
Proficiency Quotes

There are 1348 quotes

"If you're gonna carry, you need to be proficient with that weapon."
"You're doing something you enjoy and not only do you enjoy it, but you're good at it."
"Proficiency means that you're good at something. It shows that you're advancing, either yourself or others."
"I'd like to see a little more proficiency in bicycle riding from the man leading the free world."
"Sephi quickly comprehended the composition of spells and even without chanting she could vividly recall the characters that formed them."
"They were so well rehearsed at playing live."
"There are no Royal Roads, no shortcuts to proficiency."
"I'm much better at Blender; it's a much more seamless process."
"He's been using it for tens of thousands of games and clearly he's quite comfortable."
"Just because you do something a lot doesn't mean you're good at it. Does that make sense?"
"He's extremely proficient, his natural ability, and maybe thanks to his spiritual strength."
"Not every trick needs to be mastered, just do what you're good at."
"You've become a professional by the second try."
"The key to prevention here is practice and proficiency."
"They are good at that skill, most of them are exceptional at that skill."
"Once you got the basics down, you started doing damn good."
"Your Proficiency in bending is largely tied to your spirituality."
"Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one."
"Dropping a tool in space is not something any of us have to worry about on a daily basis, but having the right tool for the job and knowing how to use it can make or break a project."
"That is insane bro, how do you not miss anything ever?"
"I've been able to get good at a wide variety of games across a lot of different genres."
"Are you finished with English at that point? No, you're not. You still have a long way to go if you want to be like a native speaker, close to a native."
"He hasn't just got this technical proficiency, you see him looking at his opponent but not only that here on the sideline, he has the speed to outrun Wade. Speed and technicality, that's a dangerous combination."
"She knows how to play the character too well."
"Her intelligence reflects this, with a proficient understanding of energy weapons, medicine, and the use of computers."
"Resilient increases one ability by one to a maximum of 20 and gives you proficiency in that ability saving throw."
"You're not gonna be good at anything if you don't practice."
"If you train to the standard of shooting you will get just as proficient with that passive aiming as you will with that IR laser I guarantee it."
"Your standard of proficiency should be able to manipulate every component blindfolded."
"Known for her proficiency in small unit tactics and close combat engagements." - Roslyn "Rose" Helms
"Your rewards are in proportion to the mastery of your skills."
"I've never seen anyone take to expediting the way you did tonight."
"Grading is about proficiency, but it often gets conflated with behavior."
"Liberation and proficiency are not necessarily the same thing."
"You're looking at Bobby Fish though he's such a prolific wrestler as well as a great striker."
"He possesses the best skill set in this sport."
"You know someone's really good at their job when they make it look so easy."
"You become more proficient at it, requires a little bit of retraining."
"If you use a weapon that you're not proficient in, you don't get that proficiency bonus on your attacks."
"The only way to get good at something is reps."
"The progress that you make will make you that much more skilled."
"Germans speak English better than people in America speaking English."
"You owe it to yourself and your department and your community to get as proficient as you possibly can with your non-dominant hand." - Mike Willover
"We're getting pretty good at not letting spelling errors slip through."
"Training is most important. A properly trained person can pick up anything and be proficient."
"You've understood the concept really really well."
"It doesn't matter if we're talking baseball, piano, tennis, driving a car... the people who are most proficient do the fundamentals the best."
"Tweek, hands down the most proficient player."
"Rangers in bg3 are unique because not only do they Excel inside of combat but also outside and have arguably the most proficiencies of any class in the game."
"An armed population that is trained and proficient to deter a threat."
"Beware the man with one gun because he probably knows how to use it."
"College of lore Bards gain three more skill proficiencies."
"It blows your mind with how good it is at every single thing."
"If you know all of this, you know 80-85% of what react has to offer."
"Comfort is really the key. The more you practice, the more comfortable you are with cleaning, disassembling, loading, unloading a gun."
"Stay happy, stay healthy, stay current, and stay proficient."
"He's been very good at that throughout his career."
"If you like something, you really like it, you're going to want to be good at it, you're going to be damn good at it."
"Head copy is sort of the Holy Grail of CW."
"Once we've achieved a level of fluency, we transition into intermediate two and this is where we begin to increase speed."
"The goal is quick, accurate, and effortless copy of code, what we call instant character recognition."
"It's a good habit to have normal sensing on the controls."
"The two most important skills we need as data scientists are maths and programming."
"You can tell why guys were so quick, the old 'mad minute'."
"You have the tool and then you train so you have the capability."
"Despite being a crew of four individuals who had not previously collaborated, the pilots demonstrated commendable crew resource management."
"Knowledge is power; become proficient in your field."
"It's the most good, the most the best I've ever been at standup."
"I considered myself fluent fluent was after about three years."
"If you're going to own equipment, it's really important to know how to be proficient with it."
"If you can do this, you can UV map anything, I promise."
"We're getting pretty good at this."
"How many do you speak? Barely English."
"If you can consistently make that shot, there's a place for you on any team, on any level."
"If you can make that ball travel straight at the front of the rim, you're going to make every shot."
"You don't need big hands to be a good shooter."
"We're good at Tetris; this isn't our first rodeo."
"I don't have to be a super deep dive expert in any one area. I just need to really understand how do these things fit together and what is their function in an overall solution."
"His ability to super shred and his voice when it comes to harmonies is bonkers."
"This is honestly the difference between an average Dev and someone who is at the forefront of the game utilizing the best tech."
"The more you make yourself speak Spanish, the easier it's going to get."
"More than capable, yes, I think so."
"I'm feeling like I'm pretty good at it today."
"That's what we needed, we'll be really good from like 120 yards."
"Very powerful things demand respect; the wok demands respect."
"I put 5,000 rounds through the rifle."
"It doesn't even start to close, so 5,000 rounds doing remarkably well."
"6,000 rounds and I still have a face."
"It's still not failing on the no-go gauge test."
"I was pleasantly surprised with how well it did."
"I wasn't very good at the tech side of things."
"This is a five out of five, bro, a Hooper too."
"Knowing when to use a neck pickup versus a bridge pickup or when to use a pick versus fingers... that is 99% of the battle."
"If you suck at basics, you're gonna suck at stuff that are beyond basics."
"We knew every dance move possible."
"Carolina is executing in every single facet of the game here today."
"It's very easy once you get the hang of it."
"We don't hunt and shoot very well without seeing very well."
"If you're hitting what you're aiming at, it really is about the capabilities of the person behind the gun more than it is what the gun is."
"You could be given the best tools ever, if your skill set ain't there, it ain't gonna matter what you have."
"Harness divine power twice per day if we need it or want it."
"It's really good behind the wheel."
"Taking advantage of natural angles and position windows is an important element to playing at a high level."
"The elite players understand the connection between angles and distance."
"The more you practice visualizing position windows and finding ideal angles, the more it becomes second nature."
"Beyond seven paces, the gun is fast; within seven paces, the gun is both fast and accurate."
"I didn't fail a single saving throw all game."
"I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it?"
"We get an extra skill proficiency and can even withdraw into their shell as an action for a big AC bump."
"You're gonna pretty much get these movements correct."
"It's like riding a bike for me; it's easy, it's effortless."
"I'm generally very good with things with aim. With sports, can't run, can't jump, but aim? Decent."
"Most people I know who are good at it put a lot of work into it."
"Best downhill putter in the world right there."
"This really is the height of just financial literacy."
"Defeating demons is her kind of thing."
"...I don't understand how to build a website, but I wanted a beautiful, clean, minimalist website to show off my work."
"If you get it right, you will feel it almost fly through the wool."
"When someone is kind of at that pro level... it just looks like they're clicking buy and sell and it looks relatively effortless."
"You should be pretty comfortable on the front end."
"How good you speak a language only, and really only, depends on how much you consume that language. Because what comes in naturally, comes out."
"As you build more user interfaces inside Xcode, you're just going to get faster and better."
"At every level of proficiency, right from day one, there needs to be fluency development activities."
"...you are very very good at wealth management."
"Shi Cho: Simple, yet dangerous when mastered."
"They live and breathe that stuff. It's first nature to them."
"It's rare to get mixed up, except if you're a beginner in two languages, you might get mixed up a little. But after a while, it gets firm and you can do it."
"That is why you're best in the biz."
"That's incredible, you can actually do that in like two golf swings. He's very athletic."
"Precision work, a good thing to be good at."
"If you latch onto one of the strategies in this video and you become proficient in its application, you could conceivably turn your options trading account into a significant source of income."
"...there's a lot of ways to miss but when making shirts is what you've been doing for as long as the Arrow Shirt Company you don't miss."
"If you give him the structure, receivers open more often than not, he's going to hit it and he's not going to force it, he's not going to give you negative plays."
"...it's not the tapping and the shredding and the bar Dives and all that kind of stuff it is absolutely Flawless inhuman command of GrooVe..."
"...we're actually going to play this course with like a pro par so this one's kind of a tweener..."
"It took me long enough to learn this program, and it's about time that I show you guys everything you need to know."
"The better your Japanese is, the more opportunities you're going to have."
"There's always that one pack that you know you're going to get the best clips from."
"When we feel we are gaining confidence in something or excelling in something, it becomes enjoyable."
"Money is a byproduct of doing something I like to do extremely well."
"The person who shot the best was Hunter Christian Thomas."
"Also it's not about how much weight you can lift, it's about how well you can lift that much weight."
"The reason Lee kills Giants is his attention to detail is off the charts."
"Training is not just about learning how to fly a drone proficiently...but a necessity in the Drone industry."
"Uncover a rich tapestry of possibilities that will not only broaden your understanding but also elevate your proficiency with nmap to new heights."
"By the end of this video you will never have to ask again about nmap. You just become Pro after this video."
"He's basically a platoon DH at this point but he's really good at that role."
"If you can increase your focus when you write a program, potentially you can decrease the probability of code errors."
"Streaming has never been easier, anyone can do it, but not many people can do it right."
"He's one of the best in the world."
"Physically he looks good in there. He gets everything down. I mean he's really, really good."
"I encourage you to go out and practice your skills, don't be afraid to revisit the simple stuff and go back to basics. I want you to stay happy, stay healthy, stay current, and of course stay proficient. Fly safe, and we'll see you in the next one."
"Passing the test is one thing, being proficient is something else."
"He did it perfect. I mean, he did that better than anybody else could in the world."
"You best be good in them, you know what I mean? You best be able to play in them."
"He already does pretty much everything well at this point which is just wild."
"The key is really just going to be practicing, really really getting the hang of attacking, doing it smoothly."
"Sharpshooters are the best scoring position in the game."
"Her left hook is one of the best I've ever seen."
"Eminem is one of the most technical rappers to ever touch the mic."
"Like it and good at it are the only two sustainable things."
"After thorough practice, he is perfectly able to juggle."
"...is an absolute wizard with the puck."
"What makes a great player great is their mind, and Jokic is an incredibly smart player on both ends of the floor."
"You're just too small to make good coffee."
"I've done so many and I've got, you know, a fairly good rhythm that I've created."
"You haven't stopped doing what you do or stopped being good at what you do."
"It's very clear they have the right tooling and know-how."
"The Mixed Martial Arts he practices are second only to the special skills of the highest category."
"It's so powerful, it's literally my favorite skill to use."
"Individual Styles certainly exist, but regardless of anyone's unique movement, there are absolutely some omnipresent principles that underly what we could consider to be technical proficiency."
"A genius is someone who does something with ease when it takes others hundreds of tries."
"Don't be afraid to lean into what you're really good at...you can be proficient in most areas and an expert in just a couple areas, or one area, something that you really love, something that brings you a lot of joy."
"It's essential for you to understand the distribution that you're using so you know what tools and apps are available to you."
"Truthfully things are just more enjoyable once you reach a certain level in them."
"This sort of thinking and using this context very, very much every single day and getting proficient at using this context is really what separates winning traders from losing traders."
"That's when you know you've mastered a craft, when you can make it look easy."
"You will find your purpose at the intersection between your passion and your proficiency."
"He's as fast as anybody in the field."
"The Associate Cloud Engineer certification is Google's most important certification because it guides people to really competent ability to use GCP day-to-day."
"Almost anybody should be able to use a dagger."
"More than anything they make it look easy."
"You have to spend at least 10 thousand hours in any area of expertise to reach a professional level."
"Her mid-range game is a sight to behold."
"He's world-class at what he does."
"I'm okay at fighting, I'm okay at shooting, but I am good at saving lives."
"It's like riding a bike, you remember."
"She speaks better Spanish than you."
"It's like he's playing a video game with the cheat codes on."
"They found out what he excels at."
"It does definitely help if you understand how to log on to Facebook and how to create an email, which most people now do."
"It's not so much about the device, it's about the person operating the device."
"You have to learn the actual skill of doing it, otherwise, you're kind of dead in the water."
"You know, it's like riding a bike. As long as you do it enough, you can kind of get out there and still just do it."
"That's a guy that's playing a lot of pool right there."
"Long may I keep working because it's something I'm good at."
"You want to get the highest IELTS score possible."
"He's delivering the football masterfully."
"...he makes the most incredible passes look like they are just seamlessly easy for him."
"He's one of the best shot makers in the world."