
Incorruptibility Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"How their face is to shine like the sun and how they are to be made like the light of the stars, being incorruptible from then on."
"The Torah is Incorruptible because they use chapter 6 verse 115 to prove it says 'None can alter the words of Allah.'"
"There's just some things in life that just can't be bought, like my soul."
"The part of us that cannot be corrupted represents the source of our wisdom, our strength, and our unity with each other."
"As a man, I'm corruptible... but as a symbol, I can be everlasting."
"Sweet is uncorruptible. Somebody like Sweet cannot be corrupted."
"The incorruptibles, where the bodies have not decomposed."
"You cannot be corrupted, your light corrupts the darkness."
"A nation that is truly free, a nation that is strong, a nation no man can corrupt."
"The things of God are incorruptible."
"I can't be bought off. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than some job offer to make me compromise the integrity of the badge."
"Truth is an incorruptible, men can deny it but they cannot disprove it, and truth is that we must cooperate or perish."
"We are in this world but we are not of it, no material force or power can corrupt man's spiritual heritage."
"Utterly incorruptible, he mortified the flesh with the purity of his stance against any form of privilege."
"The kingdom of God is incorruptible. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God."
"Forget the silver and gold out there but seek an incorruptible spiritual nature that comes through Jesus Christ."
"It is impossible that spiritual substance... should ever come under the power of corruption."
May the integrity of our souls have a sign that reads in bold, black letters "NOT FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE" so that it might be said of us, as it was of Hyrum Smith, "Blessed is my servant Hyrum Smith; for I, the Lord, love him because of the integrity of his heart."
"Perhaps it's just that he was a vicar so he was incorruptible."
"Luffy's character...completely morally incorruptible. No one could ever corrupt Luffy to do something he does not want to do."
"Resurrection: Your body is raised incorruptible, no longer subject to sin."
"He who has Christ cannot be bought with money."
"This corruptible body shall put on incorruption."
"We need incorruptible voices, not voices that can be bought."
"Being incorruptible when your value system is incorruptible, that's literally the definition of integrity."
"The Word of God is alive and it is an incorruptible seed."
"The resurrected body will be incorruptible... raised in glory, raised in power."
"The dead will be raised incorruptible."
"I actually really admire that this one character cannot be bought by anyone in Westeros for any reason."
"Jesus died but his body did not see corruption, did not see decay. - Moses"
"Lay up Treasures in Heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt."
"Some voters respond to my integrity, others are more impressed with my incorruptibility."
"You are born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God that lives and abides forever."
"He was a very well-liked guy, he was uncorruptable."
"Integrity also means 'incorruptible,' a firm adherence to a code of values."
"He also gained a reputation for being incorruptible."
"The dead will be raised incorruptible and we who are alive shall be changed."
"The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible."
"I honestly don't think the other gods would have really been able to corrupt him."
"The spirit cannot be destroyed; it is incorruptible."
"Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever."
"The word of God never fails. It's incorruptible."
"The divine plan of your life is a perfect idea in divine mind, incorruptible and indestructible, and cannot be spoiled in any way."
"It is the rule of God from God's own heart and soul in his own power and it cannot be affected by Satan."
"The dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
"When the last trumpet sounds, we won't all die; we will all be resurrected incorruptible."
"You have a Living Hope by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead; it's uncorruptible, it's undefiled."
"Defenders of the right cannot be purchased."
"Real love... it can never be corrupted."
"Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust cannot corrupt, where thieves cannot break in and steal."
"The concept of incorruptability is a bizarre and unexplained phenomenon that has fascinated people for centuries."
"It's our reserved place, incorruptible, undefiled, that fadeth not away."
"I cannot be bought, I have my soul, I have my spine, I have my integrity."
"I am born again of incorruptible seed; I cannot be corrupted."
"There are some things that money can't corrupt."
"Truth cannot be contaminated by error."
"He's very serious and he's very incorruptible, that's one of the distinguishing factors, he can't be bribed."
"He was by all accounts rigorous, diligent, and incorruptible."
"We are body and soul, we are flesh and spirit, and on the last day, our flesh is left behind and we, our body and soul together, in the perfect life that Jesus has to give to us, incorruptible and holy."
"Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever."
"A hand with a hollow palm can never accept bribes."
"The Word of God is a seed, an incorruptible seed."
"God's word is the incorruptible seed."
"It's more real than this flesh and it cannot decay or die or go away."
"The final religion is uncorruptible, the final religion is preserved."
"By the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, we have received an inheritance that is incorruptible."
"I can't be bought, fam. These men can be bought, bought and paid for."
"The Code of Law of Ivan III said: 'Incorruptibility and accessibility of the court for all categories of population, including dependent ones, were announced to be the main principles of the court.'"
"Live an upright, responsible, incorruptible life."
"Holy Communion is always incorruptible since our Christ is incorruptible."