
Medical Imaging Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"Organ imaging and understanding your organ health are critical elements that go beyond what many perceive as genetics in bodybuilding."
"What's a PET scan? We inject people now with radiolabeled glucose. Where does it go? To the cancer. Because cancer loves sugar."
"fMRI could tell you the internal mental life of a person who can no longer speak."
"Lung ultrasound correlates with CT... we should only be seeing patients if there's a clinical question we can't answer with our lung ultrasound."
"Lung ultrasound findings may be more severe than x-ray."
"From a Doctor Varvara from the Start Institute who has seen the picture of Astr that she sent."
"Algorithms that can cause a tumor cell to light up very brightly."
"X-ray passes through an object and outlines the picture on sensitive media."
"MRI visualizes detailed internal structures using a magnetic field."
"EchoGram generates a picture of internal structures using sound waves."
"This gives me the complete anatomy including the tendon with the abrupt transition, the muscle fibers, the tenderness material that runs all the way out your muscle here."
"Ultrasound is useful for assessing conditions like abdominal aortic aneurysm."
"Diffusion imaging... shows us a healthy spinal cord."
"MRI is very important in the diagnostic criteria but you have to be able to interpret it."
"The CT angiogram gives us additional information because it shows us both the calcified and the non-calcified plaque."
"If you're looking for a cancer typically the next step is to find the source of the cancer with some sort of imaging of the body and that can be cat scans or PET scans which can assess four areas of cancer or areas of high activity that are concerning for cancer."
"I couldn't accept that nothing was wrong, so I got a couple more scans. Turns out, my humeral head was shattered into seven pieces."
"So CT scan can be employed if an MRI is limited... an MRI will give us a structural assessment."
"The scar on her right chest wall does not show up very well in the projected image."
"Tau scans may be more sensitive at detecting Alzheimer's specific Tau versus other Tau related to other Tau pathies."
"Different pulse sequences like inversion recovery, stimulated Echoes, diffusion tensor Imaging, phase contrast and labeling, Dixon's method, fmri."
"As the te gets a lot longer fluid's going to get brighter so you can't put t2 contrast into a t1 k space you're going to start causing contrast differences."
"Weighting, we talked about image weighting, T1, T2, proton density. Weighting is a way to term if an image has more of one contrast, either T1, T2, or proton density."
"Another very important set of sequences that you'll see in MRI are the fat suppression techniques."
"You've got a crystal that scintillates and then you've got a diode underneath that detects the intensity of the light that's given off."
"In a normal chest x-ray, the bones are denser and show up relatively brighter."
"PSMA PET Imaging can provide important information about the prostate cancer distribution, extent, and biology."
"So, when you see calcium on a heart scan, it just represents old disease."
"ICE helps in identifying key anatomic structures such as coronary cusps, bundle of His, and pulmonary veins."
"Hopefully by the end of this presentation the viewer should be better able to list the general indications, contraindications, and appropriate use for a comprehensive TEE examination."
"TEE has become an essential imaging tool for a number of different physicians including cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, cardiac interventionalists, and clinical cardiologists."
"The appropriate use criteria approach is the worthwhile methodology when considering TEE indications."
"Multi cystic dysplastic kidneys become very hard to visualize and it might seem that there's no kidney in one side."
"Ultrasound can be used to expedite patient care and has many applications, including the evaluation of patients with abdominal pain."
"Using a transabdominal approach lets you see those larger structures, anything that's extended up out of the pelvis."
"I mean, it's still going to be... yeah, I mean if that's what they're looking for, I mean, you tell me a patient's going to hold still for 15 minutes on a table, well, you acquire two-millimeter slice, that's right, that's actually smart too."
"Conversely, if the X-ray encounters lots of low density tissues, then the signal detected by the receiver will be high."
"The late hepatic arterial phase is great for hyper vascular artery enhancing lesions whereas the portal venous phase is best for those dark hypo vascular hypo enhancing masses."
"If you have moving structures like red blood cells in a vessel, for example, the red blood cells that are moving towards the probe will return at a higher frequency."
"Color Doppler is basically displaying movement, with red usually indicating things moving towards the probe and blue for things moving away from the probe."
"The scale for Doppler is essentially the range of velocities that are shown."
"If the blood flow is too high, namely if the frequency shift is more than half of the pulse repetition frequency, that's when you get aliasing."
"Spectral broadening refers to having diseased vessels with turbulent flow, resulting in thicker waveforms."
"Resistive index is a measurement of the resistance of the vascular bed distal to the interrogated vessel."
"In normal conditions, in most arteries, the resistive index is going to be less than 1."
"At the location of the stenosis itself, you end up getting an increase in peak systolic velocity."
"MRI differs from x-ray or ultrasound or CT in the fact that the signal is actually being generated by the patient."
"Imaging should be used only for those patients with a red flag or unusual physical exam finding, and should usually be an MRI scan rather than plain films unless a compression fracture, scoliosis, or inflammatory pain is suspected."
"Confirmation of diagnosis is usually on cross-sectional imaging like CT."
"What imaging can do is allow the doctors to know how to treat these patients."
"CT imaging is not a great modality for visualizing the pituitary gland, it is however excellent for characterizing masses within the cell and paracellular regions."
"In terms of evidence for vessel imaging and stroke differentiation of vascular pathology, this is an area that I've been working on for a while."
"...from low power, it's like a satellite image or something where you can focus immediately on this little red area that again is a tiny pocket of like 10 cancer cells amid hundreds of thousands of normal cells."
"Nowadays, AI models automatically segment organs, saving time and effort."
"Opening DICOM files in Python with PyDICOM is common in medical imaging."
"Understanding pipelines is key to efficiently applying AI models in medical imaging."
"As you can see, it lights up areas of metastasis with a nice solid glow like that."
"So, that's our challenge, how have we decided to attack it? Well, we have these things in our armamentarium diffusion tensor Imaging or diffusion cetosis Imaging. There's a new thing on the block called diffusion Spectrum Imaging."
"Not only do you decrease the radiation dose to your patient, which we know now is very important with all the medical imaging that's performed, it's a faster throughput because it's half the study."
"MRI: Lets us see with high resolution the interior of the brain."
"When you're doing stress imaging you'll tend to decrease your dose."
"High quality imaging may help us identify patients who are at risk for erosion."
"Echo is critical to the recognition of complications, the diagnosis of complications, to exclude other competitive ideologies, and in following these patients and managing their complications after."
"Incorporate assessment of these views into the first trimester anatomy scan."
"So, when interrogating the flow across the valves, you want to make sure you have all the proper settings. So in this clip, you can easily suspect a possible ventricular septal defect, especially with your PRF set appropriately, which is at 6.0 kilohertz."
"...this vertebral artery is compensating for the work that the internal carotid should be doing because the internal carotid is almost letting the external carotid borrow some of that systolic flow."
"We've evolved into a family of techniques still using the same principle of sending an ultrasound beam or packet of sound reflected back from the surface of whatever structure you're looking at and then characterizing it one way or another."
"It really has evolved into a family of techniques of Doppler 2D 3D and you name it."
"A chest x-ray is a two dimensional representation of the chest, whereas a chest CT is a three dimensional representation of a chest."
"The dark blue has given way to brighter blue, which represents faster-moving blood, and then this bright blue area suddenly flips into a bright yellow."
"In summary, when we fire ultrasound into our patients, we can get information about the timing and amplitude of returning signals, but also by assessing the frequency shift or phase shift."
"MRI: The gold standard for assessing degenerative disc disease."
"As the imaging gets better and we go from 2D, 3D to 4D, this will just catalyze the interventional and endovascular revolution."
"Chest X-ray would show us loss of any kind of vascular markings, maybe we see a pleural line, maybe we see a widening of the costophrenic angle."
"The full title, optical coherence tomography, really just means to image tissue by slices using this coherent property of light."
"...a true diagnosis of infected necrosis is when there's gas in the collection..."
"If you can see the fetal head very accurately, both the width and the length of the head, then the best way to assign gestational age is by a head measurement that accounts for head shape."
"Dental x-rays are invaluable for diagnosing cavities, especially early on."
"The higher frequency our ultrasound beam, the more attenuation and attenuation occurs as we travel through a depth in tissue."
"If you want to make your image sensitive to the presence of deoxygenated hemoglobin, you want to use an image that is maximally sensitive to T2 star differences."
"Using images that are sensitive to these T2 star effects allows us to generate diagnostic information."
"The normal lateral x-ray is quite valuable; in fact, I call it the poor man's MRI."
"Remember when we're doing these head and neck regions, thin slice CTs are helpful for making sure we're not missing any important parts of the head and neck anatomy."
"Doctors don't have X-ray vision, so we use machines to look inside the body."
"The Doppler shift is proportional to the velocity of that blood."
"On an HRCT, the most common feature or a prominent feature of fibrosing interstitial lung disease is architectural distortion."
"The improvement in contrast resolution in x-rays is what differentiates the ability to see a hairline fracture from just the ability to see that you contain bones."
"The future of imaging in immunotherapy could help in our understanding of a variety of immune-related processes in cancer."
"You learn this big network that outputs this deformation field, and the cool thing is you've never really needed a ground truth deformation field."
"The PSA is high enough here that we would expect the yield for PSMA PET to start to be reasonable."
"PSMA PET will replace this combination of a bone scan of CT. We won't need to get imaging of the bone and then separately imaging of soft tissues."
"The structural imager is an integral part of the heart team."
"The palate should be echogenic and consistent throughout its length."
"It's more granular, so it's more subtle than the more crude scales and it's sensitive as you seem to early pathology already."
"We're going to cover all the different modalities of the imaging and all the different roles that imaging plays in the diagnosis and management of Parkinson's disease."
"The pictures that we get from an MRI are significantly better than what's available from CT scans."
"This pattern of uptake and increase vascularity is most in keeping with a sacral insufficiency fracture."
"This is an example of a brain scan starting on the bone scan as they paired investigations."
"We can now see those proteins in the brain; we can do PET scans that actually light up those regions of the brain if in fact they have plaques and tangles there."
"PET agents with short positron ranges that have low energy give you better spatial resolution."
"We use a segmental approach to look at cardiovascular structure; we put the heart together as puzzle pieces."
"Real-time cine clips are important, specifically for sweeps and watching the heart, as the heart is a dynamic moving structure."
"We also can use contrast for the enhancement of intracardiac structures."
"Quality in the echo lab goes hand in hand with image optimization."
"...a normal Doppler is characterized by an RI less than 0.55, indicating low resistance..."
"The three vessel view has really become very useful in our lab to refine and detect more congenital heart disease."
"Basic categorization of LV function is firmly in the wheelhouse of POCUS providers."
"The most important thing to know for ultrasound is it's the imaging modality of choice in women under 30."
"Color really is fundamental if you're doing a fetal echo because it gives you a lot of information."
"Ultrasound semiology is the study of an object or something that tells you something else is there."
"The most accurate test for diagnosing Takayasu's arteritis is angiography."
"The very first step to a properly optimized Doppler ultrasound image is to first look at your grayscale image."
"At 0 degrees, the maximum Doppler shift is going to occur."
"A small Doppler box equals a higher frame rate which means an increased PRF which leads to better Doppler sensitivity."
"This is the optimal color Doppler gain level."
"Make sure you're looking at the whole radiograph; that's really important."
"In radiology, it is all about the contrast. The contrast is what allows us to deduce things."
"A good radiology report will describe enough that you may not even need the images."
"We can see inside the body and do procedures that are guided by those radiology exams."
"One thing that's really interesting to me about x-rays is that you use a lot of your critical thinking skills."
"It's exciting some of the technology that's out there; it's pretty amazing how much the medical imaging industry has evolved over the years."
"Contrast agents in radiology... help us see things better, they make our diagnosis more accurate."
"DICOM is imaging. It's the standard for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting information in medical imaging."
"Quantum dots are used extensively in fabricating transistors, solar cells, light emitting diodes, diode lasers, and also in medical imaging."
"Cardiac gating is a very important concept because it can cause a lot of issues with images."
"Cardiology is lucky in that we've really had a lot of imaging advances over the last 30-40 years."
"It's non-invasive, there's no ionizing radiation, and you can use it to build up a picture of what's inside a person."
"Ultrasound is a longitudinal sound wave which is above the range of human hearing."
"Whenever you need a scan in which cross-sectional anatomy has to be visualized, it is absolutely imperative to do a three-dimensional scan."
"The cool thing about cardiac MRI is we can see the heart pumping in pretty good detail."
"Unlike CT or CAT scans, MRI doesn't use X-ray or ionizing radiation."
"The three vessel view is very helpful as it's able to detect abnormalities in the upper mediastinum."
"The ideal arrangement of the geometry for an x-ray beam is to have the maximum source to object distance and minimum object to image distance."
"By the conclusion of this webinar, participants should be able to understand how to obtain the optimal mid sagittal view and recognize anatomic landmarks and markers."
"High frequency, short wavelength imaging penetrates shallowly and gives high resolution."
"The peak systolic velocity in the internal carotid artery is the single most accurate predictor of the severity of stenosis."
"Interpretation of imaging in vacuum without knowing clinical history is often dangerous."
"For diffusion weighted sequence and ADC, you can think of them as a 'stroke sequence'."
"Diffusion weighted sequence is extremely useful for stroke imaging, but its usefulness extends way beyond just stroke imaging."
"It's important to know the characteristics of benign and malignant nodules on the CT scan."
"Right now we're able to read images about 10,000 times faster than human radiologists."
"Intraplaque neovascularization correlated with vulnerable plaque and adverse clinical outcomes."
"We emphasize the value of 3D quantification because it really does provide you additional information."
"The workhorse and the mainstays, of course, are transthoracic echo and we have certain standard views."
"We've got the functional information of the PET scan and the anatomical information from the CT scan to give a very sensitive and specific test."
"The disease will get cold on a subsequent PET scan before it shrinks on a CT scan."
"We are essentially taking a compound of interest, labeling it with a radioactive isotope, and introducing it into the body."
"The patient is essentially the source of radiation, which can then be detected by a camera to gain our images."
"Once introduced into the patient, it can be used to image a specific pathophysiological process."
"A bone scan is quite sensitive at picking bone metastases, more so than other conventional imaging."
"We are taking a radioactive isotope and attaching it to a compound of interest to try and image a particular biological process."
"For the purposes of imaging, we are obviously very interested in harvesting technetium 99m."
"Using deep learning for denoising, especially MRI images, is still a new and emerging field."
"There's something called a coronary calcium score which uses a special CT machine to check the calcium buildup in your blood vessels in the heart."
"There is a lot of excitement in medical imaging, but there is also a lot of hype."
"3D U-Net can allow you, or it enables you to work with 3D kernels that get you information feature information in a 3D sense."
"Well, that concludes my discussion on how I approach VQ scans."
"Fortunately, ultrasound of the neck is a very helpful tool in identifying clinically significant cancers."
"MRI does play an important role and adds value in all those indications that I discussed with you."
"Now that you understand how MRI and CT images are acquired, you're in prime position to start interpreting some images of the brain."
"An MRI, unlike a CT, has very high soft tissue contrast."
"When the white matter is brighter than the gray matter, you can be assured you're looking at a T1-weighted MRI."
"The CSF, the cerebral spinal fluid, is very bright on a T2-weighted MRI."
"Images contain a profound amount of information when you're reviewing them."
"Windowing and leveling are our tools to adjust the contrast of an image in order to see the structures that we're most interested in."
"One of the nice things about MRI is the ability to generate angiograms."
"It's essential to know the clinical history and the imaging findings, and the pathological diagnosis on core needle biopsy must be concordant with the imaging studies."
"An echocardiogram or an echo, you'll hear it called for short, where they can actually use an ultrasound picture to look at the anatomy of the heart as well as the blood flow in the heart."
"The pros with AFAST scanning is that it's safe, non-invasive, quick, and you can answer some clinically important questions very quickly."
"The spectral tracing is the graph that appears on the bottom or side during duplex and triplex imaging."
"In laminar flow, the spectral window is what we call open; there are going to be no reflectors in the window."
"Be very, very careful that you don't adjust the wall filter so high that you start to get rid of important information."
"Remember then to use the rest of your spectral tools to optimize the images."
"The best harmonics for imaging come back from the midfield."
"Pulse inversion harmonics is going to improve the process so there's no loss in axial resolution."
"This is a beautiful picture of hyaline cartilage."
"Ultrasound can see so much more than a laparoscopy."
"The 36 to 48 hours is probably the optimal timing for imaging for most of these cases."
"Quantitative volumetric imaging improves diagnostic accuracy, enhances clinical value by allowing you to monitor disease activity, helps with reducing reader subjectivity, and can impact disease modifying therapy for patient care."
"Fortunately now though we have much better technology like micro CT scanning."
"The techniques have evolved... due to just improvements in computer and hardware that we can do now very fast imaging."
"This is a typical appearance for an anterior shoulder dislocation."
"The lower energy PET agents like FDG have the best spatial resolution."
"With our pulse height analyzer, we try to just emphasize those photons that sit around the 140 KV Photon of Tc-99m."
"With higher KV photons, we get less tissue absorption in the body, therefore we have less photoelectric effect."
"Anatomy and physiology are a must if you're a sonographer, you have to know your anatomy especially cross-sectional anatomy."
"PET imaging allows us to see sugar metabolism, the main fuel for the brain."
"A UA Doppler blood flow helps the obstetrician to find out about the fetal status."
"A point of care bedside ultrasound examination also tells you whether the patient is heading towards pulmonary edema."
"It relies on the optical properties of cerebral blood flow to infer brain activity."
"Generative AI is here and it's great for medical imaging, for guidance, for enhancement, for inspection purposes, and many things more."
"Interestingly, axial, coronal, and sagittal is important here."
"A properly placed intrauterine yolk sac is the first reliable indicator of pregnancy."
"Pet imaging is like weather Doppler radar; it shows you where the storm is brewing inside your body."
"Resting state fMRI has a high potential for being used as a clinical or cognitive biomarker."
"Ultrasound can basically be used to scan every organ system in the body."
"Starting with AI for Imaging, ninety percent of healthcare data is Imaging; we need an industry standard for building and deploying AI."
"We're going to be covering conventional radiography, computer tomography CT imaging, then ultrasound to finish off with magnetic resonance imaging."
"As a result of this interaction, we basically have five densities that we can identify on conventional radiographs: air, fat, fluid and soft tissues, bone, and metal."
"Diffusion-weighted imaging is the most sensitive MRI technique to determine acute stroke in the brain."