
Ultimatum Quotes

There are 454 quotes

"I hope you hear me well: Give me the Shrek 5 trailer or else I'll launch the nukes."
"The Holy Spirit must be Lord, or He won't come at all."
"If you want to participate in our society fully, you've got to get vaccinated. You gotta move to another planet immediately with all your belongings."
"Honestly, I'll give you one more chance dude but if you are actually lying to me I swear I'm going to do stuff that I would never do to a camera."
"You hear what he said politicians are not going to stop what's happening now he's saying it is our way or the highway."
"And if they can't [ __ ] handle it that's a sinker swim moment get them the [ __ ] out."
"Let there be no mistake. We shall completely destroy Japan's power to make war. If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth."
"You must kill someone if you want to leave. It's as simple as that."
"It's much more effective for me to just say if you don't deal with this I will never work with you again."
"He said I made a deal with God. If you don't show up or show me, I'm gonna kill myself."
"Get to the end product or you ain't getting [ __ ]."
"There's going to be bodies until you come to the table."
"President Trump offered an ultimatum: the firings would continue until the cruel decision was reversed."
"He reveals that he will resign immediately if they don't have a higher position to offer to him."
"If you're not on that train, you're in front of the train, Nancy Pelosi. Get on the train or don't."
"You're dead to me because you don't want to take my offer."
"If I didn't read, she was going to leave me."
"This is my ultimatum: Stop contacting me. Get some help. Get out of my life and get your own."
"You've got one of two choices: you can honor your oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States or you can violate my rights. Which one's it going to be?"
"We are not going to continue to be a slave... it's either cut the check or we will not vote."
"You either can stop what you're doing, leave the area, or we'll kill you. Your choice."
"Honesty or nothing. Give me honesty or give me death."
"There are two ways of doing things in life, my way or the highway."
"It's time to give them an ultimatum: accept our deal in less than a minute or we move around some matter."
"You have shown your masculine your vulnerability... now you are saying, 'You meet me at the bridge or not at all.'"
"If you can beat me, you'll get your job back. If you can't, I never wanna see your face again."
"I give you just one week to tell the truth," a dramatic ultimatum.
"It's either we change the way we live or we all die."
"If you ignore us, we will have no choice but to embrace the military technical response which is this operation."
"If you drop the team I'm leaving too and if I leave everybody else is gonna leave too."
"I had every intention of living with my girlfriend all the way up until she gave me an ultimatum and now I don't know what to do."
"If I win the 1v1 you must shut down all operations."
"Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
"There is only two options: with Him or the grave."
"If my demands aren't met, I will take my matters into my own hands."
"Niger has given a clear warning that if Europe intervenes... Niger will end the trans Saharan gas pipeline."
"Either you step up or we're done, and that's it."
"That is my number one and we have one left to talk about and it's Ryan's number one... I would tell you right now if this is not right I'm walking out here really because that is wrong. Whatever it is, it's wrong."
"Bill Gates made a stunning ultimatum sharing a meeting on Valentine's Day in 2000 Microsoft was going to announce the Xbox at GDC or they were going to cancel the project."
"You make one step backward, give me one reason to think you might hurt Ang, I'll make sure your destiny ends right then and there, permanently."
"You will marvel at my creation or I will destroy all."
"If I win, you disappear forever. But if I lose, we will let you carry out your evil plan. Fair?"
"And now I want it. And if you don't do it, you're out. We are not shutting this movie down."
"You can either rot in the cell or help us stop this."
"If you can't trust me, then don't even bother staying."
"Listen, either you get on the same page with me or you don't, and I'm walking away."
"If you don't get the jab, you're gone. That's right. If you don't get the vaccination, you're gone."
"Cut your losses, don't waste time if they don't get help."
"You like bloodsport yeah I literally at one point our relationship said Nia if you hit me again in an argument I'm breaking up with you"
"Either you release the record exactly the way it is or don't release it at all."
"One more chance, but don't come back if you don't have your s**t together."
"It all boils down to her giving Harry an ultimatum."
"Either you're going to be by my side saying you're going to be with me and getting rid of the filibuster or I'm gassing up the jet on your behind."
"There's no such thing as being halfway in. You're either for me or you're against me."
"My message to the Islamic Republic in Iran was the game is over."
"President Trump laid down the gauntlet and he said, 'I expect to see significant reform in the World Health Organization or my temporary suspension of U.S dollars going into W.H.O will become a permanent decision.'"
"Hey, come on, guys. Now you can either help us or stay out of our way."
"Take me as I am or leave me where you found me."
"You're either for me or against me; there's no riding the fence anymore."
"We have to identify them and deal with them accordingly, either you serve us or get out of my way."
"We're one step away from kicking you out of the business, pal."
"We're going to end it here for now Bros... let's reach 2K likes on this video If we don't reach 2K likes I'm jumping through the window..."
"You will either make the right choice or I will make it for you."
"I'm going to count to ten. If you confess and reveal the names of your accomplices, your punishment will be less severe. If you persist in your deceit, I'll see you are hanged."
"You have three months to do it and then we're moving on, right?"
"This needs to end am I making myself clear good cuz I would hate to come back here we're just gonna let him go wouldn't be pleasant for either of us."
"If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system."
"They call upon him to surrender the Infinity Gems or face power beyond his wildest dreams."
"It's give me liberty or give me death time right here."
"There can be no compromise. There are only two possibilities: either victory for us or annihilation of the future."
"They said you know you have to pick you have to pick a lane wow you can't do both and that was the meeting they had they pulled me in the office and had a meeting and said if you don't stop making YouTube videos we're going to drop you as a client."
"Speak now or forever hold your peace."
"I've got enough friends, I want a life partner. Can you be that person for me? If not, I got to skedaddle, I got to move on."
"You must return the bolt to me in 14 days, or there will be war."
"If you don't do A, then you're going to get B, and it's going to be miserable for you."
"I'm leaving with our child if you move to one more city."
"This will be your last chance," Packard said.
"You say that she needs to stop messing with her exes, step up as an equal partner in the relationship or you're done."
"We want Cody, and the sign one of the signs is fire Dwayne."
"Release my child and leave my planet, Prince Lotor."
"I need a 25% raise and 150% of the bonus on that new salary or I was quitting immediately."
"Your three strikes are up buddy, this means a war."
"You either sell it to me or you lose it."
"If you say that then there's no choice but divorce."
"I'm giving you one chance to quit, to walk away and retire."
"I'm sick and tired of keep sparing your life Vegeta. You have one choice now: stay with us and Obey us or you're going to die right here."
"Adam, we know who you are and what you're capable of. There is no place for you in the world of men. You have two choices: kneel or die."
"Kate told him to leave or she'd call the police."
"Either he kneels, or is crippled."
"I'm telling him propose to me, marry me or I'm breaking up with you."
"I need to know now whether you want to do that or not because if you don't think you can we can cancel it but at that point I'm out."
"No woman gives a guy an ultimatum like that unless they think they've lost respect for him already."
"I want to get to the bottom of some things. I want some clarity. If I don't receive the clarity that I seek, the wedding is off and I would like my ring back."
"There's only one way this ends cow either you die or I do."
"The dragon weaving a tapestry of despair presented Will with a grim ultimatum."
"Our terms are very simple: Renounce the false king and bend the knee to the queen, or your house burns."
"It's all or nothing with me. If you leave her, I jump."
"You'll have to leave now. Mister Covet has ordered that you'll be gone from Ironville by sunset."
"No more checks. Let her try to go back on her word. I'll kill her myself rather than let you pay her another dime."
"Give me the Dragon Balls and leave this planet. Doing so will spare you any pain."
"I'll say this once: leave this planet and never enter it again if you want to live, that is."
"You have exactly five minutes, and if I don't like what I hear, your ass belongs to me," said Sunaid, before the two began talking.
"Fanny giving them the ultimatum to drown on their own or be shot by her, is a pretty dark tone for the series to take."
"That's the end of it right there. That's like the lines drawn in the sand. Don't you dare come across that."
"You push away anyone who could possibly care about you. You better figure it out because I'm done with whatever this is, Jesse. I'm done."
"I said if you don't propose to me you can say goodbye to me and you can say goodbye to the dog cuz I am done waiting around."
"Ted said if we don't sell, he was going to kick us off his station."
"Do that and I will be happy never to see you again," Valtan's form dissolved into a pool of light.
"He wants to ditch the kid but doesn't want to feel guilty for it, which sounds like an ultimatum. You just had a baby, you were helpless, you must do whatever I say because you were totally at my mercy, and I have all the power. Well, surprise."
"It's either me or him like you got to make a choice."
"If you will not join me... then I must destroy you."
"I'm giving you one last chance to call yourself."
"What do you want from me? Like you come with me and you'll find out, or I go to the police. It's entirely up to you."
"You don't have to give him any type of ultimatum when you level up. That's the ultimatum."
"So you're gonna quit with either that or have Louis lit fire me."
"I can't marry him today, so if that's the ultimatum and he's done, then we're done."
"I'm here in divorce court today because I'm in love and I'm also in trouble, here to give my fiance a proposition - she goes to rehab or she can give me the ring back."
"This is your last chance. Understand?"
"She says she's here to give him an ultimatum: fix his bad habits or she will shut him out of her life for good."
"If this is my daughter, yes, this relationship is over until further notice. Period. Full stop. Conversation's over."
"There's a saying that you never give someone an ultimatum unless you've prepared yourself to lose that person."
"...at the beak of her outburst she swore she'd off herself if I ever broke up with her."
"Have you been together for a long time? Are you expecting marriage? Then you can give them the ultimatum, and if they don't take it, then you know, adios."
"Either take the money and leave, Or bear the wrath of the Lin family."
"I want the commitment! Otherwise!"
"...issued a chilling ultimatum to the Barco soldiers: come to him or face the dire consequences."
"This is it, you either take it or leave it."
"I came to deliver a message, and that message is that you will never see your ex-wife or daughter again."
"It wasn't until like, so like, it came a point in time where she gave him an ultimatum where she was like, 'Okay, like, right, they're gonna be together or we're not, like, I'm tired of all this and that, you know, whatever.'"
"If I don't get a push present, I'm gone, all right, and and I'm taking the baby I am all right fine."
"Okay, this is the last time and that I want you out of this house."
"I am completely serious. You get it now? If you're going to cancel my dear mother's 60th birthday party over something trivial, then we're getting divorced."
"if you don't sign up I'll end it what no"
"I will not, and she stays this way until you come to your senses. Goodbye."
"If you go through with this match... then I can guarantee you this it'll be the last time you ever set foot in a wrestling ring again."
"I'm leaving her if she doesn't delete them."
"This battle will be life or death so the only way this conflict will end is that one of the two of you must die."
"There's two options: love or death."
"I proposed because she gave me an ultimatum."
"You're going to love me or you're through. You're going to say you love me and mean it. I don't want any woman looking at me like you do."
"Your defiance has been admirable, but it ends now. Submit or face annihilation."
"You either get rid of Sobel or we're not gonna jump."
"'You have one last chance,' the same voice as before at the third gate boomed through the air like a tornado."
"I'll promise you this: if you don't tell me now, in one week's time, you will not exist."
"'You could both get out of here and never darken my doors again,' hear me growled."
"I gave him an alternative and I told him if I hear about another baby or baby mother, or any other female reaching out to him, me, or whatever, that I was done, the marriage will be dissolved."
"You might win, but in the process, you'll lose me."
"Ultimately, you claim, if the paternity test doesn't go your way and you are not these children's biological father, this relationship is over?"
"I don't ever want to have that cool ultimatum like put to me because it's always gonna be family before anyone else."
"If he's still been cheating on me after I took him back the first time, he's gonna have to go."
"If you come and see this musical, I'll leave you alone for the rest of your life."
"If you don't leave, I'm just going to hire a moving company to take you away, do you understand me?"
"I won't allow you to marry him. Just get out of his life. If you don't, I will dump a bucket of water over you."
"Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."
"...am I the for telling my husband if he fights for custody of his kids I will divorce him?"
"I wish one of you would tell me that you don't want me to president, you will die here."
"If you can't handle her anymore and your fiance won't do anything about her, then you might want to consider not marrying him. Making such an ultimatum is an [__] move."
"if you want to get your friend back, I would like to conclude this is your last chance"
"If I win, you guys move away and never come back."
"If you beat me, I'll stay away from Lily, but if I beat you, you stay away from Lily for the rest of your life."
"...Goku then tells Frieza that this is his last chance, leave Earth now and give up his evil ways or die..."
"'Return the girl to us if you want to save your church, or we shall take the girl back and will sack the church,' he solemnly declared."
"Finally after what seemed to drag on for ages, my father explodes and utters the ultimatum: 'EITHER GET IN THE CAR OR GO BACK INSIDE!'"
"If there is another night, I'm gone."
"You've got two weeks to consider my offer," Naruto set a deadline.
"Consider this to be your first and last warning," Naruto's letter warned.
"If he fails his lie detector test, I want out of this marriage."
"An ultimatum has to come from the heart and soul, not from a point of trying to control the situation."
"It's a straightforward choice: me or the kid."
"I received an ultimatum from my fiance that if I didn't lose 4 kilograms by my birthday, the wedding at the end of the year is off."
"The Council had come for the humans. The humans gave them a choice: submit or die."
"You have one day. Go to the window for a little demonstration."
"Stop hanging out with Stephanie. It's either her or me."
"John Wick is back. So you can either hand over your son or you can die screaming alongside him."
"You're not gonna smoke again. That's the only way I'm gonna live in this house. I'm gonna suffocate otherwise."
"It's either put up or shut up at this point."
"I love you, but I can't do this anymore. You got six months. Six months. I'm here to support you. After six months, if you haven't made a really good effort and lost a bunch of weight, I'm sorry, but I'm out of here. End of story."
"Negan was confident in his position but Maggie was not unprepared she gave him an ultimatum either help her or she would report him to the police."
"After 15 years, this war was either ending with a baby in our home or him. It was ending, Jess. There really couldn't be a middle ground after what we had put ourselves through."
"I finally made up my mind that I wasn't going to give my wife a choice. You either make your parents stay home and respect that this is my home not theirs or I will leave you and you can have your parents over as much as you want."
"Stay with me or die. Make a choice."
"There's only one thing you can say to keep me from firing you. We're...sorry? Wrong! I love you."
"It's either do it or die. It's either change or die. I want to fix it."
"What a challenge to us there is in the word spoken to Job: 'Reject God and die.'"
"If you or anyone can find proof that I have an 11-year-old daughter, I'll quit rapping."
"I will never leave her. You must have us both or refuse us both."
"Young lady, I'm giving you a chance. One chance."
"If you don't let me pass right now, you will lose your job."
"They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one."
"I will only ask once, data keeper, what was the secret in your crimson level that will make me spare your life?"
"The same way Ice Cube said to the Democrats and the Republicans, 'Hey, this is our list of demands, honor it or else.'"
"Either we do it, or we shall go under."
"That's called commitment. That's what it looks like, that's what it feels like. And if you aren't there, you need to get the hell out of the startup right now."
"I'll never speak to you again if you don't play Dumbledore."
"Then don't walk out of it," he said. "Stay with me, come to me, but do it only if you can commit and fight for what we have."
"So we grow as a game, whereas if we continue to go nut, nut, you have to play for Australia, we are just destined to die as a game."
"Last chance, Brett. You can still walk away. You don’t need to get hurt for scum like that."
"...I decided to stay and told him that this was the very last chance he had to prove himself."
"I think that's the best thing to do because once you give him an ultimatum like that, then he has to, like, sack up and figure out his relationship."
"This is your last chance for peace. Do not waste it."