
MLM Critique Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The whole thing, from OpenSea fantasies for starving artists to the buy-in for Play to Earn games, it's the same hollow, exploitative pitch as MLMs."
"If you don't understand the issue with MLMs or you don't think they're that bad, I'd recommend James Jani's video 'multi-level marketing cults: lies, pyramid schemes, and the pursuit of financial freedom.'"
"MLMs are very predatory business structures that prey on the vulnerable and leave most people with a lot less money than they started."
"It's repetitive, it's almost the same as any other weight loss MLM we've looked at."
"Optavia is just another horrible diet MLM." - Blair
"According to a report by the Federal Trade Commission, 99% of representatives lose money from MLM companies."
"Being in an MLM makes you do some insane things that you would never otherwise do."
"Multi-level marketing companies are money-making schemes and nothing more."
"That really is what I've noticed from MLMs. They're sort of the good salesmen. The people who succeed are masters at tapping into the hope, the, you shouldn't be satisfied, you can do better, and with us, you will do better."
"According to some studies, 99 percent of people who join an MLM never even make back their initial investment."
"The least you can do is avoid MLMs like doTERRA and Young Living."
"I could not believe that she was so desperate to recruit that she recruited herself a second time with my name and address."
"Logical and reasonable discussion about the criticisms of the MLM industry."
"It's about getting as many people as possible to sign up under you and pay a big starter fee, and actually over 99% of people who sign up for an MLM never turn a profit."
"Cults suck people in because of the love bombing that new recruit usually thinks that the MLM has their best interests at heart when really the MLM doesn't care about you at all."
"MLMs make it sound like it's this amazing wonderful great thing where you're gonna make millions from doing like five hours work a week."
"There's a really horrible dark side that you don't see enough of."
"Thank you so much for watching today; please don't get into debt, please don't get involved in MLM, and also buy my stuff."
"The Jordans said that their company would be for distributors, and they wanted to treat others the way they wanted to be treated, yet the Jordans created an environment exactly like the MLMs they escaped."
"Customers told Jane that they weren't actually losing any weight, and Jane had to spend $200 each month on boxes just to stay active since she could no longer sell any herself."
"In an MLM company, you cannot question anything; if you do, you're told to stop being negative."
"Simply because they're an MLM, and since, you know, MLMs don't ever play by the rules, as it turns out, the KKK also owed about $685,000 in back taxes."
"And let me be like perfectly transparently clear about this, MLM or not, pyramid-shaped business model or not, this business fucking sucks from tip to tail."
"It's downright frightening to imagine how painful such an ostracism would be to someone without any other support and that behavior sickens me."
"You're five times more likely to be profitable gambling at Caesar's Palace than being involved in an MLM."
"MLMs encourage people to put the company above everything else in their life."
"Emily as a morally gray protagonist is showing us how mlms not only do the worst things to us but also bring out the worst in us."
"How MLMs not only do the worst things to us but also bring out the worst in us and then encourage us to bring out the worst in each other."
"The worst that happens in an MLM is you walk away losing money, losing so much time, having damaged relationships, and feeling like a complete failure."
"MLMs are very well known for taking advantage of their ignorant downline, but this is taking advantage of pretty much everyone that they can in a time of crisis."
"With MLMs, you hardly make any money selling a product, hardly any money at all."
"MLMs by nature are pay to play; this is more of like a pay to win kind of thing."
"MLM horror story inside a narcissist climb to the top."
"MLMs are predatory, they're manipulative. Don't join them."
"If multi-level marketing companies actually made the average person who got into it money, I would be a supporter of it."
"The vast majority of participants will be in a lost position."
"It's not about the products, it comes down to the fact that the business model is what's problematic about it."
"If someone hooks you into an MLM, kick them right in the nutsack."
"Lularoe itself is not the problem, the entire structure of MLM companies is the problem."
"Shining a light on the shady habits of MLMs is truly God's work."
"MLMs ruin relationships, even ones that aren't very close."
"There are options out there that offer the benefits that MLMs boast while actually paying you your worth."
"If you would not use the product or the service in the multi-level marketing company if they did not incentivize you with the multi-level marketing commission payment, if you're not going to use it, that speaks for itself. It's a pyramid scheme."
"Majority of people in MLMs do not make money."
"The fleecing of people at the bottom prevents them from succeeding."
"While multi-level marketing is not illegal... it is highly unethical."
"This video is about showing the reality behind MLMs, the real information that's hidden."
"MLMs are based in the recruiting model but hide behind the product sales model."
"Only people at the top of MLMs can truly earn a significant income."
"Hello and welcome back to my channel! If you're new here, welcome! I'm so happy you're here. My name is Hannah, and on this channel, I post a lot of anti-MLM content."
"99.7 percent of people that join a multi-level marketing company either lose money or don't make any at all."
"You do not need an MLM to improve your health and wellness."
"If there's an actual MLM and scam being made, then we need to talk about this because other people need to avoid it at all costs."
"You're worth so much more than what the MLM is giving you."
"It has been very interesting to speak with individuals who have left MLMs and really seen the truth about what goes on."
"Ninety-nine percent of people do not make money in MLMs."
"It's amazing the parallels between Scientology and MLM, and it's because it is a cult."