
Erosion Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"It's about this slow erosion of rights that happens a hundred thousand little steps at a time."
"The lack of flowing water, wind, and other erosive forces on the lunar surface means that the astronaut's footprints will likely remain crisp and perfectly preserved for millions of years."
"Free speech is something that is held in particularly high regard in the west albeit slowly eroding."
"People talk about global warming but people don't talk about erosion."
"The right to free speech, accurate information, and conscience-based non-violent activism continues to be eroded."
"Niagara Falls: a wonder of nature eroded nearby cliffs creating the attraction we know today."
"It's been knocked away, it's been hammered away, the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act."
"Our rights and our freedoms are just going out the window one day at a time."
"It's almost impossible to think that that type of erosion could happen within the time frames of the orthodox story."
"The erosion of the river is focused right along the riverbed, and so it will cut down like a saw blade into the rock."
"I think there's something that's happened that has eroded the capacity of people for critical thinking."
"If we continue to allow the chipping away of our institutional norms, those very foundations of our democracy, then you won't have it."
"By the time the wind passed through this valley, 30 inches of topsoil had been blown off of the land, and we could see every single mine."
"It's a reminder of how vigilant we have to be about how easily democracy can be eroded."
"Antelope Canyon is visited exclusively through guided tours, in part because rains during monsoon season can quickly flood it."
"Goblin Valley State Park in Utah, United States, features thousands of hudo referred to locally as goblins, which are formations of mushroom-shaped rock pinnacles, some as tall as several meters."
"Wave Rock is a natural rock formation that's shaped like a tall breaking ocean wave."
"Some older trails from older harvests were pretty poorly managed and over time they eroded and they kind of created new stream beds."
"There is a daily erosion of our culture, our identity."
"It's not erosion. So the neck looking different, has nothing to do with erosion. Or with even... It's just the consistency, the density of the stone, itself."
"I've never, I've been on a lot of archaeological sites. I've read a lot of archaeological literature. I cannot think of a single other example where dating is done by erosion."
"...instead of just leaving it to not have anything in it because I do want to prevent erosion and I would love to plant something that will actually build the soil I decided on a new cover crop."
"Visitors imagined the landscape of the Badlands to be unchanging but in fact it was continuously eroding literally right before your eyes."
"In the end, the principle of an unconformity is pretty simple, as I've shown, pages of the book, meaning layers of rock have been eroded and we no longer have that history to look at, there do we because it's been destroyed through erosion."
"It's built on a cliff edge and it's all falling into the sea."
"The level of academic rigor and scholarship in many parts of the humanities and other areas of academic life were being eroded."
"When you have something like decriminalization, you begin the erosion of the societal standard."
"That causes erosion, that'll literally erode away any forward-facing surface."
"Nav is not eroding because it's being given out to shareholders."
"If you go too high, it can actually result in unwanted erosion, so it's not just a matter of cranking up the power as high as possible."
"They're actually eroding and really unraveling American democracy."
"SCP 033 will literally erode and disintegrate anything on a molecular level."
"Although it is very much like the Florida Seacoast, it is eroding uh, under conditions."
"The layers of sandstones, siltstone, and mudstone that make up the landform have been exposed to the elements for millions of years resulting in a surreal and alien-like landscape."
"...it started to erode slightly and he started to get less and less territory to the west."
"The Zambezi is gradually eating away at the gorge."
"Erosion is the term used to describe the gradual loss of real estate due to natural causes such as the wearing away of soil by wind or water."
"As the microbes start to rely on this mucous lining for their own sustenance, they can actually erode that mucous lining."
"For such an occasion would see to the erosion of their glory and their inevitable downfall…"
"The secret behind the ringing is most likely a combination of the mineral composition of the rocks and the way joining patterns have developed as the rocks have eroded."
"At the base of the glacier, the ice is actually pressing itself into the underlying bedrock and plucking or removing pieces of Bedrock as it flows downhill."
"California's Long Valley Caldera was formed creating large rock formations that eroded over time thanks to wind and water."
"The weather and erosion that I saw on the Sphinx was not compatible with Sahara desert hyper arid conditions."
"All falls migrate at different rates depending on the amount and force of the water flowing over them they pluck at."
"Water loosens materials, sends it downhill, dissolves minerals, freezes and breaks up the rocks."
"Years of rain and water lashed this landscape of limestone rocks, leaving these other worldly shapes."
"The caves give themselves to the advancing Forest, the vegetation covers the MS of the caves, rains move mud down the mountain and cover the footpath."
"...the way that rights erosions work is that they're always applied in the original instance to some unsympathetic figure."
"Erosion is a good way to get rid of sort of stray pixels, little, you know, things that stick out from objects."
"All of the Renewables that are holding us up are being eroded out from under us by our own activity."
"The very things that we have been guaranteed are being eroded in America."
"There's been this trend of chipping away at trust in institutions."
"Water is our enemy once we're done once we're building, so we don't want to have erosion and when it gets into the foundation it'll settle the foundation."
"The chaotic activity has also led to significant erosion over the years."
"The Colorado River is the main reason that the Grand Canyon exists."
"As the land gets pushed up, it causes the rivers to erode down relatively quickly."
"Rivers physically weather or break down rock through two primary methods: hydraulic pressure and abrasion."
"The great peaks of this mountainous region once matched those of the Himalayas before millions of years of wind, rain, and ice wore them down to the more accessible human scale we see today."
"But there also is mother nature and the problem of erosion which is actually the biggest problem that we have, and it's the hardest kind of problem to solve."
"You don't lose your freedom all at once. You lose it a little bit at a time, a little bit here, a little bit there, and before you know it, it's all gone."
"What is happening is a progressive erosion of Freedom that is happening very quietly."
"Decades slowly chipped away at a man's sanity like ocean waves against granite."
"The Colorado Plateau has a very bright future indeed because as erosion digs down deeper into these layers there's going to be more and more of the landscape to see."
"Astronomers believe the moon could be eroding because people have stopped believing in it."
"Mangroves protect coastal areas against erosion and hurricanes."
"This is amazing, it shows you what the forces of a little bit of water can do."
"The dropping of water wears away stone."
"The erosion along that land is so beautiful, you can see the layers of sediment, different colored soil and sand. It's stunning."
"It's called the Blue Grotto, I love this one because it really shows you the power of the water over thousands and thousands of years."
"Dissolving sadness is about having an equally loving relationship with renewal and erosion."
"Uplift intensifies erosion; as the crust uplifts, it gets closer and closer to heaven every year."
"Privacy is not that important... as soon as we began to value privacy, it was being eroded."
"The erosion and the means for nourishment have decreased."
"The profile is moved seaward or landward depending on accretion or erosion occurring."
"For more than two million years, the river has been cutting through limestone, sculpting three magnificent canyons."
"The hotter the barrel is when you shoot each subsequent shot, the faster it erodes."
"Erosion is the transport of those little pieces of rocks... as the rain falls, it's going to detach or break off little bits that have been weathered, then it's going to transport them and move them somewhere else, and then ultimately it's going to deposit them."
"The Seven Sisters chalk cliffs have been changing for many thousands of years."
"The breathtaking Grand Canyon of Yellowstone, carved by the powerful Yellowstone River, boasts majestic cliffs painted in vibrant yellow and orange hues."
"Agricultural soil loss and erosion maintained over generations could really add up to have major effects on human societies."
"The world was gradually wearing away the layers of protective walls hidden behind false smiles and deceptive laughter."
"We begin to lose our sense of the specialness of persons, we erode that sense that human beings are important and special."
"The azure window, here erosion has created a huge natural wall."
"We talk about Mount Rushmore so much but we never mention them stones eroded."
"Grasses can hold the soil in place, also grass can keep many of these sediments and pollutants in place instead of allowing that to move into a lake or something like that."
"This is what water does over six million years; it carves canyons like this."
"Canyon slots by definition were carved into the mountain by the passage of water, slowly slicing its way through stone across the ages."
"These details are storytelling; it's like what happened to these rocks, how did they get there, how did they erode."
"Beach sand likewise forms due to erosion from constant wave and sediment motion and weathering."
"Glaciers are capable of great erosion and sediment transport."
"As a glacier flows over bedrock, it loosens and lifts blocks in a process called plucking."
"Glaciers in a main or trunk valley typically erode more than tributary glaciers, creating hanging valleys."
"The tower and its surrounding mountain appear unremarkable, save for the eroded carvings of Dwarven faces that are revealed by a unique combination of sunlight and the whirlwind."
"Sand is the result of natural rock erosion over thousands of years; it is the second most consumed natural resource after fresh water."
"The river carves away the earth by the thickness of a single sheet of paper every year."
"It is a breathtaking natural wonder that owes its existence to the relentless erosion caused by the Grijalva River."
"Even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time."
"The freedoms that have made America the envy of the world are being systematically eroded."
"It's eroding the core foundations of how people behave by and between each other."
"It's Nature's own masterpiece, a testament to the power of wind and water."
"The holes created from rocks that fell in the hole and then got blended around from water to create a deeper hole... seeing that and how deep and perfectly round these were really puts into perspective how long these rivers have been there."
"Biology has a profound capacity to erode the categories created by humans."
"Millennium later, these layers get uplifted into hills and mountains, exposing those pockets and all of those features."
"Beach erosion: the next great coastal dilemma."
"Sea level rise is causing erosion so severe that artifacts may be lost and an entire ecosystem is threatened."
"How you gonna take a mountain that's 14,000 feet high and make it disappear? And my answer is if you have millions of years and active ongoing river carving, freezing and thawing, glacial activity, steep slopes, you can do it."
"The whole likely formed during the Ice Age when flooding eroded the limestone rock near the coastline and created a void."
"Bryce sure is amazing. It's erosion at its finest."
"Coastal erosion is affecting this part of the country quite severely; it must be incredible to be in one of those cottages on a stormy day."
"Look at those cliffs over there, how the weather has shaped it, it's absolutely glorious."
"Acid rain damages plants, kills fish, and causes erosion to buildings."
"The perfect symmetry of the distinct dome and wedge shape makes it unlikely to have been created by natural erosion."
"Even today, water and wind and waves continue to make the story more interesting."
"As the glaciers moved, they eroded just about anything younger than the Au Train formation — so, any rock younger than about 480 million years old."
"All mountains eventually erode away but tectonic action is constantly creating new mountains to replace them."
"I'm not talking about physical things or tangible things; I'm talking about the erosion of great habits, the erosion of processes and systems in my life that have helped me to thrive."
"Granite type rock of today's mountains... geologists think these mountains have been uplifted and eroded for millions of years."
"Glaciers are the main force of erosion on the planet."
"As rain falls, water finds its way across the rising sedimentary beds and into the low points and cracks; as the mountains rise higher, the channels cut deeper, and the cracks get wider."
"Destructive waves have high, steep profiles; the breaking wave plunges downwards and pulls back down the sediment."
"It's just water that did this over the days, weeks, months, years, eons, decades, Millennia."
"The Caran Caves consist of a series of twenty-seven connecting chambers and present the appearance of having been eroded by running water in some far-gone age."
"When this was built in 1720 it was a quarter of a mile away from the sea. Now 300 years on it's just 50 meters away."
"These two things together, they contribute to erosion massively."
"Colorful Glenwood Canyon, walls of pastel-tinted stone formed by erosive wind and water into fantastic shapes tower high above the river and the railroad."
"Time is the great eraser of human presence; it erases, it buries, it erodes, it destroys."
"Most of the sand on beaches is generally formed from rocks that have broken down because of weather changes and erosion through thousands or even millions of years."
"Once it was flooded here, the water started eroding the ground, topsoil is long gone, and some of the things we're finding are very, very close to the surface."
"It's the erosion that's going on in Louisiana. It's a very tragic story."
"Resistant rocks with dense interlocking crystals will be your prominent features in the coastline."
"Geomorphic processes change the shape of the rocks."
"The entire area is being washed away; it's quite amazing and it's quite a scene to actually look at these waves as they continue to crash in."
"Erosion, particularly along the shorelines, goes along with storm surge as a significant quality of hurricanes."
"The Holderness coast has rapid erosion rates, the fastest in Europe, caused by geology and lithology."
"If we're thinking about this in a river context, that might be a cut bank that's been undercut or on a hill slope that could be an area where we had a landslide."
"Once it's punched through the Portland Stone, the water eats away at the softer rock behind, creating coves and inlets."
"Coastal erosion is the wearing away and breaking up of rock along the coast."
"Managed retreat allows areas of the coast to erode and flood naturally."
"Pro tip: if you want to find gold, you're looking for two things - erosion and deposition."
"The increased rainfall in turn speeded the weathering of any exposed rock."
"It took around 400 million years for countless streams to carve an immense arterial system into the ancient bedrock."
"California's coastline is eroding, and while the scenes are not always as dramatic as this, changes are happening daily."
"The granite was magma that never came to the surface, and as everything above it eroded away, what's revealed is the granite."
"Increased coastal flooding and erosion are some of the effects of predicted sea level change due to climate change."
"Different rocks are more and less resistant to erosion, so that's why we get lots of different types of landforms forming."
"Where we have higher rates of erosion, this is where we're going to form bays because bays are erosional features."
"These barrier islands are eroding at rates of something like up to 60 feet per year."
"Despite its manmade appearance, the Cheesewring is a natural rock formation sculpted by centuries of wind and weather erosion."
"If you voluntarily stay in a relationship like this, then individuality is slowly eroded."
"It's taken God knows how many millions of years to be carved out by the forces of water."
"Hydraulic action is simply the force or the impact of the water on rocks."
"Even the gentle wind can wear down stone with enough time."
"Look at this massive piece of brickwork here that's being eroded out."
"We're getting these nice crevices where the water's been going down."
"The presumption of Innocence no longer exists; it has been so completely eroded."
"The broken, jagged top of Broken Top was created by ice cutting through that volcano and exposing the interior of the volcano."
"Erosion has made parts of this coast very beautiful: the perfect little cove at Lulworth in Dorset and the famous arch of Durdle Door were both made by erosion."
"The ancient builders, a civilization lost to history, their works eroded by time."
"Harboring guilt can only lead to the erosion of man's soul."
"A river always erodes downwards; floods do come and change the direction of a river."
"The Grand Canyon... a mile deep... the Colorado River has been eroding these layers of rock away for millions of years."
"Niagara Falls will have ceased to exist in 50,000 years as they will have eroded a path traveling 20 miles to Lake Erie where they will disappear."
"It's so beautiful, this is just thousands and thousands of years of the wind and waves carving."
"Sarah encouraged trees and vegetation to be planted in cuttings to reduce the problem of erosion."
"Abuse wears you down over time; it erodes your confidence, independence, sense of worth."
"Inflation is an acid that erodes the value of your cash."
"Small islands are not sinking; they're shrinking by coastal erosion."
"It's crazy how this little sprinkle has worn this out over time, look at this beautiful rock."