
Marginalization Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"There are groups that have been marginalized and excluded because of historic systems and structures that were intentionally designed to favor one group over another."
"Ecstatic rituals driven by music and dancing are often especially popular among people who are marginalized."
"Fascists' process of constructing justifications for their attacks on marginalized communities is a process of strengthening in-group identity."
"Powerful people don't need their free speech protected. It's people who are precisely marginalized and oppressed who need all the protection of the law."
"Anybody can be marginalized and so many people right now are that if we don't stick together, you never know who's going to be next."
"I always viewed censorship as a tool of the establishment, as a tool of authority that was used to silence and suppress marginalized voices, dissidents, and the like."
"Those are the people that you guys discard and you don't give a damn about."
"It's to believe that you, a marginalized person, must transform yourself to be digestible under the dominant eye."
"One thing that stood out for me in this case was how whenever society marginalizes any group of people, those people can easily become victims of various types of crime."
"Amen and amen, I believe babies are the most marginalized of all."
"It becomes quite clear that Africa has been intentionally marginalized on the world stage by Western countries."
"We Indians are inevitably sidelined in every major discourse about civilizations."
"I think it's a belief system that trans people are the most marginalized."
"This is not about hate, this is not about crime, this is about marginalizing people with the wrong opinion."
"But as many marginalized people are often forced to do, we are forced to work on the whim of those who cause us harm, not on our own schedules."
"The fact that that has been marginalized, I literally listed on Twitter spaces sometimes."
"You will never shed enough blood to warrant continents to the cookout. You will always be seen as a Defector by the oppressors if you Ally the marginalized."
"The deprivation of agency is one of the most effective tools to marginalize a target group."
"I know what it's like to feel disenfranchised and marginalized."
"Humanity has had a long history of eyeing those on the fringes of civilization as barbarians."
"A gay person from a wealthy family is seen as more marginalized than a straight white out-of-work coal miner."
"Black men are the most marginalized humans on this planet."
"We've created a situation in which there is no place for you to helpfully integrate into society and so you're just pushed out further and further along the margins." - Unapologetic Live
"Marginalizing a particular group has lots of potential to become dangerous."
"Yakuza 7 has a lot to say politically about Japan particularly on marginalized groups of society..."
"He's scared of saying that the whole Boris faction is now marginalized."
"Truth is slowly getting abandoned, marginalized, neglected."
"Just listen to marginalized people, just listen to them, please."
"There are so many things in society that are both fueling your privilege and also marginalizing the black community."
"The term 'conspiracy theory' has often been used to delegitimize black people and other marginalized groups from talking about their oppression."
"Anything less than full debt cancellation is a loss especially for the most marginalized."
"Why y'all just can't go to a marginal player? Because I'm not nothing about me marginal."
"I find that unfortunate because then it just tries to pit two marginalized groups against each other who should be natural allies."
"He's invalidating marginalized people's feelings."
"Pedro Flores' story was pushed to the margins." - Nathan Masters
"Trans people are of a small and marginalized community whose well-being is severely harmed by the hostility directed towards them."
"You marginalized groups are the ones keeping you down."
"You're being marginalized as a quack, as a person who's out there, you're just crazy conspiracy theorists."
"I'll kill you. They don't kill you. They'll marginalize you. They can marginalize me. The New York Times don't review my book. They still marginalize people who question authority."
"When you go out there and you demand that everybody praise you and you claim a new marginalized status you hurt people who are actually marginalized."
"Respectability politics is the idea that if as a member of a marginalized group, if you would only act correctly, you would somehow win the approval of the majority and no longer be oppressed."
"A great deal less pressure is felt by the police when victims of crime come from the marginal elements."
"Life in the shadows is far from easy. These environments are often dangerous, lacking in basic amenities, and in most cases, illegal to inhabit."
"Part of being marginalized means that you are always going to be an accidental activist, and that's annoying and [ __ ] exhausting, but at the very least, I also think that it means that there is hope."
"...there's a lot of people that are sort of people who live on the outskirts The Fringe of society..."
"Why the hell is it remotely okay that five people have to live on the margins of society?"
"The X-Men were always woke in that original sense, responsive to the dynamics of marginalization. Mutants as a minority is textual from the beginning."
"We don't go to the margins to make a difference; we go to the margins so that the folks at the margins make us different."
"Jordan Peele created the sunken place as a horrifying metaphor for marginalization."
"If you are a woman, a marginalized person, a person of color, you internalize failure."
"We're only held together by the fact that we're all so marginal."
"But instead witches are continually pushed to the sidelines."
"And the social norms can become so dominant that those who subscribe to scripture fall into the minority and become marginalized."
"In a victimhood culture, you don't emphasize your strength. Rather, the aggrieved emphasize their oppression and their social marginalization."
"So, if we're looking at, you know, following and learning from uh in particular black christians but any sort of um christians who have experienced some sort of um marginalization or oppression because of of their identity and the way people have labeled them, absolutely."
"People with schizophrenia are often some of our most marginalized and misunderstood community members."
"The implicit bias in higher education shapes theory and research, dismissing the perspectives of those on the margins."
"AI may not cause our extinction, but it may cause our overall marginalization on this world."
"I think when you really study, like, some of the saddest people are the people who are the most marginalized in this country."
"Native Americans, indigenous, whatever you want to call them, are some of the most marginalized people in this country."
"Drawing a sexy disabled person isn't inherently fetishistic in the first place, just like drawing any marginalized person being sexy isn't inherently fetishistic."
"Media has an influence on people, whether they know it or not, and the effect of this kind of thinking towards a marginalised group can potentially be really harmful."
"you measure a society by how they take care of their marginalized population."
"Decades of social exclusion, criminalization, and health inequality have pushed people who use drugs to the fringes of society."
"People who are marginalized often internalize a degree of oppression against their own group."
"The pursuit of truth has recently been set at the margins."
"Honestly, if something is coming from a black Trans woman, you know that they have faced almost every marginalization that there could be."
"Our society, Western society in particular, has tended to marginalize these kinds of people who have these kinds of experiences."
"The marginalized we're supposed to have a voice what the [ __ ] I'll marginalize God forbid men who want to kill women who won't [ __ ] them are pushed to the fringes of society am I right?"
"Excluding or marginalizing minority groups is kind of one of the worst things."
"The extension of Mercy to someone on the margins always angers people."
"Not even just Sylvia but Marcia too, drag queens, gender non-conforming people, and trans people were completely sidelined from the original gay liberation movements in the 60s and the 70s, trying to fit into the cis-normative society just pushing them to the side."
"The marginalized may truly be closer to God. Honor them, for you never want to dishonor a friend of God."
"The history of using 'journalism' as a tool for painting marginalized people as violent, dangerous, and guilty of crimes they did not commit is long, and unmistakably intentional."
"Fandom culture appeals to individuals marginalized in some way, whether by race, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or socioeconomic class."
"Saving the past from the infinite condescension of the present by studying those kinds of people not just individuals but whole classes of people who tend to be effaced or left out or minimized or denied the right to have a history."
"The DEI ethos is aimed at resisting age-old prejudices, it's aimed at bringing into our various institutions people who have been marginalized, people who have been excluded before."
"The real inflection point will be a world attending fully to the needs of the marginalized and the forgotten."
"Beauty is socially constructed and can thrive off of existing beauty standards that devalue individuals from marginalized groups."
"So the declining purchasing power of large segments of the population left large segments of that population very much on the margins of this compensatory consumerism."
"We have to address those problems, don't demonize them; they are on the margins of society, they're not going to go away."
"When you have so many people from marginalized groups saying that these things are hurtful, that's when you need to listen to them."
"Sometimes marginalized people are wrong, sometimes people calling themselves victims are obscuring a more complicated situation."
"To silence them and to continue marginalizing the identities of students in the service of a singular standard is violence."
"Capitalism sharpens its tools on the bodies of the most marginalized."
"Certain individuals with marginalized status have received huge amounts of abuse and harassment."
"You've got large numbers of predominantly young people who are marginalized, excluded, lack opportunities."
"The afro-surrealist unconscious isn't solely dream based but also refers to the real actual function that all others or marginalized people experience."
"All of us have experienced marginalization."
"Please understand these are the considerations that many marginalized people go through as they try to just live their lives in the world."
"If you reduce the level of marginalization, you will invariably reduce the level of violence in a society."
"When you ever put someone who's a part of a marginalist population in a power position, the status quo is going to be threatened."
"For many marginalized people in the U.S., that feeling is probably constant."
"It is unjust to put the burden on the marginalized to prove themselves a thousand times more than privileged individuals just because the system favors the elite."
"The poor and marginalized are often the first to be victims of human trafficking."
"Dominant narratives can erase local, regional, and even national variation in the diversity of perspectives, including those of women and other materially marginalized people."
"It is never the marginalized person's fault for being marginalized."
"The feminist lens is crucial given the historical marginalization of women."
"We have been marginalized in human history for far too long."
"You are finding value in something that has been marginalized and prohibited by the society we live in."
"Some of the best things come out of people being marginalized and pushed to the side."
"God is always on the margins looking for Samaritans, those who have been marginalized."
"Days and months of celebration for historically marginalized groups wouldn't be necessary if we didn't have to correct for present and historical marginalization."
"They are all humanoid; most of them speak human languages and a lot of them are sidelined in some way, pushed to the margins of society."
"It's very disheartening to exist as a person of color and know that no matter the marginalized group that I'm a part of, no matter the space that should be inclusive and welcoming towards the people of color in its community, that it's not."
"We are all witnesses, mostly silent witnesses, to the crippling barriers that disadvantaged and marginalized people face in accessing justice."
"We support those marginalized communities."
"If you are not willing to represent the marginalized, then you are not a leader."
"We call it the loss of the loss, we call it the marginalization of black women."
"Many of the people I photographed are marginalized by the powers that be; they're silenced, they're made invisible."
"If we don't have anything to show that affects the poor and most marginalized of our faith, then we have to question if we're really following after Jesus."
"I know what it feels like to be marginalized, I know what it feels like to be counted out."
"Discrimination and marginalization of people of color, women, and people with disabilities was intentional, relentless, and systemic."
"One of the greatest ironies is that we subjected a massive population of people to a deeply marginalized lifestyle because they behaved very oddly."
"With my platform, I want to fiercely advocate for some of the most marginalized people in the world."
"Sometimes this is caused by environmental damage and the marginalization of local populations."
"Once it affects one marginalized group, it affects all."
"When you are a marginalized person or group or class, that gives you the social space to be an innovator because you've got less invested in the system."
"Managing the pandemic will require a focus on the most marginalized among us."
"Are we listening to people who are working with the most marginalized, vulnerable people and actually taking at least their opinions as valid, if not more?"
"There was a consistent marginalization of women writers in literary canon."
"It's people who are marginalized in some way, and then they cotton on to something that gives them control."
"Needing to not be afraid to find ourselves no longer centered in the culture, to accept a life on the margins, which is kind of where the church started."
"It's always marginalized groups being told, 'We'll respect you, but you have to do this.'"