
Criminal Psychology Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"If you can get into the mind of a criminal and hear the voice of a victim, you can prevent other people from becoming victims."
"The profile of this specific murderer is in most cases a middle-aged man who is perceived as a hard-working and loving husband and father."
"I do believe that this could have possibly been not just a mass murderer, which he is by definition, but also could have possibly been a fledgling serial killer."
"The fact that Mr. Dahmer did not kill any of the men whom he found attractive and had rendered unconscious even after lowering his own inhibitions with drinking shows control."
"They have a disease called monster, and they should never be allowed out unless of course, you've got a cure for monster."
"This is one serial killer who, to everyone around him, was just a cool, friendly, and clever guy."
"A cool cat with a cute face who impressed young women with his deep talk about philosophy."
"It’s mind-boggling how such a clean-cut, well-liked, obviously intelligent man with no history of trauma or violence could become such a maniac."
"The chief motivation for this type of crime is almost always greed."
"If the motive for murder isn't personal, then that means someone is killing for fun or excitement or enjoyment which we can't even fathom."
"There's no denying that Richard Chase's mental health had a big impact."
"Perhaps Steve Pankey's eerie obsession with Chanel's case is an indication of something far darker than his claimed status as an average true crime lover."
"Con men, the most devious of all criminals, charming, cool, and calculating. They betray trust and devastate lives, yet remain a complete enigma."
"Chicatilla was responsible for taking the lives of at least 53 people predominantly young and vulnerable individuals."
"Impulsivity tends to be one of the characteristics when we see criminal behavior."
"Everything about the case, especially when viewing the home inside, would indicate that Casey was highly methodical, very well planned."
"It's not about emulating criminal activity, it's about reflecting it and reflections are usually cast upside down and we want to reflect back the knowledge that we gain from that again not about emulation it's about reflection."
"During his campaign, there were a couple of decades of experience with violent offenders who were my patient population, that I came to recognize much more."
"Durst really did know how to interact with people to manipulate them well."
"Conversations go both ways, and often times, that meant killers had questions for him."
"In short? Given the chance, many killers love to talk about themselves, especially if they have a captive audience."
"Kemper embodied something Douglas found in all serial predators he interviewed."
"I feel like there was some passion behind this killing."
"It seems like there's some emotion, some passion there."
"It's almost like he wanted to emulate the serial killers that he was so obsessed with and the notoriety that comes with that would have been something he desired."
"A lot of serial killers confess their final crimes on their deathbed, perhaps as part of their game or so they don't face any further charges."
"She thinks she's going to get away with this, she thinks this is no big deal."
"They should be the most innocent members of society, but children can be capable of the most sadistic, premeditated, and brutal murders."
"Hannibal Lecter is so popular that some investigators have misinterpreted evidence surrounding murder cases because they assumed the killer would follow the pattern of Lecter."
"From a turbulent upbringing to a fascination with serial killers: The making of a monster."
"Stephen Griffiths' chilling confession: A glimpse into the mind of a killer."
"Impunity and lack of accountability can prompt individuals who may be inclined towards criminal activity into acting upon those repressed impulses."
"If she hadn't been caught on her first kill, there's almost a hundred percent chance that she would have killed again."
"He was capable of cold-blooded murders with no remorse, no feeling, no nothing."
"The cruelty can show a precursor to larger crimes."
"He was a man who had come to have a taste for strangling the life out of women who were not able to protect themselves."
"Do I think that some people are hardwired and destined for Crime? The answer is yes."
"After you've murdered two people, sanity is out the window."
"Serial killers are dangerous. There isn't one who comes out in that category as 'mildly annoying serial killer.'"
"An individual who was very bright, somebody that people admired in spite of the fact that he was a heinous murderer."
"We're talking about a sick [ __ ] who did what he did or did what they did and and I hate to say this but it probably enjoyed it to a certain degree which is just makes it 10 times worse."
"Listen to how brutal this was, this is only somebody who would be full of anger and rage who could do something like this."
"It's not as common as one would imagine, particularly in serial killing, where you see it is people who are a little bit more disorganized or impulsive."
"These elusive predators don't care about fame or being noticed, which actually makes them even scarier."
"I'm just a simple tool to be used by that person, therefore that person would have the strongest motive."
"Sex offenders disproportionately have more abuse in their history but if you think about the number people who are abused, most of them don't go on to become sex offenders."
"He said the assailant had convinced himself he was saving the girls and delivering them to Jesus."
"Good criminals, offenders, serial offenders, they don't get scared off."
"He took an interest in books about serial killers."
"In that case, and I know everyone wants to know why not Buster... I think they still fit the mold for family annihilators."
"You hear these big mass murderers, you know, they go and they talk to their friends and they say, 'No, we've never seen them even hurt a fly.' Well, he just didn't show you that side."
"I think the mental health factors, especially the personality factors, really were a significant part of the motive."
"The fact that he studies criminal psychology and criminals in general is really, really crazy."
"A strong case really can't be made here. The lack of empathy sometimes can be connected to criminality but not reliably inappropriate laughing or wanting attention are not tied to criminality at all."
"I believe Brian Colberg committed this crime a life of Darkness deep unhappiness and of being mentally unwell."
"Chris Watts is the perfect example of a family annihilator."
"There's no clear motive for these murders. He doesn't need a motive. That's the thing about a psychopath." - Phil
"Perhaps the story of Aaron Hernandez is a story of the perfect storm - too much stress, too much damage to the brain, he was too young, too impulsive, and given too much power."
"Serial killers are still incomprehensible, if not captivating."
"At that moment, everyone was sure that this case was the work of a brutal serial killer."
"This feels like a killer who knows what they're doing."
"What sick, perverted pleasure can you possibly get enjoying looking into somebody's terrified eyes as you strangle the life out of them?"
"There's not good data to support deterrence theory...most people...don't think they're going to get caught."
"The thought of someone killing another human being is often hard to comprehend, especially when there seems to be no motive behind the act."
"For the families of Rochester's victims, and for nearly any human being, the emotions and motives of a child killer are impossible to fathom."
"The best way to catch psychopaths is to tell the story backward."
"It's difficult to imagine what possesses 18-year-olds to do something like this."
"Apparently a resident had been visiting a friend's house... they claimed that they had just killed a mother and her child."
"They likely enjoyed the attention and shock from the others... they may have believed that they were smarter than police."
"In contrast Christopher allegedly stated that if given the chance nothing could prevent him from killing again."
"No one wakes up in the morning and says today's a great day to become a serial killer."
"The killings are almost an OCD compulsion... how he wants to present himself, how does he want to use this moment to maximize his fame."
"There's a sexual sadistic parent feel... there's a sexual excitement and orgy."
"People don't go out committing crimes thinking they will get caught. That's why they do it."
"We actually get to see inside this killer's mind."
"The victims of his crimes were nothing more than guinea pigs to him, just test subjects, just games to play until they eventually succumbed to his poisons and died."
"If we are to go back to our question... this man would have kept killing women until he was caught."
"There was a chilling gothic clarity about the method by which he killed his victims."
"What made a loving father massacre his entire family and their friends?"
"When a killer tries to act as if they are at ease during an interview, they usually come across as uncaring."
"He reminds me a lot of like a Ted Bundy type."
"Those who have criminal minds and criminal intent, they gravitate to criminal content."
"They feel safer to go deeper about their crimes and their actions."
"Bundy was known for his good looks, charisma, and ability to gain trust."
"They are not people, they are just holes that he can insert himself into."
"Ask anyone here in Glasgow who Peter Manuel was and they will doubtless reply the devil incarnate."
"I wouldn't really be surprised at all if the Killer is watching your show and commenting because they get off on it." - Ann
"He was always looking for someone that he was certain would not fight back, and they can't do anything to stop him."
"I always want to try and take a psychological perspective into what transforms a person into a killer."
"It's very odd how a person would let anybody manipulate them to commit multiple murders. I mean, we're in serial killer territory now."
"The attention he received from the murders meant more to him."
"These angel of death serial killers to me are some of the scariest because they are hiding in plain sight."
"Many serial killers deeply want fame and recognition for their killings and are extremely narcissistic in general."
"I see no fundamental difference between someone like Ted Bundy and someone like Adolph Hitler, who simply used very different techniques for very similar ends."
"The horrific thing about Derek Percy is that we know what he was thinking and we know what he did."
"Most people don't kill unless they're certain they can get away with it. Murderers always believe they can outwit the police, and that's their fatal error."
"They thrive in causing pain, making the person suffer, feeling like they're playing God."
"Murder is the worst thing ever, but when it's done for the sheer pleasure of it, it's somehow made even worse."
"Imagination is another characteristic of poisoners."
"His selfish lust for revenge and notoriety turned him into the most infamous man in Britain."
"My expertise is in criminal behavior analysis in relationship to pedophilia and sexual gratification."
"Jeffrey Dahmer's crimes were so horrid that it is difficult to imagine that a human being actually committed them."
"I do not think John Lindley Frasier was born to kill."
"These human monsters feel they can never be caught, that they are invulnerable."
"Carla knew Kristin wasn't leaving that house alive; these two people were sick."
"What winds up happening in the case of Ridgeway is that Ridgeway, remember, the average age at which a serial killer offends is about 26."
"What makes David Heiss one of the world's most evil killers is the total lack of conscience, remorse, empathy, sympathy with the victim."
"And I really think that transformation made him think, 'I can kill my wife and children and I can be with Nicole,' and then he couldn't see 30 seconds beyond that decision."
"Psychopaths probably make up around 20 percent of the prison population in both the USA and Britain."
"That little smirk, that little glimmer of, 'I'm better than you. I really am God. I'm not only the devil, I am God, as well.'"
"Sublimation offers an alternative outlet for criminal tendencies, potentially holding long-term stability."
"Criminals are a different species... They are wolves."
"But even as he is taken into custody and charged with the murders of his wife and children, Chris Watts refuses to accept responsibility for his daughter's deaths."
"Family annihilators are a very rare type of killer and thank god because you can't predict men like this."
"Idaho murder suspect felt no emotion and little remorse as a teen."
"Most murders are committed by people who know their victims."
"There's only three motives for murder--sex, anger, and greed."
"This is real premeditation, this is real narcissism."
"At the end of the day, I think everyone wants to understand mass killers and serial killers to try to figure them out."
"We have to be criminals. Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot."
"Serial killing is almost an addiction to these guys. Once they've done it the first time, it doesn't stop."
"The most violent of the criminals in our prisons had themselves been victims of a degree of child abuse that was beyond the scale of what I ever thought of applying the term child abuse to."
"Murder is, you know, you gotta think murder out, you know what I mean? That ain't no easy thing."
"The sick minds of these psychopathic mothers led all three to commit one of the ultimate sins."
"Stephen Clensar was very calculating, very convincing, very credible. An extremely unusual case and one that I will not forget for a long time."
"His calm demeanor and charismatic personality make him befriend any criminals."
"Why do Killers or accused Killers always think they are smarter than everyone else and that they'll get away with the crimes?"
"It's as though it's a Petri dish for the creation of a man who has to go on to become a killer."
"For those moments we're able to kill someone next to another person and they don't notice what you did, is the reason why we have the phrase 'Perfect crime'."
"Even the deadliest of criminals have their moments of weakness where they succumb to the guilt of their own violence."
"It's not true that serial killers kill over many states or many countries. The majority of serial killers kill within a very limited geographical area."
"Serial murderers don't do the same thing all the time."
"What was it in the backgrounds of Fred and Rose West that spawned them as killers?"
"Kemper is not insane. If he was insane, we would have caught him and identified him a lot sooner. He gave himself to us."
"Most criminals are not caught by the clues they leave behind but eventually give themselves away by weaknesses in their own characters."
"This is not your traditional criminal. This is your evil person that lurks beneath the level of society looking for children."
"The FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit described Megan's motive as maternal desire, resulting from either a lost pregnancy or the inability to have her own child."
"His dangerous drive combined with intelligence and some level of impulse control to create an extremely dangerous offender."
"The floppy foul-up: the BTK killer's ego led to his downfall."
"Joanne Deni is one of the most dangerous, evil people I've met in some 20 to 30 years interviewing serial killers."
"It's astonishing what one sick mind is prepared to do."
"Cokehead Richard Ramirez believed his crimes were for pleasing the devil."
"In my career, I've not spoken to one killer who woke up that day and decided they were going to go kill somebody. Virtually every single one of them found themselves in a set of circumstances beyond their control. They reacted typically poorly and something happened."
"Empathy for others is rarely apparent in the behavior of psychopathic murderers."
"Women's horrifying crimes show us anyone can become a killer."
"The ability to compartmentalize, detach from victims, and do heinous crimes like kill a child, not even asleep, like the kid's looking right at you."
"People were shocked and confused by how a man with such an appealing personality could be involved in these terrible crimes."
"For a serial killer, power is like a drug and it's never long before they need another hit."
"The fact that there is premeditation and planning, does that mean that Ethan is not mentally ill? The fact that he discusses wanting to be famous for this, are those the thoughts of someone with a healthy brain or an unhealthy brain?"
"I'd like to know how the criminal mind works because that's what it was, a criminal act, a crime. Oh, that's death, that is, to call it that."
"He enjoyed pursuing criminals and even studied psychology in his spare time."
"He delved into the psychology of the criminal which had never been seen before."
"The James hle Asylum was built to house a burgeoning population of the criminally insane."
"I've encountered thousands of criminals who knew everything about their victims, but I've met very few victims who know anything about criminals."
"For me to know and to understand how criminals work is very fascinating; it's very interesting."
"What kind of person would do this kind of crime?"
"Of all the criminals I've studied, hunted, and arrested, John Meehan would come to occupy a singular place in my memory."
"She understands the psyche of a criminal and their motivations."
"It's really interesting to look at the fantasy being enacted by an offender."
"Everyone is different, and in criminal psychology, we cannot make broad assumptions because everyone reacts to strange situations differently."
"We know from some offenders, particularly organized offenders that are motivated by a wound to the ego, that they can do things like that."
"Interpersonal coherence means that we would expect how the criminal interacts with the victim is the same kind of behavior they'll show to other people in their lives."
"The idea of organized and disorganized offenders is based on the concept that serious offenders have a certain signature way of working."
"Honing their skills with each attack, sadistic killers are some of the most difficult criminals to catch."
"In order to catch a criminal, you have to think like a criminal."