
New Normal Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"Things opening back up... there is no normal anymore."
"Lockdowns now represent one of the most draconian aspects of the perverse new normal that has metastasized amid an atmosphere of seemingly endless emergency."
"It is time to learn to live with the virus. The population is fed up. I'm fed up. We're all fed up."
"If you're trying to get back to normalcy, if you're trying to get back to the way that things used to be before 2020, you're on you're fighting a losing battle."
"There can be a new normal, and it's not always bad."
"There may be no such thing [as getting back to normal]. There is only forward to something new."
"We may have this new normal where sharks are just closer in the water now, and there will be more interactions."
"I knew right back in March that this was going to be 2020. You know there was no sort of stopping and going back to normal or anything like many people thought no this was 2020." - Magenta Pixie
"I don't think we're ever going to return to normal as it was. I think this is for the long term."
"People adapt to unthinkable situations becoming everyday reality."
"There's no return to the old normal, we're moving into a new normal."
"This is the new normal of possibly the greatest pandemic the world has ever seen."
"There is no going back, there is no normal now."
"Going back to normal is going pretty horribly."
"Life hasn't come back to normal, and I doubt it ever will."
"Embracing clown world is the natural course."
"I think we have to recognize this is going to be a new normal but it's going to have a profound impact in ways that we certainly would not anticipate or certainly can't understand fully yet."
"I'm starting to accept this as normal. This level of magic, extraordinary."
"You have to be willing to go through a season of abnormal until your new normal becomes normal."
"We're not going back to normal because normal accepts inequity."
"But on a day-to-day basis, as these things happen from this president, from this White House, we have just adapted to a new normal of embarrassing incompetence and ignorant dishonesty."
"Nothing has gone back to normal, nothing ever will go back to normal."
"There's a good possibility that we're never going back to normalcy. I mean, they've called it the new normal for a reason."
"Our lives will not return to what you remember."
"This is not a temporary aberration that's going to eventually go away. This is the new normal."
"Our way of life is probably never going to be the same... hence the new normal."
"We have to think about this in a way that, yes, we have the new norm living with coronavirus."
"As people have started to kind of internalize that new normal I think they're now starting to say okay what should my action plan be."
"Can we call it a new normal? This new normal may not include much more than that."
"Life will eventually go back to normal or the new normal that is this is certainly nothing to be toyed with."
"Nothing's ever going to go back to normal anymore."
"To go back to normal, we have to have the cure? That's the new normal?"
"It's hard to tell if life's gonna go back to normal as soon as we all hope it will or if there will be a new normal that's really kind of unpleasantly different."
"Normal is gone, ladies and gentlemen, and normal is not coming back for a very, very long time."
"It isn't enough just to go back to normal. We've lost too much. We've mourned too many. We've been through too much frustration and hardship just to settle for the status quo."
"Life as we knew it is not the same and it will never be the same. We are 100% inside of a complete reset - social, economic, and financial."
"What you're looking at here isn't some freak one-off thing that you'll never see again, this is the new normal for the planet."
"And so I think this is, this is exactly what's happened over the last couple of years, is the unthinkable has become routine."
"Life is really overwhelming and we are just trying to figure out our new normal."
"Things never went back to normal after March of 2020."
"Life's just different for us. You have to regain what normal is."
"Once they do get up and running here's my prediction: it's not gonna be back to normal."
"Life has returned to normal. Or at least, it's found a new kind of normal."
"The new normal will always have some impact from these coronavirus variants."
"You've got to make a change, so this is the new normal folks."
"The old world isn't coming back and I think we really have to accept that."
"They need to come to terms with the fact that things are never going back to normal and focus on setting themselves up for long-term Survival on their own."
"At this point, wearing masks should feel comfortable and normal and part of the routine. It shouldn't be weird."
"There is still a state of denial that a lot of people are living in... this may be the new normal."
"We've got to have a new normal based upon progressive and socialist values."
"We're not going back to normal, there's a big awakening happening."
"We cannot go back to the old way of life; we need to keep pressing forward."
"We cannot return back to normal unless we all do it together."
"The normal before this global pandemic was not normal."
"We shouldn't be okay with not accepting a new normal."
"I've actually been feeling so emotional today about how far I've come in such a short amount of time and how this is fast becoming my new normal. I'm just so grateful I said yes..."
"The new state of being is this idea of the never normal."
"There is no going back to normal."
"There's no going back to normal because normal doesn't exist anymore."
"The old normal cannot return because the world that supported that normal no longer exists."
"We're moving toward a new normal not returning to what was normal."
"This could be the new normal for a while."
"I suggest to you, my brothers and sisters, that there will be no normal to go back to."
"Improvement is not enough just to say, 'oh I've got this great idea'; we now have to put it in place and make sure it becomes the new normal."
"It's been a rollercoaster trying to figure out what's the new normal."
"This is the new normal, we all working remotely."
"Working and starting from home has been a new normal for a lot of people and their families."
"It's a new normal, it'll never be the same."
"Sustainability and transparency are sort of designing the new normal."
"People talked about the new normal, and back then, I just wasn't sure I'd ever get there. But I did."
"It's just so surreal that this is our new normal."
"The old normal is never coming back."
"There is no back to normal, there's a new normal that you can learn to live into."
"It becomes okay because it becomes kind of like a new normal and you get to know them in a different way."
"Imagine your whole life being in this pandemic, not knowing what life was like before."
"Hybrid working will become the new normal."
"It feels important in this moment of global crisis that we reach out to our community and those in search for a new normal."
"Life's most transformative moments are when our definition of normal changes, rewriting the routine."
"Happiness transports us to a world where infectious diseases have become the new normal."
"I can't wait until the border opens, and we can actually live somewhat... I don't even know if we can call it normal, a new normal life when this is all said and done."
"It's never going to be the same... This is the new normal."
"My kitchen office is the new normal for me."
"Once something happens, nothing ever goes back to what it was; it always moves to a new normal."
"We've made changes to our lives, and so too have athletes. Their new normal looks very different than before."
"We're still in the early phase of dealing with a radically different world than we had pre-COVID."
"We just learn what tools we can use, what... Adjust to the new normal."
The invasion has left all of Europe with a "new normal" of volatile, spiking energy prices.
"The world has changed, a new normal has emerged."
"It's amazing how resilient people can be and how quickly you get used to sort of a new normal."
"I get used to wearing a mask, and I continue; as a matter of fact, it feels a little funny to go into a store without a mask."
"It's going to be a new normal when it's over."
"I don't think this will ever end; I think we've all just virtually moved in with each other."
"It's a new normal which a lot of people are finding quite hard to cope with, but that doesn't mean to say they won't cope."
"Extreme heat, no longer a freak event but seen as a fixture of our summers."
"As we slowly adjust to a new normal, we still need to be smart about how we do business."
"Safety first, so this is what our new normal is."
"You do adjust and you find a new normal."
"We can't get back to normal and nor will we ever maybe get back to normal."
"We have to learn the lessons so that this new normal is a better New York."
"They waited for their turn, and ultimately realized... they were going to live their lives now with a horrifying new normal."
"I'm getting this feeling of having to get used to a whole new normal."
"I hope we don't go back to what normal was because the world wasn't working."
"We are not going back to five days a week; that is tectonic."
"Settling into the new norm and taking a break from the frenetic pace of increase."