
Impact Of Words Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Words do hurt and actions speak louder than words."
"I'd encourage all of you to really think about the impact of your words and as best as possible try to be as nonviolent with them as possible."
"Words are nuclear, and some of you that are watching this, you may still be hurting over a word that was spoken to you five or ten or twenty years ago."
"Words can be exceptionally hurtful to people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. Please choose kindness."
"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
"Words are like a virus, they get inside and eat you up."
"Words matter. They hurt and they will live with you forever."
"Words can destroy lives and we've seen it happen before and the truth really does matter here."
"Words can make you, break you, they can heal your soul, they can damage you forever."
"Words matter and those words will be reiterated by everybody."
"Less is more... a soft spoken word can actually have more of an impact than an argument."
"Every kind word you say has a huge effect on your life."
"The gravity of words is the impact they have, not necessarily just the words themselves."
"Words are like a weapon and the target for this weapon is your heart."
"A word is something that can be spoken. A series of vibrations are set up when you speak. When these vibrations are strong enough, they can travel great distances and affect many other people."
"Words can hurt but in the hands of a skilled writer, words can heal as well."
"Words are like seeds, and if somebody speaks unbelief over me... that thing never germinates."
"Words are powerful man and they're impactful."
"Jokes can go too far even if you weren't intending them to be hurtful." - Unknown
"Words matter, and your words can hurt people."
"Your words are Eternal, they never die, they keep going, they keep going."
"Be careful, harsh words can cast a shadow over your spirit forever."
"Words can uplift or words can hurt or words can incite."
"Words have never been as deadly as a bullet."
"Words have power. How much of the consequence of where we are today is these affirming words being heard?"
"Your words have such a big impact in your life that due to the consequence of what you say you could live or die."
"Words do really hurt people, so I want people to stop this narrative of her, it's just words, it's just words, that's not true."
"You don't give a [ __ ] what you say in a way where you know you're gonna hurt somebody, but it's still bad."
"You can paint a thousand pictures, but one misspoken word can tear everything down in a matter of seconds."
"You never think that what you say or what you do will affect them in that type of way."
"Words do matter. Everybody's scared of a lighter but everybody in line, they make paint you like a light if you know you speaking your truth."
"The Balfang is honestly one of the easier radios to play around with."
"Words have weight and meaning, you know. No one deserves to say or hear words like that."
"Words like these we're hearing now with false accusations, those words matter."
"Words matter. Just be careful what you say because even the internet got to me and I have no reason to go to bed worrying about some person on the internet telling me I look too skinny. Like I know I'm healthy."
"Do you remember when you were a child, how every curse felt like wielding power?"
"Every word matters... every word that you say somebody can take it and they can they can peel it apart."
"Sticks and stones may break our bones but names will never hurt us unless you're Ben Roethlisberger."
"Words matter, they can crush emotionally, relationally, and professionally."
"Every day the words you hear are sown deep within your soul, blossoming and thriving, imparting strength and resilience."
"What we say matters, what we say is important."
"A lot of y'all are mixing disrespect with hurt and what that child is feeling is hurt."
"Teach your children: 'Sticks and stones will break my bones but names and words are even worse.'"
"Words can change DNA, imagine the impact of bombs on a planet made of water."
"She gave us words of life, this is what she said: 'Be careful with our words, we can kill people with our comments and horrible words.'"
"Remember how impactful your words are, kindness goes such a long way and your words are so powerful and you are so important and you are so needed in this world."
"Words are extremely important whether they're good or whether they're bad."
"Choose your words wisely because they're going to have a powerful effect."
"Yo, it was only words, but people don't understand how words could."
"People need to know that what they say does matter."
"Words are powerful, the only thing more important than your time is your words."
"Words hit like a truck to some people, maybe not physically, but mentally."
"Words have weight, words have meaning, words can cause immense harm and immense good."
"Your words matter and how you word things and how you say things to other people, and not even to other people, but just for yourself, because once you say something, you're just gonna believe it."
"This case exemplifies how a person's mental health can be damaged by words; physical violence was not needed to push Michael over the edge."
"Be careful the words that you speak to your children. It does become their inner voice."
"Energy is information so even words, even written words, have an energy."
"Sometimes Hitoshi can't sleep because every bad word said to him is being repeated in his head over and over."
"Words can be abusive. If a word can be comforting, why the hell can it not be the opposite?"
"It's amazing how one word makes a difference isn't it? Yeah, it does. Jesus."
"You can call someone ugly and they'll believe it for the rest of their life. You call someone pretty, they won't believe it for two minutes."
"Words are very sharp, words are very hurtful, they affect people, and people have a hard time forgetting the things you say to them because the things you say to them make them feel a certain way."
"The power of your words: sticks and stones may break my bones but words may never hurt me. What a lie that is."
"Verbal abuse can be worse than physical abuse...because of the nuclear effect of words in our life."
"It just shows that if you say one little thing to somebody and it makes them feel really terrible, it can affect their entire life."
"...I was devastated... I went around depressed for three weeks because one person had said something negative about me."
"Words matter. They can ask six million people how much words don't matter, who were the victims of this kind of stuff from Henry Ford coming into the hands of one of his biggest fans, that being Adolf Hitler."
"Spreading kindness, your words can hurt people."
"Your words carry great power, even jokingly we can't say things that speak against people's lives."
"Words can hurt us, words can heal us."
"Every time we say something it can affect it, whether it's negative or positive."
"Behold how destinies can change and lives be shaped by the lack of a kindly word."
"For every single negative comment that a person hears, it takes five or six positive comments to offset that one negative comment."
"We still need love, we still need nurturing, we still need kind words, and we're hurt by bad words."
"It's a case about how devastating words can be when they are false and uttered publicly."
"Words can breathe life or death; you can destroy someone's whole journey, you can destroy someone's confidence with negative words."
"The insults that I got changed me as a person. You can't say anything to me anymore."
"Words hurt so much like people die from words alone."
"Words have consequences. What a time to be alive."
"Words are walls or they're bridges."