
Dissemination Quotes

There are 179 quotes

"Spreading information is the easiest and cheapest thing to do because it costs nothing."
"It's well established that teachings about Jesus spread far and wide very quickly after his death."
"I'm a firm believer that a lot of times good content will just disseminate out there because, you know, you have to start somewhere and it creates a groundswell."
"It's our obligation as patriots to spread that news."
"Religion is not configured to be true; it's configured to be easily disseminated and easily believed."
"All that matters is that I push the truth out there, even if it emerges kicking and screaming."
"It's done, it's out there now, people are now going to apply their filters."
"The dissemination of their work has led to significant impacts on important public policy initiatives here and around the world."
"The wide distribution of printing presses allowed for a rapid transmission of Luther's words."
"The truth has to get out in order to get it out it has to be put in front of people."
"Thanks to you, we made this news reach the world."
"We need to tell people. We have to get this out."
"Our goal for you is to take what we're doing here and take it to your house."
"The ability for smart, useful observations to get into the hands of people with fewer ideas but lots of capital has never been better."
"The world must know and it will know as quickly as possible."
"These things do not just belong in the Ivory Tower, they have a richness to them which can be absorbed and should be transmitted to the widest possible public."
"There's something about the internet that has just made the cost of spreading information go to zero."
"It was a humiliating defeat for the French, and news quickly spread throughout Europe."
"A lie can get around the world before the truth can get its shoes on."
"Now it's our obligation to disseminate that globally."
"It's critically important that this information gets shared."
"The triumph of Christianity is in a way taking Greco-Roman philosophy and actually bringing it to the masses."
"A falsehood is halfway around the world before the truth gets its boots on."
"Truth will prevail, but it will do so a lot more quickly if only we can get this to bigger audiences."
"I think his primary goal was to spread the word about immortality because he thought it was possible."
"If you take nothing else from this post, then spread those words everywhere."
"Misinformation is well known to spread quicker than accurate information."
"It's the way every single network, spiritual community, anything has ever spread."
"Let the words of God, like precious fertile seed, go forth and find fertile soil."
"Ariely's groundbreaking research and stellar dissemination of that research through book releases, TED talks, and press appearances have catapulted him to stardom."
"The more information we get out there, the better."
"To publish something means to make something public. We use this with writing and with digital content. For example, 'Should we publish the new book on paper or on the Internet?'"
"Now the only thing I ask of you is if you learn anything new at all in this video, share it with someone you care about in your own life."
"We got to share this with the masses not just the classes."
"The truth spreads slowly and lies spread fast."
"800 years ago Nefertari D. Lilly disseminated the poneglyphs to the Allied Nations around the world."
"It always travels from one to many."
"This is a message you're going to want to share with as many of your friends and family members as possible."
"You know I don't care, I make enough money, but it would be nice if our ideas which we consider to be correct were more broadly available."
"We want to get better information from smarter people to more people."
"Our job is to get the message out to as many people as possible."
"Let's actually get that information out in the community."
"To me, the main artifacts shouldn't be papers because papers are things read by a small exclusive group of people."
"It's important that we get these stories out there."
"One valuable consequence of Monk's graphic work was that it helped to spread his Fame throughout Europe."
"Get this out to as many people as possible."
"With the introduction of printing, it is far easier to disseminate knowledge."
"My goal is to get this information into the hands and brains of as many people as possible."
"Misinformation can get halfway around the world before the truth even gets its britches on."
"You know how many people heard 'Smack the [ __ ] Out of You' because of TikTok? Everybody, exactly."
"People need to know. The world needs to know what you've been sharing tonight, because it doesn't get more fundamental than this."
"Hip-hop started slipping through everybody... it was almost like an exodus."
"For the first time in history, copies could be made of written works, which meant ideas could spread across the whole of Europe."
"Memes emerge in brains and travel outward, establishing beachheads on paper, celluloid, silicon, and anywhere else information can go."
"...maybe there was a purpose to it getting out there so I do think that it's a mark of evolution that it has gotten out there more."
"Rumors spread like light, no official announcement needed."
"Misinformation spreads faster than truth."
"The pamphlet flooded Europe, a medium the Catholic Church couldn't combat."
"Fake news generation: those who hear and spread without questioning."
"'There are literally billions of people out there that have simply not heard of it yet.'"
"I only hope that this reaches as many people as possible."
"A lie can go around the world twice before the truth gets its shoes on."
"What we've got is not only worth preserving, it's worth spreading through the entire world."
"The truth can spread virally and undermine the plans of Empire."
"Truth will stand alike and run around the world twice before falsehood gets its boots on."
"The gospel only had to go as far as Rome could tax."
"Spreading awareness, that is my knowledge right now is going into at least three people."
"The story grew by word of mouth, especially by oral tradition."
"The dissertation is really being written for a handful of people... The book conceivably is being written for anyone who wants to pick it up."
"When they get it, the world gets it."
"In his adopted homeland America, Self-Realization Fellowship carries on his mission with 100 centers, ongoing classes, study lessons, and annual convocation."
"It's just about getting the word out, that's it. Now we need to take over the media."
"...the printing press is a way of replicating human thought and then being able to disperse it very very widely..."
"...the book the knowledge contains within itself the genetic instructions for its own reproduction for its own replication if you like..."
"Understanding what people actually want to know about your research area is the starting point for dissemination."
"We all talk about dawah. Dawah is everywhere."
"The object is to get the ideas across to as many people as possible and do so in a clear way."
"The results of our work are published as books and other publications and form the basis for numerous conference and media programs."
"The internet is the greatest spreader of stories that we've ever seen."
"So the gospel is received, the gospel redirects, and the gospel rings out."
"Once you have that video file you can upload it to YouTube, an LMS system, your company internet, really anywhere that you want to post your training video."
"The path for getting this information out has not been easy; finding the truth never is."
"News of the murder spread to mainstream sources."
"I just want as many people as possible to learn about this great resource."
"It can take hold and grow somewhere else."
"It's our partners that God uses to get this message around the world."
"And we'll, and, and my focus is also to share broadly that the knowledge of this great series of empires that unfortunately all too few are privy to today."
"He nearly mass-produced philosopher stones to disperse among the people along with a formal publication of his studies."
"That, my friends, is an idea worth spreading."
"My knowledge will spread through you."
"The fruits of research were made available to everybody."
"It's extremely important because this knowledge is not being widely disseminated."
"Sharing information, knowledge, and ideas." - Aaron Preston
"It's giving the general population out there the ability to easily go, 'Oh my gosh, this is metastasizing all throughout the company.'"
"This information is so powerful, we've got to be able to share this with the public."
"The devil does not want you to see this video so I need everyone to share this video so it hits the algorithm so everyone can watch this video."
"We gotta get these videos out there so they can realize and understand what's going on."
"Christianity spread by word of mouth, and it was from places like this that Paul's message began to pass to a wider audience."
"I hope there'll be more people trying to condense this information and make it easy to understand."
"The concern of Jude is getting the gospel safely into the hands and hearts of men and women."
"Let your word continue to go out and reach men and women everywhere."
"The whole point of my books is to bring good information about these subjects to the people who want it in the places where they're looking for it online."
"That is research for the real world, that is about taking information and getting it out into the world."
"Simple plans are all that work... simple things are the thing that can most easily spread."
"The knowledge of truth will go to the ends of the Earth."
"The New Testament, written in the relatively small Mediterranean world, soon crossed the waters to every continent."
"I love the idea of creating something that will have the option of going out into the world."
"If it doesn't reach all the people in the same way it originally reached the initial primary audience then there's a discrepancy in the access to guidance that end users will have."
"...you got a lot better understanding of it and it's our job to push... what we've been taught out to more people."
"rumor and mystery still spreads faster than the truth"
"This video is going to be much more helpful and more important to talk about and to spread awareness about."
"This has got to get out everywhere now."
"We're trying to spread this stuff and make it contagious, you know."
"The whole point of this video channel, the whole point of my books is to bring good information about these subjects to the people who want it."
"The flow of information is very hard to control."
"Since then andrew has shared this nearly too good to be true news with millions of listeners worldwide."
"Thank you for joining us in unleashing God's truth one verse at a time."
"New communication and transportation technologies lead to the spread of knowledge, reaching more people quicker."
"Everything that happens on their stage, we get to touch it and magnify it and amplify it and send that out so that's what we do on the live stream as well."
"Jesus disseminates the knowledge of God."
"They recorded videos of it, sent it to all the major news networks, not a single one of them aired it."
"Vedanta which was confined to a few monks and scholars, he would broadcast it to the world."
"Through this, he's going to sprinkle many nations."
"Good ideas today are conserved and they spread like wildfire. That's because there are lots of us and loads of ways of storing the information."
"Post this on Instagram if you think other people need to see it."
"Most important thing is to get it out to as many people as you can."
"For each and every household, justice is one of the most important words to be spread."
"May Allah brighten the face of anyone who hears my hadith, understands it, and then goes to tell somebody who hasn't heard it."
"We need people that are meant to disseminate the knowledge and information that actually ignites society."
"It is imperative we spread this information, especially to the people residing near the coast."
"This is just the best way that we can get his story out there."
"Share what you have learned tonight with other people."
"Stop panicking, we need to spread this announcement."
"Whether or not they ever left her papers, Dickinson's envelope poems are still on route, their itinerary open, their skywriting, their messages dispersed to all."
"I guess one final note is that we will be recording this. It will be both available through WebEx immediately after this and then in a couple of days I'll be putting it up on YouTube."
"Our ministry exists... to get information out there."
"I needed to get this story out there, but I could not rely on conventional avenues."
"If you want to give your ideas, your knowledge to the world, just write it down."
"The very important thing is that we could spread these ideas and see that it was very widely spread in all the world."
"We're trying to spread it all around the universe."
"Let's keep making wisdom go viral together."
"A lie will make it all around the world before the truth is able to get its boots on."
"...make its way to the public which is what has largely happened..."
"...so I think he wanted his ideas to be brought into the general public and I think he would have been delighted that the humanities is embracing him in this very very public way he really did seem to care."
"The Clay Mathematics Institute was founded in 1999 with the purpose of increasing and disseminating mathematical knowledge."
"It's information this is what we want, let's get the information out there."
"We need to give that information to everybody and that involves not just making it available but truly being educational and interesting."
"How's the truth going to get out there without this?"
"Dissemination of mathematical knowledge is a very important part of our mission."
"We learn as much of the vampire as we can and spread it safely to ensure these parasites become the forgotten myths they pretend to be."
"I'm a senior scientist... I've published dozens of peer-reviewed papers, and now I want to bring some of that science back to you guys."
"I'm interested in the way these religious ideas spread throughout the ancient near East in different ways."
"We want to get the history to the masses, so that's the easiest way we know how to get it done."
"The knowledge of the Torah will go forth from Jerusalem to the nations."
"After months of preparation, we are finally at the point where we're able to get this education out to you guys."
"What we get out of this is not money; it is the satisfaction first of serving the Lord and also the knowledge that this information is getting out there."
"The invention of the printing press in the 1440s spread Renaissance ideas widely and very quickly."
"Those who wield these powers... can create something that can be brought instantly to millions or even billions of people."
"Good information does eventually find its way through."
"One of the goals that I've had in my career is the goal of disseminating CBTI more broadly."
"Lymphomas tend to localize in lymph... and it's often disseminated to other sites when it's diagnosed."
"This is information that needs to be spread around."
"What matters is moving forward and getting this out to the people."
"We want to make all of this information available to as many people as possible and disseminate it as widely as possible."
"There is a lot out there, and what I'm trying to do is get that scholarly, evidence-based information out there."
"We want to get this out to as many people as possible."
"Once you have executed your plan and analyzed the information you've got, you disseminate it to your peers."
"Gutenberg's printing press leads to the spreading of Renaissance and Reformation ideas."
"As soon as the New Testament books were handwritten by the inspired apostles, those would have been very quickly copied by individual Christians."
"When we want information to reach more people, that is a form of communicating with the purpose of disseminating information."
"Your destiny or your focus really in this life is to learn to communicate and to disseminate, which means spreading information."