
Retrospective Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"This video is entirely intended to basically look back at a game that is, for many people, the game of the generation."
"We will look back in time and say, 'Fauci, wow, just wow.'"
"I suppose what we should be doing is looking into the future and imagining what will our descendants look back at our time and shudder with horror at what we did."
"This top 100 list that I used to regard as a list of historical time capsules now looks more and more like evidence of a tumultuous, confusing, changing time."
"Alright, so, the hook of 'Islands' was learning about humanity, but I did not expect such an in-depth flashback into Finn’s parents and how they met!"
"We just thought it'd be really fun to take a closer look at Halo 2 Vista of all things. It's just something different."
"I think people will look back on his time in office and be like geez that guy got so much done."
"30 years later, there was another attempt, and this time it's actually good."
"I don't think we really appreciate greatness until it's over."
"I would do it all over again, and I can't imagine doing it any other way."
"Think back and just think what the hell happened to PC shooters, where the hell did they go?" - Totalbiscuit
"The Misfits feels much more horribly foreboding in retrospect than it would have in 1961."
"Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by my experiences in checking out Guild Wars 1."
"It somehow feels fresher 10 years on from its initial release than it did when it was brand new."
"Shows you how dangerous it was back in those days."
"Grab your tires, stop signs, and chainsaws, it's time to find out what happened to Anarchy Reigns."
"I really like this way... look at how far... they have come in ten years."
"So as 2020 now has fully come, one last time, let's give it up for 2019."
"It's hard to look back and imagine a world where Ghostbusters wasn't a massive success."
"It's incredible to look back on the past two decades and see everything that Stratus has achieved."
"2022 is over and what an exciting one it's been."
"This is gonna be a series that three six nine months down the line everyone is gonna look back on and be like wow we have the chance to experience this in 2022."
"Join me today as we ride the movies back in time to classic Universal Studios Florida."
"Now I look back on it and think oh my word what a career I had."
"We have to remain vigilant because one day we will turn around and it will all be behind us."
"History will not be kind when future generations look back on this particular clip."
"Years in the future from now, people are going to look back on this show and this is going to be one of those defining shows."
"Think back if it's about romance you can pretty well say your romantic life has been since 2018 erratic and unpredictable."
"Legend, uh, was that right? Yes, you didn't win it last year. You didn't win it last year."
"Beavis and Butt-head: probably the most popular animated show in its entire retrospect."
"I do wish that we could go back in time and time travel and pay some of the original screenwriters some of that money." - Reflecting on the importance of crediting original creators.
"Hindsight is 2020, not this 2020, am I right? This year sucks dude."
"It was the first time in history that a retrospective of the work of a living designer was held."
"This time I'm going back over 200 years to Georgian Britain."
"In retrospect, I think there's a reason why this movie didn't do so well in release but why it stuck with us for decades."
"I never would have said this kid growing up in Ral Pennsylvania who was terrified at his fifth grade presentation would be here doing a retrospective of his work."
"From our last retrospective, we learned the importance of having a proper definition of done and acceptance criteria with every user story."
"The Sprint retrospective is a vital part of continuous improvement."
"As we look back on David Ruffin's life and career, we are reminded of the human behind the legend, his legacy interwoven with controversy, continues to evoke a spectrum of emotions from admiration for his musical contributions to empathy for his personal battles."
"The rough spots notwithstanding, the original WWE draft was emblematic of its time."
"In celebration of Walt Disney World's 50th anniversary, let's take a look back."
"Join me in a retrospective analysis of A Clash of Kings, a book that's two years older than I am."
"...I wish I'd seen a video like this myself 20 years ago because it would have given me great joy."
"Looking back 40 years, I think it's been a marked success."
"This retrospective has activated the city, with showings of black artists at local galleries and museums presenting complementary shows, adding an additional appreciation to the contributions of black artists to fine art."
"In 100 years they're going to look back and like wow things were really good in the 2020s."
"Looking back on it, it's really not that bad of a movie."
"Courage is appreciated when it's in the past."
"History has been very, very kind to Tron Legacy."
"First and foremost, there is perhaps the most successful and regarded form of commentary that has emerged as king in roughly the past two years: the retrospective commentators."
"Now with over fifty years in show business, Bea Arthur is getting the last laugh and telling her story for the first time."
"What's happened to sales, what's happened to employment, you can figure out the reasons later."
"...there's a lot of historical importance to this season."
"Join me next year in 2021 as I'm gonna talk about the entire show as a whole and a pretty neat retrospective."
"If you're following along with the retrospective and you still haven't given Ben 10 a try, I can't recommend it enough."
"Jeff may have aged since the release of time all those years ago but the album itself despite being hopelessly drenched in the essence of the 80s seems to only get better with age retrospective reviews have lented more praise than any critics did when it debuted."
"When you look back over the last 10 or 15 years or so, we've been treated to some pretty impressive and creative entries into the whole zombie genre."
"Almost a culmination of all of his past work."
"I really hope you enjoyed this 40-year retrospective on such a defining album for Iron Maiden."
"Johnny Cash did a video that was saying goodbye, right after a 40-year career...basically saying, this is my last will and testament. It's a brilliant retrospective."
"And they show his, it's a brilliant retrospective about, it's a miserably sad video compliments it perfectly"
"Suddenly, all the things that Turner had done wrong in the end of his career, his use of colour, his interest in light, his interest in form, which people didn't like in his own lifetime, now became exactly the very thing that people liked most."
"Here we go for our 6,000 subscribers special, we're gonna discuss the dark age of Looney Tunes."
"The salon retrospective has brought him to light."
"We did the best we could given the evidence we had at the time."
"This is my retrospective of the Spider-Man games."
"It's a storied look at the 10-year long history of both the website and the YouTube channel."
"In an agile environment, holding a retrospective to gather what is working well and what could be improved is the best way to find ongoing improvements."
"The purpose of the retrospective is to plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness."
"Some of it may seem clunky and strange now, but at the time, this was completely cutting edge."
"Greetings everyone and welcome to Lego Rewind, where we take another look at all retired Lego themes."
"Disney through the decades, a look back into 75 years of Disney history."
"It's a true anthology or a retrospective of his entire career."
"That's where agile tries to improve the way the team is working together is the retrospective meeting."
"In Agile, you come up with a process in retrospective and make a solution."
"If you were to go back and ask those people, they would always say that it was worth it."
"I think looking back in the future, people will view the Tea Party as a positive thing."
"The final thing that happens in the sprint is a retrospective."