
Starvation Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Fasting is not starvation; starvation is involuntarily, fasting is your choice."
"Starvation in Sudan might not make the TV as much as atrocities in Ukraine, but it's going to happen, and probably more lives will be lost that way."
"The main drivers of starvation today include... our overconsumption [which impacts] climate change."
"You can't live without eating and drinking anything, and if you try to live without eating you will die of starvation."
"Starvation and famine is prevalent in the 1900s."
"This guy found a dog that was so famished it could barely stand."
"By the time people are starving to death, the riots tend to quiet down a bit because people don't have the energy for that activity."
"The people of Yemen are not starving, they are being starved."
"Starvation is a long-term strategy, not a long-term solution."
"Six billion dollars... would save a whopping 42 million people on the brink of starvation."
"Will people starve? That's an actual possibility."
"A starvation death is a slow, lonely, painful death."
"When you starve children, that is a slow, slow, lonely, painful death."
"We're not talking about getting a haircut. We are talking about hundreds of millions of people dying from starvation."
"It's just the astonishing mental clarity of starvation."
"Starvation should never happen and the famine does not have to happen."
"It's a massive failure of the world that we can't get food to a starving civilian population."
"We're gonna see some of it. I don't believe that there's necessarily gonna be widespread dying in America of starvation."
"All of the promises that the Left told us, now are shattered. People are starving to death." - Glenn Beck
"If it's not how much you eat then why are there no people starving to death while still fat like people who you know tragically were in concentration camps and stuff?"
"As the days went by, more and more of the parties succumbed to their desperate hunger."
"I'm starving, man. I haven't eaten all day."
"Starving a child is abuse, not discipline."
"Why does he eat everything on his plate? Because they don't give him enough, they're starving him today!"
"The guys were literally starving to death."
"People are literally starving to death because the wealthiest have hoarded so much money."
"Humanity was starving, freezing to death. There has to be a fight."
"In the first few years most of Jamestown's inhabitants died of starvation."
"One defector said when he was in the camp around 25 percent of the prison population died each year from starvation."
"The Holodomor, engineered by Joseph Stalin, caused the death of millions through forced starvation, a horrific genocide."
"A haunting photo of a woman condemned to death by starvation."
"On the verge of starving to death, Rex finally gives in and successfully attains the food from Megan."
"She literally starved herself to death."
"Hundreds of thousands perished from starvation in that first winter."
"The existing highly fossil-fueled, highly globalized food system is the recipe for starvation."
"I've been absolutely starving for a while."
"If you feed this rice to starving person, even starving person will say 'I choose to die.'"
"A world in ruin, where everyone was starving but nobody could die."
"His belly is starved like you bro."
"More than 20 million people face the risk of dying from starvation because of war and drought."
"The test of civilization of a country is not the number of millionaires it has but the absence of starvation among its people."
"If you are an organism and you find yourself starving, you have to go into a protective mode, try to survive as long as possible with as little food as possible until the food comes around again."
"Starvation is being used as a weapon against children in Yemen on purpose."
"I cannot have a village of invalids; we will starve."
"There would be tens of millions of people who would starve as a consequence of the economic dislocation caused by the lockdowns."
"Millions of civilians living in conflict-scarred nations, including many women and children, face being pushed to the brink of starvation."
"An additional 130 million people could be pushed to the brink of starvation by the end of 2020."
"Every 24 hours, 40,000 children die of starvation."
"It's not the cold that kills the bees, it's starvation."
"Starvation is being used as a weapon of war."
"Starvation is becoming painful now, it's a real game changer."
"Meanwhile, Megalodon will be forced to stay in the warmer water around the equator, deprived of its prey, it will be starved into extinction."
"Pilots arrived finding the soldiers who were too emaciated to even unload the aircraft, and with this, slim rations were given out."
"Undernutrition is in the context of starvation, probably one of the most problematic things that we deal with as human civilization."
"There's plenty of aid available; the problem is that governments deliberately won't let it through and are deliberately causing starving."
"The risk of body weight getting too low is starvation."
"It's a cautionary tale about what happens when you starve a vibrant woman's mind."