
Internalization Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"When your mother rejects you, you don't hate them, you internalize it and you start to hate yourself."
"Masculine is external and feminine is internal. We connect to the universe by going internal."
"When we wake up to realizing that we have been relying on our internalized idea... it can trigger a profound grief."
"Gaslighting works because we have internalized the biases of the world."
"This is mine to have and just claim it, claim it internally with yourself now and just know that it is and it is what is coming for you."
"Knowing what you want is beautiful. You have to internalize that."
"You're illustrating how internalized the white gaze is within you."
"If the spirit of God is at work within you, you don't need Ten Commandments pointed on your wall or tattooed on your skin. God's embedded on your heart."
"The narcissist had internalized the negative input and attributed it to an internal object."
"Marx's concept of value is something which is internalized."
"Embracing God's promises means letting them take root in our hearts and minds."
"New moons are usually about new beginnings and fresh starts, not necessarily doing everything but planting the seed, formulating internally what the new beginning and what the fresh start is gonna be."
"God writes his law on your heart."
"When the spirit comes, and I will live within you, and that which I have said to you externally will now become apparent internally."
"You do not exist as an individual to them; you exist as an internal object, an interject, an idea of somebody that you've internalized."
"Your words were found and I ate them, I got them inside of me, I acted them out and then the joy and the rejoicing became mine to enjoy."
"Internalization is a crucial pathway in the development of narcissism, healthy narcissism."
"Through internalization, the relationship between mother and child is reproduced in the relationship between super ego and ego."
"Shame is almost like the internalized gaze of the values of whatever culture you happen to live in."
"Big news with HYLD and HD, they're internalizing the fund."
"Successes are defeated by the emotional internalization of experiences of success, letting it really land inside us."
"...appreciate we do have the power to increase the intensity of our experiences. That's one of the eight ways to internalize positive experiences so that they become lasting changes inside, so you grow the good that lasts inside."
"It's not enough to hear these things; these things must enter into your heart."
"The narcissist lives inside his head in the fullest sense of the word, he interacts only with internal objects and uses external objects as conduits to reach into internal objects."
"...how do we internalize this and get better."
"Self-stigmatization is the idea that I internalize what society says about what I did and I turn that towards myself."
"Cultivating that internally as well as having that externally surrounding me, you know, that's I think the place that we're moving towards."
"When you have an abusive parent or a negligent authority figure in your life, you internalize a simulation of them, their voice, what they say to you, and what they tell you is true about you and your life continues to resonate inside of you."
"When there's more trial out there, there's more anxiety in here."
"By internalizing his goals in daily life, the stoic is able to preserve his tranquility while dealing with things over which he has only partial control."
"I think it's internal I love that because it makes it such a presence practice and like such an intentional act"
"The role of scientific history is to go back and look. Many kinds of ideas take a couple of decades at least for one to internalize."
"You got to get things on the inside before you get it on the outside."
"Acceptance is something that flows from our spirit, it's something that can be felt."
"Because what the world does to you is the world does it to you long enough and effectively enough, you begin to do it to yourself. You become a collaborator, an accomplice of your own murderers because you believe the same things they do."
"Internalize it. Make it personal. Embrace it as your own."
"Everything that you internalize gets externalized."
"I do internalize a lot more of that and I was not prepared for like how emotionally damaged I would become as a human."
"Genuine empowerment is spiritual empowerment; it's an inside-out process."
"Write these truths upon your heart."
"It's not great when you're being treated this way, but it feels better for it to be on the outside than it for it to be on the inside."
"You speak it until it becomes a part of you on the inside."
"Internalize that which you know, it's so important."
"The divine that we talk about for me feels more of an internal."
"The word of God gets on the inside of you. Faith gets on the inside of you."
"Love is never outside yourself. It is always within you."
"I curse them in my mind but I never spoke out."
"The inside approach where you take your inspiration from the inside, as you've so beautifully articulated through so many projects."
"Happiness is learned and acquired internally."
"In order for that truth to get inside, we have to hear God Himself speak it."
"The transcendent you can locate it outside or you can locate it inside. It is in both places."
"God has written His word upon your heart. It is no longer external, it is an internal work of God."
"Holiness starts on the inside and it works itself on the outside"
"The more you internalize these things, the more the remembrance is constant."
"Patience is not external, but internal in its creation."
"I want this to be in front of me all the time and not just in front of my eyes. I want it in my heart and I want it in my mouth."
"I wish I didn't internalize a lot of messaging."
"We have to internalize the entirety of the biological world if we are going to become a space-faring species."
"That stuff works because we internalize it and we believe in it."
"Imagination when the habitus internalizes things it cannot biologically produce, this is where creative imagination shows up."
"It's a reminder that he's working his Revelation in us, like Ezekiel. Lord, I want to eat the scroll, I want to eat your Scrolls, I want to eat your digest your Revelation so that it gets all the way deep inside of me."
"If you go through those steps, those three steps, I can guarantee you you're going to internalize the things you study so much better."
"I will put my Torah inside them and write it on their hearts."
"The word is nigh you, it is even in your mouth and in your heart."
"The Lord tells us to write scripture upon our heart... to have it in the very thread of our being."
"I will write my law in your mind and in your heart."
"I will write my law of love in your heart and in your mind."
"Practice the thoughts of God until they are your own thoughts."
"I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts."
"The process of internalizing the technique will work better for you if you can see the differences and the commonalities in the different presentations."
"He wants to write the law of God today not on tables of stone but on the tablets of your heart."
"I will put my Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God."
"God is going to one day inscribe the laws of the Torah not on tablets but rather on the hearts of his own people."
"Every physical pain and symptom is a manifestation of something internal."
"Functional learning will put things into short-term memory; problem solving and exercises move things from short-term memory into long-term memory, a process called internalization."
"You need to graduate from the law and when you graduate, you graduate into the law of love which is then written on your heart."
"The movement from intellectual knowledge into deeply internalized physical knowledge is critical."
"Motivation is constructed internally from one's sense of identity and can never really be derived from an external point of reference."
"Full faith never comes with one hearing; it comes by again and again hearing it and getting it down on the inside of you."
"It doesn't matter what the Bible is in; it matters if the Bible is in you."
"If people could internalize that, I think that they would make very different choices."
"Women tend to internalize their pain and blame themselves."
"We internalize the relationships we have with other people, and by internalizing these relationships, we internalize other people too."
"Internalization is changing your beliefs or your behavior to fit a wider social group because you've internalized those beliefs or those behavioral norms and think genuinely that they are your own."
"I will put My Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts."
"You don't have to kneel down physically to pray, because you can kneel down in your heart wherever you are."
"One very striking feature about Teresa's spirituality is that Christ is not something or someone external to her."
"Embodied level of understanding... is through deep internalization of knowledge through praxis."
"What ends up happening is we internalize this inability to connect, and we think it's our fault. That's where shame comes from."
"God wrote His commandments in stone so that we could write them on our hearts."
"All representations start inside of your mind."
"Artwork is a way of making the internal external."
"Internalization is the deepest level of conformity where personal opinions genuinely change to match the group."
"To internalize the qualities of that which you admire and you honor and you respect, that's a beautiful thing."
"The Ten Commandments were written on stone, but the New Covenant is written in the heart."
"The New Covenant is not external; it's internal. The Kingdom of Heaven is in you, Christ in you."
"Trauma is not what actually happened to you; trauma is the way that story lives within you."
"Let it get in your heart so you can do it, obey it."
"You need to have more than just knowledge in your head; it needs to become a part of you."
"True faith means not just destroying the idols; it means writing the laws of the covenant in your heart."
"Whatever you internalize eventually comes out."
"This shall be the Covenant that I will make: I will put my Torah in their inward parts and write it in their hearts."
"The message is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart."
"I will put my laws into their minds, and I will write them on their hearts."
"We know the scriptures, we know the Word of God, but the problem is we haven't internalized the scriptures that we know."
"You're not just investigating anymore; it's not just like I'm externally looking. I'm starting to feel it internally."
"You've essentially done what Coase wanted us to do; you've internalized the externalities."
"The Commandments of the Lord are now written on the tablets of the heart."
"I will put my law within them and on their heart."
"You make a place for her in your heart; it's sort of like she becomes a part of you."
"I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel... I'm going to put my laws on their hearts and in their minds."
"The thing we call God... is not outside of any of us, it is internal to all of us and all things."
"Everything that happened externally is happening internally in the human body also."
"It's an important process of understanding a tune and the harmony and internalizing it in a way that I want to."
"The Word of God has to be in your heart, the word of Christ has to dwell in your heart richly."
"Trauma is internalized as part of the self construct of the individual."
"The Seal of God: they'll have the law of God in their hearts."
"In rehearsing His promises, we program the promises into our subconsciousness."
"I'm going to put the laws in their mouths. It will not be external. It's going to be internal, and I'm going to write it on their hearts."
"I will put My law in their minds and write them on their hearts."
"God's love isn't out there that you are asking Him to send it down... His love is already in you."
"It's most likely to lead to internalization, which means that people change their public behavior and their private beliefs."
"Internalization is the deepest and most permanent level of conformity."
"Writing is how I really internalize something, that's how I learn."
"The deepest level of processing for types of conformity is, in fact, internalization."
"If it's public and private acceptance, that's true conformity, permanent, and that is internalization."
"If you want to see your external situation change, change the way you think, the way you see things on the inside."
"Internalization is where you live and breathe for the cause of it."
"This is the new covenant I will make with my people on that day, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds."
"Over time, you'll begin to internalize it all and it becomes automatic and part of your intuition."
"It takes time for the word to get rooted in your heart."
"I will put my laws in their heart, and write them in their minds."
"It's not external, it's in the system."
"The motivation that you need to quit smoking forever is inside this hat, and the moment I put it back on your head, that motivation will become internalized into your mind."
"The difference between stories and narratives comes in; narratives are things that are in our cultural environment, and we internalize them pretty early on."
"Let your word sink down into our hearts and into our spirits."
"It's not just about giving somebody the information; it's about working with that person until that information is internalized and integrated into their body."
"The rule of law is when people begin to internalize a system of laws."
"This is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares Yahweh: I will put my law within them, and on their heart I will write it."
"Let the principles and the truths and the power of the Word of God be written on the tablet of our hearts."
"He will no longer write it on tablets but on the minds of men."
"Justice is in everyone's heart and not imposed by punishment."
"It's a learning that is an internal process."
"Live for Jesus, let the word come deep in our heart and mind."
"The Commandments are engraved by God on the human heart."
"It's just psychological programming to internalize something for like a high demand fundamentalist religion."
"The will of God is for us to allow the Lord to write His holy law in our hearts and in our minds."
"I will put my laws into their mind, and write them on their hearts."
"The spirit of the law is written in the hearts."
"Understanding and internalizing the rules to really absorb the rules so that you understand them and can feel how they work."
"You don't experience something just by hearing about it; it must be planted and rooted in your heart, in your head, in your soul."
"It doesn't matter how much of the scripture you have memorized; it's how much of the scripture you have digested in your spirit."
"Knowledge is not just memorization; it's the internalization aspect."