
Difficult Conversations Quotes

There are 130 quotes

"Our life gets better in direct proportion to the number of difficult conversations we're willing to have."
"You can't have hard conversations if you don't trust the person you're in a conversation with to give you dignity and hear you."
"This is a safe place to talk about hard things."
"We need to have those very difficult and sometimes painful conversations to further our cause and our voice."
"Free speech is important because it's one of those things that you can't change people's values, you can't persuade them that their values might need updating if you can't have these kind of difficult conversations."
"The conversations that I've had to have this week have been some of the most heart-wrenching that I've ever had to have."
"I'm here to have a hard conversation so that those who are suffering can have easier ones."
"We have to be bring honesty and a willingness to talk about difficult ideas back to the table."
"I believe the uncomfortable conversations need to be had for education, for healing, and to eventually move forward."
"He's one of those guys who's like not afraid to just have those hard talks."
"Those uncomfortable conversations are something that we need to have."
"I think we need to have these tough conversations."
"We need to start addressing the root cause of the problems, regardless of how uncomfortable a conversation that's going to be or how hurt people's feelings are going to be."
"He reveals to me even though those conversations were hard for you to hear, I needed you to have that conversation because otherwise you wouldn't have been able to touch him and cover him because he wouldn't have never let you near him."
"This conversation is really hard to have and this story will hurt people but we have to go through that pain in order for there to be changed."
"I see value in anything you decide to touch... have a difficult conversation."
"The greatest form of respect you could give someone is to be honest with them and give them the truth whether they want to hear it or not."
"No matter who you are these conversations can be difficult acknowledging our privilege is difficult and accepting that the world isn't fair to everyone sucks but the most important things are often the hardest ones to do."
"Don't be afraid to talk about the hard things."
"We have to have discussions around the hard topics."
"Take that time and have that perceptively difficult conversation."
"Sometimes you have to have uncomfortable conversations for things to get better."
"Uncomfortable conversations need to be had about uncomfortable subjects."
"Hard truths are the ones that need to be spoken the most."
"Communication is key, even if it's uncomfortable or uneasy."
"Your whole life changes when you start having these tough conversations more often."
"Imagine having to tell a five-year-old that their mama's not coming home."
"Speak up even if it's hard, even if it feels weird, even if you feel like an [ __ ]."
"Time is a significant value to me. This is a hard conversation."
"Sometimes you've got to talk about the tough stuff."
"There's no perfect way to have this conversation but the conversation needs to happen."
"Being a good friend is telling these really complicated tough things."
"Even if someone's telling you something that maybe you don't want to hear about someone that you really like love Etc you're more likely to listen and not dismiss their opinion."
"Set it up so that you're really respecting, embracing, and supporting the person that you want to have a difficult conversation with."
"She made an art form out of saying difficult things brilliantly."
"It's fitting, right? Anyway, this is going to be a very difficult video for me to make."
"Humor is a great way to talk about some of the most difficult things in life."
"A true friend will speak the truth to you, even if it's not easy."
"Caring enough to ask the uncomfortable questions."
"How do you reach somebody who's difficult to reach? What's the thing that will cause them to think twice about something they thought they had nailed?"
"Be willing to have the uncomfortable conversations but that [ __ ] means something."
"It's important to have these conversations, even if they're hard to digest."
"Having these conversations is tough, especially in the public eye."
"Cheers to transparency and awkward conversations."
"There's no good way to break up with someone right away."
"You have to be okay with knowing at the end of the conversation that you might be single and move on from that."
"Those uncomfortable conversations need to happen."
"You've just got to bite the bullet and have that conversation."
"You can begin to have a conversation about something that's difficult or tricky or that everyone is able to have the space to do because puzzling is slow."
"Have the conversations you currently don't want to have."
"If this is your close friend can't you sit them down and have a conversation and say Adriana I know that this is very near and dear to you?"
"How do you tell your child that the love of his life is no more?"
"We're not just going to church, we want to build a relationship where the people that we're interacting with trust us to have the hardest conversations."
"Having uncomfortable conversations is important."
"There is something new that will be born out of you moving on, wanting to have difficult conversations around how you feel."
"Sometimes the answers aren't always what we want but we need to have open conversations."
"Oftentimes the hardest conversations are the ones worth having."
"Sometimes we have to face our fears and talk about difficult topics."
"It's hard to have these conversations because we don't want to hurt people's feelings, but placating people and telling them they're beautiful no matter what as they roll into their graves at 35, it's not what I support."
"Because you should never turn away from difficult questions do not be afraid to answer them even if everyone does not like it and don't be afraid to tell the very painful truth."
"It takes maturity to have difficult conversations."
"Best friends are supposed to be able to have sometimes tough conversations."
"The life you want is on the other side of a few hard conversations."
"It's kind of how do you have difficult conversation."
"When you're extending yourself you're not nice. It's not always nice or like it sometimes is having hard conversations."
"You need to become the master of the art of the difficult conversation."
"It's about having those really difficult conversations"
"It's hard, but it's so important that we all are part of this conversation."
"Sometimes, you know, we're teaching leaders to sit with someone where there's going to be a difficult conversation, how to have difficult conversations."
"The quality of your life is largely reflective of the number of really difficult conversations that you're willing to have."
"I may have ruffled a little bit of feathers, but honestly, these are the conversations that we have to have."
"Learn to talk about difficult things. Those conversations naturally make you feel sometimes ashamed, create anxiety, create fear, but it brings you closer."
"Building confidence and clarity around having difficult conversations."
"There are still difficult conversations, right? For me to them or them to me or together, right?"
"be brave and that means to start having difficult conversations if they're on your mind you know you know you need to have them"
"The biggest lever of growth is on the other side of a few hard conversations."
"Being highly intentional about the hard conversations is key."
"Make room for dates and make room for hard convos."
"I'm glad I had the hard conversation because I see the difference that it's made in your life."
"Before you go into a difficult conversation, ask yourself, am I going in this already with every opinion formed about the situation?"
"let's have these tough conversations"
"The earlier you have a hard conversation, the easier it is."
"Very much if you don't shy away from honesty, from addressing the pain, from talking about difficult things, you can grow through them."
"Facts are your friends when you're having hard conversations."
"Conversations like these involving breaking bad news are never easy."
"You gotta be comfortable having uncomfortable conversations."
"It takes courage to speak truth to power, to admit you don't know something, to admit you made a mistake, to have a difficult conversation, to step into discomfort."
"I've had to tell some people that I was close to some very difficult things that the average person would have a really tough time telling their friends."
"you have got to ask the uncomfortable question"
"It takes practice to have those difficult conversations."
"Apologizing to your wife is the toughest thing that you will ever do."
"...it might come down to needing to have hard and potentially anxiety inducing conversations with the people you're stuck in an unfulfilling or catchup friendship with."
"Have an uncomfortable, real, raw conversation."
"It's definitely not an easy conversation to have, but I think actually the ultimate way to go here is to start to make more peace with death being a natural part of life."
"If you have the strength, you'd come clean to someone and say, 'I'm having these thoughts about wanting to maybe have sex with someone else or wanting to do something with someone else,' and you know, you have to be honest in your relationship."
"Letting your friends know, 'Hey, I'm not okay right now,' is a really difficult conversation to have."
"Love must be tough... there are times when you have to say the tough thing."
"Creating safe spaces for everyone that we meet with and having those conversations and be able to have respect for conversations that may be difficult."
"How could I be coach-like in a feedback conversation? How could I be coach-like when I'm having a difficult conversation with somebody?"
"Healing is possible, but it takes time, it takes those hard conversations."
"It is harder to go to an enemy than to a friend, of course, but we find it much more beneficial to us."
"You have to have those difficult conversations."
"I like to tell people the truth, I don't like to skirt around difficult conversations."
"You could save a lot of relationships if some people would just have difficult conversations."
"We need to have those conversations even if they're uncomfortable."
"Those first conversations were hard and scary and sacred in a lot of ways."
"It's an uncomfortable conversation; it needs to be had."
"Whenever I notice that I have a difficult conversation coming up, I have to do it immediately."
"There's really no easy way to say this, so I guess I'll just say it."
"I think that's why I think like it's optimal for people to sit down, have the hard messy conversations."
"I'm willing to talk about this, no matter how difficult or hurtful the conversation will be."
"They excite the raw nerves but answers involve conversations and compromises and hard truths."
"It's not an easy conversation, but it's absolutely essential and crucial."
"If you're going to have a conversation about difficult things, let's talk about the difficult things."
"I appreciate you guys, this is a very hard topic for me to speak about."
"I really respect people who are consistent in having the awkward conversation."