leads to renewal."
"To follow God and keep moving forward, you have to forget everything you think you know and you have to intentionally remember stuff that you would rather forget."
"There's a very valuable part of living that is forgetting and letting things go."
"You taught me how to love; now teach me to forget."
"Forgetting is a good thing, I guess. You might want to forget your middle school behavior one day."
"I lie awake in bed hoping that if I forget him, then maybe, just maybe, he will not remember me."
"It's been seven years; you start to forget the things you should remember, and you can't stop remembering the things you should forget."
"Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met."