
Followership Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"To be a great leader, you must be a great follower at some point."
"Trust is a deposit on the leadership account by the followers over a long period of time."
"My sheep hear my voice...and they follow me."
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish."
"A leader is only a leader when somebody willingly wants to follow them."
"When power one comes out, you guys, and then the rest will follow."
"Help people get the damn result first and they will follow you."
"Being a great leader means being a great follower as well."
"If anybody wants to serve me, you must follow me."
"The question is not really, can he lead? The question is, can you follow?"
"Leadership and followership are complementary."
"As his followers, we are here to do his will, so let's all live out our purpose and serve him."
"Those of you who wish to follow me will face many dangers. It will not be easy, but if you wish to join us, you are welcome."
"A leader with no followers is just a guy taking a walk."
"Your following is loyal oil, now you look at it right?"
"Anyone can become a leader, all they just need is people that can follow them."
"The pride of our generation is one of the reasons why we never grasp the humility of followership."
"Followership is not by convenience, it's by revelation."
"A leader is only a leader when people willingly want to follow them."
"It bothers me that certain leaders... don't care too much about their following."
"You can't be a leader unless you know how to follow."
"If they unsubscribed, they believed in you and you want to get what they were following."
"What do you need to be a leader that people love to follow? You need a heart to care, a passion to inspire, and a willingness to empower."
"Who is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows them?"
"A leader without followers is not much of a leader."
"thank you guys so much for following me along this journey and I love you guys so much"
"A good leader is a good follower first."
"The Roman Catholic church is over a billion followers."
"Are you a disciple or a multitude?"
"You're gonna lift them up because you're going no matter what, and they are going to follow you. That's the message."
"If you are worthy, if you're a worthy leader, they will follow you."
"People would rather follow a leader who's always real than always right."
"A leader is simply someone who others are willing to follow."
"The best leaders are the best followers."
"Sometimes you may not catch fish, but you will have followers."
"Good followership is as important as good leadership."
"Followership is as important as good leadership."
"The Piper does not follow the children, it's the other way around."
"Follow those who match your destiny, not those who rejected you."
"The world teaches you 'don't be a follower, be a leader,' but some people need to follow."
"Remember, people would rather follow a leader who's always real than one who's always right."
"To those of you who are regular followers and have been around since I was posting sexuality and gender videos on the HPA channel since 2011."
"A leader without followers behind them is leading nothing."
"Don't nobody wanna be a good follower, but in order to be a good leader you gotta be a good follower sometimes."
"Certain people aren't visionary, certain people aren't early adopters, certain people are just followers."
"What does it take to be a leader that people love to follow?"
"'You owe everything because we followed you.' Why did you follow me? Because they're like, '[__] great.' That's why you followed me. So don't try and blame me constantly."
"I can see a parallel being made by Coppola to war itself–a cause, in the eyes of leadership, however rational or insane, that is believed and brutally carried out by its followers."
"In order to be a good leader, you first need to be a good follower."
"Those who have the greatest claim to Abraham may peace be upon him are those who follow him in his submission."
"Being a leader is really just kind of the first follower, the follower in front of all of the other followers."
"You can never get too far ahead of your followers because you might look back and no one's there."
"Nobody wants to follow a guy who manages, they want to follow a guy who leads."
"People would rather follow a leader that's always real than one who's always right."
"The test of a leader lies in the reaction and response of his followers."
"Women follow Jesus for the same reason that men follow him."
"If you're going to be a good leader you better start by being a good follower."
"A leader with no followers is just taking a walk."
"If you think you're a leader and you turn around and nobody's following you, you just went for a walk in a park."
"The best leaders are actually the best followers. The best leaders never think that they're the final. The best leader is actually the best follower, is even if they're at the highest levels of the organization they're still in service."
"A good leader knows when to follow."
"Once you start getting people's trust, you develop a following. And it's all about that integrity and trust with your followers. So keep them in your life, you know? They want to know what Dennis James is doing, you know? They want to know what Sadiq is doing."
"Those who follow such a leader are now special."
"If you'll just lead, you'll be amazed at who will follow."
"...coalitions collapse not from the top but from the bottom when the followers will no longer follow the leaders."
"I need it. I'll have it. Always have followers."
"How can we claim to be followers of Imam Ali when we don't care about the blessings that Allah has given us?"
"If everyone was a leader, who's going to follow them? Society would collapse."
"Most followers do not thrive under autocratic leaders."
"Most followers will do well under your style."
"Most followers do well under your style."
"Politicians do not lead, they follow."
"It's important to be a leader and not a follower. Followers follow leaders; they don't follow other followers."
"I've followed your careers forever."
"Leaders tend to establish more confidence in their lives than followers by nature. It just seems obvious."
"Good leaders are exceptional followers."
"Sometimes I think there are only two kinds of people: the sheep and the Shepherds."
"When people believe in their leader and the vision, they will follow the leader no matter how bad the conditions get or how much the odds are stacked against them."
"When followers like the leader and the vision, they get behind both."
"Whether you are a follower who is just beginning to discover the impact of leadership or you're a natural leader who already has followers, you could become a better leader."
"People naturally follow better leaders than themselves."
"But when they were in the company myself included oh I they were the leaders what they did the rest of us would listen to and follow."
"You are a leader, people want to follow you."
"If you follow me, people will follow you."
"I write for me and I pray that you all follow."
"Every leader with no followers is just taking a walk, and a pastor with no team is just a preacher."
"You are the leader, and you're a follower. It's not either or, it's both and."
"The most effective follower is the exemplary follower. This follower's participation level is high, they have strong belief in the leader, and they actively and harmoniously support him. This follower also has high and independent critical thinking skill."
"When you do people will follow you 99% of people want to follow."
"For the men that will ultimately follow you are those that first follow their own master."
"Men do not understand leadership until they get under followership."
"You're either a leader or a follower."
"The leader never wants standards and the followers always want standards."
"If a politician can get up and deliver a speech like that and still compete in national politics, that's someone that I want to follow."
"If you want to receive, you've got to give. If you want to lead, you've got to follow."
"A leader's job is to lead, and the follower's job is to follow. And you know, if you're gonna lead, you've got to lead."
"I must be a good follower in order to be a good leader."
"The first follower turns you from 'you're an idiot' to 'this looks like fun'."
"True leaders do not seek followers."
"The ultimate goal of leadership is to produce leaders, not maintain followers."
"Queen frilo garma exercises her influence through devoted followers who hold sway over other Fay groups in the arthell, the Dark Moon wood, and even the verduran."
"The best leaders are the best followers, and some of the best followers, the best leaders."
"I want to lead the men. When you lead the men, the women follow."
"It's easy for them to follow him because they don't have to do any more work. All they have to do is pledge allegiance to him."
"...one follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader."
"You will never be a leader that others love to follow if you aren't a leader that loves people."
"The ability to lead depends on the ability to follow."
"Because in every population you have 20% that lead, 70% that follow. That's why you have leaders, because you have followers."
"The definition of leadership is followership."
"All leaders make the best followers."
"If you say the things you want to say and you give your actual opinions on things, the people that are following you are the people that believe in what you stand for."
"The best test of leadership... is to ask the question: Is anybody following him?"
"The best rulers aren't always the ones who want it; it's the one that people kind of put in that position and are willing to follow."
"The very best leaders have mastered the art of following."
"Most great leaders begin in the capacity of followers."
"I've been following your content for years, and it's surreal to be here."
"You have to learn how to follow first before you can be a great leader."
"Conquerors are always leaders, and we see people follow them."
"The first demand of true sonship according to Scripture is followership."
"The power of His resurrection multiplied millions and millions of followers."
"Let's not be consumers, let's be followers."
"The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader."
"Leadership needs followers; if no one is following, you're not leading."
"If you don't follow, you can't lead."
"Thank you for following as always on the channel."
"The emphasis in much resuscitation training is on leadership; however, I think good followership is essential as well."
"To be a great leader, you got to be able to be a great follower."
"You want to lead one day? Well, learn how to follow."
"Leadership is a gift. It's given by those who follow, but you have to be worthy of it."
"The best followers make the best leaders."
"In order to be a great leader, you got to be a great follower."
"Our followership begins with the first follower, who is as important as the leader."
"You will never be a great leader unless you are a good follower."
"To be a good leader, you got to know how to follow."
"Leaders may be the catalyst, they may be the architects of change, they may be the visionaries, but it's followers who get things done, it's followers who make things happen."
"He who cannot be a great follower cannot be a great leader."
"Our job as great followers is to create the conditions for our leaders to do a wonderful job."
"If leadership is the spark, followership is the flame."
"It's the great followers of today who are going to become the great leaders of tomorrow."
"Conspiracy theories are often generated and created for political ends by people who stoke them in order to gain a group of followers."
"A good leader is a good follower as well."
"The wildlings do not follow names or sigils, they follow strength."
"If someone is going to follow you, they're getting some kind of value from you."
"Most people don't even understand that you have to be a good follower before you can be a good leader."
"If we are not completely devoted to God, then we are not truly His followers."
"Being a leader and especially an effective leader not only do you want and need respect from the people who are following you, but you have to respect the people who follow you even more."
"We thank Allah for being chosen to be from amongst the followers of Muhammad."
"Just because you're a follower of somebody doesn't mean you have to agree with them 100%."
"Leadership is really about building followership."
"If leadership's about taking people with you, pulling people, if leadership's about building followership, then I think ultimately values are the oxygen of followership."