
Formality Quotes

There are 376 quotes

"If you want to sound more formal, please choose the verb 'speak.' If you want to sound a little more casual, use the verb 'talk.'"
"Old-fashioned English is much more like modern formal English."
"The three-piece suit is the traditional means of conveying seriousness in western culture."
"This was a well-spoken, dignified address to the American people."
"When you submit yourself to rules of formality, you're saying that this thing that I'm engaging in... is bigger than me."
"This is a really great resource for learning formal speech and learning about the news."
"It's a bit of a formality now but we've just moments ago seen a filing by the justice department."
"All black, everything. Tuxes for men, black gowns for women."
"The essential suit: your armor for life's big moments."
"The court in which Antoine grew up certainly had its moments of high formality and ritual."
"I'm Lord Dan Hardy as you can see, officially now."
"We've allowed form to overtake substance in discussing elections and where we are going."
"Classic tuxedo, but it's so respectful of the institution."
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you."
"It is done, and nothing remains but a formal ceremony."
"Thank you all right, Miss fman, first to the issue of your appearance on behalf of the county, yes, your honor."
"I just want to say I'm very thankful for all you've done, Henry. Also, I was wondering, what should we call you?"
"Good morning, ladies and gentleman."
"Dear Sir or Madam should tell you that this is a formal message."
"Avoid using reductions in formal writing; it can look really unprofessional."
"All rise, court is now in session."
"It's a little bit looser on the edges, and I think once cultures get a little bit advanced and cities get a little bit too formal, then you lose a lot of what makes a city unique."
"I now adjourn the 2491st Meeting to the Social Hour."
"I love comfort. I don't think that just because you dress formally, you have to be uncomfortable."
"Please be seated. Your Honor, the litigants have been sworn in."
"I would have to ask to go to the bathroom."
"Good morning and may it please the court."
"Good afternoon, Mr. Manson. Would you have your seat please?"
"It's great to see you again, sir. Please call me Congressman. Oh well, in that case, you can call me a Royal Highness."
"How could I forget, Miss Swan? How many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth? At least once more, Miss Swan."
"It just feels so uptight and stiff and formal in there."
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Chef Jamie."
"Formality and informality in a garden must be like a set of scales, delicately balanced."
"Lord and Lady Robartes maintained Victorian decorum by going their different ways after an evening of lavish dining."
"It will be the Middletons who have the influence... because the royal family is too formal."
"I wanted to speak to you about Ladow Hall, if you please, sir."
"There is no way you can be hurt by filling out a letter of intent. So, that's why there's any doubt, the customer should fill out."
"Being overly formal kills your authenticity, kills your charisma."
"So what I really like about this great coat is that you can dress it either formal or informal."
"Everybody here looks like they have a stick up their ass."
"I want to make HPA super official, like, you know what I mean?"
"Posts are more formal and I feel like it's just, it doesn't show as much of your personality."
"It's never official till we put it on the scales."
"Yes ma'am, Merry Christmas everybody."
"You need not be so formal... you may call me Felicity."
"A done vice president I am delighted to welcome you to Finland thank you and please call me Selena Selena yes excuse me."
"Order! Order! I call this court to order."
"All of them connected with bad service. Some more formal than others."
"Men in tuxedos were weeping, every woman in the house."
"It's nice to see someone dressing up for this and treating it with the seriousness it deserves."
"May I call you by your first name, Coop?"
"Thank you for coming, shall we begin?"
"It has been a while, I'll tell you what, good morning, ladies and gentlemen."
"So, we go backstage, so he speaks, we're backstage, and I'm standing there, and we go, 'Hey Jordan, this is Willie Robertson,' and he goes, 'Hello.'"
"It's time for black men to stop being so damn informal with each other."
"Understanding the intricacies of navigating the current world takes precedence over formalities."
"...scores of people, most of them sufficiently sabbatical to have assumed their best clothes."
"Well, hello Mr. Spiegel. Call me Josh."
"Maybe this person has to wear something formal for work."
"This feels like one of those scientific responses when they're like, 'We have found through rigorous study and years of research...'"
"All you need to do is just sign here."
"Just put on your bow tie and ring the doorbell."
"It's not over till it's over, even when it's just a formality."
"It's a royal occasion, a right royal occasion for these players."
"Let the record reflect with that, and then, uh, 6:16, and came out this morning, um, let's let the record reflect with that, you feel me?"
"I regret that I must end this conference immediately."
"He was acting all formal and serious with his sleeves hanging out."
"I am an old friend of Grandmother Wren's, come to pay my respects."
"I'm very sorry Mr D, we have to file on you."
"I request an audience at your earliest convenience."
"...Mr. Sanal good luck on either being called for trial or not being called for trial no no I appreciate that judge um I'm gonna head over there okay no problem po."
"Thank you. You may all be seated."
"Instead of referring to someone as Mrs. Smith, refer to her by her first name."
"You know, if I ever went to talk to the minute I put it on, I'd stop my act. I'd go, 'Oh my God, there's like seven things that I just can't say in a tuxedo that I normally say.'"
"Which of the following greetings is written correctly? 'Dear Mr. Goodwin:'"
"I gave him the slip, uh oh, I see him, I see him, he died, hey my, oh you boy."
"All these formalities did not concern his family."
"The Queen had always loved formality, custom, and ritual, and here she had all three."
"That's the style, should it be formal or informal."
"It feels like an educated appointment to me."
"Good afternoon and you may lag for breaking."
"Can you write your name down for me?"
"I love putting on a suit, my brother. You know, you gotta do it from time to time when it's a classy event."
"This is a template, customizable to organizational needs, providing essential information and structure."
"We don't even go by titles, really. Literally, you know?"
"If the outfit is white tie, then it calls for a wing collar. That is non-negotiable."
"You could then officially change your name to Lord or Lady and get it on your credit card, plane tickets, or dating profiles."
Miss Morty's gold bridge work twinkled. "You're mighty dressed up, Miss Jean Louise," she said.
"My dear lady, I have had the pleasure of knowing you since you were but a child in short skirts."
"All parties please rise, court is in session."
"The Symposium is more of a formal event to introduce the new Grandmaster to everyone."
"Thank you for your service in this matter."
"Sorry Sergeant, can I borrow the ketchup?"
"I dreamed that we would be walking around with tuxedos on."
"well gentlemen I suppose you're fired"
"All-black, leather dress shoes are best reserved for formal occasions, where their subdued refinement is the perfect accessory."
"For our final capsule tie, we're going to pick something extra special, something we're going to call a 'wedding tie' - but, realistically means 'a very formal tie.'"
"Clocking in and out is a formality in timekeeping."
"How'd you enjoy your meal, milady?"
"I present you young Master Robel."
"It was better than nothing but it's not really having a conversation with somebody it's a very formalized interview."
"We gotta fill something out, you know."
"I think it's about time you started calling me Alfred, don't you?"
"I'm in the business people do not all their attorneys when they're having a nice day."
"...just with this motion, yes, just if you could just enter it into the court, please."
"Please call me Sir George of Microsoft and indeed it's Splendid to see you fellows again."
"You know you're in trouble when someone calls you by your full name."
"I am lady Nelson, everything has been prepared for your ladyship."
"So basically, you know, when we are determining how much formality means."
"Might I present Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley and Derbyshire, and Darcy House in London, and Miss Caroline Bingley of Netherfield Park."
"Have yourself a wonderful day, Mr. Whatever-I-Call-You."
"Many people attended the ceremony. By using 'many,' it sounds a bit more formal."
"Much of his book was about his childhood. It sounds more formal to use 'much of his book.'"
"Many believe that the newspaper stories weren't true. It sounds a bit more formal."
"When men dress up and they go to a formal, women always say the men look so good. But they all look the same."
"I'm Mina's boyfriend, Ryoya Hojo. It's nice to meet you."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please remain seated."
"Yes, sir. May I have your card, please? Thank you."
"I need your insurance information, sir."
"Once again, the students have to be taught appropriateness. It would be most inappropriate to use some of these new styles in formal contexts."
"Good afternoon, members of the jury."
"The navy suit can effortlessly run the formality gamut from grocery store runs all the way to semi-formal weddings."
"Surprising versatility as far as more formal uses."
"Thank you, my lord," we both said.
"We're just not people that dress up. I had a long dress on, things that we're not used to. We're certainly not used to other people being dressed up like that and kind of the really a more formal feeling, I guess is what I'm trying to say. It was very nice, and we enjoyed it."
"Surely it meant something that he had ceased calling her Miss."
"Addressing her as 'Miss' began to get on her nerves."
"I want to make this feature a little bit more formal than some that I would normally build."
"Thank you for admitting me into your home today, Mr. Gillinsford, Mrs. Gillinsford. It is a pleasure to see you both," Mr. Cobbitt did not smile, his countenance was quite solemn.
"The service was timely and very formal, and all of our dishes were always served at the appropriate temperatures."
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, good morning."
"I always feel like we're presenting something very formal and important when we're at this table."
"I think it's going to look very striking to have all of the same plant underneath this maple especially because this area is really really formal."
"The Great Throne Room, also known as the St. George's Hall, is where the throne chair is placed and is designed for formal receptions and diplomatic events."
"Now it's time to put your suits on, so just go ahead, grab your suits."
"I want to thank you all for coming today."
"The navy blazer is perfect when you get invited to the in-laws to have Sunday dinner and you want to dress up smartly."
"The black cap toe Oxford has you covered for the more formal side of life."
"Thanks again for your attendance today."
"It's dinner time y'all, it's technically the first sea day, second day of the cruise, that means it is formal night."
"There's no sense dwelling on our losses. We just keep on lighting the lights and following the formalities."
"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for your time and for your attention."
"I am glad to have the opportunity of welcoming you aboard my ship," said Captain Keane formally.
"Most grave and revered señor, I bear the compliments of Sir Edward Pellew, who humbly solicits your gravity's attentions at dinner at eight bells in the afternoon watch."
"Apologies for keeping you waiting, Mr. Harry. Please, do call me John."
"Good morning, thank you all for coming."
"Her pictures are formal; they're deliberate, extremely well composed."
"It's truly an honor to have the President of the United States of America here with us today."
"There would be, says Paul, a form of godliness but denying the power thereof."
"This is one of the quintessential designer fragrances for formal situations, for more serious situations."
"It's very nice and smooth, and you can very easily wear it formally, or to the office, or even on a date."
"Good afternoon from Castle Goring."
"It's not often I get dressed up in a suit, so it's in your honor."
"Sincerely, always acceptable in a more formal situation."
"Most powerful Madame Helga, we are humbled and honored to find ourselves once again in your immense presence."
"I actually would like to issue Chris Miles a formal apology."
"A note receivable is more formal; it's written down on a note with a bunch of signatures, and there is interest involved."
"Thank you for listening in today, ladies and gentlemen."
"Ladies and gentlemen, right on time."
"Louise, maintaining formality, explained that she felt more at ease speaking in that manner."
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome."
"This is going to be a very suitable, proper meeting."
"A privilege it is to stand in front of you."
"The whole cut is a formal shoe, reserved strictly for formal occasions."
"I hope this letter finds you well on the morrow of Sunday."
"Warm greetings, ladies and gentlemen."
"I'm pleased to formally meet you, my name is Sadao Maou."
"Good evening, good evening ladies and gentlemen, family and friends."
"I offer my most reverential salutations."
"It's a real pleasure to be here, and I bring you greetings from our president."
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Exactech Arena at the Stephen C. O'Connell Center for the meet tonight."
"It is such an honor to meet you, Miss Darcy."
"We've both gotten through the worst of this, today is a mere formality."
"It's unmistakably bridal, totally bridal, formal but it's not too stuffy."
"You've already made your decision; this meeting is just a formality."
"It's very very girly and very detailed, very feminine, and very formal type of dress."
"I stand relieved," he put out his hand, and she shook it, giving it a firm shake.
"I want to remind council to please stay here and stay near a microphone, please."
"In Japanese, there's different levels of formality... there's honorific terms, there's more heightened language, and then there's very colloquial casual."
"It's a very official occasion here in Canberra, even though it's a little cool."
"Black is a color of elegance and formality."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, trust you had a good lunch."
"We're here to make a very special request, sir."
"You may be seated. Good day, ladies and gentlemen."
"We hope to see you there for this stately, eventful night."
"Just needs your signature right here," Michael said, sliding up to her with a clipboard and a pen.
"Waiting for an answer, I remain your obedient servant."
"This press conference is concluded."
"It's a form of godliness, denying the power."
"Thank you very much, good evening, and welcome."
"May I have the captain's permission to come aboard?"
"In Latin America, we use ustedes for formal and informal."
"I bid you my well-esteemed guests, adieu."
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Rebecca Collings."
"Thank you for your candor, Madame von Strauss."
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me express my gratitude for being asked to do one of these presentations."
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How are we all doing?"
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for joining me."
"Kind regards if it's formal and cheers if it's casual."
"The approved charter formally and officially initiates the project."