
Unexplainable Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"That's the beauty of reading; sometimes there's just this weird little magic that you just can't explain."
"There was such a crazy vibe up there I have no I can't explain it."
"Nobody can completely explain his experience."
"This is truly a mysterious piece of footage that no one can definitively explain."
"It's gotta be a miracle. How else do you explain it?"
"It is simply a miracle, there is no way to explain it."
"That's definitely creepy, bro. You can't really explain it."
"It was easily the most terrifying and insanely unexplainable thing I've ever witnessed in my life."
"To ask for proof of a miracle is to ask for understanding the ununderstandable."
"This person is connected to you in a deeper bond that is not explainable by normal everyday kind of love situations."
"I simply can't explain how she was able to provide that information, but thank goodness that she did."
"Know something what you know you can't explain but you feel it, you've felt it your entire life."
"The tale of Luca remains a chilling mystery, his story a testament to the unexplainable phenomena that continue to perplex us, a reminder that sometimes the most profound truths come from the most innocent mouths."
"I don't believe in magic, but a few times in my life I've seen stuff that I can't explain."
"The terror... defies explanation."
"Greatness is when you can't explain it."
"I cannot explain what the hell I saw that night."
"You can't explain it, but you can be a living testimony."
"Whatever it is, there is always something unexplainable happening around here."
"Sometimes you think very logical and sometimes like something will happen that was so unexplainable, if that makes sense, because it was something that happened with spirit."
"It hit me, and it's like, 'Oh my god, there's nothing to replace that. You can't explain that.'"
"I do believe in it in general because I've had way too many strange things that I can't really explain."
"Sometimes in this world there are things that happen that defy explanation and logic."
"How did you do that? With the water! It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! I don't know. I just sort of did it."
"This world is a very weird and mysterious place, and I just believe there's things out there that we can't explain."
"I wanted there to be some irrational thing that you couldn't explain."
"We still talk about it. I saw something I cannot explain."
"I cannot physically explain what had happened to me."
"So there you go, there's a couple of weird, weird mentions of weird things that go on that are unexplainable and I have no answers for."
"Some things are just unexplainable like if you invited someone that you've been dating to your wedding that's something I heard that's just unexplainable you cannot explain that away."
"Sometimes things just can't and probably shouldn't be explained."
"Our intention today is to work with um something I was kind of guided to and I honestly can't exactly explain it."
"...the only time I've ever experienced something that I would consider to be paranormal."
"Your eyes and that kind of thing out of butter out of body experiences I think that is stuff that just can't be explained."
"There's nothing like a good old-fashioned ghost story, something that is just unexplainable and beyond words."
"You made me have all these feelings, all these things I can't explain, and yet still, here we [__] go all over again, my baby bird."
"There have been a number of odd unexplainable phenomena."
"That's a true story and it made me realize that there are unexplainable things in this world."
"...I saw what I can only describe as a creature just standing there."
"Some things you just can't explain and maybe that's okay."
"I think we don't need to justify this, it's just a weird [ __ ] show."
"Sometimes madness can't be explained."
"It's just a vibe, it's just a feeling, it's something that you can't explain."
"To this day, as well, she really can't explain what happened."
"It's just very hard to explain a Florida man because, well, they're from Florida and the things that happen over there are very weird and unexplainable."
"There's more weird, unexplainable things in the woods than you could ever shake a stick at."
"Sometimes, it’s the natural phenomena that’s beyond explanation."
"It was just the whole day was just magical. I can't even explain it."
"Time slips are unexplainable phenomena in which a moment from the past suddenly appears in the present."
"I have not been completely convinced but things keep happening that just are unexplainable."
"There is always a story of something odd and unexplainable to be told."
"It was the most insane and unexplainable thing I have ever experienced."
"I am an atheist. I'm a skeptic, yet something unexplainable happened during a seance at my 16th birthday party a decade ago."
"I was not the only person that this happened to either, it was well known and a regular occurrence."
"It's just something that to this day I can't explain."
"This is the only place that I have ever lived that I've had weird creepy or otherwise unexplainable experiences."
"I never really knew how to explain this, some people just claim it's all explainable but honestly to this day I've never seen the sky flash black like that, I've never heard groaning like that especially when there's nothing and nobody around to do it."
"...what came next still scares me to this day and is completely unexplainable."
"I had my own experience with something that I can't explain."
"I saw something across the clearing by me that I just can't explain."
"I can't explain it. Some things cannot be explained away by rationale."
"Many of them unexplainable and paranormal."
"At this point, I don't know if Bigfoot really does exist, but I definitely can say that those footprints are pretty unexplainable."
"There are wonderful things in this world you just can't explain, but it doesn't necessarily make them any less true."
"But not everything in our world is so easily explainable, and there are a few bizarre mysteries that still linger."
"How do you explain in logic something that's unexplainable?"
"Anoint the ears of the hearers and do in them and through them something that cannot be explained except by you."
"Starting in the early 2000s, something totally unexplainable and terrifying began happening in the park."
"This was probably the first time I experienced something that I cannot explain."
"What did you guys think of these stories? Have you ever experienced anything unexplainable or paranormal?"
"...there are just some strange and unexplainable things that happen in our national parks and our national forest."
"That's probably one of the most unexplainable things we've ever come across."
"All I can tell you is the strength of his dog, and he and I somehow established a bond that is unexplainable."
"In this world, there are real-life strange creatures and paranormal mysteries that are just unexplainable."
"After all of the unexplainable things I have heard or seen, it's hard to remain a skeptic."
"I definitely saw something that I cannot explain."
"The sounds of light footsteps in the hallway, scratches from the second floor, and inside the wall... seemed sort of unexplainable to the entire family."
"Haunted by her experiences, Emily found herself torn between her duty as a park ranger and the growing fear of the unexplainable."
"This isn't the most impressive scary thing that's happened to me, but it is definitely spooky and unexplainable."
"That's my story, and that's pretty much the only thing I've ever experienced in my entire life that was unexplainable."
"There are some things in this world you just can't explain."
"Love is something unexplainable, and more than that, trust plays a role in any relationship."
"Not the scariest thing ever, but to this day remains the most bizarre and unexplainable thing I've ever witnessed."
"Whenever something unexplainable or strange and just weird and creepy happens to me, you guys are the first people that I want to tell."
"Some things in our world are simply unexplainable, no matter how hard we try to dig into them."
"That's insane, like if they got pulled apart I could say maybe that was somebody that did something to make that happen, but the fact that they all come together, how do you explain that?"
"...there are so many things that we do not understand, unexplainable things happen all the time."
"Whether you have been a longtime viewer with us here at SBT or you have signed on in the last few months, you know that we can't help talking about the strange, powerful, and unexplainable forces that are out there."
"It elevates my mood in a way I can't explain."
"There's something about this relationship in particular that has a real special bond that you cannot explain."
"I feel like you both loved each other for lifetimes, and it's not something you can explain to other people."