
System Failure Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"The prison failed him. I feel like he needed help, he needed a lot of help before he even committed any murder."
"The system has no support; it's totally collapsed."
"This is not how our system is supposed to work; this is government thuggery."
"When the system broke, it broke forever, and we broke too."
"The nationwide failure has caused the capacity of the FAA's outdated technology to be put under a microscope."
"Those infected are finding themselves at the mercy of a health system that is crumbling under the sheer weight of numbers."
"You can't purposefully ignore democracy and then wag your puffy digit when people look for solutions outside of the system."
"Governments crack and systems fail because unity is powerful."
"Nothing even begins to touch the level of failure on behalf of the DHS system like the case of Logan Marr does."
"The U.S education system is literally crumbling before our eyes."
"The system, as many people have said, is broken."
"It frustrates me to know that people think the systems that enable this sort of fascist takeover are going to save them from it."
"There really needs to be some kind of agreed upon standard by which misinformation is dealt with because the current system is not working."
"It strikes me as highly probable that you're going to pay a price in something approximating pain for the death of those malfunctioning systems."
"Compiling a piece of software and doing it the wrong way can trash your system."
"The aircraft was seriously sick, and what little automation was still working was trying to kill everyone on board."
"Capitalism failed as a system to prepare for a pandemic."
"All digital games will cease to work in a C-bomb scenario."
"It's impossible to overstate the degree to which this shook faith in a system."
"The system is broken... ever since that happened and we've not recovered from it so people are starting to snap."
"These systems are failing, these systems are falling apart."
"In the US, rather than investing in a quality education for every child and quality mental, physical, and behavioral health care for every person, instead we're just going to have the criminal justice system handle all the young people we fail."
"Capitalism lies at the core of the failure of this economic system."
"The medical system has failed in one way or another and we need to address that."
"The system failed the child in America and the system fails children all the time."
"What I see in BC right now is a system that is collapsing, and it's very tough to see because there's real human consequences to this."
"The Astronomican was offline for over 30 days, and many in the Imperium thought the Emperor was dead."
"This is not just a rant about something that's been broken for a week. It's been like this for months."
"Lauren was failed by the system on so many levels by entities and people that should be there to protect her when she felt most vulnerable."
"Do you believe in yourself or do you believe in the system? The system is failing."
"Suddenly, ATM machines don't work. Many cell phones don't work. Pay at the pump no longer works."
"The school system in Kentucky is really bad. It's horrendous."
"Just a very unlucky woman whose healthcare system failed her."
"We have a failed system and severe inequalities in broadband access."
"If your current system is breaking you, is wearing you out, and costing you too much money, you are probably using the wrong system."
"Systems fail when they don't align with reality, especially the reality of human nature."
"That is the only small reprieve - being shut out of those systems is absolutely something that they fear."
"The effit response: people just say, 'F this, the system's not working for me, the system is the problem,' and I'm just taken to the streets and basically upending everything."
"Tragedy strikes at exactly 6 a.m. the command stops working."
"Not naming names but that's frustrating; in other words, this was a systemic infrastructure failure even more than it was a mass panic."
"This is when they came across a strange discussion involving two users called aqua and smilex we have a problem almost everything is offline."
"Any economic system that produces these kind of conditions is a failed economic system."
"You're going to see the failure of the economic system."
"The system failing in larger and more significant ways is inevitable."
"The system simply has not played out the way we hoped it would. We should have heeded community feedback and taken a different direction a year ago."
"I always believed in the system... but somehow the system failed me."
"Our system nearly failed and our democratic foundation destroyed."
"The American education system completely fails us when it comes to financial literacy."
"I ask you to join me as we discuss how Lauren was not only failed by the system but at such a young age endured six years of abuse by the people who were supposed to love and protect her."
"We are coming together to define a course of action for the 21st century. It is up to us to rectify the failure of a system that creates the following conditions:"
"The system failed her, Micah seemed like such a beautiful soul, she deserves Justice."
"The system can fail, but the system will not love you more than you will love your children."
"The referendum was held precisely because the democratic system was not working."
"We have been clear that the current system for dealing with the legacy of Northern Ireland's past isn't working well for anyone."
"The system has kind of broken down, and people need to be aware of where we are."
"Our system isn't working if we allow that to happen."
"The whole financial system right now is in cardiac arrest; it's failing, it's breaking, and nobody knows it yet."
"Why FBI cannot build a case management system is a wonderful case study."
"Fail-stop behavior is when a failure in your system leads to part of your system stopping."
"I landed on the runway with no flaps and no speed brakes because of the systems that were gone, and everything went well until I touched down and the left tire blew."
"The idea is that when the component fails, it causes a failure in the system."
"I think it's important to clear her name and it's also important for people to know the justice system does fail. This could happen to anybody."
"If any one of them fails, the others will not respond the way they should."
"It's good to think through all your systems, not just the heating system, what would you do if it failed and if you can't fix it, how can you work around it."
"This is Calor, captain of the Ark of the Sultar. Our systems are failing; we request immediate assistance."
"We are on the cusp of some sort of part of the financial system going belly up."
"The system is broken because if you actually held people accountable for their actions, don't you think people would stop doing that?"
"It is the fate of an unsustainable system not to be sustained."
"Your aeroponic system must use tubing; if you use the wrong tubing, your system will fail."
"No matter where it's at, kids are getting lost to the system, killed by the system, and not getting what they need."
"Chris is a victim of a system that does not have readily available mental health services for people who need them."