
Free Time Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"You can still have free time in a capitalist system."
"Leisure's been earned. What do you all want to do?"
"When you have this free time let's just do something that's productive something that makes you feel good about yourself."
"You need as much free time as you need to keep your brain functioning at optimum efficiency."
"I'd probably be way happier and have way more free time, but that's just not who I am."
"Having too much free time isn't really a bad thing. Enjoy it while it lasts."
"Now is the time. If you have to stay at home and have a little extra free time because you're not going out, then learn something new."
"During the downtime, we talked about just having more free time and how to spend it. We jumped into activism on a lot of fronts."
"He was super philanthropic... donating in his free time."
"You don't know what you could do if you gave yourself some free time, if you made it a priority. You don't know what you could do." - Instructor
"If everyone has more free time to try a new thing, that's great."
"I was busy for two weekends in a row and now I'm free."
"Maybe you haven't read in a while and now you're so bored because you may have found yourself with some extra free time that you're like, 'Well, I really want to read something.'"
"They called your bluff that you guys all wanted more free time and you don't want more free time."
"I'm not taking away from that if you've got plenty of time on your hands, go for it."
"As a pro athlete, you're blessed with so much free time in your afternoons and evenings, but you're cursed with the inability to do anything with that free time."
"There's never been a better time to learn something new because a lot of us have time on our hands right now."
"I've got a lot of time in my hands these days, just spending a lot of time with my family, staying at home."
"It's just nice having the free time to do these projects that we've wanted to do but just haven't had the ability to."
"I'm excited to just have time, time to breathe."
"If you had more free time, what would you do with it?"
"I'm heading home with an empty afternoon."
"Demand free time... it's necessary for recovery."
"It's just nice to have a completely free week."
"People don't understand the value of free time, for a creative and productive person."
"You gotta have your free time, guys. Do not become a slave to the job or the workforce."
"I only realized how much actual like work hours to down hours I had when I wasn't in the office...the work kind of became more transactional and so I was going from thing to thing and realized that the friction time in between stuff was actually totally free..."
"Finally had some free time and some tools in the shop for me to pull this off."
"We've got lots of free time now to do what we enjoy doing, and one of the nicest parts of the school day was playtime."
"Finally though we found one afternoon when we were both free and decided to schedule a lunch date."
"It's a nice day outside, I don't really have anywhere to be this early in the morning."
"Time affluence is the subjective sense that we have some free time."
"Giving yourself the subjective sense that you have a little bit more free time can open up windows for social connection."
"We'd all be a lot happier if we gave ourselves some free time."
"Give yourself literal free time, time to hear what's going on in your head."
"If you cannot imagine what you would do with your free time, that is the reason for you to take a sabbatical."
"One of the great things about retirement is all that extra time to spend on things you want."
"I'm a big believer in having time for kids just to be kids and not have their time fully scheduled."
"Life has just hit me so hard, and I've had no time, but finally, I have a little bit more free time."
"I wasn't sure how to make it yet, but maybe if I have some free time, maybe I will actually make a Tokyo travel guide."
"I have a lot of time on my hands right now."
"People who gift themselves free time are often a lot happier than the folks that don't."
"I spend my free time trying to improve."
"It's really awesome; the people that built Splunk are doing this in their free time because they like the industry and want to help."
"I love Netflix. Whenever I get even 10 to 15 minutes of free time, I play Netflix."
"It just feels so good to have a clear schedule."
"You have no idea how awesome free time is until you lose all your free time."
"I think if I'm ever in London or anywhere really where I think there could be good vintage shopping in charity shops, I've got some free time, I think I'll definitely do it again."
"Just chilling today, not quite sure how long we're gonna go for, but I have got pretty much the whole day free."
"I spend all my free time working on my charity called One Last Woof."
"Having the free time to do things we enjoy."
"I'm able to just have a little bit of free time to myself, which is also very, very important."
"It's a good time as any to be doing some baking right now because you should have lots of free time or you're at least holed up in your house."
"The link between sufficient free time and happiness is well established in the research."
"We're in the apex of free time, or like the golden age of free time."
"School is amazing; once they start school, you've got so much more free time during the day."
"People got a lot of time on their hands, man."
"Because of the fact that many people saw grocery store shelves empty for the first time in their lives, they had a lot of spare time on their hands."
"You do need free time to decompress and do things you feel are conducive to your mental health and recharging your batteries."
"Leisure time is time that you give yourself license to do whatever it is you want to do."
"I want to do things myself in my free time, regain some semblance of normalcy."
"We can never underestimate the power of people with too much free time."
"Now that we've completed the last session of the day for this company retreat, you'll have some free time for most of the afternoon."
"Use your free time to develop a very valuable skill."
"I decided that had a hell of a lot of free time after finishing school, so I figured I'd get into making sort of educational videos, video essays on YouTube."
"I'm about to start getting into it more now that I have more free time and stuff like that, and my mental state is now better."
"I spend my free time looking at articles about physics on Wikipedia."
"No children today, so we have the whole day."
"I want my active work to be 100% based on just passion, what I want to do with my free time, the type of constructive things I want to do."
"We're going to be having so much free time."
"Got all this time in my hands, might as well cancel our plans."
"In my free time, I love to do origami."
"I have to give myself some free time because otherwise, I get burnout just like anybody else."
"This is your reminder that you don't need to fill every second of your free time."
"Leisure is any freely chosen activity that takes place in nonwork time."
"Hopefully that will give me a little bit more free time to be able to make videos and spend time with y'all because that's what I really, really, really want to do."
"Happy weekend! I don't have classes Friday."
"You have two months completely free to gain some new skills or to improve your current skills in whatever practically you need."