
Christology Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Let's start with Jesus. Roman Catholic teaching is identical on the person of Christ."
"Names alone can be significant in finding types of Christ in the Old Testament."
"He's the only one who claimed to be God in human flesh and pointed towards a specific event in history that would confirm it, namely the resurrection."
"You're not saved because of what you believe about Christ, you're saved because you have Christ."
"Jesus Christ is God's son in the spirit and his only begotten son in the flesh."
"The Christ of the Old Testament is the same Christ of the New."
"I do believe Jesus is God, but he's not the father."
"In closing, the works of Christ here are always meant in Mark to point to the person of Christ and the greater work of Christ."
"If Jesus is who He says He is, the very Son of God, God in human flesh dwelling among human beings, this has huge implications on almost everything else a person believes."
"He emphasizes Jesus as the Son of God, noble, powerful, and divine."
"When we say Jesus Christ, what we are saying is Jesus is the Messiah."
"Jesus is one Divine person with a human nature."
"Jesus is the exact representation of God's nature."
"Jesus never claimed to be God in the Bible, never claimed to be God."
"His claims are astonishing, please. He claimed not just to have or bring truth but to be the truth."
"Everybody knew what he meant when he said I'm the son of God, that he was making himself equal to God."
"Jesus can be your savior, but is he God? No, he's not. Of course, he's not God."
"If Jesus is not truly human, then we're not saved."
"The most important thing for anyone to understand is who the Lord Jesus Christ is."
"Jesus is the divine Son of Man, the second person of the Trinity."
"Jesus makes God knowable, Jesus reveals all of God's holiness and love, and ultimately then, it's all just about Jesus."
"Jesus Christ is the true God and eternal life."
"The letter to the Hebrews presents Melchisedek as a type of foreshadowing of Christ, whose priesthood is characterized by its superiority, eternality, mediatorial role, and sacrificial atonement."
"The earliest christology is the highest christology. Philippians is an example, coming out of the gates. We've used that phrase. You've got morphe right off the bat, or exact representation of his nature, Hebrews 1:3." - Richard Bauckham
"So weary that He can sleep in a storm, so powerful that He can stop the storm in its tracks. This is our Christ, fully God and fully man, so that He can provide the infinite sacrifice for sin and die in the place of man."
"The more you know about the glory and the beauty and the splendor of Christ, the more power, motivation, zeal you will have to give your life away."
"The first thing you need to know about a true church is its Christology."
"John's Christology is evident long before the Council of Nicaea. He describes Jesus as God in Revelation, even intertwining Old Testament imagery."
"We have to understand that the Bible teaches us that in Christ dwells the fullness of the godhead bodily, and at the same time, the Bible tells us that Jesus has a distinct human nature and the human nature is not divine and the divine nature is not human."
"But also in the zealousness of orthodox and conservative Christians to protect against the denial of the deity of Christ, sometimes the affirmation of the deity of Christ is so emphatic and demonstrative that there’s no room left for the humanity."
On the balance of Christ's nature: "Christ is both fully God and fully man... it's not like there's one line... he's fully God and fully man."
"Failure to put Christ in His proper position in our life, in our faith, is actually responsible for the crisis of our faith today."
"What is foreshadowed in Melchizedek is provided in all of its perfection in the priesthood of Christ."
"So Jesus is a hundred percent God but not a hundred percent of God."
"We're saved by Christ and that doesn't relativize or diminish the importance of christology, it just subordinates it so that our study of Christ is really ordered to our union with him."
"Matthew never has a lower Christology when it comes to Jesus' holiness, his volition, his power, his knowledge, his emotions, the disciples' derived authority from Jesus, or the worship of Jesus... unless Matthew 24:36 is the lone exception."
"Adoptionism denies the eternal pre-existence of Christ, and is often, but not always, associated with a denial of the virgin birth."
"Jesus was the Lamb of God that came to take away the sins of the world as a sacrifice. But don't make the mistake, in His second coming, He's going to be the Lion of the tribe of Judah."
"God's validating the priesthood of Aaron, and there is a New Testament principle in Hebrews, chapter 5, that elucidates this, and then speaks of Christ at the same time."
"...the big theological issues of our day are christological, person of Christ as it relates to the gospel..."
"If you do not affirm the true humanity of Christ, you are a heretic."
"He's still a human being but he's also God."
"Lean into the christology of the text. The focus of the text is Jesus."
"We must therefore beware of speaking as though Christ had passed through various stages birth childhood or again baptism or transfiguration or resurrection in the sense in which some initiated person may be said to pass through such stages."
"Jesus is the word of God because it's his function in the godhead to reveal the nature of God, to make God known to his creation."
"Christ is the eternal high priest, perfect without flaw."
"Are we allowed to look at Jesus and use this kind of Christiform hermeneutic?"
"Theological positions then the Christology harmonized perfectly with the New Testament doctrine of redemption."
"These are among the most pressing questions that exegetical theologians and historians must ask when dealing with early christologies."
"Jesus Christ is Jehovah to the Lord God the Father, the eternal of the Spirit."
"Humanity and Divinity united in one person called Christ, never separated."
"The person that came forth from Mary... is a divine person; it is the hypostasis of the Logos that became incarnate."
"Mariology is perfectly in line and mirrors Christology."
"The debate becomes how does Christ, the one Christ, possess two wills and two energies and there only being one divine subject that's doing these actions."
"The first seven councils all relate to Christ and the Trinity in some direct way."
"Had He been endowed from the start with absolute impeccability or with the impossibility of sinning, He could not be a true man nor our model for imitation."
"The church is first and foremost defined by its Christology."
"The council at Nicaea did not discuss canonicity; it was about the nature of Jesus."
"Anything we can say about Jesus we can also say about God because of the hypostatic or personal union."
"The genuine humanity of Christ was assumed until the Arian controversy."
"We definitely believe the Lord Jesus Christ truly is the one who is the Theanthropos, He is the God-man."
"Our Christology clearly testifies to the fact that He is perfectly divine and perfectly human, one person, one hypostasis, the Word of God incarnate."
"All of the Marian dogmas point to Christ, so they are essential."
"He was true man, He was fully God and fully man, and this union of two natures..."
"...the writings by the apostolic fathers of the church...they all view Christ as Lord, he is Lord, he is Yahweh..."
"Christ's virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death, and resurrection are also affirmed."
"Christ is God the expression of himself."
"...it shows Christ as a king, but as like a suffering king... they're doing these things to him to mock him, but actually what they're doing is revealing him for who he is."
"Jesus is one person with two natures."
"Christ is eternally pre-existent, the second person of the Godhead."
"One and the same son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood, truly God and truly man."
"We confess one and the same son, our Lord Jesus Christ... to be acknowledged in two natures without confusion, without change, without division, without separation."
"The Council of Chalcedon... affirms the fact that there are two natures in the one person of Christ, 100% God, 100% man, and that those two natures coexist in the one person of Christ without confusion and without mixture, but also without separation and without any division."
"Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is fully God and fully man; He is co-equal, co-eternal, co-essential with the Father."
"He assumed human nature, he wasn't half God and half man; he was fully God and fully man."
"To see Jesus is to see the Father."
"We trust in Jesus because he is God."
"How invaluable is the truth, the pre-existence of Christ, to the believer."
"I believe that Christ is the monogenes, a unique person that was born of a woman."
"Human nature is assumed by the Word of God and Christ is the new Adam, renews creation."
"The Lord Jesus Christ, who is the express image of his father, the firstborn of the Dead, the Alpha and the Omega, the one who was and who is and who is to come, the Almighty."
"Jesus is not just a prophet; He's the Son of God."
"When you see the person of Christ, the person of Christ is the custodian and the expression of the will, the purpose, and the intent of God."
"Christology is going to be the model, the paradigm, for Soteriology."
"Christ is not a created hypostasis; His personhood, the subject that is Jesus, is from all eternity the second person of the Godhead."
"Two natures are united in the person of Christ: the divine nature and then the human nature that he took on."
"Jesus is the sum total of our God knowledge; He is our only reference to the mind, the reason, the logic, the wisdom of God."
"Christology is the understanding of Christ, but it's also about theology, the understanding of God as a trinity."
"The entire letter is organized rather well; it's primarily going to focus on the Christology study of Jesus Christ and how He represents a new and better deliverer compared to the Old Testament."
"Eschatology cannot be our leading hermeneutic; Jesus Christ is our leading hermeneutic."
"Jesus Christ is the Word of God; He is perfect eschatology."
"Christ became fully human, he became like us in every way."
"Christ is assuming universal human nature in his single divine hypostasis to restore all human nature."
"Everything in the Orthodox Church is Christology."
"Jesus is the explanation of God perfectly."
"The single sole divine subject, the Logos, is who experienced all of the incarnate actions of Christ."
"Christ came, is coming, and will come."
"The hypothetic union is really the great paradigm for the reconciliation of divine sovereignty and human free will."
"The uncreated light of glory shining forth through the humanity of Christ demonstrates that he's a divine person."
"The earliest Christology was already the highest Christology."
"To know God, you've got to know Jesus, because Jesus is the revelation of God to man."
"The church reigns now with Christ, seated at the right hand of the Father."
"We don't have all that Christ wants us to know about Himself unless we read this text."
"Have this mind in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself."